//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Return of Harmony (EQG Style) // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// The girls (including Pinkie Pie who was back for plot related reasons) gapped at the empty case. "The Elements!" Twilight gasped. "They're gone!" "I don't understand!" Luna exclaimed. "The Elements were protected with a powerfult spell that only Celestia or I could break! This doesn't make sense!" Suddenly an echoing laugh filled the chamber, followed by a voice: "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" Celestia's eyes widened with fear. "Discord..." This made the girls gasp in unison. They began looking around rapidly and nervously, trying to find where the voice had come from. Fluttershy whimpered and his behind AJ. Rainbow tried to hid her fear by preparing for a fight. Twilight was glad she had sent Spike home before meeting Luna and Celestia. Celestia shook her head and put on an angry face. "Show yourself!" "Oh I must say, it is an honor to meet you two...." Everyone looked around until their eyes landed on the window of Discord hurting the people. The glass image of Discord looked up and began to move. "....Guardians of the Sun and Moon!" Luna paled. "H-how!?" It surprised her that he could knew. Guardians were chosen by a certain Goddess to have access to their power and other special abilities. They were like the Goddesses' agents on Earth. The Gods were very particular about their guardians and very rarely choose one, each picking only one or two every few centuries or so. The fact that there were two in this life time, siblings no less, had caused quite a stir when the sisters were born. But the fact that Discord had learned of it so quickly surprised her. "Oh please...I could sense Sola and Luna's power radiating from you two from the other side of planet!" He paused, grinned, and pointed to Luna. "In fact, I'm guessing you were even named after her too?" Luna summoned up her courage and just glared at him. "Not talking? Fine then." The image of Discord snapped his fingers and moved on to another window, this one depicting the girls around the Elements. "I must say, Equestria has grown far more entertaining than when I was last out!" Celestia stepped forward, "Enough! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" "Oh, I just borrowed them for a teensy little while." Discord was in the circle that had previously shown Twilight. It was Luna's turn to speak. "You'll never get away with this, Discord!" Discord rolled his eyes from his position in the center of the window, replacing the Elements. "Yeesh. I should've known Sol and Lulu would pick stick in the muds as their guardians. How positively boring." "Hey!" Rainbow shouted, marching up to the window. "Nobody insults our teachers and gets away with it!" "Besides you?" AJ gave her a flat look. "You know what I mean!" Discords eyes widened with delight. " Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her super speed and loyalty, the Element of Harmony you represent." Rainbow puffed out her chest proudly. "That's right! I'll always be loyal to my friends!" She declared. "We'll se about that." Discord smirked before snapping his fingers and vanishing. "I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window." Rarity said. Discord appeared in the window she was standing next to. "The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, and capable of jewel shield, if I'm not mistaken?" "So you know who we are and what are powers are, big deal." AJ said, trying to shrug off her own nerves. "Oh, I know much more than that, honest and strong Applejack." Discord replied. "Along with Fluttershy's kindness with animals and Pinkie's is my personal favorite: Laughter and blowing things up! Izzy certainly got creative with this one!" He chuckled at this. Pinkie struggled to hide her own laughter at Discord's antics. "Pinkie!" Twilight scolded when she noticed. Pinkie finally burst with laughter. "B-but he dancing on your head! Hahaha!" Indeed Discord was dancing on Twilight's image in the window. "What do you want Discord?" Twilight asked boldly. He looked closely at Twilight. "And last and not least, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element, magic. Along with....psychic abilities if I'm right. How interesting....." "Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" Celestia demanded. Discord groaned. "Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine. And I'll even give you a hint. They are somewhere in your city. See you later!" And with that, the glass Discord returned to it's original spot and ceased to move again. "Does this mean we can go home now?" Fluttershy asked softly. "Somewhere in Canterlot? What does that mean!?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know. But our first step is obviously going back." Twilight stated. Celestia and Luna nodded and once everyone was gathered again, teleported them again. The appeared right where they had left last time: right in front of Canterlot High. The first thing they heard was the sound of an engine approaching. The group looked and saw a figure on a red/orange and black motorcycle drive up to the statue before stopping. The driver then removed their helmet, revealing.... "There you guys are! I've been looking all over for you!" Sunset asked worriedly. "Woah..." Rainbow awed. "Sunset Shimmer! We told you to stay home!" Luna scolded. "Oh come on! You expect to just sit around when all these weird things are happening everywhere? It's all over the news. I tried to call you guys but you weren't picking up." "We were kinda busy..." Twilight said nervously, feeling slightly guilty about worrying her friend. "Well? What is it!? Do you know who's causing all of this?" "His name is Discord, an ancient and powerful spirit of chaos and disharmony. He stole the Elements and hid them somewhere around Canterlot!" Sunset gasped. "What are we going to do?" "Twilight and the others will search around for the Elements." Celestia stepped forward. "You on the other hand, will be waiting at home while Luna and I help with damage control." "But-" "No buts Sunset. And be careful on that thing! Especially now! The only reason I let you keep that death trap was because you promised to drive carefully. Not when theirs an evil spirit on the loose who can turn the wheels into cheese if he feels like it." Sunset sighed. "Fine. Just call me if you need anything." Twilight and the girls nodded and Sunset put her helmet back on and rode off. Celestia sighed and rubbed her temples. "Why did I let her keep that thing?" She uttered under her breath. "Because she begged and gave you a pair of her big ol' puppy dog eyes and you caved." Luna said bluntly, earning her a glare from her sister and giggles from the girls. "Let's just go help the others and see what we can do. Are you girls going to be alright?" Celestia asked. "Don't worry, we've got this!" Rainbow said. "We won't let you down!" Twilight reassured her. Celestia nodded reluctantly at this. "Alright then. Good luck girls. The fate of Equestria is in your hands." With that, she and Luna teleported away. "Alright...now what?" AJ asked. "Canterlot's not quite as large as Manehattan, but there is a lot of ground to cover." Rarity pointed out. "That's easy. I have a simple locating spell that should find them in a giffy!" Twilight said, preparing to cast the spell. Pink sparks came from her hands but nothing else happened. Twilight tried again.....to no success. "I-I don't understand!" Twilight began to panic and look over her hands. "My magic....it's not working!" "Neither is mine!" Pinkie shouted, waving her hands around wildly in the vain attempt to summon her magic. The others tried with no success either. "It's like out magic's just....vanished!" Fluttershy gasped. "I don't understand! What could be causing this!?" As if to answer Twilight's question, a familiar laugh echoed around them. A flash of light appeared in front of them, leaving behind a familiar creature. There, standing and laughing in front of the teenagers, was the spirit of chaos himself: Discord.