The Mechanic

by Clintr

I ain't dead/answers

To those who still keep tabs on my story "The mechanic" I would like to extent an apology for such procrastination on the story and and I know that some of you have questions regarding to my OC so allow me to answer them.

1. Why is Torrent so tall?

To be brief; he does not have gigantism It's a form of genetic alteration on which I will discuss more thoroughly in the moment.

2. How tall is he compared to the ponies/EQQ?

Since the setting is obviously taken place in another universe he's considered average height excluding Princess Celestia who is slightly taller excluding her horn. However in EQQ he will be taller but not too extreme.

More general info:

To not spoil anything further in the story (which I will try to dedicate this month on continuing it) Torrent is highly considered to be an abnormal human being.

And to close this update this story is not dead in the water as I will try my best to get more chapters you were waiting for.