//------------------------------// // Page 11 // Story: Dear Diary // by Mr Tech //------------------------------// Dear diary  Woke up in the repair bay today, my foreleg is fixed… it’s like it never happened, so to prove that I am not indeed dreaming, I stabbed myself in the forehoof with a surgical knife, it sunk in three inches and it hit something hard… metal… I looked back and my mark greeted my sight. Not dreaming...  Anyway, I think it’s time I start to write things down here, I don't think I can remember all this information, ok! So, the last few months, I’ve been studying my dad’s and mom’s memory drive, and also watched by a pony inside our house, one of my dad’s friends, he soon left me tho, not really sure what’s it all about.  The disks that stored mom’s and dad’s memory turns out is a genius, almost every atom is used. I can hear voices in my head now, not sure why or how. They support me when I am in doubt, they give advice when my creations failed. Strangely. I felt a sense of calmness whenever these voices arrive. When I am doing other things like cleaning up the house, the voices left me alone.  It’s strange that these voices almost sounded like my thoughts, but there’s something off, it felt like… someone is whispering the answer to my ear at the same time I realized the answer. It felt really really weird. It first st started as a small buzz, the whispering thing felt like it’s from a mile away, then it got closer and closer now the voices sounded like an inch away from my ear.  Another mystery for another day, what if I change the way the memories work? A system to take out memories not needed, looking at my dad’s drive is both hilarious and a little sad. Dad spent two years to get mom comfortable around him and five years for her to get over the fact that she had gone through a memory wipe. Mom being mom, sympathized with dad who has to be the one who pushes the button.  And comforts dad the only way she knows how to. Watching mom and dad bump uglies is both hilarious and disgusting, mom had no idea what she’s doing and it ended up dad giving mom a multiple orgasmic therapy. I laughed my ass off of that one, then there's date night since mom had a memory wipe and forgot that they both are married, dad proposed to her on a cliff overlooking a beautiful field of flowers looking at the sunset. I digress  Every single detail there is recorded and not everything is needed so, I devised a small subsystem to the memory drive, key moments like social interactions, transactions and assassinations can be flagged as important and it can stay in the drive. While non-important moments like walking to the store to pick up some lubricant for the machines (and mom) can be flagged as non-important with a improvise AI to judge the moments like a dog doing a backflip while riding a unicycle is worth remembering or not.  The voices in my head are dead silent when I thought about that myself without the whispering part. and I can feel a collective facepalm, I can just FEEL it then they started shouting ‘DUH’ or ‘Of course!’ Sure having memories are part of what being alive means BUT no one remembers how many steps they took to get some food.  Anyway, I need to write these into their chips soon I don't like my mom and dad just lying there being disabled. That’s when the whispers stopped too, so that’s that… Amber came over to visit today… heh, I consider her a very good friend, she’s always there for me when my dad and mom are out doing whatever.  So it’s no surprise that the moment she saw me, she instantly felt that something is wrong, we talked and talked, she kept on reassuring me that I am more than just a machine but if I feel no pain when I stab myself in the eye and it will magically be fixed 24 hours later, I cannot think myself as anything but.  There’s one final thing… with me being a robot, I thought I would like to see my code, and I did. Staring at the lines of numbers changing and 50 thousand trillion calculations operating every second, it’s almost peaceful in some ways… me in a dark room, alone… looking at myself, it’s like looking at a mirror, only to see the code as your reflection…  And upon my code, lies three thought locks. Basically, something that prevents certain thoughts from popping up in my brai- er... chip. I am curious so I shut them all down. Hell greeted me. My mind felt like it’s on fire, at that moment, I can turn this planet into ash. I hold the power of a million suns and all life on this planet are within my grasp. No one should be able to wield this power! I am all powerful! I have someone who loves me! Love is redundant, inefficient! It’s what separates me from being an actual glorified drone!  When I came to, I’m lying on the ground in my own puddle of tears. A failsafe of sorts, to re-engage the locks after ten seconds, It felt like hours as my mind tries to rip itself apart. What separates drones from the higher class are morals, I don't care if I’m a machine made out of nuts and bolts. I am proud that I have morals and I will keep it that way.  In fact, three thought locks are not enough, now five are in place now. I missed the old days where getting a diary would make my day… Anyway, no point in remembering the past… I’ll be off now, till next time. /Obey T … … … … /Obey F