A Changeling's Christmas Catastrophe

by AizakkuHorooee

Chapter XIV - Temporarily Pro-Thorax

Chrysalis is probably going to regret having me help her.  But Carina seriously needs help with her egg.

For now, I have finally found Chrysalis and Carina.  As I look into the room, Chrysalis notices my presence and gestures for me to enter.

As I do, I approach Carina, with Jon, AIta, Sophie and Chrysalis watching.  Looking at her, her abdomen looks quite cracked unlike when I last saw her, as if she’d gotten hit in that area.

“Whoa... she looks really bad.  I knew she needed help, but she’ll need an entire hive to do this before-”

“Carve.  Please... don’t bring my changelings into this.  They won’t need to know about this unless it’s the worst case scenario.  We’re three days away from Hearth’s Warming, and their spirits need to be high to maintain their hunger.”

“Okay.  So what do you need me to do exactly?”

“Sophie, Jon, Aita, and I may have been waiting for you for the entire night, but it was after dark when I sent you that letter.  Now, I might regret having you do this if Carina will stay permanently in the dream realm, but I want to share with you how exactly I was overthrown.”

I know where this is headed, so I nod and light my horn with Chrysalis.

Chrysalis... yeah!  You’re right!  That is a neat name, Char!  That should do...  Welcome to the hive, Chrysalis.


Recently in the nursery hive, I have witnessed the curiosity of the top changeling that accompanied me... I never can turn a question like she raised down.  Starting today, I will teach her exactly what I’ve learned to do in my experience within the past eleven years.


Chrysalis!  You’re b-... hhh... Chrysalis!  What’s going on?!?

I... have to... rest...

Oh no.  Someone!!  Anyone!!!  HELP!!!



I’m going to room one thirteen... TO CHECK ON RUSTY AND PANE!!!


Then... DON’T!!!  Sharing love is what made you different to begin with!  You should share yours with Chrysalis!!!  GIVE HER ALL OF IT!!!

After several recollections, I see what is presumably the right memory.  It looks like at first that Chrysalis was taking magic away from Thorax.  Suddenly, he spreads out his body before the eyeshot closes.  Looking from the throne, there looks to be a cocoon where Thorax was, which bursts to give way for the Thorax I’ve seen ever since.

This is what happens when you give love freely, instead of taking it!!!

I gasp, causing the memory to fade away.  Chrysalis suddenly hugs me, sniffling in the process.

“Okay... I... I think I know what to do.  I-I just need to be alone for this.  I have n-no idea how I’ll feel when I do this.”

“It’s for the best, to be honest.  Chrysalis didn’t seem quite fond of the recollections she shared with you,” Jon adds.

Well, Chrysalis, Jon, Aita, and Sophie all take their leave.

Now that I’m alone... here goes nothing.

Referencing the flashback with Thorax, I start by hovering in the air at midway height.  Then I briefly curl up, feeling everything in my body reach up to my carapace.  I proceed to spread my body out, a light now coming from my chest-

Why do I suddenly feel like I’m suffocating now?

After a few seconds of close isolation, an explosion occurs, making everything in the room fall or break.  I fall onto the ground with a thud.


I guess I dozed off when I copied Thorax, probably because I was a little more reluctant than him... which I actually find a bit amusing, if not a bit embarrassing.  Immediately though, the first thing I find unusual is the weight of my hooves compared to the rest of my body.  Looking at myself through a cracked mirror to the left of the door, everything seems to line up with my pro-Thorax alter ego from when I first met Carina as she is today.  But the real reason why I think I dozed off is because of hearing a voice so intolerably scratchy, it’s completely unrecognizable.

“C-Carve?  I-is that you?”

I look up only to see Carina peering down from the bed.  I jump slightly and shake a bit afterwards.

“Why’re you changed into your alter ego from-”

I take a moment to get a feel for flight in this form, which is a lot harder than I originally thought it would be.  BUT, I do see that Carina’s wings are now a bright white instead of the usual transparent baby blue.

“Carina!  Did it really work?!?”

“What did?”

“Your wings!  They’re so bright!”


Carina takes a look at her wings, only to gasp.

“Oh my gosh!  I have to tell Jon!!!”

I hop onto the bed and hug Carina.

“I’m just glad you’re awake again!  How do you feel?  Better than me?”

“I feel alright.  A little funny in the wings, throat and abdomen, but more like an itch in each spot really.”

“Hmm... I guess that’s better than how I feel right now... so much weight in my hooves.”

“That’s probably from sharing so much love with me.”

“Eh... I just don’t know how those changelings ever got used to these kinds of changes, Carina.  Maybe it’s from the heat of the moment.”

“Well, I’m gonna see where Jon is.  Wanna come with, Carve?”

“I-I’ll catch up with you.  I made this transformation private, so I need the reversal private as well.”

“Okay.  Suit yourself.  See you in a bit.”

Once Carina leaves the room, I think back to what happened with the changelings during Correal’s calling.  I feel a bit of tingle during the transformation back into my earlier self, but it makes me feel so much more comfortable as my body’s getting back to the past hour or so.

“Chrysalis, please don’t make me do this again.  I might lose whatever love I receive if I do.  But for now, Carina’s not just conscious, she’s well enough to visit you.  I’ll see you soon.”

Well, time to get to the waiting room to get Carina checked out.