//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: A Day in Another World Part 1 // Story: Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// Weeks later, Twilight has gather everypony to the castle throne room for something important. Twilight is standing next to her throne Straight and Tiger Lily standing beside her, Snowdrop in TigerLily's hooves, and the other girls sitting on their thrones. Snowdrop is simply playing with Tiger Lily's mane with a smile on her face, and is looking curious at the meeting. Spike is looking a the map with a curious look on his face. He seems to be wondering about something involving the map. "As you've all probably noticed, it's been quite some time since the map has sent us on a mission of friendship," Twilight says. Spike still examining the map says, "Yeah! Ever since Starlight messed with it to go back in time and try to change history!" Starlight, Twilight, and Tiger Lily start to look a bit uneasy about that event, since they have been there. "Um… yes Spike since that happened," Tiger Lily replies, feeling a bit skeptic. Twilight calm herself, with a smile and says, "But, as part of their studies, Starlight and Tiger Lily's been assisting me. And together, we think we've come up with a spell that can get it working again!" The girls happily cheer hearing that the map can be fixed. They stop cheering so they can see the three magic friends do their work. Spike however, is still looking at the map, but Twilight and the others need him off. Tiger Lily politely asks, "Spike, can you hold Snowdrop while we perform the spell. "Of course," Spike answer. Spike walks off the table and Tiger Lily passes Snowdrop to him. Spike then starts to play with the little dragon, and Snowdrop enjoys playing with her dragon brother. Twilight says as Tiger Lily and Starlight walk beside her "Now without further ado…" With that, Twilight, Starlight, and Tiger Lily use their magic and their magical aura swirl into the air over the map creating a large orb over it. The orb then launches beams at the thrones around the map. The cutie marks on the throne the reflects a certain color over it onto the map. After a bit of a fuzz, the magic is able to get the map working again. The girls are impressed to see the map working again. Then map flashes Twilight and Fluttershy's cutie marks on the map "Fluttershy and Twilight in Appleloosa!" Pinkie cheers happily. But it changes to Pinkie and Rainbow's cutie map on a different location. Then Pinkie corrects it with a smile, and says, "No, me and Rainbow Dash in Las Pegasus!" The map changes again t Rainbow Dash and Twilight's cutie mark at another location of the map. "No, Rainbow Dash and Twilight in Yakyakistan!" Pinke corrects herself again with glee. Next, Twilight's cutie mark is put at another location of the map twice. "No, Twilight and Twilight in Twilight's castle!" Pinkie corrects herself, the fourth time. Tiger Lily turns to Starlight with a confused look, and says, "I guess it takes a little time before the map can work properly." "It will probably take a little bit to fully function properly," Starlight replies. Pinkie then sees her cutie mark, and happily cheers, "Oh. Me! Me!" Oh, me... and Rarity!" Pinkie adds with glee as she sees Rarity's cutie mark as well. Shen then eagerly says, "Ooh! I hope it's some faraway place that nopony has gone before!" "Well, maybe not too far away. An adventure somewhere that has modern conveniences would be preferable," Rarity calmly says, politely. The two marks then landed at the map location of Canterlot castle, meaning that Rarity and Pinkie Pie are going to Canterlot for their friendship mission. Rarity gasps and excitedly says, "Canterlot! This is wonderful! I can check the boutique! Perhaps there'll be some social events that we can attend!" She then gasps and asks herself, "I'll have to pack extra outfits! What will I wear?!" The other simply stare at Rarity because of her idea to pack extra clothes for fashion. "Y'know, some ponies get excited about the silliest things," Pinkie remarks while rolling her eyes. Starlight whispers to Tiger Lily's ear, "She's one to talk." Tiger Lily giggles after hearing Starlights remark, and Starlight starts to giggle along with her Sometime later, Tiger Lily is reading some spell books and is practicing her magic while Twilight and Starlight are doing some magic stuff, and little Snowdrop is playing in the playpen. Tiger Lily teleports herself around the room for practice, and uses an apple to transform it into a small carriage. She then is able to do other spells for practice. After she has finished with some practice, Tiger Lily decides to take a look at a large mirror that has pipes and other machineries around it. Tiger Lily looks at her reflection, and says, "The mirror looks very nice, but why does it have all these gears, pipes, and other machineries around it." Tiger Lily looks rather curious at the strange mirror in front of her. She also notices a book on top of it. She wants to look at it, but knows that it's not good to touch other ponies stuff without permission. Tiger Lily takes the mirror, but her hoof runs through it. This makes TigerLily gasp in shock, and amazement at the same time. "This mirror… is magic?!" Tiger Lily asks herself in thought. Tiger Lily starts to think about it as she says in her thoughts, "I guess I could take a little peak through, and see what's on the other side." Tiger Lily takes a deep breath and slowly walks through the portal. After going through the portal, Twilight, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer walk into the room and see how Tiger Lily is going. They become a bit curious to find her not here, and Snowdrop is along, sleeping in the pen. "That's strange, I wonder where Tiger Lily is?" Starlight asks. Maybe she decided to get something to eat or she went to the restroom," Spike suggests. "Could be," Twilight replies. Twilight turns to the mirror to see the book up there with Princess Celestia's cutie mark on it. Twilight blushes a bit and says, "Oops, I forgot to put the book back on the shelf. We don't want Snowdrop going through it." Twilight then uses her magic to levitate the book back on the shelf. "I'm going to find Tiger Lily and see where she is" Starlight says. After Twilight puts the book on the bed. She and the others decide to see if they can find Tiger Lily. Straight leaves the door open so they can hear Snowdrop if she wakes up. What the others don't know is that by removing the book off the mirror, Tiger Lily is trapped on the other side with no way of getting back. Tiger Lily let out a groan after the rough ride and landing. She opens eyes to see a building in front of her. Tiger Lily lifts her hooves up so she can see them, but realizes that her hooves are not hooves anymore. Instead, her hooves are replaced by skinny soft like claws. Tiger Lily screams, "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Tier Lily then coves her mouth for a second to calm herself down Tiger Lily looks at those strange claws again and wiggles them around. She notices a strange bracelet with white flowers on it. Tiger Lily looks around and notices the creature walking his dog, and he is walking on two. Tiger Lily can see that she needs to walk on her hind legs as well. She stands up and her legs looks a bit shaky. She is surprised to see the kind of outfit she is wearing. Tiger Lily is wearing a nice white blouse with a long dark green skirt with her cutie mark on it, and brown sandals. She is very amazed to be wearing these strange clothes. Sh also notice that her mane is so long that it's almost to the ground, and has a white hairband with a small tiger and a white lily pin on it. Tiger Lily looks at herself and says, "I guess I had to change my appearance to fit into this world." Tiger Lily then decides to walk like that creature does. Tiger Lily wobbly walks around a bit until she is able to walk a little good. She then notices a building in front of her, so she decides to go inside and explore. Tiger Lily continues to walk to the staircase and is able to walk in front of the door. Tiger Lily ends up slamming her face at the door by mistake. She tries to use her magic but it' not working. Tiger Lily touches her head, and realizes that hor horn is not there. "My… my horn… is gone!" Tiger Lily scaredly says. Tiger Lily tries her best to calm down, but knowing this isn't going to make herself feel better. Still wanting to explore the building, Tiger Lily uses her new claws to open the door and walks in. Tiger Lily looks around to see a bunch of doors and a strange cabinet with trophies inside. "This is a strange place. I wonder what this place is supposed to be," Tiger Lily asks herself. Just then, she hears a bell ring and mor creatures of different colors begin to walk around the building. They carry books, talk through some strange devices, carrying sports stuff, and talking to each other. Tiger Lily end up getting shoved, an puked all over the place. It's almost close to impossible to move around. Tiger Lily gets down to her knees and is able to crawl through the crowd. When she's able to crawl through the crowd, Tiger Lily gets up, and decides to try walking around again. She is so amazed to see so many creatures. Tiger Lily is about to walk to one of the halls, when she is hit by something or someone. Tiger Lily rubs her head as she apologizes, "I'm… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you, and…" Tiger Lily looks at the the being she bumps into, but is shocked to see the creatures she bumps into. The creature has light purple or lavender skin, purple eyes, dark navy blue hair with purple and magenta streak on it in a ponytail hold by a purple pointed hairband. She is wearing a sky blue shirt with puffy sleeve and white laces and collar, a magenta tie with a matching vest with purple lace, a purple belt with a pink buckle, a purple skirt with light purple stars on it, light blue sock, and purple mary janes with stars on it. She is also wearing black square glasses on her face. Despite the strange appearance, outfit, and glasses, Tiger Lily can tell who that creature looks like. "Twilight!" Tiger Lily quietly exclaims with a shocked expression on her face. The girl looks at Tiger Lily with a confused look, and asks, "Yes my name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle to be exact. But how do you know my name?" "But… Twilight… It's my Tiger Lily," Tiger Lily sounding very concern. The girl with Twilight's name shakes her head, and says, "I'm sorry, but I never met you before." "Are you sure?" Tiger Lily asks. "I'm sure. Maybe you're mistaking me for a different Twilight," Twilight replies. Tiger lily sadly nods her head, and says, "Okay." Feeling sad, Tiger Lily walks past Twilight, but still trying her best not to lose her balance. Twilight Sparkle feels a bit bad seeing her looking so sad. Sometime later, Tiger Lily is able to calm down, and decide to explore the rest of the building. She can see different rooms with different creatures coming in all shape, sizes, and color. Along the way, Tiger Lily notices that she has seen many creatures who looks like some of the friends she has made Equestria, and is starting to feel sad about it. She even see these version of Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, but never interact with it. Tiger Lily is starting to feel a bit homesick, so she decides to head back home. Tiger Lily is about to get outside and sees the statue where the portal is. She is ready to get back home. "Well, I guess that's enough exploring for one day, but I should get back before the others wonder where I am," Tiger Lily says to herself. Tiger Lily walks over to the portal and is ready to head back home. However, when she put her claws on the base, but it's not phasing through. Tiger Lily begins to panic as she says, "It's closed, but… but I can't be closed! I… I need to get back!" Tiger Lily pushes her hand to the base, but nothing. She then uses her body to force herself through the statue, but it's not working at all. Tiger Lily becomes distressed and sits down. She then has her new knees close to her upper body, and is beginning to get watery in her eyes. "Oh no, the portal is closed and I can't get back! And no one even knows that I'm here!" Tiger Lily say, she begin to shed tears from her. Then she begins to cry, and upsetly declares her situation, "I… I won't be able to go home!" Tiger Lily begins to cry and lots of tears are shedding down her face and on to her new clothes. She then closed herself to her knees and her new arms wrapped around. Tiger Lily is scared, sad, and worried that she'll never be able to go home to see her friends, and family again. She is very miserable right now. Back in Equestria, Twilight and Starlight have searched all of Ponyville, but can't find Tiger Lily are starting to get very worried, and find themselves at the park. "I'm very worried about this, Twilight. It's not like Tiger Lily to leave without a word to anyone," Straight says. Twilight nods her head, and says, "I agree, and nopony has seen her all day." "What can we do?" Starlight asks. "Since Pinkie and Rarity are still in Canterlot, we'll have to round up the rest of our friends, and call a meeting about the situation," Twilight answers. With that, Twilight and Starlight go their separate direction to go find the others and call an important meeting, but are still unaware where Tiger Lily really is.