//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: A Mirrored Reunion // by currentlemon //------------------------------//     Pear Butter screamed as brightly colored lights enveloped around her. She closed her eyes, trying her best not to strain them. Although her second experience wasn’t so bad, the bright lights were still a nuisance. She thought back to the crystal mirror she had leapt through. She knew it was taking her somewhere, but where? Was she heading home? Or was she going somewhere else?     Pear slowly peeked in front of her, and saw an even brighter light up ahead. She yelped as it soon engulfed her entire pony body. In one quick flash, Pear soon found herself wobbling on her legs. Unable to balance herself, Pear hit the ground hard..     “Ow!” Pear cried, flinching as she landed on hard concrete. She quickly sat up straight and started to rub her legs. “That really hurt! I’m pretty sure I’m going to feel that for the next couple of hours!” She sighed. “If I only had my hands back. These hooves are getting in the…. huh?” Pear stopped rubbing her legs. She looked up and took a good look at her arms. Wait a second, I have my hands back! Using her hands, Pear examined every portion of her body. I’m not a pony anymore. I’m a human again! Does that mean I’ve made it back? Pear looked around, trying to get a good look at where she is. She sighed in relief as she saw Canterlot high from a distance. Oh, thank goodness, I’m finally back home! She stood up and sighed in relief. Oh, thank goodness. I was getting a bit worried that I may never— Her eyes widened. Oh, no! I’m going to be late for the meeting! Taking her purse, Pear made a mad dash for the school. She pushed the doors open and sprinted forward, maneuvering past several students and faculty. Some yelled back at her for getting in the way, but she paid no attention to their cries. She soon reached the front office, panting heavily. Pulling her phone out of her purse, Pear looked at the time. I’m late! The meeting was supposed to start five minutes ago! Pear shook her head. Just how long was I in that other world?! Taking one last deep breath, Pear grabbed the door knob and opened the door. “Ah, it looks like our last guest has finally come.” Pear Butter looked up and saw Principal Celestia sitting behind her desk. To the right of her was Apple Bloom, who was sitting by herself. To the left was her old rival, Spoiled Rich, along with her daughter. “Good morning, Mrs. Apple,” greeted Principal Celestia. “Good morning, Principal Celestia,” replied Pear Butter. “Sorry I’m late. I got caught up in something.” “Oh, that’s alright. Your daughter explained everything to me,” said Celestia. “Though I was getting a bit worried you may not show up. I understand you might have gotten a little nostalgic when you came here.” Pear scratched her head. “Y-yeah, I suppose I did.” Celestia smiled. “Oh, that’s alright. At least you’re here. Why don’t you go ahead and take a seat right next to your daughter?” Pear nodded, walking forward to the empty chair. “Well, if it isn’t the country bumpkin.” Pear turned toward Spoiled Rich, who was smirking. “I was wondering when you would show up. For a second there, I thought you were going to abandon your daughter.” “For your information, Spoiled, I had no intention of leaving my daughter behind,” replied Pear, scowling as she tried to ignore her longtime rival. “She’s my kin, and I would never abandon my family.” “Like you did with the yours,” rebuked Spoiled. Pear Butter froze. “I don’t think the Pears appreciated it when you left them for another dimwitted country bumpkin,” continued Spoiled, smirking. “I believe your father disowned you soon after your wedding. Heard he just left you behind like a rotten piece of fruit.” Pear flinched. She turned around and looked at Spoiled with a forced smile. “I’m sorry, Spoiled; I didn’t hear you. Something must be clogging my ears.” Pear lifted both her hands up and began to rub both ears with the tip of her pinkies. “Could you repeat what you just said?” Pear walked over to the rich woman, still showing a false smile. Spoiled stood up in return, smirking back.. The two women glared at each other, ignoring the Principal and their now nervous daughters. “Alright ladies, settle down,” said Celestia as she faked a cough. “May I remind you both that you’re here because of your daughters. Neither of you want to start another fight, would you?” Pear and Spoiled continued to glare at each other for sometime, before finally breaking off to their perspective seats. Pear sighed. Good to know that Spoiled is still her usual, crabby self. “Well then, I believe we can finally get this meeting underway,” said Celestia as she too forced smile. “Now, let’s discuss the fight that escalated between your daughters yesterday. I want to talk about potential damage costs as well as disciplinary actions against your daughters.” “My daughter is innocent!” said Spoiled Rich. “That country bumpkin started this whole mess. I can’t tell you how worried I was when she came home with bruises on her face!” She stood up on her seat, pointing fiercely at Apple Bloom. “Principal Celestia, suspend this country bumpkin right now!” Pear Butter scowled. She bit her lip, trying to best to control herself. She expected Spoiled would speak up first, but she didn’t expect her to insult her daughter like that. “I haven’t finished speaking Mrs. Rich,” scolded Celestia. “Please, sit down.” Spoiled humped and obliged to Celestia’s request. She briefly looked at Pear, giving the farm woman a smug smirk. Pear glared back. Don’t you dare mock my family like that, Spoiled! I swear, if it wasn’t for Principal Celestia or my daughter being here, I would’ve gladly smacked you right across the face! Celestia coughed. “Okay, so I heard from Apple Bloom yesterday that Diamond has been constantly bullying as of late. And I—” “Lies!” cried Spoiled Rich who stood again to object. “Why are you even listening to that bumpkin, Principal Celestia! She’s the one who started this entire mess, not my daughter!” “Mrs. Rich, would you please sit back down!” scolded Celestia. “If you interrupt me one last time, your daughter is going to face even more disciplinary actions!” Spoiled Rich growled at the Celestia, but nonetheless sat back down on her chair. “Now, Apple Bloom, I need you to speak to me,” said Celestia, turning to the young girl. “Can you explain to me what exactly is going on between you and Diamond Tiara?” Spoiled got up from her seat again and was about to speak up, but glares from Principal Celestia and Pear Butter caused her to reconsider her actions. Apple Bloom scratched her head. “Well, it all started when few weeks ago when a couple of boys wanted to hang out with me n’ mah friends. It was so sudden, none of us really expected it. First it was Tender Taps, then Button Mash, and finally Rumble.” Apple Bloom scrunched down on her seat, twiddling with her fingers. “We still don’t know why they wanted to hang with us, but we let them do it anyway. It was right around the week after that when me n’ the girls started getting these weird notes on our lockers.” “Notes?” asked Pear Butter and Principal Celestia simultaneously. “Yeah, they had these weird words written down on them. Words Ah didn’t understand.” Apple Bloom unzipped her bag and took out several pieces of paper from inside. “Ah still have copies of em’ right here. Some of em’ are from mah friends while the rest were on mah locker.” “Honey, can I see those please?” Pear Butter asked, stretching her hand out toward her daughter. Apple Bloom leaned back, hesitating to give the papers up. “Apple Bloom, please give the papers to your mother,” said Celestia. Apple Bloom sighed and gave the papers away. “Thank you dear. Now just what are these letters saying—good heavens!” Pear jumped on her seat, nearly falling off. “What’s wrong, Mrs. Apple?” Celestia asked. “S-such horrible words!” cried Pear Butter. “What kind of child would write something like this, let alone know them?!” She turned to Apple Bloom. Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner, dear? “Let me see those!” said Spoiled, snatching the papers from Pear’s hands. She skimmed through the notes, only to grimace at what she read. “Good gracious! Such vulgar language! What kind of person would write something like this?!” Diamond Tiara bit her lip. “May I see those please?” asked Celestia. Spoiled gave the papers to Principal Celestia, who put her glasses on. As she read through them, her face began to distort. “Well, this is…. unsettling. To think that this is happening to my school...” Celestia placed the papers down and looked at Diamond. “Miss Tiara, you wouldn’t happen to know who wrote these would you?” “You dare accuse my daughter of doing something vulgar?” shouted Spoiled. “I’m not accusing anyone, Mrs. Rich,” assured Celestia. “Now, Diamond, throughout your time here at school you and Apple Bloom never got along. Although you’ve competed against one another, you two have never taken things too far.” Celestia folded her arms. “Now I spoke to your science teacher yesterday, and he told me that you spilled chemicals on Apple Bloom’s shirt. And because of that, Apple Bloom retaliated and started hitting you.” Pear watched as Spoiled glanced over at her daughter. Judging by her expression, she seemed rather surprised by this news. And, even though it was faint, Pear could’ve sworn she heard Spoiled say something to Diamond. “W-well, that entire chemical thing was just an accident,” said Diamond, stammering on her words. “I-I mean, I didn’t mean to spill it on her. She could’ve moved out of the way.” “That’s not what your classmates saw,” said Celestia. “I’ve spoken to most of the students in that classroom. A few of them say that you did do it on purpose.” “What?!” Diamond stood up from her seat. “That’s not true! I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear!” Celestia shook her head. “Diamond, your classmates saw the entire thing. They said that when Apple Bloom wasn’t looking, you spilled the chemicals on her back! Although Apple Bloom retaliated, that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.” Pear watched as Spoiled continued to glare at Diamond. The young girl slumped in her seat as both her mother and Principal Celestia stared at her. Seems Diamond didn’t tell her mother everything. Looks like she twisted the story and made it seem like she was the victim. “I also have reasons to believe that you do know something about these vulgar notes,” affirmed Celestia. “You must be mistaken, Principal Celestia!” Spoiled shouted. “My daughter would never write such words, let alone to another student.” “Unfortunately, that is not the case, Mrs. Rich,” replied Celestia. “Although Diamond may not be the perpetrator, I do have evidence to believe that she is the instigator or a compliance.” Spoiled flinched. “What?!” “One of her friends, I believe a girl by the name of Silver Spoon, confessed to me yesterday that she, along with you and some other girls, were harassing Apple Bloom and her friends,” explained Celestia. “She mentioned that, for the past month, they’ve been leaving cryptic messages on the girl’s lockers. Based on what Apple Bloom gave us, it looks like she was telling the truth.” Pear watched as Spoiled Rich began to twitch. “Now Diamond, although evidence points directly toward you, I want to give you an opportunity to say something,” said Celestia. “Now, what do you have to say—” “Okay, I admit it! I spilled the chemicals on purpose!” Diamond shouted. “And I admit I came up with the whole cryptic message thing! I may not have written them all, but I convinced Silver and some other girls to do it for me!” There was silence in the room. Spoiled had her jaw dropped while both Pear Butter and Apple Bloom just glared at Diamond. Principal Celestia signed, looking at Diamond in disappointment. “It’s all her fault! Her and that stupid body!” cried Diamond. “It’s the reason why all the boys want to hang out with her and her friends. Why does she get to have a bigger bust while I’m still flat!” Celestia shook her head. “Well, that solves the motive issue. I’m very disappointed in you, Diamond. For someone that comes from a prestigious family, this type of behavior is unacceptable.” She turned to Spoiled. “Mrs. Rich, I’d like you to stay in my office a little while longer. We must talk about your daughter’s recent behavior and further punishment.” Spoiled bit her lip. “Yes, ma’am.” Celestia then turned to Pear Butter. “Mrs. Apple, would you and your daughter kindly step outside my office for a minute? I must speak with Mrs. Rich and her daughter alone. Once I’m done, I’ll discuss your daughter’s punishment.” “I understand.” Pear turned to her daughter. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s get going.” Apple Bloom nodded and followed her mother out the room. Pear paused at the door as her daughter went around her. There was a prickling feeling on the nape of her neck. A chance look back revealed the cause: Spoiled was scowling at her. She almost smirked back, before composing herself once again. “One more thing, Mrs. Apple,” said Celestia. “I’m not sure you’re aware, but your eldest daughter, Applejack, caused some damage to school property. After we discuss your daughter’s punishments, I need to speak to you about additional payments.” Pear sighed. “I understand. Thank you for the meeting Principal Celestia.” Taking her daughter’s hand, Pear left the office and closed the door shut.