//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: The Entrance Exam // Story: My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// For the rest of the summer, Twilight and Star have been helping Rainbow Crystal with her studies for school. At the same time, Rainbow has been helping Twilight with her physical education which is very tiring for her, but as Twilight train more, she's becoming better. Star also play a few gigs at the some of the places with his band and allow Rainbow to perform with her. After some time, it's two weeks before school starts and it's the day before the entrance exam, and Twilight along with Star are helping Rainbow with the last of her studies in Star's room. Twilight's dog, Spike is simply sleeping on the floor at the corner of the room. Right now, they are having a snack break. "Can't believe summer will be over soon," Star says. "Yeah, and we're going to be starting school as well," Twilight adds. Then Rainbow says, "Let's not forget I have that entrance exam tomorrow. I do feel like I'm ready, but I'm a bit nervous about taking it." "Don't worry, you've been studying for this for months, and you manage to catch on to the subject really quickly," Star says with a smile. "He's right, you don't have anything to worry about," Twilight agrees. Rainbow drinks her juice, puts the cup down on the table, and says, "That's true, but I haven't been in school in a very long time, and I'm going to be going to a school different than my own." Twilight and Star thinks about that statements really quick, and knows that Rainbow is right about it. Star looks at Twilight, and says, "She does have a point." "That's true, but you'll be with us," Twilight replies, happily. "I guess, you're right," Rainbow remarks. For the rest of the day, Twilight and Star continue to help Rainbow with her studies for tomorrow's exam. After the study session, Twilight along with her dog Spike have gone home for the day, and Rainbow continue to do some studying before bed. Later on, when everyone excluding Rainbow has fallen asleep, she start to think about everything she's gone through this past summer. All the friends she has, the stuff she experienced, and everything she's been through, she feels that everything she's been through will do good for her in the future. The next day, Rainbow Crystal along with new freshmen are taking their entrance exam. Since she's been doing a lot of studying, the test is a piece of cake for her. Of course, Rainbow still look over the question and her answers very careful to make sure she has everthing before turning in. After a long day of exams, Rainbow is finished all the education, and physical exam. Rainbow remember that it's going to take a little more time before she has the results and see what classes she has, it will arrive at the same week as everyone else. A week later, Star is busy writing music for his band, and Rainbow is helping him out in his room. As they look over the songs, Garnet comes into the room with a box and three envelopes on it. Garnet says, "Hello you two, how are you doing?" "We're fine sis," Star answers. "What are these for?" Rainbow asks, seeing the boxes. "These are for you two," Garnet answers. Star looks at the packages and says, "I'm guessing that the letters and package are from Crystal Prep." "That's right, and two letters and a package belongs to Rainbow Crystal, while one is for you," Garnet confirms. Star takes the mail from Garnet and puts it on the bed so the three can take a look. Star opens his letter to see the classes he is taking this year. Rainbow opens her first letter, and it's the results of the entrance exams. Rainbow is happy to see she has done a great job on her exam. When she opens the other letter, she can see the classes she is going to be in for the school year. After that, she opens her package, and can see her school uniform. The uniform is a light blue shirt, with a red purple jacket, and a blue bow tie, a purple red plaid skirt, dark blue purple socks, and dark blue slip on shoes with light blue hearts on it. Rainbow is happy to know that she'll be with her friends at school now, and decide to work her very best. Sometime later, Twilight and her dog, Spike pay a visit to Star and Rainbow. STar explains to Twilight about Rainbow success in the exam, and the classes she will taking while Rainbow is trying on her school uniform. When they both look at Rainbow's schedule and compare it with their own, they can see that Rainbow will have a class all together for science, Twilight is having the same P.E class as her, and Star is with her in math. They are very proud of her for making it this far, and can't wait until she starts going to school with them. Twilight says, "Well, now that we know Rainbow will be going to school with us, now will be a great time to get some school supplies for her." "I agree, we still need to get her a backpack," Star agrees. Then Star happily says, "Still I can't wait to see the gang again, and to see what kind of classes are we're going to get." "I'm just hoping Rainbow will be okay on her first day," Twilight says with concern. "Don't worry so much, Rainbow's been doing great since she got here, and I'm sure she'll do great in school," Star says. Twilight smiles, and says, "You're right. I'm just worrying myself too much." As the two continue to talk, they start to hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and heading towards the kitchen. When the look through the entrance, they can see Rainbow Crystal in her school uniform. Rainbow also has her hair in a ponytail and in a long braid. She also has a hairpin matching her gem on her chest. Rainbow shows a smile on her face, and asks, "How do I look?" Twilight and Star look at Rainbow wearing her uniform. Twilight think she looks nice in the uniform, but Star has another opinion about it. Star is astonished on how she looks in her uniform and how she has done with her hair. Star blushes a bit, and ends up falling off of his chair, hitting his head on the ground. Rainbow runs up and sits on her knee asking, "Star, are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! It's just… you look… um, well, uh, beautiful!" Star says sounding like he's scrambling his words. Rainbow blushes a bit as she says, "You really think I look… beautiful." "Yeah," Star answers while blushing. The two then stare at each other with blushes on their faces. Spike the little dog looks rather confused on the look on the two's faces. Twilight however, can see what is happening. The way the two always spending time together, and the way they act, look, and other signs Twilight has been seeing this summer. Twilight knows this can only mean one thing, Rainbow Crystal and Star are developing feeling for each others. Sure Twilight likes Star, but not the same way Rainbow and Star are having now. Twilight thinks this is something she shouldn't get involved to much, but wants to help the two get together. She just has to wait and see what will happen along the way.