//------------------------------// // Chapter XIII - None Taken // Story: A Changeling's Christmas Catastrophe // by AizakkuHorooee //------------------------------// At the vet yet again, Jon and I have now begun waiting for some results about Carina. Suddenly, it looks as though Carve responded to my letter, as I see a scroll materialize.  I unveil the scroll and silently read it to myself. Dear Chrysalis, I received your letter about Carina returning to the vet.  Could there be something wrong that wasn’t when Aita was first conceptualized?  I have to wonder because if this whole cycle thing is only within the span of four days, then today would be incredibly early for Carina to have lost consciousness due to pain.  But on a side note, the changelings bought my story of simply watching the throne.  Hopefully though, there will be an answer for why Carina lost consciousness. Yours truly, Carve “Jon?” I jump and roll up the scroll in response to Jon’s name being called. “That’s us.” I nod, following Jon into the hall, which leads over to Carina’s room. ;=; Well, I did it for the first time in my life.  I have crashed.  NO NOT THAT KIND OF CRASHED.  I have crashed upon me, Rusty and Pane’s table at Greta Scone Corner after having what I usually have over there.  Right now, I notice that I’m at the throne room again, but this time with a certain unique changeling sitting at the throne. “Thorax?” He nods. “I noticed you and Chrysalis were sending each other letters describing your situations.  I think a certain childhood idol of ours might be able to assist you with Chrysalis’ side of the situation.” “Queen Areola?  Why her?” “Isn’t it obvious to you, Carve?” Areola’s voice answers, the changeling herself entering through the static wall.  “It’s about Carina.” “Well, how can I help her?” “Last time this situation happened to Carina, her family had no idea it was actually happening until the very day she released Aita as an egg.  However, come seven and a half years later, her family is entirely aware of what is happening.  Way back to your invasion years, Carve, the family was as supportive as possible since no one knew what Carina was actually going through.  But their support is now wearing thin in place of awaiting the same result from seven and a half years ago.” “So, what’s happening to her?” “She’s not receiving the proper positivity she needs to nurrish the egg nor herself.  That’s why she’s out cold,” Thorax answers.  “There’s a letter in front of the throne that will say so when you wake up.” I groan at what that result means. “Ugh... I guess that means Jon didn’t take my advice.  Carina should never be alone in a situation like this.” Thorax nods. “Exactly.” “Well, I won’t know what to do unless I wake up, and that won’t be for a while.  I fell asleep at Greta Scone Corner.” “Wait, what?!?  What the heck were you doing over there?  You’re supposed to be watching over the hive, like Chrysalis asked you to, or at least helping out your friends!” Thorax points out. “Did I go to Greta Scone Corner when I first woke up at noon?  No.  Plus, I’m likely already on my way back to the hive.” “Yeah, LIKELY... you do know Carina needs help from more than just the queen, right?  You should pay her a visit at the very least.” “But Chrysalis already did help her out.” “I will have to concur with Thorax here, Carve.  Chrysalis may’ve given Carina a substantial return in blood pressure, but it wasn’t enough.  She’s devoid of the necessary positive emotions essential for her egg to properly develop.” “Okay.  I see what you mean.  Carina’s recovered from her valley in health, but the egg is malnourished.  I might know what to do when I head over.  But I don’t know what’ll happen to me.” “Whatever will happen, Carve, will only be for as long as you think you need it.” “Okay.  I think I can handle that for now, Areola.” The former queen proceeds to wrap her hoof around my back. “For the time being, I think our work here is done.” “Agreed,” Thorax adds. ;=; I gasp awake, now realizing my new location, the spot from the dream, the throne room.  As I look around, I find it still quite dark out, so that means it’s not even dawn yet.  I guess I feel okay, but it’s nearly impossible to think at the moment.  I guess that inability wasn’t just in my dream. There’s a letter in front of the throne that will say so when you wake up. A letter that will say what?  Hmm... I wonder... I look down from the throne, and sure enough, there’s a rolled up scroll.  I fly down to grab and unravel it.  What content that is in it surprises me to no end. Carve, I never thought it would ever come to this, but I seriously need your help.  The vet has declared that Carina’s unconsciousness is a result of the lack of love that has surrounded her.  Do you remember the changelings being whole and colorful?  They “shared” love amongst each other.  I sincerely hope you understand and will join me as soon as you are available. With great concern, Queen Chrysalis. I look past the letter over the base of the throne.  There still lies the necklace I used to contain those two letters from when Carina had first gotten her phone.  After a bit of dusting off, I levitate it over my neck. I tap the necklace a couple of times before it opens up.  The scroll turns into what looks like pure energy and pursues the necklace. Now that the letter is in the necklace, I can teleport back to Carina’s room at the vet.  Sadly though, I don’t see anyone over in the room, so I guess means that Carina is in another room.  Well, I actually kind of saw that coming.  I have no idea how many rooms there are in the vet, but it’s definitely enough where this was likely.  Time to get searching.