//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Infiltrate // by Nevermore //------------------------------// Apple Bloom " Whats wrong with her?" Sweetie Belle asked. I looked down at Scootaloo. "She's real pale. and she's sweatin like a pig wrangler on a summer day!" "Um.. it is summer.' Sweetie Belle replied, a smug look on her face. I gave her an irritated look. Then I turned back to my unconscious friend. " That aint' funny! Get up!" I said loudly. Scootaloo coughed, and groaned, but did not wake. "There is no time to wait!" Twilight said, rearing. With a glow of her horn, Scootaloo was on her back and we were running again. That gave me time to think of the events that had happened. I tried to remember everything as it happened, trying to pick out I something I missed. We were under attack! Some kind of pegasi, that much was certain. They had somehow made the hailstones from the clouds be overly-large, and detonate upon collision. But I knew that already! I groaned as we continued trotting. But how did the Fillydelphia weather team not see them? Another thought struck me. 'Were they hiding in the clouds?' No that wouldn't make sense! The weather team was there.... We rounded a corner, passing along a river. I thought back to the day they attacked. I tried to remember a time where I saw the weather team. I came up with nothing. So where were they? As I turned to ask Twilight the same question, when she suddenly stopped. She shuddered. "What is it Twi?" I asked. "Did you feel that?" She said looking around. "Feel wut?" I said, confused. "Never mind." She said and we continued on. I started to drift again. But pegasus only have control over the weather right? Like clouds and stuff. I racked my brain to see if I could remember Rainbow ever making hail. " We make the clouds, but the hail forms on its own." she had said. " The rain kinda freezes into little balls......" I came to my senses as I saw my sister standing next to a tree. Her head was angled downward, like she was yelling at something. "Sis!" I yelled. She looked up at me with a surprised face. But only for an instant. She screamed something else at something I couldn't see. We slowed, and trotted to the tree. "Who are y'all?! Where did you come from!?! " The suit of armor just sat ,tied, and unmoving. " Applejack! We got bigger problems!" Twilight said. She knelt, slowly rolling Scoots off her back. AJ paused. "I've tried everything I know! But shes in more pain than I can stem! We need to get to Zecora's pronto!" "Twilight!" AJ said. " You talk to him. Haven't got 'im to say anything." She paused, rummaging through her saddlebag. She pulled some herbs and some other odds and ends that I didn't recognize. "Ill do what I can for this one." She started wrapping Scootaloo's leg with some herb. I was worried the whole trip for her, But I knew she was in capable hands for now. I turned to see Twilight staring at the armor suit. It sat so still that i thought it was just armor. But i could see eyes through the blue visor, open wide with interest. "Mind telling us why your invading?" Twilight said softly. I knew Twilight Sparkle very well, and i knew that she could be very intimidating when she wanted to be. The suit said nothing. Twilight sighed. Her horn glowed, enveloping the head of the armored pegasi with her light. The light slowly faded. " I said.." Twilight stopped, breathing in. "TELL US WHY YOU ARE HERE!!!" she screamed. Now I've heard her scream before, but this time was different. She had amplified her voice somehow, not making it louder, but making it hit harder. Like it had some kind of power you know? The armor cringed at the sound. Then it started to speak. " We were scheduled to attack last week. It was supposed to be covert, we had everything planned. The General was ready, we were ready. But then something happened. We were put on hold for the invasion because the General had something to do. He gathered all of his most seasoned warriors, and departed." We were all listening intently. "But only he came back. There was frost all over his armor, but he refused to see anyone that night. He never came out, until today. Our Infiltrators had already done their job,taking care of the cities scouts." My brow furrowed. That's what happened to the Fillydelphia weather team! "We have something... Something like no-pony has ever seen. It can...." he trailed off. His body started to shake and quiver, and he started breathing heavily. He began to shriek, He started hoofing his armor, trying to get through it to something beneath. With a loud bang, his encasing exploded, disintegrating at our hooves. The body lay, frozen, and cracked. We all gasped, and then stared. I heard Scoots groan, snapping me out of my daze. " Forget about him!" Twilight suddenly said. " Scootaloo needs help, and she wont get it if we just stand here! Be ready to go in less that five minutes." She turned and, using her magic, lifted my friend on my sisters back. I looked at the body again. It had started to melt, the suns rays were thick on it, and I barely recognized that it had been any sort of creature. Then something caught my eye. One piece of the armor had survived, an insignia of some sort. It displayed a helmet, with three spears beneath, laying in a triangle, all encompassed within a circular mark, which continued in a swirl outwards, until it reached the end of its line. " AB lets go!" I heard my sister call. " Comin!" I said, i picked up the piece, and thrust it in my saddlebags.