//------------------------------// // Rain, rain there are other things I'd rather have go away. // Story: How a Rainy Day and some Generosity made my day. // by PlayerError404 //------------------------------// How a rainy day and some generosity made my day better. Magic's real. Did you know that? Because it is, believe me I know. The names Light Glare and like most students of CHS I've known for months now; it's kind of hard not to when literally every event your school throws gets interrupted by magical she-demons. However, most of us don't expect to see any magic outside of school hours and as such we have developed a very relaxed attitude to magic, at worst it's a minor inconvenience until the friendship rainbow lasers show up. So imagine my surprise when I got my little sister a spell book on a whim and it turned out to be real. Yeah... That was not a good idea on my part. Knowing magic is a real thing should have made me a bit sceptical but come on! Who honestly expects to find a spell book online? Why would you ever sell that?! Especially seeing as it works, you'd think you'd hang onto that, but apparently not. Anyway I'm rambling so... you know what it's best you just see what she did. … It was one of those days, the days when your stuck inside watching videos online because its not so much raining, so much as the seas moved place and is just sitting outside; the kind where if you go out for a second you're going to come back soaked to the skin, so me and my sister we're stuck inside, I was watching online videos and she was watching an old DVD of hers. Our parents where out of town for the holidays (They travel around a lot but apparently they trust me enough to make sure neither of us die while there gone.) With nothing better to do I elected to give my sister the present I'd gotten her a few days ago but kept forgetting about. “Hey Sis got a present for ya.” I said as I walked in, looking down at my sister as she watched one of her shows (I dunno, something to do with fairy's and a club of some kind? I don't know I don't watch it.) “Really!” She cried, slamming the pause button and jumping up... before adopting a sceptical expression and stopping. “Why?” She asked, backing away slowly. “Because I needed to pad out my order to dodge the postage and I figured why not.” Dazzle (Sunrise Dazzle is her full name by the way) looked up at me. “Okay that I'll believe...” Like all siblings we have a high opinion of each other. “ ...But given it's you I'm gonna stay over here till you tell me what it is.” “Dazzle I am shocked that you have a low opinion of me, why you wound me sister!” I cried, doing a dramatic flop onto the sofa. Dazzle just looked at me with that cold stare she has mastered (Seriously she's an eleven year old, no one that age should have as big a cynical edge as she does {Which is doubly impressive as her greatest goal in life is to use magic}) She didn't take my dramatics well. “I'm staying here because I remember the last time you got me a present on a whim.” “Hey that worked just fine.” “I know, you used it on me remember?” “It was a water pistol what else was I supposed to do? Anyway I promise it's not something like that, I actually think you'll like this one.” An eyebrow raised she carefully moved forward as I pulled the package out and offered it to her. She reached out and touched it before quickly jumping back. “It won't explode.” I said, actually kind of hurt. “Well sorry Glare but you haven't given me much good reason to trust you in the past.” She said, taking the package and opening it. She lit up upon seeing what was inside grabbing the book and flipping through it like crazy. “Wow this... Wow this is scary.” Not the reaction I was expecting. “Erm... How so?” I mean it was just a book right, nothing special or terrifying in it right? “These symbols... I've seen them before.” Well that's a relief. “Sis the amount of stuff you look up with to do with magic I'm not surprised...” “No, I haven't seen them here, I've seen them in my dreams...” What. “Sorry, you've seen them in your sleep?” I asked, reaching over and angling the book so I could see it, in all honesty it looked like gibberish to me. Just a bunch of swirls and random sharp lines. “Yes... I've mentioned it before right? I'm a witch and destroying my enemy's with my dark powers.” “Yes...” I said; trying to pretend I wasn't disturbed by the fact my sister regularly had violent revenge fantasy's. (I was operating under the idea that so long as she wasn't making blood pacts and it was limited to her dreams it was probably fine.) “Well these look like the markings I have in my dreams... I mean I can read this!” She said bouncing up and down slightly. “Uh hu... Sis you do know that's crazy right?” “Well yeah! But look at this! I've seen it before, I know what this says... Bro; I think this books real!” I couldn't help it, the serious tone in which she said that cracked me up. “Sis I found it on Amazon! Theirs no way its real.” “Then how can I read it?” She shot back. “You saw it once a few years ago and it stuck in your subconscious.” “Yeah and how do I know another language?” “Sis it's gibberish.” “No I can read it.” “Sure you can.” If I'd known I'd be having this conversation when I'd ordered the book I wouldn't have done it. “Okay I'll prove it then!” Dazzle said in a determined tone, flicking the book open and smiling. “This I'll show you.” She then began to read, now to most people it would sound like a horse choking to death mixed in with a few gibberish noises I wasn't aware humans could make. But to me... No it was that. I have no idea what she was trying to do but I suspected it would be good blackmail material. Oh boy how wrong I was. Anyway after she finished her... whatever that was, she looked up proudly, I looked back at her. “So what was that meant to do?” I asked, smiling at the look on her face. “But, it should have...” Dammit she looked heart broken... Was this a trick? No she's not like that, she's a cynic not a manipulator. “Sis look...” I started to say; until my gut exploded in pain. “Glare?” She said in a panic as I fell down. “My gut just ARGH!” I cried, clutching my gut. “Oh I get it, very funny, my spell didn't work so...” I interrupted her unfounded accusation (Well given past experience it might be a little founded.) by throwing up. That alone would be gross but imagine blue puke. Just do it, get that visual in your head, all the half digested food foul smelling image in your head, then make it blue. Grossed out yet? Good! Now imagine you did it again but it flew around and stuck to your face. “Glare, oh my god Glare what's happening!” Dazzle cried, frozen in fear as I hacked more of the blue puke stuff up. I tried to answer but I couldn't, I threw up again and again, it was getting hard to breath, I had to get out I... I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, I was stuck, and then the warmth happened. I felt it trickle of warm water that started at my toes and wormed it's way up my body which then felt like it broke apart, melting and twisting until finally I could see light again. The blue stuff cracked in half and I fell out onto the floor, face down on the carpet I felt a pain I didn't recognise in my chest as I lay their. “G, Glare...?” Dazzle asked slowly, I nodded, looking up at her in frustration. “Yeah who else would I...” Hang on, what was wrong with my voice! “I, I didn't think it would... I thought...” “Dazzle, what's wrong with me?” I asked as I forced myself up of the ground and looked at her. Well I tried to as the mess of hair fell down in front of my eyes and I shoved it out of the way. “I, I didn't think... Not like that!” “Not like what.” Dazzle couldn't look at me, she looked down at the floor. “I thought it would just be a poof... Or a flash of some kind; I didn't think... it should have been quick! I didn't...” “What did you do?” I asked my strange new voice turning into something closer to a growl as I spoke. I wasn't sure why I was asking this, I'd figured it out; even if I didn't want to acknowledge it. “I kinda turned you into a girl...” In a second I was up grabbing her solders. “You did what!” I yelled. Yes I was being a dick here, I'll be the first to admit it, I was in shock at the moment but that didn't make it okay, I just want you to know that now because I didn't handle the change well at first and it was only going to get worse. “I turned you into a girl!” She squeaked as I glared at her (the pun was not intended) “Why?!?!” “I didn't think it would be like that!” She cried, tears starting to form in her eyes. “I thought it would just be a quick flash or something, I didn't...” “Turn me back. Now.” “I, I... yes!” Dazzle blurted grabbing the book and flipping to the page where she'd found the spell. “Counter spell, counter spell, come on!” She muttered under her breath as she read the book at a frantic place, desperately looking for the cure back. In all fairness if I was under the kind of glare I was giving her I would have been working fast to. “No...” Dazzle said, dropping the book to the floor. “What?” “The counter spell... it's, it's not...” “It's not what?” “The page... the page is...” She couldn't finish, she just picked up the book and showed me the page. I looked at it, their in between the two pages... was a tear. The page with the counter spell... I couldn't, no, I, I... “I'm going out.” “Glare I'm...” she started to say. I ignored her, getting up and walking towards the hall. “Do not do anything else with that spell book.” “I'm sorry...” “...” I pulled the door open looked back at her crying face and slammed the door shut behind me, diving into the sea of rain. … “I can't believe her...” I muttered as I walked around town, regretting my decision immensely. I was freezing, I was drenched from head to foot and being reminded of my new anatomy far to much for comfort. The fact my Daring Do shirt was white and I had nothing on underneath it really wasn't helping. I was also having difficulty seeing; the long mess of my hair was plastered to my face and weighed about a ton (Well it felt like that anyway) Currently I was slumped in the doorway of a closed down shop, it wasn't providing a lot of protection but it was something. I was drawing the occasional stare, not many people where out in this weather which I was grateful for, but the few who where probably noticed something odd about me, I couldn't say I blamed them. It was at that point I noticed someone who looked as unhappy as me. (although at least this person had an umbrella) I was even more surprised when she got closer and I could clearly recognize her. Rarity Belle; Canterlot highs resident beauty queen, I have no idea how she does it but she can make some of the objectively worse designed outfits look amazing, I will admit to having a small crush on her (but basically anyone who likes girls at CHS has a crush on her) and on of the many things we love about her is her outlook, she never seamed miserable; she seamed determined to make the best out of everything every day. However today... She looked miserable. Her mascara was running and her eyes where blood shot, I wasn't sure about what had happened but judging by what I could see under her coat (I wasn't perving, I mean the bottom of her dress and her heals where sticking out) she appeared more dressed up than usual (which is no small feet by the way) and she looked miserable. Wonder what went wrong? I was going to leave that question up in the air, it wasn't my business and I had bigger things to worry about right now. So I stuck my head down hoping to let her pass. Except she didn't, I heard her foot steps stop. I looked up. She'd stopped and was looking down at me. “Hey.” I said looking up at her as she wiped her eyes. “Hello. It seams I'm not the only one having a bad day.” She said, smiling weekly. “Yeah, just a bit.” I said. She looked at me. “You want to talk about it?” She asked, the rain pounding on her umbrella. I smiled. “Thanks, but I don't think...” Wait a second, could she? I mean she knew magic... Wait... Not the time, look at her. “Hmm?” She asked as I trailed off. In a panic I blurted a response. “I mean, Thanks for the concern but it's okay, you look like you've had a far worse night than me. You want to talk about it?” Rairty actually laughed, smiling as she wiped her eyes some more. “No, no, that's okay, my problems are simple enough...” I looked back at her, forcing a week grin onto my face. “Simple problems are still problems, do you want to talk about it?” Rarity looked at me for a second, trying to figure me out, before she nodded, offering me a hand up. “Yes, I would like that, although the thought occurs we should get somewhere dry first.” “Sure.” I said as I took her hand and got up, ducking under her umbrella. The problem was trying to stay out of the rain and not making any contact, in the end I settled for letting my arm get wet while the rest of me was fully covered. “So, what happened?” I asked as we set off. “It's, I... My 'prince charming'” I noted her use of air quotes there. “Turned out to be less of a gental man and more of a... a...” “Asshole?” I finished for her, she didn't seam to approve of my vulgar tone but she did nod. “Well I suppose that's one way of putting it. It's just he, he... URGH!” she screamed, throwing her hand up in the air. “He seamed so perfect! He knew what he wanted and almost knew how to get it, the frigging pig... the way he talked the way he... ARGH!” I smiled slightly, it was a mean thing to do, rarity had just had her heart broken, but I have a defence when it comes to bad thinks. I take the piss out of them. “A marvellous oil painting in a mine feild. Looks perfect until you did some digging.” Rarity snorted. “Basically, Urgh I can't believe I did that, I don't run out of places crying, I'm better than that, or at least I should be.” I looked at her as the tears began to form again, thinking quick I said: “Not really, if anything he should be better for you, I mean you're Rarity Belle; you always go for the best so I guess he failed to reach your standards.” Okay so I wasn't doing a good job on the whole 'subtle' thing, but she wasn't crying anymore; so that was something. “Well I suppose that's right, well I know I'm never falling for his charms again, that Blueblood, I feel bad for every girl it worked fully on.” “Wait arent you one of those girls?” She looked at me as if I'd just said I kicked a dog so hard it burnt up in the atmosphere. “I most certainly am not!” “But you went on the date.” I pointed out, she didn't look happy about that. “That wasn't everything he wanted out of tonight.” “Oh... Yeah I can see that, dude always was a tosser.” Rarity looked at me in surprise. “You know him?” “Course, I think every guy at CHS does. Grade A penis; the way he acts when where changing for PE is insane! Don't look at me like conman dravel! How dare you insult my obvious masculinity you cur! Honestly I'm amazed we only beat the shit out of him that one time.” I said, thinking back to the happy memory's; not that it was all of us like I'd said, Big Mac had not taken kindly to how he'd talked about his sister. He hadn't hit him that much but Apple Family knots don't come undone till someone unties them, so that had been a fun lesson with him stuck tied up in the shower cubicle. Rarity was looking at me confused. “Huh? What is it?” I asked. “Why were you in the guys changing room?” Oh... “Eh he hehehe... Guess we're onto my problems now...” … “So you brought a spell book online, gave it to your sister and it worked?” She asked, I couldn't read her expressions but I didn't need to to detect scepticism. “Yeah, that's basically it.” “Don't take this to mean I don't believe you but...” “You don't believe me.” “No, no! You do look familiar, I mean we have English literature together for one thing, or at least me and Light Glare do...” “Yeah we do...” I then got an idea that might help me prove what I was talking about. “ ...Remember that time Cheerilee got annoyed because we kept giggling whenever we read 'Ass' in the play we where doing.” “Yes I do remember that, rather uncouth don't you think?” I shrugged. “I thought it was funny.” “Yes I can imagine, although I get a feeling you didn't think highly of that play in general.” She commented. I laughed, adopted an exaggerated English accent and said: “Oh Mr Rich douche bag number forty nine, my heart is a flutter because I want with Sir Windimere despite the fact he is obviously a complete douche while you act as my personal slave, oh it is so unfair and the irony of this is lost on me completely!” I said, giggling at my own stupidity. “I found the story rather moving.” Rarity responded, I shrugged again. “You're aloud, although personally I found the song 'Strangers' more moving than that twaddle.” I said simply, Rarity nodded. “I suppose, I've always had a thing for historical dramas.” She said smiling. “Yeah, Dazzle's a bit like that, except she likes magic and fairies.” “Who?” “My little sister... the one who I... urgh...” I groaned, stopping, which would have been fine if not for the fact that Rarity didn't, something I noticed when I got drenched again. “Dammit!” “Why did you stop?” Rarity asked as she moved back to cover me again. “Dazzle, I was such an ass to her... it was her fault but...” “Was it?” she asked, looking at me quizzically. “Well she read the spell.” “Yes after you mocked her.” “I... Well I did... But!” “I think you don't want to admit this is basically your fault.” “I, I don't!” I cried, looking at her... What she was saying... “Dammit.” I muttered. Rarity was looking at me, both with sympathy and a minor smug smile. “I know, it wasn't her fault, I got her the book in the first place... it's not her fault... She just read some gibberish and by some astronomical chance it worked... I need to apologise.” I said, making my mind up going to turn around but. “Wait.” She didn't say it that loud, she just said it in a tone I couldn't ignore, I turned around to look at her. “What, look I need to get back I shouldn't have...” “I know, I get why you did what you did though, you where hurt. You weren't wrong to be angry; but you need to forgive her if your going to move forward.” I nodded, about to head off home until she grabbed my shoulder. “Lets get inside and dry of first.” She said, gesturing to what I assumed was her house. “I, what... I'm just going to get wet again on the way back.” “I do have a car.” She said simply, I looked at her. “If you have a...” “It was a date at a restaurant a mile away, I could walk it easily. Seamed rather pointless honestly.” I nodded, it made sense and I was freezing. But even then I wasn't... “Move!” I shoved her down the path, out of the way of an oncoming car, not that it was heading for us, it was heading for the massive puddle of water in the road next to us. So I moved Rarity, she didn't get wet... unfortunately I got completely drenched even more so than I was before. In fact with the exception of the stylised Daring Do my entire shirt was see through; Also guess which bits of me the shirt didn't cover. “Dammit!” I swore as I shivered, I could safely say I didn't need this. “I, oh, thank you, quick get inside and get warm.” She said, taking my hand and pulling me inside; dragging me through her house and to the bathroom, immediately turning the hot tap on in the bath. “Strip.” She said simply, I went bright red. “Rarity...” “I know you used to be a boy, but you'll freeze to death if you stay in those clothes, so get them of and warm up.” She said. I couldn't fault her logic and I was freezing. My clothes were so wet it was a challenge to pull them off; but I did, Rarity went red when she saw my new... well I suppose there's no point beating around the bush; Boobs. “You're not wearing a...” She said, going red. I looked at her. “Why would I be?” I asked as I finally got my trousers off, I then went red. “Could you turn around please...” Rarity went redder and nodded. … “That's better...” I said, walking out of the half an hour later. Drying myself of with a towel Rarity had thrown into the room through the smallest opening she could get out of the door. “Glare, good to see you dry, how are you feeling?” Rarity asked as she looked at me. “Miles better... Although I really need to get home quickly...” I muttered, my mind going back to Dazzle. “Yes I can see, although I think you should have some clothes before you go.” She said, gesturing towards what she'd stacked on the table. I walked over and looked down. Two of the items were still in the shrink wrap and the rest where neatly folded. “Thanks Rarity I...” I began, before stopping looking down at the first package. “Really?” I asked, holding it up. She went slightly red but for the most part her face was set. “I'm sorry but your going to need that; your girls are going to cause you some major problems if you don't wear one.” I looked down at them; they weren't that big were they...? “I'm sorry, but that's how it works.” “Fine...” I said, unwrapping the garment, unable to shirk of the feeling of wrongness in my guts as I tried to figure out how the dreaded thing worked. Which took far longer than it should have done so forgive me if I don't go into detail. The rest of the garments took significantly less time to get on, some undergarments a pair of shorts and a T-shirt Rarity clearly didn't wear that often. (She never really struck me as a metal fan so her having a metal shirt strikes me as unlikely) Now I was dressed I smiled. “Thanks, man that feels better.” I muttered, personally just happy to not be soaked again, that and the fact it was harder to perv. “It was a pleasure, now shall we go?” I nodded. “Yeah, I think we better, I left her alone for too long as it is.” … “Dazzle?” I asked as I opened the door, looking around carefully. Rarity wasn't with me, she'd driven me over then headed back, I was happy for that, she said she'd be over tomorrow with Sunset to start investigating this problem. Aparently magic had started seeping through from 'Equestria' and she suspected the book might be another such artefact; but for now I had an apology to make. I stepped in and looked around, I couldn't see her where she was, nor could I see the spell book. “Dazzle?” I asked again, I didn't see her, but I could here her, she wasn't answering... She was crying. I walked upstairs and nodded on her door. “Dazzle?” I asked quietly. Knocking on her door. “Glare...” She said, looking up. For the second time that day I looked into bloodshot eyes on a sad looking girl. It was not a present experience. “Hi.” I said as I entered closing the door behind me. I walked forward, slowly approaching her bed, where she was curled up hugging her plushy unicorn. She's called Amal; apparently its named after a movie she saw but couldn't remember the entire name; hence why she only used some of the name. “Hey...” She said, not meeting my eyes. “Dazzle, you're my sister, you'll always be my sister; and yeah... sometimes I'm going to be an idiot; sometimes where going to piss each other off; and sometimes I'm going to regret giving you spell books; all I want to know is... Look I'm sorry... It was my fault for giving you the book in the first place.” She looked up at me, a shocked look on her face as she stared at me. “Why are you apologising! I'm the one who...” I held a hand up. “Sis... You did magic and you didn't mean anything by it, how where you supposed to know the counter spell was gone?” “I could have read the book before...” I held a hand up again. “Why would you do that? I mean... I was pissing you off; and then you did magic, actual magic.” I looked at her again, seeing a small smile on her face. “You, my little sister pulled of an actual magic spell! Your literally magic! How are you not happier!” She smiled. “I did didn't I...” “Yes you did, and don't worry I'm getting some help tomorrow. They might have an idea of what was going on, So don't beet yourself up okay.” She nodded, then stopped and looked at me with her mad smile in place. “I know but I still feel bad.” “That's okay consider this a lesson in checking for counter spells.” “I will. Although there are worse things that could have happened.” She said, smiling slightly. “Yeah that's probably true... although I'm not used to these yet.” I said, gesturing down to my new boobs. “Yeah, sorry about that, I always wanted a big sister but not in that way...” I snorted. “Since when have you wanted a big sister?” “Since like, forever... Although I didn't...” “I know, I know why you did what you did. And I guess I could stand being your big sister for a night... or few days... or weeks... crap how long is this going to take?” I said starting to panic. “I don't know? Oh well it can't take that long... Probably...” I smiled. “Nice work sis, thanks for the reassurance. As a punishment no Brownies tonight.” “But sis...!” “Nope, not changing my mind, look on the bright side actual magical girls are coming over tomorrow, aren't you happy about that!” “Well obviously, wait! The magical girls coming over!” She asked, her voice rising, I nodded. I'd told her about what happened, showed her the video's we'd all taken and uploaded online (We got a lot of praise for the VFX, although some people still claimed they where fake despite... You know the whole, it actually happened thing) “Some of them anyway.” “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!” So as my ears bleed from my Sister discovering a sound frequency so high scientists wouldn't believe it actually existed I thought back on my day. Things had gone wrong today, but I'd learnt some cool thins and to be honest for a second, having a magical little sister is pretty cool. I could live with this. Assuming she didn't do anything else to me...