//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: The Fashion-lete // Story: My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// It's been a over a month since the first day of school, and Rainbow Crystal is already fitting in just fine. During her time in school, she's in the fashion class, and has been doing great in her classes, but what class she does the most in is P.E. Right now, she and Twilight are doing their run. Rainbow is going great, but her classmate Indigo Zap is a challenge. In fact, Indigo has consider Rainbow some kind of rival, but in a friendly way. Twilight has been doing a little better with her class thanks for Rainbow. After their finish with their three laps around the track, everyone is taking a five minute water break. Twilight collapses to her knees in exhaustion, and tiredly asks, "Why do we have to do laps every day?" "Because it's how we warm up, and sometimes you feel good after a time with exercising," Rainbow answers. "It doesn't make me feel any better," Twilight replies, still feeling a bit tired. She then grabs her water bottle and drinks it. "That's because you're more of an egghead than a athlete," Indigo remarks with a grin on her face. This makes Twilight reacts in her pride, "I am not an egghead! I'm well read!" Then Indigo whispers to Rainbow, "Egghead." "Well you have to admit, you do a lot more reading and indoor activities than doing physical activities," Sugarcoat bluntly adds as she walk over to them. Rainbow knows that Twilight is not the best at P.E, but is not liking how Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat are bringing her down like them. Rainbow decides to say something so she can defend their friends. Rainbow says, "Now you two, there's no need on talking to Twilight like that. She's trying her very best and I can see she's doing a good with her physical strength a little at a time." "That's true, she doing a little better than last year," Sugarcoat agrees with a straight look on her face. Then Indigo asks, "Hey Rainbow, I just found heard that the Friendship Games will take place in the second semester at Canterlot High, are you gonna enter it?" "I've been thinking about it for some time since I first heard about it, and I'm thinking about trying out, that is if they have room for me," Rainbow answers. "Of course they're going to have room for you, and I think you might be one of the first few people that Principal Cinch would recommend," Twilight says with a smile. "She would, why?" Rainbow asks. Before Twilight can answer, Sugarcoat steps in and explains, "Well Rainbow, besides me and Twilight Sparkle, you're actually one of the top ten students in school since you started." "Who the top student?" Rainbow asks. Twilight laughs nervously, and answers, "Me." "Oh," Rainbow replies. Then Rainbow says, "Still, I really like to be part of the Friendship Games. It sounds fun and excited. "Not too exciting," Indigo says while rolling her eyes. "How come?" Rainbow asks. "Because the Friendship Games are not fun because we never loss" Sugarcoat answers. "Really, not even once," Rainbow replies. "Not at all," Twilight says. Rainbow shrugs her shoulders and says, "Well maybe this school may won every time, but I'm sure that what ever events will the Friendship Games have, I'm sure that they'll be very eventful and will be fun." "Sounds good to me, just as long as they have any extreme events, " Indigo says with pride. The four girls smiles and even though the conversation has some tension, at least they are able to have a nice talk. The teacher calls them and they all begin with their activity for today, which is outdoor dodgeball. Twilight and Rainbow are teamed up with other students while Indigo and Sugarcoat are on the other. Rainbow and Indigo are doing well because of their quick reflects and speed. Rainbow also make sure that Twilight is doing well, even though she is put in the back field. The game become very tense until Indigo and Rainbow are the only ones left on opposite sides. Luckily Rainbow is the one who wins it in the end. After the school day has ended, Twilight goes to her lab at the school while Rainbow attends the fashion club. She walks into to see Suri and Coco are already in the room, making sure everything is ready for the club meeting. Rainbow puts her bag down and then go sit next to the window. Suri turns to see Rainbow in the room, and says, "Hi Rainbow." "Hey Suri, Coco, how are you two doing?" Rainbow asks. "We're doing fine, just checking to see if everything is ready for the club meeting," Coco answers. "Yeah, getting things ready for the club can be very difficult," Suri says. "Including when she doesn't do too much work," Coco whispers to Rainbow, which makes her giggle. "I heard that," Suri replies, with an annoyed look. Rainbow turns to Suri and says, "Well Suri even though you help out with the club and that you're the president of the club, you do need to try doing more work for the club more." Suir thinks about it, and says, "I suppose, but once the other member are here and after we get the supplies set up, have a special announcement." Rainbow is curious on what the announcement is, but decides to wait until the club meeting starts. She decides to help Suri and Coco with the preparations and making sure all the supplies are ready. A half hour later, the other seven members of the fashion club are here sitting on the tables where they wait for their president to make an announcement. Suri is at the front desk with Coco sitting next to her since she's the vice president. Suir gets up from her seat and says, "Hello everyone, today I have an important announcement. Now, you all know about your special Fall Formal dance coming up at the end of the month. Well, I've decided that we all can make our own outfits, and see if we can help our fellow students with theirs." The club members along with Rainbow Crystal begin to talk about the dance and the kind of outfits they want to make. Rainbow Crystal is wonder what kind of dress that she wants to make, and hasn't made one in a very long though she has been doing some sewing through the summer. Making a dress, and might has to help others with theirs' might not be easy, and yet very tempting to do so. Then Suri says, "Now let's get started by making the dress an outfit that you like to wear, and then we can make them here or you can make them at home." Hearing that everyone get started on making the formal clothes they want to wear for their school dance. Rainbow Crystal's dress is a white that has a v neck at the front and back, which makes her gem visible, the bottom half of the dress is a up to her knees and a little wavy. On the waist is a gold yellow belt, with matching slip on sandal shoes. After finishing her dress designs, she decides to ask Twilight and Star to see if she can make some outfits for them too. When she get back to the house from the club, she is having a vegetarian dinner with Star and his family. Rainbow explains to Star about her making formal outfits for him and Twilight. Star is not sure about it, not because he doesn't want Rainbow to make him any, but is because he feels he's not good in tuxedos. Rainbow giggles a bit and says, "Actually, I think you look nice in a tuxedo." "You may think so, but wearing a suit like that makes me itch a bit," Star replies, while scratching his neck. "That's okay, maybe I can make you something that won't make you itch, and maybe a little comfortable for you too," Rainbow says with a smile. Star smile back, and says, "Thanks," Then Star asks, "So what kind of dress do you have planned for Twilight?" "I was thinking of making a dress should either be purple or blue, and there there should have stars on it," Rainbow explains her idea. "Sounds like something Twilight would like," Star replies. "I agree," Rainbow replies. After their discussion, the two continue to eat their dinner. Garnet starts to notice that ever since Rainbow comes along, she and Star have been acting strange. After tonight, and wishing each other goodnight, Garnet is starting to understand what is going on. Her little brother and his friend are starting to fall in love with each other. Garnet feels happy for her brother to find someone special in his life, and Rainbow is very special. She just have to wait until what happens next. However, she is starts to wonder if her brother is going to ask Rainbow to the dance.