Pokemon Ultra Cosmos

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 7: Team Cosmos

Twilight paced up and down the castle balcony still nervous about what they were planning. It's been 10 years since her last visit to Alola and now it was happening again. Only this time it was only Starlight who was in Alola. If only she'd been there for her friend when the Ultra Beast appeared none of this would've happened. But she wasn't, luckily for her The Ultra Recon Squad was willing to help. They had suggested that they talked to their "Boss" whoever they were, and maybe they could convince him to help. But Starlight's safety wasn't the only problem now. Back then Necrozma had acted as the Guardian of Alola, to think that he turned his back on the entire Pokemon world was bad enough but now the possibility of him showing up in Equestria and stealing IT's light was worse.

"Twilight are you ok?" asked Spike.

"Oh Spike I don't know what to do, Starlight is missing, Necrozma's evil, everything is going wrong, can't this get any worse?" asked Twilight panicked.

"Twilight," Fluttershy called out to her.

"Oh Fluttershy thank Celestia you're here, listen how are things going," asked Twilight smiling nervously.

"Um well actually I think things just got a lot worse," answered Fluttershy.

"Oh what now?" groaned Twilight.

"Um well I think the other princesses wants to see you," whimpered Fluttershy. That instantly made Twilight freeze. Whenever the princesses needed to she her it always meant something big.

"Ok I'm on my way," said Twilight rushing out the door.

"Poor Twilight I think it's getting to her," said Fluttershy.

Twilight rushed into the throne room where the three princesses, Shining Armor, Sunburst, and two figures were waiting. The two figures looked awfully familiar as they were wearing dark blue hoodies and black shorts. One figure was male and the other female. The male had black hair that was cut short while the female had dark blue hair tied back into a ponytail. The female had badges with the letter C in the shape of a Crescent moon with three stars next to it, pinned to their chest while the male wore a necklace with the same symbol around his neck.

"Twilight thanks for coming on further notice," said Celestia.

"Princess Celestia what's going on, and who are those two humans?" asked Twilight pointing to the two.

"Well, well so you're the princess of friendship?" asked the male figure.

"To be honest I didn't think she would be the one, I mean the last time we saw her..."

"She was a princess back then Comet," interrupted the male figure.

"Wait that voice sounds familiar," said Twilight.

"So you finally remember," said the male figure.

"Wait you're Nebula!" gasped Twilight.

"Once a Team Cosmos Leader, always a Team Cosmos Leader," answered Nebula.

"What are you doing here?" growled Twilight.

"Whoa, whoa wait, wait just a moment you've got the wrong idea, we're not here to cause mischief, we're reformed," said Comet putting her hands up in surrender.

"Wait reformed?" asked Twilight.

"These two members of Team Cosmos came to this world because hey need you're help," answered Cadence.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

"You remember Nova right?" asked Comet.

"I think so, wasn't he Nebula's right hand man or something?" asked Twilight.

"Cosmos Admin, yes, well the thing is he's gone missing," said Comet.

"Wait missing as in like he vanished!?" asked Twilight shocked.

"I've got myself to blame for that," said Nebula.

"What happened?" asked Twilight.

"It was after I disbanded Team Cosmos, everyone was shocked about the news, but Nova he wasn't exactly too happy about what I did and ran off before I could talk him into accepting it," answered Nebula.

"We didn't think much of it at first but after what seemed like a month, we just couldn't leave it alone," added Comet.

"Wait you mean he's been missing for a month?" asked Sunburst.

"We reunited Team Cosmos and started a search in hopes that we might find out anything about his whereabouts, but when we asked the locals, police, Aether Paradise, even the Champion, they claimed that they don't remember anyone named Nova hanging around in Alola," answered Nebula.

"He's just gone," said Comet.

"It's a shame isn't it," a voice spoke up. The group turned to find Dulse and Zossie walking in while somebody followed behind them.

"You're back," said Celestia.

"Yes and we've brought a guest," added Dulse.

"Who?" asked Twilight. Both Dulse and Zossie moved out of the way as a third figure wearing a black Ultra Recon Suit walked up to them. To black antenna features was sticking out from both sides of the figure's helmet and the rainbow visor shined brightly in the sunlight. A Rainbow N was engraved on the chest plate of the figure's suit.

"Hello princess of friendship," said the figure in a robotic tone.

"Who are you?" asked Twilight.

"I'm afraid I'm not keen on introducing myself, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd just call me N," said the figure.

"Just N?" asked Shining Armor.

"Yes, unless you're fond of Ultra Recon Boss," said N.

"N's easier," said Spike suddenly. Twilight looked over as Spike and Fluttershy walked in.

"I thought you guys were hanging out in my room," said Twilight.

"Uh actually we were hiding behind the door," corrected Fluttershy.

"Wait so you heard everything?!" asked Twilight.

"We couldn't help it," groaned Spike.

"Well that doesn't matter," said N. "Right now we need to focus on the threat at hand," said N.

"We know Necrozma right?" asked Luna.

"Not just Necrozma actually," answered N.

"How many of you are aware of the one named Faba?" asked Dulse.

"Faba from the Aether Foundation?" asked Comet.

"Yeah him," answered Zossie.

"I've heard of him he's a terrible person who attempted to summon Ultra Beasts into Alola," said Nebula.

"Well if the rumors are true, then we should let you know that Faba is working with someone other then the Foundation to create an army of Ultra Beasts," said Zossie.

"An army of those monsters!?" asked Spike.

"Indeed he's planning to use that army to attack Alola but Equestria as well, said Dulse.

"What!?" gasped Cadence.

"We don't know how he found out about Equestria in the first place, but we believe that he's planning to attack Equestria in order to help Necrozma steal the light from you're world," said Zossie.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Nebula.

"We have yet to figure that out, but for now we can conclude that either an enemy from here is working in parallel with Faba and the mystery perpetrator or a close ally of yours is working undercover and sold you out to the two," said N.

"But we haven't had any reports of anypony suspicious of working with this Faba," said Sunburst.

"Even so your world is now in danger of an Ultra Beast attack," said Dulse.

"Do you know when the attack is going to take place?" asked Celestia.

"We are working alongside with the International Police and the Aether Foundation as well as the Champion to try and figure out anything about the invasion," answered N.

"In the meantime we suggest that you warn your kind and prepare for any sort of attacks," said Dulse.

"Also don't trust anyone, they might be a spy," said Zossie. The group looked at each other worried, first Starlight gets kidnapped and taken to Alola by an Ultra Beast, then Necrozma turns against the Alola region, then Nova goes missing, and now this. Twilight knew that this would end up leading to the destruction of Equestria but something didn't seem right. Why would Necrozma suddenly turn evil? Where and why did Nova vanish and why doesn't anyone remember him? Who was this mysterious perpetrator working with Faba and why were they trying to attack Equestria? There was so many questions without answers and Twilight was determined to find out.