Pokemon Ultra Cosmos

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 19: Supernova

"I'm not gonna keep telling you this, except when I keep telling you this!" "You better listen to what my homie says and drill it into that thick skull of yours!" "Seriously, you better not forget, numskull!" said Grunt A as he turned around and ran off with his partner.

Both Felix and Starlight had just finished beating the two Team Skull Grunts they keep running into. At this point Felix didn't know whether or not he should be annoyed with them or if he should be happy to see them every time. Sure they were annoying as hell but at least he didn't get tired of laughing and insulting them at every opportunity. Next to them Hapu turned and face the Drifloon.

"You'll be fine getting home?" asked Hapu. The Drifloon let out a happy squeak as it turned around and flew away. "Glad to see that one will get home on her own," said Hapu. "I've got to thank you both for what you did," said Hapu turning towards Felix and Starlight.

"It was nothing," said Starlight.

"Well I like to hear that, why don't you give me your names," asked Hapu.

"I'm Felix," he said. "And this is Starlight Glimmer," said Felix introducing Starlight.

"Felix and Starlight, eh?" "Those are some fine names, although I feel as if I've met you somewhere," said Hapu turning towards Starlight.

"Now that you mention it, you DO look like someone I've met before," said Starlight.

"Ah, it must be some sort of coincidence," said Hapu. "Anyhow, I like the way you two handle yourself in battle, Mudsdale and I are always wandering all about Alola to try and achieve our goals, so perhaps we'll meet again someday," said Hapu.

"Perhaps we will," said Felix. Mudsdale nudged Hapu as it let out a neigh. Hapu nodded as if she was agreeing to something.

"Ah yes, you might want to try you hand at a Battle Royal or two, Mudsdale here thinks you'd be well suited to it, given how strong you both are," suggested Hapu.

"Great we'll take you up on that Hapu," said Felix. Hapu nodded as she hopped on top of Mudsdale and rode off.

"Well should we go give it a try?" asked Starlight.

"Definitely," answered Felix as he ran into royal avenue.

Serena crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently as she stood behind the police barricade. The police department had closed off the Battle Royal Dome for an unknown reason and this was the one thing Serena had been excited for every since she arrived in Alola.

"Serena waiting here isn't going to change anything, come on we should just move on," Shauna said returning from the Pokemon Center with Tierno, Trevor, and Sawyer.

"Yeah i guess you're right," said Serena finally giving up.

"Hey no worries maybe they'll open first thing tomorrow morning," suggested Clemont.

"Maybe," said Serena.

"What's going on here?" a voice asked. The seven looked over to see Gladion walking up to them.

"The Battle Royal Dome is closed for some reason," answered Bonnie.

"Closed?" asked Gladion. "That's strange it's open 24/7"

"Um sorry who are you?" asked Tierno.

"I'm Gladion," he answered. "Me and my partner Null are training to get stronger,"

"I'm Bonnie and this is my brother Clemont," Bonnie spoke up.

"Bonnie," Clemont hissed.

"No worries I'm not planning on causing trouble," said Gladion.

"I'm Shauna, and these are my friends Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer, and Serena," said Shauna. Gladion put his hands to his hips and gave them a serious look.

"Hmph you don't look like you're around from here," said Gladion.

"Yeah because we're from Kalos," said Bonnie.

"Kalos?" asked Gladion. "I've think I've heard of that name from somewhere," "Well that doesn't matter right now, what DOES matter is-" But Gladion's statement was suddenly cut short when someone called out his name. Gladion turned around to see Felix and Starlight running up to them. "Felix?!" Gladion gasped.

"Gladion I didn't think we'd run into you," said Felix.

"How have you been?" asked Starlight with a smile.

"Good I guess," answered Gladion.

"That's cool I guess, say who's your new friends," asked Felix.

"They're not my friends," answered Gladion in a irritated tone.

"Alright, alright no need for the scary look," said Felix. During this time Felix and Starlight introduced themselves and exchanged greetings with the Kalos Gang.

Once they were finished Felix turned towards Gladion and asked,"Anyway, Gladion what's going on?"

"The battle royal dome is apparently closed," answered Gladion.

"What but why?" asked Starlight.

"We don't know why," answered Trevor.

"How about a little explanation from me," a voice spoke up. The group turned around to see N walking up to them.

"Hmph it's you again," Gladion scoffed.

"Gladion you know this guy?" asked Starlight.

"His name is N, he's the boss of The Ultra Recon Squad," Gladion answered.

"What!?" gasped Starlight.

"Who?" asked Sawyer.

"The Ultra Recon Squad is an organization that's working to protect Alola," answered Felix.

"Oh so then that means you're good right?" Bonnie asked N.

"Hmph, do you truly believe that anybody who works for the Ultra Recon Squad is good?" N snickered.

"What do you mean?" asked Gladion.

"I'll tell you, the reason why the Battle Royal Dome is closed is because Ultra Aether is using it as their secret hideout," answered N.

"What!?" gasped Felix.

"Ultra Aether?" asked Shauna.

"Ultra Aether is an organization that works to protect dangerous and deadly creatures called Ultra Beasts, however when it comes to Pokemon they don't care about what happens to them," answered Starlight.

"So they're the bad guys," said Bonnie.

"Indeed they are an evil organization with evil intentions," said N.

"Wait but how do you know that?" asked Clemont.

"You really want to know?" asked N. "Well then," N grabbed his helmet and pulled it off to reveal something that took Gladion and Starlight off guard.

"What you, but that's impossible, there's no way you could be," Gladion stuttered.

"But I am," chuckled N. N had a slightly tan colored skin with brown hair and a large scar over his left eye. He slowly put his helmet down and looked at the group. Smirking he opened his eyes and spread out his arms. "I am Supernova, The Boss of The Ultra Recon Squad and President of Ultra Aether!" he beamed. Just as he said several Ultra Aether Employees suddenly poured out of the Battle Royal Dome and surrounded the shocked group.

"What's going on?" asked Trevor.

"Don't you see, I can't let you interfere with my plans to catch Necrozma," said Supernova.

"But, Nova Team Cosmos is reformed so why?" asked Starlight.

"Hmph you gullible fool, the Nova you used to know is gone, now he's evolved into a much more powerful trainer, Supernova!" Supernova beamed.

"Supernova, what are you planning?" growled Gladion.

"Don't you get it, it's all in an effort to get my hands on Necrozma," Supernova laughed.

"What do you mean?" asked Felix.

"Equestria is currently covered in darkness, they have a Solar Eclipse, and the Ultra Recon Squad is the only beings that has the power to travel between worlds," laughed Supernova.

"No, you didn't," whimpered Starlight. She clenched her teeth and roared. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HOME!?"

"Hmph you don't get it do you," snickered Supernova. With the Ultra Recon Squad's help, I can use their technology to capture Necrozma, and when I do I'll use him to summon the Ultra Beasts, I'll create my Ultra Beast Army and soon not just Alola but Equestria will also fall victim to darkness," said Supernova. "If you and your friends hadn't been there, Nebula wouldn't have disbanded Team Cosmos," said Supernova as the Ultra Aether Employees began to close in on the group.

"You're trying to get your hands on Necrozma and the Ultra Beasts just to take revenge on Starlight and her friends!?" Felix asked.

"Hmph a fool like you wouldn't understand, Team Cosmos was one of the most feared organizations until your parents and those ponies came along, we would've had the Cosmic Beasts destroy everything and soon nobody would've been able to oppose our great power," said Supernova. "We would've ruled Alola as supreme leaders,""But now that's the past, and this is the present, the rise of the Ultra Beasts, and my wrath," laughed Supernova. The Ultra Aether Employees continued to close in on the group leaving them in a tight spot.

"You won't get away with this Supernova," growled Starlight.

"Ha too late for that, my master plan is already 50% complete, I cannot allow you to interfere at the most critical moment, so I'm going to have to ask you all to conveniently disappear," said Supernova.

"Gladion what do we do?" asked Serena. Gladion clenched his teeth, he knew there was now way they could fight off all these Ultra Aether Employees. They had been deceived and outnumbered. Even if they DID manage to beat all the Employees Supernova would surely show them no mercy, they wouldn't stand a chance. Gladion didn't have plan out of this, Supernova's betrayal was completely out of nowhere and unexpected. Before Gladion could come up with something, an Employee grabbed Serena by the arm and pulled her in.

"Serena!" Tierno called out. before he could reach out and help her, two employees grabbed him by the arm and restrained him. Several more Employees did the same with Shauna, Trevor, Sawyer, Clemont, and Bonnie.

"Guys help us!" Shauna called out to Felix. Suddenly two more employees pounced on Felix and pinned him to the ground.

"Get off me!" Felix yelled.

"Felix!" Starlight gasped. Suddenly without warning an employee came up behind and slapped her at the back of her neck, knocking her unconscious.

"Starlight!" Felix yelled. Two more employees reached out and grabbed Gladion and held him tight.

"Let me go!" Gladion yelled. The Employees all turned towards Supernova for orders.

"Search them, confiscate all Pokeballs, and remove every possession they own," Supernova ordered. Several Employees who had their hands free began walking around and taking the group's Pokeball, and other valuable belongings they had on them. Once they knew for sure they collected every last piece of valuable from the group, the employees dumped the Pokeballs and items on the ground in front of Supernova. "Take them in and lock them up, we'll deal with them later," ordered Supernova. The other Employees forcefully picked up the group and escorted them into the Battle Royal Dome leaving Supernova standing outside with two employees.

"Krater," he said looking to the employee on his left. The Employee looked up at him. "Take the Pokeballs and lock them up in the safe so that nobody can get to them.

"Right away sir," said Krater picking up the Pokeballs and carrying them inside.

"And you Vincent," he said looking over to the employee to his right. The Employee flinched and looked up.

"Sir?" Vincent asked stuttering.

"Clean up this mess, by the time I come back out,I want everything gone you hear?" ordered Supernova.

"Yes sir," stuttered Vincent.

"Helmet," he said. Vincent quickly picked up his helmet and handed it to Supernova. Supernova looked at him with deadly look causing Vincent to shrink. Supernova put his helmet back on and walked back in the Battle Royal Dome leaving Vincent outside. Vincent looked down at the pile of items and rubbed his arm.

"I don't like this," whimpered Vincent. He bent down and nervously began picking up the items. "May the Guardians watch over them," whimpered Vincent.