//------------------------------// // We run at dawn // Story: The wolf & the whisperer // by The worst at everything //------------------------------// Nothing. I opened my eyes, and I saw nothing. My lips moved to speak, and my ears heard nothing. I commanded my limbs to move, and I felt nothing. Perhaps I was dead. Perhaps I was dying. Perhaps I was dreaming. I had trouble remembering. My mother tucked me into bed, did she not? A mental picture of her leaning over me to kiss my forehead and whisper good fortunes flashed through my mind. Father was proud. Father was sure. He had trained me all my life for the Run. I would be the first of our clan to win the Solstice Run in over a millennia. I would be the first warrioress to win it ever. I would go on to join the elite hunters, the Wonderbolts. I would make history. I would make my parents proud. "Rainbow Dash!" My ears perked. Somepony called me. My parents' ethereal figures dissolved into the nothingness, their outlines burned into my vision. I reached out, and immediately pain shot up my arm like a rash. I screamed. The void that surrounded me began to fill with swirls of white specks. Reality set in. I was correct. I was in a snowstorm. I was dying. And I was not alone. That morning... I awoke today from yet another dreamless sleep. I used to be disappointed by that, but after several years of bringing shame to my clan, I've grown less and less concerned with maintaining family Seer traditions. "It is the Run today, sister." I rubbed my eyes as I looked across at my brother junior. Zephyr Breeze, named for his great-uncle, was a fidgety little fellow. He was very curious, but simultaneously unconcerned. He spoke this news with only a vague interest. Are you not worried that today I shall die? I didn't actually ask him that. I knew better than to. "It is the Winter Solstice," I nodded. "This dawn I shall run." I stood up from my bedroll to stretch. Stepping over Zephyr, I exited our room and walked down to the bath. I grabbed the bucket, dragged it outside, then proceeded to fill it with water from the pump. Once full, I hauled it back within. I spent several minutes scrubbing my coat. The thick bristles of the brush pricked at my skin underneath, raising my discomfort. I washed my face, the cold water draining any remnants of sleep. I then proceeded to brush my mane and tail, pulling out the loose strands. Lastly, I preened my feathers. My wings were tiny and pathetic. Not nearly strong enough to carry my weight, unlike most other Pegasi my age. Nevertheless, it was improper to show yourself in public in such a state, and so preen I did. My parents waited for me in the family room. They both smiled at me, though I could tell they were extremely worried. For my health, or our family name, I couldn't be sure. "Your garbs?" Mother asked me. I looked down to examine myself. I hadn't put anything on. I didn't see the point. Zephyr would grow into them eventually. I hesitated. "They are necessary?" "There will be royalty spectating the event," Mother gestured for me to turn back. "I'm sure you remember how Unicorns are about things like that." "Those high-nosers come to watch every year," Father said dismissively. "Her Majesty will be in attendance this year," Mother insisted. "It is the 1,000th Winter Solstice, you know." "Gear is provided, if I may." I added quietly. My mother pursed her lips, before conceding. "Very well. We must be off, now." I was ready. Enthusiastic, hardly. But ready. A knock upon our wooden front door came, surprising me slightly. As I was the closest, I moved to answer it. When I opened the door, our visitor lunged forward at lightning speed, gripping me tightly. "Today's the day, Fluttershy!" A raspy high-pitched voice whooped. I squeaked as I was lifted up and paraded around the room. I was being carried by a filly smaller than me, but unmistakably much stronger. Muscles showed underneath her sleek sky blue coat. The hands that held me were rough and calloused, while my own skin was laughably fragile. "Good morning, Rainbow Dash." I managed to whisper. Rainbow Dash, my best friend from foalhood, was already clad in the thick woolen Runner padding. This didn't surprise me; she always looked forward to this day. The prospect of earning so much glory at our age filled her heart with passion. It was for this reason that I decided against sharing my dread with her. Rainbow Dash was a warrior. I simply was not. I wanted to let her have her aspirations, stark and unclouded. As best I could, at the very least. She had to have known on the inside: I was unlikely to survive. I had accepted that. Rainbow Dash set me down eventually. I noticed then that her vibrantly colored mane barely reached over her ruby red eyes. "Rainbow, your mane." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Hoops and his pack of vermin slandered my mother. A round of fists went. I lost." She said this nonchalantly, but to most Pegasi, this was a huge disgrace. Pegasi always hack their manes when they lose a fight. Rainbow Dash almost always had a short mane when I saw her. But then, Rainbow Dash got into many fights. I hadn't cut my mane once, but that means little when I've not yet sparred. "Our wagon is headed to the lake. Will you ride with me?" Rainbow Dash asked. I looked to my parents for permission. My father nodded. "Go. Your brother still must bathe. We will see you there." "Okay," I hugged both my parents. Probably for the last time. "I lo- I will bring honor." I managed to correct myself in time. "Celestia be with you." My parents bade me farewell. I turned to follow Rainbow Dash. I stopped to hug Zephyr, who had just entered. Before I left my humble little home, I held him long enough to whisper the only helpful advice I could ever give him. "Be stronger than me." My breath appeared as a white puff as I exhaled. Small flakes of snow were already falling. Fluttershy sat next to me, and we both sat behind my mother. Our wagon rolled slowly along, pulled by a paid ass. "My father and brother are at the lake already. I grabbed you a pack already. To make sure nopony tampers." I held up the bag to show Fluttershy, then passed it to her. "My thanks." Fluttershy whispered. I cocked my head at her. She remained still, her eyes hidden behind her pink mane. "You'll want to dress, you know." "I'm not cold." Fluttershy responded. I elbowed her shoulder. "You will be. Dress." Fluttershy sighed, then dug into her pack. She withdrew the rolled up clothes, then began dressing. "Were there many already?" Fluttershy asked as she pulled her shirt on. "Many Unicorns, certainly," My mother acknowledged. "This year will certainly be a grand Run. We are fortunate to see it in our lifetimes." "Will Celestia raise the sun?" I asked in excitement. "Most probably." I simmered in anticipation. "The greater my triumph will be! Are you ready to bring honor to your family, Fluttershy?" Fluttershy looked at me with a look on her face that I didn't understand. "One way or another, I will bring honor." I felt the heat of my eagerness dull at the way she spoke. "We will make it to the top of the mountain, I mean." "And I am sure you will." I frowned at that. Fluttershy knew I wasn't always good with words and their meanings. I didn't like it when she talked like that. "Your parents trained you?" Fluttershy nodded. "My father trained me to the best of his abilities." I bit my lip in thought. Fluttershy's parents were conservative Pegasi. And as far as I knew, neither of them faced combat in their Runs. I had worried that Fluttershy might not be ready for the Run, so I asked to train with her. Her father wouldn't let her do any more than basic knife handling with me. "Good. Good," I scratched my head, then leaned in to whisper in Fluttershy's ear. "I need not say, but stay away from Hoops. Stay away from any gangs. Run straight for the mountain." "I know this." Fluttershy nodded, still wiggling into her pants. "Good," I nodded in satisfaction, patting her shoulder. "Good." In a short span of time, the beach surrounding the frozen lake was flooded with ponies from across Equestria. A great many Unicorns and some Earth Ponies here to gamble, but mostly parents of Runners. I couldn't find my family in the chaos. Almost as soon as we arrived, Rainbow Dash and I were given our numbers and ushered into our spots on the ice. Rainbow Dash was 11, I was 267. There was no chance I would see her during the Run. I shivered. Rainbow Dash was correct in her earlier statement. My pack already began to strain my back. To either side of me, in the distance I saw a speck that was another Runner. Dawn was rapidly approaching. Soon the census count of the Runners would be complete, and as soon as we were all evenly spaced, we would begin. "WELCOME, MARES AND STALLIONS FROM ALL CORNERS OF OUR GREAT NATION!" I flinched at the magically enhanced voice that boomed across the ice. This was it. "WE ARE GATHERED HERE ON THIS DAY, THE 1,000TH WINTER SOLSTICE, TO WITNESS THE GLORIOUS COMING OF AGE OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF PEGASI IN THE ANNUAL SOLSTICE RUN!" I rubbed my hands together. It was far too late to run away. "439 BRAVE COLTS AND FILLIES WILL RUN TODAY! AND IF THE OLD GODS BE WILLING, WE WILL WELCOME 439 STALLIONS AND MARES INTO OUR SOCIETY!" I gulped. Old Gods be willing. "RUNNERS, REMEMBER THE RULES: REACH THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN BY SUNFALL AT ANY COST! WHILE YOU MAY WORK WITH OR AGAINST ANY RUNNERS, IT IS A GRAVE DISHONOR TO SHED THE BLOOD OF ANOTHER RUNNER! AND ABOVE ALL, REMEMBER THIS: THERE SHALL ONLY BE ONE WINNER! THE FIRST PONY TO REACH THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN AND CLAIM THE AURORA STONE WILL BE THIS YEAR'S CHAMPION! NOW ARE YOU READY?" A chorus of chants rose from the long line of Runners circling the lake. I shuddered. The mountain directly ahead of me just seemed so... far... away. "THEN I GIVE YOU OUR SAVIOR, HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, CELESTIA!" A bright flash of light washed over everything. Just as it did, the sun peaked over the mountaintops. Dawn had arrived. "RUNNERS, BEGIN!" Horns blared behind me. The spectators all cheered. I stomached the urge to turn around and disappear into the crowd. Instead, I lowered my head. I whispered a silent prayer. And I ran.