//------------------------------// // A Visit to the Castle Library // Story: A Spoon for a Princess // by The Crazed Werewolf //------------------------------// Silver Spoon turned to page on the book she had been reading and was surprised that it had been the last page, she had become so involved to story that her subconscious mind had forgotten that she had been reading a book. Done already, I swear I just got this book from the library yesterday, oh well, maybe the Princess has more by this author. Silver Spoon began to pack her saddle bags making sure to pack the book she had just finished. "MOM! I'm going to the library." Silver Spoon called across the house. "Ok honey, let me know if you are going to be late," Her mom called back, "Have fun with Diamond Tiara." Silver Spoon grimaced, her best friend, Diamond Tiara was on vacation in Vanhoover, and her mother should of known that. Well, atleast I am getting to catch up on my reading this summer, Silver Spoon thought as she walked out of the large house and started walking in the direction of Princess Twilight's castle, stopping off at Sugarcube Corner to buy some cookies and a piece of carrot cake. While she was there she looked in on the cake twins who she would foalsit when Pinkie Pie wasn't available. As soon as he saw her, Pound Cake wanted to play a game of snatch the cookie, which made Silver Spoon laugh. As she walked toward the castle Silver Spoon thought she saw Pinkie Pie and her friends leaving in a hurry but she didn't see Princess Twilight so she hoped that Twilight was still there. Silver Spoon reached the castle's front door and knocked gently on the door, expecting the dragon Spike to answer like he normally did, instead she got the princess herself. "Silver Spoon! what a pleasant surprise!" Twilight exclaimed. Silver Spoon thought that the princess looked upset, like she had a big problem. "Hello Princess Twilight, I'm here to return that book I borrowed and to see if you have any others by the same author." Silver Spoon said, no matter how many times she came to the castle she was always breath taken with its beauty. "Book, what book, oh the one you borrowed yesterday, you have finished it already, wow, I think I do have some more by that author," Twilight said, "Silver Spoon do you know anypony in town who could watch Flurry Heart for me, You see I am needed to go solve a friendship problem and I can't bring her with me." "I could watch her for you, I foalsit the Cake twins whenever Pinkie Pie is unavailable." Silver Spoon said noticing Flurry Heart for the first time, She is so adorable! "Really, you would do that I can't thank you enough. her diapers are in the closet by the bathroom. if she gets hungry there are smashed peas and applesauce in the kitchen and if she gets upset just giver here this." Twilight said, using her magic to levitate whammy over to Silver Spoon.