Swords and Magic

by Shadow Watcher

Chapter 8


She tested her arm, slowly bending and unbending it, carefully inspecting the vambrace. It was a good fit, definitely some of her best work. And, she had to admit, the color was just right. She could think of several skirts and leggings that would go well with it. All chainmail, of course.

She turned and looked herself over in the mirror before her. Violet tresses fell to her shoulders (her hair was usually up when she worked, but the shorter length kept her hair from singeing). A chestplate adorned her torso, hugging her figure. Vambraces adorned her arms; a pair of gauntlets lay the side on a table. Various shades of light blues and purple stained the steel.

She nodded, placing a hand on her hip. “I dare say, Rarity, you’ve done a marvelous job. Stylish and elegant, without compromising protection. Hmm, though it wouldn’t hurt to test the enchantment runes.” She flexed a band. “Yes. I can feel the slight tingle, so they’re certainly working.” She hopper from one foot to the other. “And feels light as a feather. Excellent.”

“Hey, Rares! You in?” She heard Rainbow call from the main area.

“Rainbow, darling! You’re just the person I’ve been waiting for!” Rarity exclaimed as she stepped out. “I’m dreadfully sorry I wasn’t able to get you’re armor ready when I said I would! Believe me, I had every intention of getting it all ready for you, when I suddenly got a priority order that absolutely had to be done!”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Wasn’t my armor a priority order? Since I needed it? For the ceremony?”

Rarity scoffed. “As if you really needed it. Why, you took on all three of them without a scratch from what I heard.”

“You mean you didn’t even see it??” Rainbow gawked.

Rarity waved for Rainbow to follow her. “Of course not, darling! Between your and the Empress’ orders, it’s a wonder I’ve even been able to help Applejack and Granny Smith with that tank of theirs. But despite it all, I finished both orders early yesterday morning, and after I cleaned up a bit, I promptly went to sleep for the whole day. Didn’t wake up till this morning when Applejack came asking if I had heard news of your victory yet.”

She led Rainbow out her back door, through a small garden full of all manner of flowers, herbs, and vegetables, towards another building outback. The forge lay quiet, only a few smoldering embers within.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure I’ve seen the forge this dead in a while.”

“Well, I can’t leave it up and running while I’m in Tarbalon, now can I?”

Rainbow felt her neck pop as she whirled to look at her friend. “You’re coming with us?”

“Hitching a ride, more like. Plus, I do have a few ideas for a set of Mage armor for Twilight, should she desire it. I also am running low on some supplies I need, and I’ve heard about the markets of Tarbalon. So I figured I’d tag along. This will also give me a chance to see how your orders work out.” Rarity pulled a chain from within her shirt. The lock clicked, and she stuffed the key back where it came from. “Now, before we go in, I want to make this clear: I had strict orders from the Empress herself. I’ve only made one other like it.”

She opened the door and stepped aside. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her, looking at her as she stepped through. Rarity simply smiled at her, waving her on in.

Racks of finely crafted weapons hung from stands and holders and the wall. Sets of armor rested on racks, standing at attention. Rainbow’s eyes fell on the far side of the room, where a set of armor had been set apart from the rest.

Sky blue. Streamlined. She picked up the breastplate: light, yet still strong. She opened her mouth to compliment Rarity, when another item caught her eye.

A box rested on a small table next to her armor. She slowly lifted the lid. She stared down for an eternity. Reverently, she reached down and pulled it up into proper lighting. A sword lay in her hands. Beautiful runes were elegantly carved into what looked like a silver trimmed scabbard. Her hand clasped around the simple hilt, adorned with a small gem.

Schling! A perfect blade. Double edged, well balanced for one handed use. Approximately thirty inches long. The hilt guard was a curious design: two dragons intertwining, a head on either side of the blade.

Rainbow gave a couple of practice swings. Twirling the blade in her hand, she turned to look at Rarity. “I...I don’t know what to say. This sword is...I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Rarity hummed. “I’ve only made one other like it, but even that blade had nothing on this one. The Empress commissioned it, just after you put in your order for your armor. I dare say, she even provided the starmetal I used to make the blade.”

“I’ve heard tales of starmetal blades before, but this is the first I’ve ever seen one. And this is mine?” Rainbow’s eyes were still locked on the blade as she slid it back into its sheathe.

“As I said, darling, the Empress had it commissioned for you. In fact, her payment is precisely why I will be able to travel with you to Tarbalon.” Rarity paused and raised an eyebrow. “Have you ever been outside of the capital, Rainbow?”

The other girl shook her head as she strapped the blade to her side. “Not since I was little.” She paused. “Well, technically I did leave for that wilderness survival course.”

Rarity snapped her fingers. “Ah, that’s right. I often forget you are not originally from here. Regardless, you are in for quite an experience. If you think Canterlot is grand, just wait for the captivating majesty of Tarbalon! The grand arches! The wondrous wares of the markets! The...”

“...countless diseases, horrid piles of garbage, and blatant disregard of natural beauty.” A young woman finished from behind her. A brown robe covered her from head to toe, hood drawn over her face.

Rarity frowned at the newcomer. “Really, Fluttershy, I have heard they’ve greatly improved upon that. Seems you created quite the...impression last time we were there.”

Fluttershy fidgeted slightly. “It’s just...it was such a waste. I mean, their architecture truly was marvelous. But just traveling through and not once seeing any flowers, or herbs, or vines was just so disconcerting. Not to mention unhealthy.” She looked past towards Rainbow. “I just wanted to check in with you, if that’s not to much trouble.”

“As if! You were next on my list of places to swing by!” Rainbow said, stepping out of the shop. “Granny Smith almost has the Howzer ready. Twi and her grandmother are currently working on making Applejack’s upgrade...you know, work. Something about upgrading the core matrix to make it all more efficient.”

“Pinkie said she almost has the potions. She just needs to bottle them today. Do you think the Howzer will be ready tomorrow, Rainbow?” Fluttershy titled her head towards her friend.

Rainbow rubbed her chin. “It’s possible. I’d say either tomorrow or the day after. I say we go see how the Howzer’s coming along, then go see it Pinkie needs help bottling.”

“Works for me, darling.” Rarity said as she locked her shop back up. “Though, do you suppose we could get some lunch afterwards? I’d rather not eat before helping Pinkie.”