Sunset's Hearth's Warming

by ThomasZoey3000

Sunbeam and Sunflower

Chapter 4: Sunbeam and Sunflower

Not a single word came from anypony's mouth, which made Sunbeam Shimmer very angry, "one of you speak up! I want answers for crying out loud, and staying quiet is not giving me answers!"

"Now honey calm down," said Night Glide, her husband. "I'm sure one of them will..."

"Did I ask for you to speak? No I did not, now shut up!"

Sunset groaned and rolled her eyes, this was excatly how she remembered her grandmare from her younger days. Only she remembered arguing back with her quite a few times, which was something she didn't intend on doing now.
Finally Moon Crest stepped forward to speak, "Well mother, we have guests for the holidays. Sunflower and her family have come all the way from Manehatten to spend Hearth's Warming with us..."

"I wanted to be in Appleloosa," grumbled Granite.

"Hush Son," whispered Concrete Slab.

"And Sunset's come home for the holidays too," continued Moon Crest. "She came back cause she wanted to be here with us."

Sunbeam shook her head, "this is not allowed. Banished members are never welcome to any of the Shimmer family houses or workplaces, and you know that. Now get rid of them!" she shouted loudly.

"Fine with me, we're going!" smirked Granite Slab.

Sunflower sighed, "I don't want you guys getting in trouble with Mo...uh Sunbeam and Night Glide. We'll just go."

Moon Crest stuck out his hoof and shook his head, "you're not leaving Sis, and neither is Sunset."

"I beg your pardon?" Sunbeam raised an eyebrow at those words. "Did Sunset bash you over the head? Cause you're just talking stupid. They have been banished, and once banished, you can never come back."

Sunrise whispered to Sunset and Sunny Rays, "now you see where your father got his original attitude from."

"Yes indeed," nodded Sunset. "But I like him as he is now."

"Sunset may have tripped me moons ago, but it was an accident," said Moon Crest firmly. "She's changed from the little...uh, should I put this?"

"You can say raging she-demon," said Sunset. "Believe me, it's better than anything else, and isn't offensive to Sunny Rays, Sun Drops or Granite Slab."

Sunbeam stared at Sunset, "how dare you speak in my pressence! You have no right!"

"She can say whatever she wants," Moon Crest snapped. This caused his mother to look back to him, "as for Sunflower, it's been too long since I last saw her, and I think now's as good as ever to catch up and spend the holidays together. After all, Hearth's Warming is a time of year to spend time with family and friends."

"But not traitors like those idiots, now get rid of them!"

Night Glide stepped forward, "that's enough honey. Look, I know that's the way you were raised, but surely now's a time to let go of the family ways and maybe try to patch things up. Our daughter and grand-daughter are here now, so why not give them a chance?"

"Shut up Glide, I will never do that! Now Moon Crest, kick them out!"

Sunflower whispered to Moon Crest, "are you sure you don't want us to leave? Cause we can be gone in a few minutes."

Moon Crest whispered an answer back, "you don't have to leave. You, your family and Sunset are staying here for the holidays." He then walked up towards his mother with a firm look on his face, "as for you mother, this isn't your house, this is my home and you can't push others around. If you can't be nice, then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you both to leave. Sorry Dad."

"It's alright Son," sighed Night Glide, and he turned to the door. After many years of marriage, he knew his wife quite well to know what was coming next.

"You will kick them out before Hearth's Warming." She turned and walked angerily out of the house. Night Glide sighed and followed his wife.

"Not cool," muttered Sunset.

Sunflower was stunned, "I can't believe you spoke firmly to Mother like that, and you did it for us."

Moon Crest turned back to his sister with a smile on his face, "of course I'd stand up for you. It's what a brother, or father does."

Concrete Slab nodded in agreement to that. Granite Slab wasn't happy and stormed out of the living room and up the stairs. This was later followed by a loud slam of the door.

"Wow, that kid really wants to go to Appleloosa," Sunset said out loud.

Concrete sighed, "leave him to have his temper tanturm. Once he calms down, he'll be fine."

"I hope so," gulped Sunny Rays.

A little later, Sunset and Sunny Rays were walking through the streets of Canterlot with their Aunt Sunflower and Cousin Sun Drops walking beside them. The ponies of Canterlot smiled as they walked past and even said 'Happy Hearth's Warming' to the four of them. Sunset smiled, it sure was different compared to the day Pen Pal's column was printed in the newspaper.

"I wonder if I'll see any of my friends today," she thought to herself.

Sure enough, as they got close to a stand, they found one of Sunset's friends hard at work. The pony was Honey Tree, and seen working in the back was Cheery Tree.

"Hey Honey Tree!" Sunset called.

Honey Tree turned to look to the front of the stall and gasped, "Sunset? Are you really there, or am I just dreaming again?"

Sunset chuckled, "you're not dreaming, I'm actually here," she answered. "Been busy lately?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. I tell you, every year it's just one pony after another, and the closer it gets to Hearth's Warming, the busier a pony gets. It's gotten so busy that my little sister's had to come and help." Then Honey Tree noticed the other two ponies, "is that your grandmare?"

"Nope, that's my Aunt Sunflower and cousin Sun Drops. They're joining Dad and my family for Hearth's Warming, and so am I."

"Ahh, I was wondering why you were here. I thought you had come back to make amends with more ponies."

"Well I can do that too, but I'm here mostly for the holidays, and to be with my family." She raised a hoof and rubbed the top of Sunny Rays' head. It messed up her mane a bit, but she didn't care, she just smiled and even giggled.

"You're lucky, Cheery and I are only going to be spending the holidays with Dad this year."

"Oh? How come?"

"My parents got divorced a few moons back, and ever since, Cheery and I have to spend one week with one of them, then the next week with the other. Added with business, and it really tires a pony out."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Nah it's okay. I got the support of friends, and my little sister to get through those days."

"That's good to know. Speaking of friends, are they in Canterlot at this time?"

Honey Tree shook her head, "afraid not. Octivia was here three days ago as part of her Equestrian tour, so you just missed her." Sunset kicked the ground unhappily. "Music Note's visiting family in Vanhoover, and Silver Swirls has gone out to Baltimare for the holidays."

"Darn, and I was really hoping to see them this time."

"Well maybe you will, how long are you staying?"

"Till the day after Hearth's Warming."

"Oh, well they won't be back till after New Years. Tell you what," she said, trying to ligthen the mood, "how about when they get back, I'll tell them you said hello?"

"Well I guess that'll have to do. Thanks Honey Tree."

Before leaving, the Shimmer and Slab families got some treats from Honey Tree's stall, and left to continue their walk around Canterlot.

After an hour, the families were ready to head back to the Shimmer family house. During the outing, Sunset had helped Sunny Rays to get presents for her parents, while Sunflower got some presents for her family. Both ponies had the presents sitting on their backs while the little ones walked beside them.

"I hope Mommy and Daddy will like their presents," Sunny Rays said to Sunset.

"Hey, it's coming from you, so I'm sure they will love the presents. Though," she paused and a sly grin came to her face, "I think you're going to be the most excited when you see what I got you."

"Oh, what did you get me? What did you get me?"

"Sorry Sis, but that will have to wait for Hearth's Warming Day. This mare is not saying what you're getting."

"Ohh," groaned Sunny Rays.

"Hey come on, Hearth's Warming is just seven days away, so you'll see what it is then."

"Okay," she said and started beaming.

Sun Drops was not beaming, she was looking at one of the gift wrapped presents on her mother's back, "I hope Granite doesn't throw his present out again. You know what he's like on Hearth's Warming."

"Shh," whispered her mother.

Sunset and Sunny Rays had heard that remark, "your son throws out Hearth's Warming Presents?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sunflower gave a groaning sigh, "I was hoping to keep that one a secret, but yes he does throw out gifts, but only the ones he doesn't want."

"Which is all but two or three of them," commented Sun Drops.

"Sun Drops!"

"Sorry Mommy."

Sunflower turned her attention back to the Shimmer sisters, "I don't know why he acts that way, but I swear he's just like his Grandmare." She shuddered at that moment, "just saying that makes my mane stand up on all ends. For his sake, and for the sake of his own family in the future, he better not throw any ponies out."

"Well you won't know for sure until that time comes."

As they walked along, they passed a small house which looked familar to three out of the four ponies. Sunflower gulped, for she knew it was the home of Sunbeam and Night Glide.

"Come on, let's just walk past and pretend we didn't see it."

"Really? You don't want to try and make amends with your mother?"

"Nope," she answered.

"But didn't you say..." but she was interupted by the gesture of her Aunt placing a hoof in front of her mouth. Sunset stayed quiet and the four walked past the house. All the while, they could feel that they were being watched by angry eyes. Once out of sight of the house, Sunset spoke to her Aunt, "I thought you said you wanted to make amends with your mother."

"I did, but I just don't feel like it today, maybe another time. Besides, we want to get back to the house."

Hearing her say that, Sunset began to think there was more to the story of her being kicked out than what she had been told before, but she said nothing as they continued on.

"Alright Everypony! Dinner time!"

With the sun setting for the day, the Shimmer and Slab families made their way to the kitchen table for another Hearth's Warming dinner. As usual, it smelled wonderful and the arrangement on the table looked neat and tidy.

"Wonderful work Sunrise, I am impressed," smiled Sunflower.

"Thanks Sunflower," smiled Sunrise.

Granite was the last to enter the room. He took one sniff and made a disgusted face, "I hate that smell, it's not one of my favourite foods. If we had gone to Appleloosa, we could have my kind of food."

"Granite! Don't you dare speak like that in front of your Aunt like that, not after she made all that wonderful food."

"You call that wonderful? It's terrible, I rather not eat at all."

Concrete shook his head and asscorted his son out of the room, "fine, that's the way you want it, then that's what you're going to get. You can sit on the chair, facing the wall and think of your words. Once you start behaving, then we'll let you come back to the table."

"Whatever," came the blunt reply.

Concrete turned away from his son and returned to the kitchen, "I am so sorry for our son, it's just that he's too picky."

"It's alright, I've heard worse than that," and Sunrise looked over to Sunset. Sunset just looked down to the floor, remembering just a few of her choice words from before she left her family's home.

The rest of the family just sat down for dinner and chatted away, telling some of the stories from their hometowns. It was a good thing they did, cause the words that came out of Granite's mouth were not friendly words.

An hour later, the young ones were ready to go to bed. Sunflower had just tucked in Sun Drops and was now going to tuck in Granite Slab, "just leave me alone!" he snapped.

"Oh come on sweetheart."

"I said leave me alone or else!"

Sunflower sighed, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that come out of your mouth." She turned and walked out of the bedroom.

She was surprised though to see Sunset standing just outside the room.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I wanted to talk to you. I've been thinking about earlier today when we walked past Grandmare and Grandpa's house, and I'm starting to think that there's more to the story of how you got kicked out than what Dad and Mom have told my sister and I."

Sunflower looked down to the ground, "I rather not talk about it Sunset."

"Oh come on, how bad can it be? I mean, it can't be worse than trying to take over all of Equestria with a teenage army, and stealing one of the elements of harmony."

Sunflower sighed, "well it's not as bad as that, but you are correct, there is more to the story than what you've been told."

"So what happened?"

Before the day that changed things forever, both Sunflower and Moon Crest were the beloved treasures of the Shimmer family in Canterlot, although at times Sunflower could be a bit of a hoof-full. One such example was when she painted her mother's cart green with pink and orange polka dots. Despite that, she was still a good kid at heart, though Sunbeam always had her doubts.

"She's wild and unpredictable, sometimes I wonder what we're going to do with her," she said one evening to Night Glide.

"She's a young one Sunbeam, she'll grow out of it and she'll become a well behaved mare of society."

"You better be right, cause if not..."

"Don't you even say you'd consider throwing her out. I'm sick and tired of hearing stories of how your family always kicked out members for bad things."

"Well if that time comes, we'll just have one child to deal with."

Two days after the conversation, things would change. Sunflower had gotten a new ball and was showing it off to Moon Crest, "isn't it great? It can really bounce, just look." Using her magic, she tossed the ball to the ground and it bounced higher than any ball the two ponies have ever played with before.

"Wow, that's so cool Sunflower."

"I thought you'd say that. Now let's play!"

She tossed the ball to her brother, but it ended up going past him and hitting a tree. The resulting hit made the ball fly towards Sunflower. She tried to catch it, but it bounced past her and into the house.

"Oh no, it's heading for Mom's statue collection!"

She ran into the house, unaware that their mother had only just waxed the floor. Sunflower slipped on the floor, heading for the wall with the statues. The ball landed short of the wall, but Sunflower skidded along until she bumped into the wall. The result made the statues shake, and one to fall over the ledge. Sunflower tried to catch it, but it was too late. It smashed upon impact on the floor.

"Uh oh," she groaned.

Sunbeam and Night Glide came into the room, and Sunbeam gasped in horror, "my statue! It's broken!" She ran over towards it and groaned to see it was smashed beyond repair. She glared crossly at Sunflower, "you know better than to play games in the house, and now because of your antics, my statue is broken."

"I'm sorry Mom, I didn't mean to break it."

"Sure you didn't. You never liked the statues to begin with, you did it on purpose."

"Now honey, that may not be true," said Night Glide.

"I know it's true, and you know it too. Go to your room Sunflower! NOW!"

"Yikes, you really got her mad," commented Sunset.

Sunflower sighed, "I did, and for a long time afterwords, I tried again and again to make my mother see just how sorry I was. I even bought her a new cat statue to replace the broken one, but she just kept giving me the cold shoulder."

"So Grandmare kicked you out over that?"

Sunflower sighed and looked down to the ground, "the cat statue was only part of the reason Sunset. It was the day that I was kicked out that sealed my placement in the family."

It was years after the accident, and Sunflower decided to try one more time to get her mother to forgive her. She walked into the kitchen while her mother was working on a suit for Moon Crest.

"Uh Mom, about that statue years ago, I know you probably still believe I broke it on purpose. But I never meant for that to happen. You had waxed the floors and I was just trying to catch my ball, so you see, it was an accident."

Sunbeam glared over to her daughter, "you're a liar. Everyday you say nothing but lies to me. You need to shut up and stop trying to convince me otherwise. You are such a disappoint. You always had been, and you always will be."

After all the years of trying to ask for her mother's forgiveness and not getting anywhere, Sunflower had had enough.

"Oh I'm such a disappointment to you am I? Well at least I don't make stupid accusations over something one believes happened!"

"Are you trying to insult me?"

"I guess I am, cause I'm not the only disappointment around here. You're the biggest disappoint for being the worst mother in all of Equestria!"

"Oh really? I raised you ever since you were a baby, I fed you and gave you what you needed, and that's disappointing?"

"Well you certainly haven't been looking after me over the last few years. I've had to look out for myself, while I try to make up for the accident. When are you ever going to open your eyes and realise just how stupid you were?"

"Watch your mouth child or you're out of here!"

"Ha! I like to see you try and throw me out you miserable old witch!"

Sunset gasped just hearing that, "you didn't really say that to your own mother, did you?"

Sunflower nodded, "I said a few more words after that, but for your sake as well as the little one's sakes..." she paused and looked back to her sleeping children, "I won't repeat them. Anyways long story short, I was kicked out. Using what little money I had, I took the train to Manehatten to meet with other members of the family. Somehow though, my mother had managed to tell them never to let me in, and they didn't. After that, the rest you know."

Sunset was stunned after hearing that, "so that's why you don't want to meet up with your mother?"

"Sadly yes," she sighed. "I worry that if she's angry and rejects my apology, words will be exchanged and the gap between us will be worse than ever before. I'll try one of these days to patch things up with her, but I'm not promising things will get better."

She turned on her hooves and walked over to her temporary room.

Sunset looked behind her, "she's not going to try and talk to Grandmare is she?"

"Nope," answered her father as he walked up the last flight of stairs and over towards his daughter. "It's no wonder why she didn't want to stay before, she doesn't want to make a scene and tear our families apart."

"That couldn't happen. Could it?"

"Your Grandmare has her ways, you don't know her that well."

"I guess not."

"In the meantime, I suggest just letting them work it out alone. You just focus on having a good time during the holidays." He looked to Sunny Rays' room where the two Slab children were, then he whispered to Sunset, "and keep an eye on that boy. I got a bad feeling about him and Sunny Rays."

"You too? I thought I was the only one concerned. But don't worry Dad, I'll keep an eye on them."

"Thanks Sunset." And with that, he walked over to a closest to get a blanket for himself and Sunrise. Once he had gotten it, he walked past Sunset and headed off downstairs.

Sunset shook her head as she turned to her room, "and here I thought life at Canterlot High was full of surprises."

She walked into her room and found Sunny Rays fast asleep with a plush giraffe in her hooves. She just smiled as she walked over to her desk, and using her magic, pulled out the journal and a pen.

"Hey guys, I hope things are okay back home. You know how I wrote to you last night and said that my Aunt Sunflower had arrived? Well I just learned a little bit about her past with my grandmare, uh grandmother. You See..."