//------------------------------// // Action! // Story: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake // by Master Cheese Cake //------------------------------// My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 8: Action! By Master Cheese Cake Ponyville was getting ready for the winter and for two more exciting holidays waiting ahead of them. Applejack was bucking apples down from the trees as fast as she could to insure that none of them are wasted during the winter. She finishes a tree and begins to head back to her cellar where she will store them for the winter. Then she exits the cellar and closes it up for today. She had gone ahead of schedule and bucked two extra trees. She then notices Big Macintosh talking to another pony not from these parts of Equestria. Two minutes ago… Big Macintosh was loading apples on a cart to bring to town until he was approached by a pony that has the fur of snow and a mane of bright red along with a cutie mark that represent masks of different emotion. "Hello, sir, but do you know where this Ponyville is?" she asks. "Yep." "Can you point me in that direction I'm becoming late?" "Yep, just go that way and you'll be there in a couple of minutes." "Thank you for the directions… I never got your name." "It's Big Macintosh or Macintosh ma'am." "Well thank you Big Macintosh. Say you want to come with me because it looks like you're ready to go too with all of those apples plus I would like some company for I am starring in a movie that is being filmed in Ponyville." "Sure and I never got your name." Applejack joins in on the conversation, "Howdy there I'm Applejack." "Hello Applejack. I am Sharp View." "What are you two talking about?" "Oh I just needed directions to Ponyville to find the director of this movie I am starring in." "That is dandy, right big brother." "Yep," he says. "Well my brother and I are headed to town now." "I know I asked your brother if he wanted to go with me." "Okay then we'll all go." Big Macintosh starts pulling the cart to town and Sharp View continues to chat with him while Applejack kind of gets left out of the conversation. Meanwhile in Ponyville… The mayor had given the director of a movie permission to film in Ponyville, so it is wild busy as the ponies on duty set up the scenes, ready the cameras, getting some food for the food table, hanging the light up, setting up microphones and most important readying the actors and actresses. The only person who was missing was the director in this rush and that was because he was talking to Cheese Cake. "Cheese Cake I am asking you as my frère to take on the role of my missing actor," he says with a French accent. "Why are you speaking with a French accent?" looking for something in the cabinet. "Well because it makes me look sophisticated and tres fantaisie." "I don't see how it makes you neither fancy nor sophisticated it makes feel like we're not related in any way." "Well what about you with your pattern choice." "Touché, but I have my very good reason to have my coat change patterns every three weeks." "What is that?" "I was cursed by a waffle." "What…wait, wait, wait… you're trying to change the subject of all this. Please do this for me or my career will be over." "I'm not even that good at acting. Why don't you get Sponge Cake to do that acting plus she a better actor than me." "I don't have time to go back home and ask ma soeur for her role in this movie, plus she is has her own sponge cake business going on back home, so she is busy." "I never understood why she liked sponge cake more than cheesecake, but still the answer is no." "Well do you know anyone who might be able to take the actors spot?" "Uh… yes, but it's risky." "Why is it risky?" "Well my brother it involves a certain pony that lives here and her name is…" "… Rarity," he says after three minutes of looking for her near the set. He sees the pony in the crowd trying to see what was happening, "See that unicorn right there with that stylish mane of violet and purple with the three diamonds on her hind leg." "Yes I see her." "She will be your best bet to play a role in your movie." "Are you sure?" "Yes just make sure there is no makeup in the area or she will take at least twenty minutes for her to get ready." "Alright anything else I need to know?" "No. Good luck on your movie Camera Cake." "I told you to call me brother, brother you know I don't like that name." "Sure brother," he corrects as he heads toward Twilight and Pinkie watching the movie being set up. Camera approaches Rarity who hopping constantly to see what was going on, "Excuse me ma'am I was wondering if you'd like to star in my movie." Rarity becomes speechless and she almost faints from what she hears, but then in Sharp View arrives, "Hey Camera, I think I found an understudy for the missing actor." Camera saw him and he was perfect because he was male, red, and had orangey hair which meant he was perfect for the role, "Yes, yes that is the perfect person for this role." "Come on Mac say the lines that I gave you." "No, no do it Noodle, think of all the ponies in the world and their families..." "Enough I have heard enough… he is perfect for the role." "See you did it Macintosh you got the role," Sharp happy. "What?" Applejack exclaims from the apple stand. "What!" Rarity screams with furiousness. "What?" Pinkie adds. "Why did you say 'what' for?" Twilight asks. "I don't know just getting in the moment." "Ooooookay, so Cheese Cake your brother is a director. Why is he not in the cake business like you?" Cheese Cake put his tea on the table, "Well it all started when he was born. My parents thought of what to name him. They already named me Cheese Cake and my sister Sponge Cake. They thought of Camera because that's when cameras began to appear all over Equestria, so one day he asked why that was his name and they answered because cameras were created at the time, which caught his attention to the contraption and that is how he became a director." "Wow, that's an interesting back story, but how come you didn't want to take the understudy spot of the actor." "I did enough acting in school." "Oh, oh did you play as a grape in the play," Pinkie asks. "No, but my sister did when we both volunteer in Camera's submitted play. Why did you play as a grape in school?"" "No, silly I played as a tree named Oaster and for some reason they didn't want me to be lead role when I obviously had it in the bag." "Do you know why?" "I just said it." "I took the script and ripped out all the lead role's lines and put it in a bag and they said just I had to bag the role, so I did." "Well I have to go make some cheesecake for the snack table, so see you ladies later." Twilight and Pinkie continue their conversation and Cheese Cake walks back to his bakery to set out what he said needed to be done. The day went on and as it did the movie started to complete itself scene by scene, take by take, and edit by edit. They said that in the morning the movie will be premiered especially for Ponyville for the generous privilege they gave to Camera to film here and they will be first to witness this before the rest of Equestria. There was a party in celebration of the movie at Sugarcube Corner and Mr. and Mrs. Cake have cooked so much delicious treats for this party. Cheese Cake was not at this party for he was testing his toaster in his basement. He plugs it into an outlet that he made for his bakery. Then he puts the bread in the two slots on the top and then presses the receiver down to retract the bread into his invention. The inside started to light up a bright red and he observe the toaster with precision. He runs up stairs to retrieve paper and a quill, "The toaster is cooking the bread in a stable temperature. The receiver has been improved to hold down the bread until the cooking process is done. So far, so good, everything is normal and the cooking process is almost done, this is where the previous test has failed. The toaster should launch the bread that is now toast, up, but hopefully will not fall apart in the process." The anticipation was killing Cheese Cake as he waits for the toast to launch up. Then it does and a smile grows on his face as his invention was a success. He takes the toast and tastes it and then writes more about it, "The toast is evenly cooked on both sides and taste delicious. I must try this with butter. (Two minutes later). The toast does taste good with butter this will be officially named butter toast. Oh no I spilled sugar over the sample of butter toast that I have. I wonder what it tastes like. I have tried this toast with a mix with sugar and the taste has the perfect blend. This can become a new dessert must write it down for further experimentation of flavor." This is all he did for that night, until he fell asleep on the floor. The next morning… Everypony crowded around the crime scene where the murder of Camera's detective movie was destroyed to pieces on the ground. "No, why… why would the world do this to me?" "It's okay we can make another one we still have the equipment," Sharp View trying to comfort him. "Yes that could work and that gives me an idea. Where is…" "I'm right here," Cheese Cake reveals himself from behind the crowd. He had different attire on this time which happens to be Sherlock Hooves outfit. "You're already here for the role; thank goodness I was worr…" "No, I'm here to solve this investigation of the murder of 'The Crime for Noodles' the film." "What?" everypony say in unison. "Yes I will need everypony to move away from the crime scene." "Come on Camera we need to start again if we're ever going to finish this film again," Sharp suggests. "Please Cheese Cake find the pony who did this?" "Don't worry I will, but first I will need a partner in this investigation. Who wants to be that person?" Everypony disperse back to their jobs and the only one who was remaining was Twilight just standing there. "I would like to try to be a detective." "Alright we'll start with the crime scene." "What do we have?" "The film was repeatedly stomped to a pulp of metal and transparent plastic. There are no signs of imprints in the area and for all we know a unicorn could have crushed it with magic." "Yes, it could have but look at the indents on the ground which suppose of a hoof crushing it." "True we should take this to the spa and get it steamed to see if anything was left behind." "Good idea." The Day Spa Twilight and Cheese Cake were waiting as the steam room well steams the film. After a few minutes Twilight lifted it out of the room and placed it on a table. Twilight looks at the crush pattern and notices something, "Looks like the pony used a horseshoe to crush the film." "Yes and there is a horseshoe stores here that sell horseshoes and that will be our best bet to find who bought it." "Yes, but I think I've seen this horseshoe from a certain pony." "Who are you thinking of?" Rarity's Boutique Rarity was sitting on her couch and was being asked question by Cheese Cake. "Well, Ms. Rarity explains why did we found your horseshoe imprint on the film reel?" "I don't know what you are talking about." "Are you sure? Because we double checked that you do own a horseshoe. We took a quick trip by the local horseshoe store and found a purchase you made for a horseshoe yesterday at seven in the night. What do you have to say about that?" Cheese Cake could tell that Rarity was nervous, but she still showed confidence on the outside, "Well that could have been any pony that looked close to me, but I never went to that horseshoe store." "Are you sure you didn't buy that horseshoe to smash the film because if I recall yesterday you were about to get the lead role and then Big Macintosh came in a stole it from you. You were so close to becoming famous and since you couldn't be in it then no one should see it especially since it was filmed in your hometown. That's why you bought it because you didn't want your beautiful hoof to get damage while smashing the film into a pulp." "Okay… okay… okay I tell you why I bought it… Applejack said she needed a horseshoe, but she didn't have money at the time and I offered it to buy it for her. She said she'd pay me back this morning which she did." Twilight jumps into the conversation, "A very unlikely story Rarity, but why did Applejack want it?" "She didn't say." "Hmm we'll keep in touch, but this isn't over." Then they both leave Rarity to her work and begin to walk to Sweet Apple Acres. "So, do you think she did it?" Twilight asks. "Let just say she not ruled out yet." "If we find the horseshoe in her boutique we can nail her." "I'm pretty sure it's with Applejack, but if she hid it then we don't have anything to connect her to the crime." Sweet Apple Acres Applejack was loading her apple cellar with apples, but before she could get out the cellar she was intercepted by Cheese Cake and Twilight. "Howdy Twilight, hey Cheese Cake what bring you two to Sweet Apple Acres." "We are here to ask you some questions Ms. Applejack. Please take a seat," Cheese Cake answers. "Ooooookay, what do you need to ask me?" "A suspect in our investigation said that she bought you a horseshoe is this true." "Yes it is true." "What did you need it for?" "Well Big Macintosh said one his broke one of his during the shoot the movie, so I as great sister went to go buy one for him." "Are you sure about that statement? If I recall right your brother only wears horseshoes when he is only working. Why did he decide to wear them at the filming?" "I don't know maybe he forgot." "Hmm very likely, just one more thing and we'll be on our way. Where were you when you asked for that horseshoe?" "I was… uh… um at the party at Sugarcube Corner when Rarity asked for it." "When did you ask for it?" "It was about… let see about six fifty-five in the evening." Twilight whispers to Cheese Cake, "The timeline matches up with the time she bought it. It would have only taken them five minutes to get to the store and purchase it." He whispers back, "I still need one more question." "Okay Ms. Applejack one more question and then will be on our way. What did you do right after she bought the horseshoe for you?" "I went to go and find Big Macintosh to give him it." "Okay we'll be on our way." "Alrighty then see you ponies later." Twilight and Cheese Cake must now go looking for Big Macintosh. "So, that completely eliminates our suspects, but at least we have a new one." "Nope we don't have a suspect." "What do you mean?" "Big Macintosh couldn't have done it." "Why?" "He was with Sharp View at the party and never left." "You weren't even there, in fact you were the only that didn't attend the party, so that gave you opportunity to do it yourself." "What motive would I have and plus I was fixing the bugs on my toaster." "Very unlikely story because we don't even see you working in your bakery and you knew where the film was because the director is your brother. I also noticed that your hoof is the same size as the indents." Then they were cut off by the Cutie Mark Crusaders who look like they were in a rush. "Where are you three headed to in such a rush?" Twilight asks. Scootaloo starts, "We saw something last night when we were trying to get our cutie marks… "Yeah we saw the person who smashed the film…" Sweetie Belle continues "Well who was it?" Twilight asks. "It was him," Apple Bloom pointing to Cheese Cake. Twilight held her head high, "Ah ha I have witnesses that say you were there Cheese Cake, so why don't you just admit it now." When she brings her head down Cheese Cake was gone, "Next time I shouldn't close my eyes and look up when I'm right." Back in Ponyville "How could this be? I couldn't have done it," Cheese Cake pacing back and forth in the bakery. He goes into the basement and he finds something unbelievable. It was the horseshoe that was used to smash the film, "No this can't be. I couldn't have unless I slept walked and smash it myself." Then he has a moment of realization of that night. He was looking through the window adjacent to Sugarcube Corner and he could see Applejack giving the horseshoe to Big Macintosh and him giving it to Sharp View who then gave it to his brother. "It makes sense now, so it was you Camera who did it?" "Yes you finally solved the investigation." "You did it because you didn't like the movie and you've been filming me and Twilight going around questioning the others." "Yes that is exactly what I did." "I got to give you props I didn't see it till the last minute." "Now I must go for my new movie is done." Then his brother climbs out of the basement fast and locks him in behind and as Camera walks away he could hear his Cheese Cake hitting the door trying to get out. "Huh, what the hoof, what happened?" Cheese Cake says when waking up. "It was just a dream. What time is it?" "It still midnight okay," Then he realizes the table of toast. "Who knew that toast tasting would be, so crazy?" "I do!" Pinkie Pie surprises him. "Wha… Pinkie what are you doing here?" "I'm here to eat you," then takes bite at his back. Then he wakes up again in his bed, "Okay this better not be a dream." "It was more like a nightmare from what I was seeing," Twilight explains. "When I came here to get you I found you in your secret basement and you were past out on the floor, so I put you in bed." "Thanks, so how is the movie premiere at town hall." "Great, but it been over for four hours and Camera is going Hoovywood to make copies." "Oh great, ah pony no more toast for me." "Yeah and along with all the Nightmare Night candy you got, you were really going for all the flavors." "Yeah it tasted good with butter and I think I'm going to keep it that way." Then they both laugh and then they leave to go on another adventure.