//------------------------------// // Crazy Love - Discord: Clarity (Edited) // Story: Realizations: Cycle 2 // by Jaycren //------------------------------// Discord sat among the chaos of his dimension.  His thoughts turning to a certain butter yellow coated, pink haired mare. Sensing his want, a window opened to allow the Lord of Chaos to observe his dearest friend. When the Storm King had attacked he had both not been at the Friendship Festival, and had then intentionally stayed away. He shuddered to think of what the Storm king might've done with Chaos magic added to what the satyr had already stolen. He had stayed away so the girls could stand a chance. However, all of the enemies of Equestria that should’ve taken advantage  given the circumstances... well, found themselves.... otherwise occupied. Chrysalis discovered that she was only able to say those most terrifying words, "I'm from the government,I'm here to help" and could only appear as an ERS agent. Tirek found it impossible to move when the floor of his cell turned into broccoli flavored yogurt. Sombra found himself trapped in smoke form, inside a Hooka, inside a vape shop, in Manehatten. He had returned them all to the states they were in when he found them afterwards, per Fluttershy’s anticipated wishes.   Still, he had not once gone to the side of his more timid friend, and she had done wonderfully. She had been brave, friendship had triumphed, but still he stayed away. It wasn't because of guilt at not coming sooner or any nonsense, instead it was because the last time he felt this way he had been betrayed, hurt and then lost himself. He had lost everything. I Cry Deep Inside My Mind Where the Hurt stays for all time This fear of causing Pain Never worth all of the time Hearts stop right before we crash I've always known how this ends As time ticks till I break your heart and I turn this world again Cause you've been a piece of me I didn't know I need Holding you close to me Still run and I can't think why If this love ends tragically Where does that Leave Me? If This is my Insanity Why have I such Clarity? It was Tuesday he knew, he watched as she made the tea, he had not gone in the weeks after the Storm King.   He had no idea what to say, how to explain. Gah! Why was this so complicated? Normally he liked confusion, it was fun to watch and cause.   This though, it hurt to stay away, it might hurt more if she turned him down. Could he remain her friend once he had spoken the words out loud? Could he be with her if he was only allowed to be her friend?  Was that all it was? Why is my Love a Tragedy Could you be the Remedy If my love's insanity Why does this feel clear to me Go on and I make Mistakes and you still call me your friend That goes down to my soul and makes me forget it all makes sense Don't Say not to Leave Cause we both know that I'll stay If you call then I'll Go to You And I'll be right there for you Cause You are this piece I need That I didn't know Behaving Chaotically It's alright and I'm Not sure Why They call our Love tragedy But You are my Remedy This Love is Insanity But it is my Clarity But it's My only Clarity This is the best Insanity You'll Always be my remedy It's all so Clear to Me “I would never abandon my friend.   If she wants to stay just friends then that is what we will be. If she wishes for more... well  then she can have that too. I will always be her friend and confidant, ever ready to assist in any way I can.   As a friend or something more, I will never abandon her. So that bitch broke my heart- so what! I found someone that won't ever hurt me ! someone that will always  be first and foremost my friend! I truly see now, my problem before was I saw the body, the face, not the heart. Now in her I can have both, kind and beautiful in all ways inside and out. If I  have to spend the rest of her days only being a friend, helping feed her animals and slop them out then I will have considered that time well spent- no time with her is wasted. Whatever I can do to make her life easier and her happy is my greatest accomplishment.   I am never going back to being that spoiled, self entitled, whiny little shit I was. Time to nut up or shut up." This Love's not Tragedy It will always be Our Remedy Yes Our Love's Insanity But Also Our Clarity Our Love is for Eternity She will always be my Remedy This Love will be Insanity Guided by our clarity She had become and always would be the center point of his world, and maybe he was wrong in feeling that.  Maybe this could never work? He didn't care about past interests that had hurt him, caged him, betrayed him.  He had been a monster still when she found him, what they and his pain had made him. But she had changed him , she had been the first to take a chance on a “dangerous creature”. She had beaten him at his own games not once, not twice, but three times!!!!! When was he ever going to find a mare like that again?  Answer: half past never and fat chance!!!!! He pulled himself out of his chair, closing the viewing port, he slicked back his hair.  He had a mare to see about Tuesday tea. After all, he was bringing the cucumber sandwiches- wouldn’t do to be late. He had even gotten their pointy hats on just right. With a snap of his fingers the Lord of Chaos dashed off to where the one he had always unknowingly waited for waited for him. Unnoticed by Discord, an Ivory white Alicorn watched the scene. She smiled, then was gone, knowing that when chaos and kindness come together, Love is always the result.