//------------------------------// // Sweetie Bot - Button Mash: Not Gonna Die (intro) (Edited) // Story: Realizations: Cycle 2 // by Jaycren //------------------------------// "I love you Button Mash, Don't let this put out your fire." Button Mash, watched as Sweetie Belle began to rot away, the artificial Alicorna he had been failing on, eating her skin, her eyes, her muscles, her bones, before turning on her nervous system. He watched as her nerves were converted into purely Alicorna, watched as the same thing happened to her Alicorna system. Watched something he created turn the most wonderful mare ever into crystalline shards. He slumped to his knees, his grief stricken Heartsong torn from his lips. Sweetie please, speak to me Please don't leave me to this misery Oh Death, you won't have her Please not Sweetie, hear my final plea Death Please Death Please Dead Button cried, his tears fell, but then he looked. The Alicorna, it was stable. Somehow Sweetie had stabilized it herself.   His breathing came faster, his tears started anew, what was he going to do? Then a coldness settled over him. His tears stopped. The world wanted to take his Sweetie from him? Unacceptable.   It would not happen. He would not allow it. He was Button Mash, the smartest of his generation, educated by Twilight Sparkle, protege of Time Turner.  The son of Love Tap; former head of Celestia's elite, his father was #13, the nameless criminal Earth pony that had sent the Canterlot nobles screaming in fear by removing their connection to any magic for a time. He was not going to let his beloved die in this way, he would see the world burned first. Why have we stopped here? Because he is important. This confounds me Fighting on so silently Her thoughts shallow Bringing up Such Complexity On the rise She can fight I can feel her Heartbeat C'mon, boy you can do this, you are in the seat of your power, you're the god here. What hold death has that you cannot break it on your whim here? You care to much for this one, could he be your.... You say those next words out loud or to anyone else, I don't care about what plans we have made I will personally find a way to wipe reality clean of your kind. And I will never forget. ............. He looked around his lab, then he knew. This was his place, it was her's as well, time to ‘nut up or shut up’. Using his holographic mana interface he called up the mystic works he was going to need, then grabbing a VR helmet he had been tweaking he fitted it to Sweetie's Alicorna infused brain. Button used the interface to project the circle that he was writing directly over Sweetie's form. A mechanical arm arose, upon it a syringe, ready to withdraw his blood. Button quickly double checked everything, he hadn't had time to put any safety measures into this circle. When his life's blood hit it, Sweetie would hopefully tap into the twin forces of her mental Self Identity and her Self Determination and she would remake herself, using that which was around her. His blood would give her a bit of his energy to start the process and link her sympathetically to his whole lab, then she should be able to continue on her own. If not she would tear his soul from his body as she remade herself. Either way she lived, death lost, and he won. Are you crying? Why do you weep for him? I'm just so proud of him. At last he is growing into an Adult. To risk so much for his love, To risk such for victory. He is no longer the cry baby others said he was. We can go now. He has proven himself, and I pity whomever would seek to take those he cares for from him. This is how she feels, not gonna be stolen This is how I feel when I've given up Crying She'll arise I may die He raised his front hoof, the syringe inserted itself and took the exact amount of fluid, then injected it directly into his circle. He felt the pull on his essence immediately as the process began. she will hear my hearts beat I can see these shadows gathering to fight WON'T GIVE HER UP!!!!! The  process continued to drain him, bringing him closer and closer to death.   Inventions and materials throughout the lab were being drawn into the vortex that had encompassed Sweetie. He watched, as his eyesight dimmed, as she remade the entirety of who and what she was biomechanically instead of merely biologically. To him she was more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. Button had not saved her life instead he had enabled her to remake herself. He could die now completely content Sweetie would live, that was enough. As Button breathed his last, a golden light poured out of his body, healing all of the damage to his essence, the remainder poured into Sweetie, speeding the process to an end. Button fell to the floor, completely exhausted. He smiled hearing his beloved gasp, he saw her arch her back as she returned to awareness. Then he realized, she was not aware of what had happened, she thought herself dead.  He tried to rise, to rush to her. Sweetie’s skin hadn't finished imprinting. As she arose she glanced at her reflection in the nearest glass surface, watching in horror as her skin grew over her biomechanical form. She panicked and before he could reach her she had turned and ran out into the end of Celestia's day. "Sweetie, come back!" He cried, desperate to explain, to tell her that she had saved herself. That all he did was give her the means. She was the one that was stronger than Death, stronger then the rules of magic and reality. She had defied them all! He loved her more then ever and could do nothing as her new form allowed her to speed off faster than anyone could catch her. Tired, Button sank to the ground, his exhaustion, finally catching up to him