Dragon Coin

by BusinessKitty

Chapter 3: A New Friend?

Chapter 3: A New Friend?

The two of us stared in silent stupor as the horse foal stared back with cartoonishly large feminine eyes expressing shock, suspicion and curiosity.
The horse had a soft white coat, dappled with tiny tan cream spots under its lavender purple eyes, it had a lilac mane and tail, short with a visible plait braided in the mane, darker accents of purple in the mane and tail were also visible.

The horse was wearing something yet from my distance below the horse peering down at us, the garments were quite similar in appearance to Arabian Horse Costumes, in which people would dress their horses up and do shows mostly dressage to the audience.
Unique patterns of flowers sewn into the edges if the saddle blanket, colours of soft blues and greens gracing the saddle.
Around the horses neck was a thick crescent necklace adorned with small white jasmine flowers and gems of white, tiny diamonds and pearls primly.
Atop her head was a silver elven leafed circlet a small pearl in the centre of the forehead.

Zyon cleared his throat and spoke to the cartoon horse as if expecting it were intelligent enough to speak back or point the way out, "*ahem, hello! Horse! I and my friend here need assistance to get out of this... Gold pit, can you get help"
Rolling my new draconian eyes at the sheer stupidity of such a notion-- "Excuse me, did you just call me, Horse?" the filly glared offended as if she'd never encountered such a rude dragon in her life--Wait, it talked?

My jaw as well as Zyon's dropped open in shock, "D-did you..just talk?" the obvious nightfury asked shakily not believing what he was hearing, he glanced at me and by seeing my own expression confirmed that he wasn't the only one going crazy. Not sure he should be relieved though.

"Of course I did you-you imbecile! And why are you in the Royal Treasury!" the filly ordered her body seemed to be shaking slightly as if she were... Scared of us.

Huh well right now I'm pretty sure Zyon is more scared and confused than the horse child, a glance at the bigger probably younger dragon confirmed that he was badly shivering. So I stepped in, "My lady, we unfortunately don't know how we came to be in this treasury, only that we awoke not long ago in this location, can we count on your assistance to help us out?" Huh did it work? I'll assume so cause it looks like she's stopped and is probably more confident.

The filly puffed out her chest before smiling, "Of course I'll help! I'll be back in a minute so don't move!"
She backed away trotting away out of our sight.

I turned looking at Zyon who nervously looked at me still shivering, "Uh Zyon, you alright?" a grin made it on his face his angel blue eyes sparkling in joy and wonder pupils like a cat on catnip,
I slowly took a safe step away from the nightfury. Just to be careful.

"Ki-Smaug do you know what this means?" his tail was wagging madly as he grinned, cautious I took another step back as he got close to my face. "no..what?" Asking cautiously my talons extending sharp like a cats ready to attack in case he was going to try something. Just because he was formerly human doesn't mean I trusted him.

"We're in Equestria!" cue the fanboy squeal from Zyon, I reeled back in utter surprise and slammed my claw wing hand thingys over my frilled ears at the squeal, "Stop! My ears!" I didn't even know it was possible for a guy to make such a high pitched noise, unless it was that Toby kid from back in highschool.

He thankfully ended his fanguying apologising before continuing to wag his tail like an excited puppy, an excited puppy that was bigger than me with sharp teeth.
Ok I won't lie its cute but terrifying to see at grinning dragon above you.

"What was that Zyon?! You trying to break my invisible ears?" growling in annoyance trying to hide my growing fear.

"Sorry sorry! Its just that horse was talking, looks like a cartoon and was exactly like the ponies in Mlp!" I gave him a questioning look, "No its not just a little girls show its Really interesting and awesome to watch" he looked like he was hoping I wasn't against his 'kind'.

"Whatever floats you boat Zyon, I won't diss a guy who watches pony shows" It was true I really didn't mind Mlp Bronies, but some of them went way too far with ponies, Zyon was just a happy innocent little brony which was ok.

My frills perked up as well as Zyon's as we heard the distinct sound of a horses hooves clicking against the marble floor. We waited for the sounds to get closer as the horse filly came back with a rope, good idea little horse.

The rope was dropped in, the other end held up by the unnamed horse. I walked over to the rope before stopping slightly, a deep trench was keeping me from climbing safely to the rope, breathing in then out I readied myself before leaping off towards the rope with my back legs, spreading my wings in a glide as my tail straightened, my taloned fingers went ahead first as I clutched onto the rope before my back legs joined onto the rope, using my body like a climbing bat, I easily made my way up with very little trouble, lifting myself up onto the marble floor my back legs scrabbled up finally on the tiled marble flooring, solid ground at last!

I nodded to the fancy horse filly before looking down to Zyon, "What are you waiting for? Come on up!" I encouraged the nervous nightfury. Zyon visibly gulped and readied himself before sprinting across the gold and leaping like a cat, he started falling into the deep abyss, "Zyon!" I couldn't help but shout in shock, fear and worry for the dragon.

A faint beating sound could be heard, flapping? Was he using his wings somehow? She He just wanted for Zyon to be alright- and there out of the darkness was Zyon his paws covering his face, and his wings somehow let him gain altitude... Did he even know he was flying?

The filly grabbed the rope rolling it back up as Zyon made way unknowingly back up, the filly stretched her front legs up and grabbed Zyon who meeped in surprise, releasing his paws from his face as she pulled him back away from the golden pit, the shiny golden pit, full of gold-- I shook my head quickly dispatching myself away from the unmatched golden greed of Smaug.

Zyon looked around as the filly placed him down onto the floor, he looked up at her tilting his head sideways "How'd I get up here?" he asked confused. She gave him a deadpan look "you used magic" Woah, sarcasm nice.

Zyon lifted his forepaws looking astonished his eyes glittering in amazement.. He actually fell for that, he must be a good actor or just plain oblivious. "No way, magic?"

I looked at the horse, she looked at me and between us we shared a deadpan look of 'really?'.

Zyon flailed his arms around in what might of been an attempt of using magic powers, the horse sighed "Night Dragon that was sarcasm, you just flew up here" his pupils narrowed and he pouted mumbling something along the lines of "can't believe I fell for that".

I took that moment to look at the horse and question, "Excuse me for asking but what is your name?" she was quick to reply puffing out her chest attempting to look regal.

"I am Princess Jasmine Rose second princess of Saddle Arabia, what are your names?" A princess? Zyon spoke first, "your majesty, I am the awesome Zyon the Nightfury!" he spread his wing to emphasize his awesomeness, this guy was definitely Bipolar I mean seriously he was plummeting to his possible second death a minute ago, now his happy and awesome? Bipolar.

They turned to me expectant well they look like they want something interesting and funny so, "I am Fire, I am Death, I am Smaug!" I raised my wings raising onto my back legs as I did so attempting to look big and awe inspiring. They snickered in amusement, was it funny? I'm not the funny type so I don't know, was it somewhat amusing for my small size? Heck if know.

"Ok that was interesting, so Zyon and Smog-" "Smaug, Sm-au-g not Smog" I corrected.

"my apologies, Zyon and Smaug, come with me, when the army gets back they might capture you and bring you to the dungeons" straight to the point good, "army?" Zyon questioned, "Quiet for now Zyon I'm sure Princess Jasmine Rose will tell us in a more secure spot." I interrupted the Nightfury, they were quick to nod accepting.

"please call me Jasmine, and follow me" she turned away to the open door the rope nested on her back in the proper way to pack one.. When did she do that?

Zyon padded behind her and I cursed my smaller legs and its obviously apparent I suited to flight more due to my wingspan, but I didn't complain only kept up in a steady pace as we exited the Treasury leaving behind the gold, it wouldn't go anywhere it was a Royal Treasury and it definitely wasn't mine.

The door led to another circular tower a staircase spiraling downwards a large open space in the middle, it was quite hard with the stairs and being small as I was was impossibly hard, jumping down carefully down each step, Jasmine trotting far ahead of us, Zyon having decided to skip 4 steps at a time gliding a bit, wait I have wings and I did have a few dreams in my childhood where I used my arms as wings and could fly, I will always treasure my T-Rex teacher for teaching me to fly and not get eaten in my dreams. Yeah weird dreams.

I stretched out my wings and leapt flapping them to get some lift tucking in my back legs and straightened my neck turning circling down the stairs, Zyon then seemed to have decided to follow me and flapped after me his flying a bit more wonky than my own, it was easy when you didn't have 6 limbs.

We soon had to stop and climbed onto Jasmines back pretend to be plush dolls as we walked the halls to her chambers, maids walking by commenting "cute",

Finally we made it to the chambers with very little incident the only possible danger having been a guard who commented how life-like they looked, Jasmine's bedroom or chambers was quite grand yet simple, resembling something a bit more medieval.


A fireplace could be seen no fire was present carved beautifully into marble, a small window in a corner, a double bed with a chest at the end below a interesting dome ceiling, to the beds left was a glass paned door with a balcony outside, a walk in wardrobe to the entrance doors left, next to the bed near the balcony door was a small desk, a pile of pillows and blankets close to the wardrobe in one corner of the room a stack of books nearby with a small bookshelf next to the wardrobe.

Zyon leapt off her back as she shut the door, his claws clicking on the neatly tiled floor as he looked around in fascination and wonder, I gently got off Jasmines back giving a small thank you at her assistance, my eyes widened at the room it was magnificent.

Jasmine placed her rope on her desk before setting herself down on a large pillow in the pillow pile, she motioned for us to sit down on another pillow, Zyon was quick to dive into the pillows his head the only thing visible as he looked up at Jasmine smiling sheepish at his pillow dive. I trotted over and sat atop a pillow laying down similar to a cat my long tail curled around me.

Unknowingly throwing ourselves into an event that would change the world forever, tales would be told and songs would be sung throughout history in the event we would star in.