//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: A Fashion Friend // Story: Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// In the hallway of Twilight's castle, Tiger Lily walking to the dining room to help Twilight and Starlight with the preparation for having dinner with Princess Celestia tomorrow night. Tiger Lily is pretty excited about seeing Princess Celestia, and also excited to have dinner with Starlight and Twilight. Tiger Lily has reached the door where the dining room is, and can't wait to get inside, but before she can come in, she hears screaming from the other side. "Um, what's going on?" Tiger Lily asks herself. Tiger Lily then opens the door to see if she can come in. She hears Twilight's voice saying, "Come in." Tiger Lily uses her magic to open the door and walk in. She can see Starlight and Twilight next to a nicely organized table. Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Hi Twilight. Hi Starlight," "Hi Tiger Lily," Twilight and Starlight says in reply. "So whatcha doing?" Tiger Lily asks with a smile. "Setting up the table, but apparently I'm not supposed to use magic for it," Starlight answers with a grin on her face. "Why?" Tiger Lily asks. "Well, if you hadn't used magic, you'd have heard me say, uh…" Twilight explains, to Starlight. Twilight then points to each item on the table as she explains, "This plate represents your head, this spoon is your heart, and the knives... are sharp! Always be careful with knives." Twilight levitates a knife seeing that Starlight and Tiger Lily are a bit confused. "The metaphors make more sense when you're actually setting the table," Twilight bluntly replies. Then Starlight suggests, "Maybe we can reorganized it with our hooves this time." Twilight sighs and says with a smile, "I just want to make sure you both are ready for this dinner. Princess Celestia will be joining us tomorrow night to see how the friendship lessons are going!" Starlight and Tiger Lily agree with Twilight about the dinner tonight, but as they look around, they can see that there are six tables instead of four. Starlight walks around as she questionably says, "Well, if it's just you me, Tiger Lily, and Princess Celestia, then what are the two extra chairs for?" "Yeah, are we having anypony else joining us?" Tiger Lily asks. Then Twilight happily says, "Well, the whole point is for you tow to bring a new friend. That way, the princess will see for herself just how far you've come, and how good a teacher you have." Starlight thinks about it, and says, "Well, we can't choose." "Yeah, we like all your friends," Tiger Lily adds. "That's the best part! You each have to make a new friend!" Twilight explains with a smile. "New friends?" Starlight replies, looking confused. "That sounds interesting," Tiger Lily adds with a smile. Starlight and Tiger Lily do think that making new friends is a new pace. However, they don't know many ponies around Ponyville, well the ones they meet. Starlight has a thought, and says, "Hey, maybe I'll just force friendships by magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville!" "Starlight!" Twilight scolds in shock. "Kidding!" Starlight remarks with a smile. Tiger Lily narrows her eyes and bluntly says, "That doesn't sound very funny." "I know," Starlight says with a smirk on her face. Sometime later, Starlight and Tiger Lily go their separate ways so they can find new friends to make and see if they want to come to the party. Tiger Lily look around to see if they're anypony that has interest her, but not much luck. However, she does make some new animal friends, and love to be around them. Tiger Lily giggles a bit, and says, "You all are very good friends, but I don't think that what Twilight means by it." After playing with her animal friends, Tiger Lily decide to try and find a new friend. Of course, it's been hard to figure out who she can become friends with. As Tiger Lily walks around town, she notice something or somepony she hasn't seen before. She sees a pink pony with light purple curly hair wearing a sky blue and black line scarf. Her cutie mark are three buttons. She's also wearing a red star shaped gem pendant with a gold chain attached on it. From the looks of it, she carrying a cart full of fabric, and other supplies. Tiger Lily decide to see if she can help her out. Tiger Lily reaches the pony with a smile, and says, "Hi." The pony looks at Tiger Lily with a confused look, and says, "Hello?" "It's nice to meet you, my name is Tiger Lily. What's your name?" Tiger Lily introduces herself. "I'm Suri, Suri Polomare," Suri introduces herself. "Nice to meet you Suri, what brings you here to Ponyville?" Tiger Lily asks with a smile. "Well, I'm here so that I can get a little relaxation, but first I need to get started on my outfit so it can be mailed in tomorrow," Suri answers with glee. "By tomorrow?" Tiger Lily questionably replies. "Of course, I'm going to participate in a fashion contest and this year's theme is to make your dream ball gown," Suri explains. "Wow a ball gown, that sounds lovely," Tiger Lily with a smile. Then Tiger Lily asks, "Is the pendant is part of your dream dress too." Suir looks down as she place her hoof on the pendant as she says, "No this isn't for my dress, it's a very special pendant that I got recently, and it's not for the dress I have in mind." "Okay," Tiger Lily answers with a smile. Then she asks, "Can I come with you?" "Sure," Suri answers with glee. With that, Tiger Lily follow Suri to the hotel she is staying. In fact, it's not far from Sugar Cube Corner. When Suri and Tiger Lily reach the hotel room. Tiger Lily help Suri take the stuff in the room, and make sure everything is organized, and nicely placed on the desk, floor, and boxes and draws in the room. Suri smiles at Tiger Lily, and says, "Thanks for helping me get all of my things here." "You're welcome," Tiger Lily says with glee. Then Suri says, "So Tiger Lily, do you live here?" "Yeah. I live here. I lived in a house near a flower field just outside of Ponyville. I also have great friends like Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and a lot of more friends I can think of." Tiger Lily answers. Suir looking a bit surprised by it, and says, "Sounds like you got a lot of friends." "Yeah. Twilight and the others helped me overcome my major shyness," Tiger Lily answers. "How major is your shyness?" Suri asks. Tiger Lily scratches her head with an embarrassed look as she says, "Enough shyness to be a way from everypony in Equestria except for my parents and animal friends." Suri blinks her eyes with a shocked look, and says, "Okay, that does sound bad." "It was, when my parents died, I had nowhere else to go except travel across Equestria until I reach Ponyville, Twilight and her friends help me open up, and now I end up with lots of friends, "Tiger Lily explains. "Wow, I never realized you had that kind of life," Suri says, still holding a shocked look on her face. "It's okay. It was hard to move on at first, but as long as I have my friends, I'm sure I'll be able to do many things and cheer me up for some of the painful scars I have," Tiger Lily says with a reassuring smile. "Right," Suri replies. Then Suri says, "Well, I think I should get started on finishing my design for the dress, maybe you can show me your dream gown." "Okay," Tiger Lily answers. For the rest of the afternoon, Tiger Lily and Suri are drawing their dream gowns. Of course, Tiger Lily is only doing it for fun, and not to compete. When they finish with the design and the color adding, the two ponies show their pictures to each other. Suri's dress is a black dress with matching black shoes, with two pearl necklace around the plastic pony's neck, and a small white tiara on the head. Tiger Lily's dress is a green dress with dark green trims on the sleeves. On the head has a white dove with white rose next to it. Both of the dresses are simple and yet very beautiful. They both actually have a wonderful time together, and are happy to be with each other. Suri smiles as she says, "That sure was a great time." "I'm glad too, and I like your dress," Tiger Lily says. "I know, and I love your dress too," Suri complements. "Thank," Tiger Lily says. Then Tiger Lily says, "By the way, there's something I like to ask you." "What's that?" Suri asks. Then Tiger Lily explains, "Well, Princess Twilight told me that I need to bring a new friend to a dinner party tomorrow, and since you and I have become friends, maybe after you finish with your dress and mailing it, maybe you can come to the dinner party at my guest with Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia, along with my cousin and her new friend." Suri smiles with glee, and says, "I would love too, Tiger Lily." Tiger Lily smiles to hear that Suri agrees to come with her to dinner tomorrow at the castle. Tiger Lily says that she will come visit her tomorrow to see how her dress is. After saying their goodbye, Tiger Lily start to head back to her house, but look to see Twilight walking towards her. From the expression on her face, Twilight looks a bit concern. Twilight says, "Hi Twilight?" "Hi Tiger Lily, how is your friendship search going?" Twilight asks with a smile, but Tiger Lily tell something is wrong, but not going to push it. "I'm doing fine actually, I made a pony named Suri, and she and I had a wonderful time making drawing of a ball gown of our dreams, she;s going to use her's in a fashion contest," tiger Lily happily says. This makes Twilight look worried, and says, "Um, did you say Suir, as in Suri Polomare." "Yes, do you know her?" Tiger Lily asks. Twilight nervously explains, "You can say that, but are you sure you want to be friends with her?" "Why not?" Tiger Lily asks. "Let's just say that the last time we saw her she kind of did some bad thing only because she wanted to win so bad," Twilight explains. "Oh!" Tiger Lily replies. Then she says, "But I'm sure she worked all of this out, and I shouldn't let what she did before get in the way of my friendship now. Maybe she'll change after that." "If you say so," Twilight replies. Tiger Lily walks pass her as she says, "I'll see you at the dinner party." "Okay," Twilight says waving goodbye. With that Tiger Lily leave home so she can get some rest. However, Twilight says in her thoughts with concern, "Oh great, first Starlight with Trixie, and now, Tiger Lily with Suri Polomare. Why did they both have to come across ponies who have troubled past." The next day, is the day of tonight's dinner party. While Starlight is hanging out with Trixie, Tiger Lily decide to visit Suri to see how she's doing with her special dream dress. Luckily she remembers where the hotel and which room she's staying. When she reach the door of Suri's room, Tiger Lily knocks on the door, but Suir doesn't answer. Tiger Lily calls out, "Suri, are you there?" But Siri doesn't answer the door at all. Just then, Tiger Lily hears a click, and the door slightly opens. Tiger Lily is starting to get a bad feeling about what is going on. She opens the door all the way, and look to see inside the room. When she looks inside the room, she ends up looking shocked. She then screams in shock, "What in Equestria is going on?!" Tiger Lily can see that Suri's hotel room is a complete mess, and everything are floating in the air. Scissors are cutting fabric, and then a needle and thread are sewing gems on them. The sewing machine is sewing all by itself. The measuring tape is and pin cushion are measuring and placing the needle on to the fabric. Her biggest shock is to see Suri is floating in the air with a green dress on it while another set of pins and a measuring tape keeping her in place while they fix up the dress. Suri screams in fear, "Help me!" Tiger Lily may not know what's going on, but seeing her friend scared and being hold like that, she can tell there's trouble. Now, Tiger Lily needs to help get Suir out of this crazy mess, before there's any more trouble.