Unknown Thing In Equestria.

by DizzyPaws356

Chapter2: Something Lurking.

Made by: DizzyPaws356

Chapter2: Something Lurking.

LightBolt suddenly thrust forward, throwing his blanket off of him and onto the bed. He pull up his hooves up to see them shaking. He does not know why, but his dream shook him up hard. He gets up and goes over to his bathroom. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt opens the door, walks to his sink and turns the nob to start to water. He splashes some nice cold water onto his face. When he takes a moment to feel the water drops slide down his unmade mane and fur, he reaches for the towel to dry his face off. After drying off his face from the water he splashed on his face to help him. He throws the towel over his shoulders and walks back to his bed.

LightBolt feels his steps getting a little weaker with each step. He makes it to the table where his journal lays with a quill resting on it. LightBolt sits just in front of the book and quill. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he picks up his quill.

Year: 1993,
Month: October,
Day: 4th.
I just woke up from this strange dream... It... It was not like a normal dream. Nothing went wrong. It felt so real with each step, each breath, and each blink... I also felt like somepony or.. Something was watching and following me. It was was about a normal day, but the feeling was a little to real to be a dream. Well I should calm my mind so I don't mess up at work tomorrow. Maybe when Daisy gets off of work we can hang out and relax. Sign out.


LightBolt closes his journal and places his quill on the cover. He takes another deep breath and climes onto his bed and rest his head on his blue pillow and slowly fades off to sleep. When LightBolt wakes up just a few hours later feeling better, he looks at what time it is, "I'm late!" he yelled out loud as he quickly grabs his work hat and runs out the door. He runs to the storage that he has been working at for about a year. "I'm here!" LightBolt said as he runs though the doors.

LightBolt looks though the place for the boss and finds him talking to a few other ponies. "Sorry sir i'm here." he said to the boss, "Your about a half an hour late." The brown stallion told LightBolt as he turns around, "You know what i feel about lateness." he adds as he walks over to LightBolt, "Yes I do sir, but I had a bad night. I promise you that I wont be late again." replied LightBolt. The boss looks at him with his main unmade, it's vary easy to tell that he did have a bad night, "You have one strike. One more then your going to be looking for another job." the boss added as he talks back with the other ponies.

After a few hours later of moving boxes and bag around the storage to stores, his shift is over. LightBolt walks over to the store that Daisy works at. He opens the door and sees Daisy re-shelf the drinks. "Hello Daisy." LightBolt says when he walks to her. Daisy turns around and sees him walking to her, "LightBolt!" she walks over to him as if she hasn't seen him in years. "You said you would be back after walking in the woods." she told LightBolt as giving him a playful punch, "You scared me." she turns around and walks back to the shelf. "I'm sorry, when I got out of the woods, the store was closed." he told her as he walks to the shelf as well.

LightBolt helps out Daisy as she re-shelf the drinks, "Hey Daisy." LightBolt say as he places the last drink, "You think we can maybe..." the front door opens suddenly and makes a loud sound that brakes LightBolts sentence. They both jump up and look at the door. All they see is the doors shutting slowly. "H-Hello..." Daisy said as she walks over to the door. LightBolt starts to have the same feeling like when we was leaving the forest. He walks next to Daisy as she is looking outside the store.

After a few mins of looking around the store, LightBolt and Daisy didnt find anything, "Do you think its just some colts playing a trick on us..." Daisy say as she look at LightBolt. He is zoned out looking in the direction of the forest. He shakes his head and looks at Daisy. "Yeah... It can be the only thing I can think of..." he replies in a tone that Daisy can tell that it shook him up. They walk back into the store and Daisy walks behind the counter, "So what was that question you where asking....." Daisy ask as she sits. Light Bolt looks at her.

"I was wondering if you want to go hang out and get something to eat. When your done that is." LightBolt ask as he tries not to look outside. "I would love to. I should be done in about two hours. Wanna meet at the park?" Daisy say as she looks at LightBolt. "I'll see you their." he tells her as he goes outside looking side to side as he make his way to his house. LightBolt closes and locks his front door. His mind starts to flash back to his dream he had as he walks to his room. His house becomes the forest as he walks. Then suddenly it goes away.

LightBolt walks to his journal and pick up his quill to write.

Year: 1992,
Month: October,
Day: 4th.
I was late to work today because that dream shook me up and I over slept. I'm on my last rope for work, but I talked to Daisy today. When I was about to ask her to go and hang out, the door slammed open. Nopony was their and nothing broke. We went out and looked for anypony nearby. When I was standing just about five feet away from the door... I had that feeling again... It was as if something was watching me and Daisy... But this time, it felt closer... I'm not going to tell her about it so she wont worry about it. Then when I headed back home I felt something stranger... Just as if something was following me... What am I talking about. It's all in my mind.

I'm going to meet Daisy in a few hours to hang out at the park. It will be really cool, but first i should take a shower and look nice. Hopefully this non-sense will be done when the day is over. Sign out.


LightBolt places his journal on his table with the quill on it. He walks to his bathroom and turns on the shower as he grabs a clean towel. When LightBolt finished his shower, he drys off and start to make his hair look nice. The shower helped clear his mind from what is happening, he smiles. "Well its time to go see Daisy." he tells himself in his mirror. Walks over to his journal and pulls out the drawer in the table. He pulls out his glasses that he doesn't like to use, but he knows that Daisy likes guys with glasses. LightBolt walks to the front door and opens it. Just a few steps out he realize that he didn't have to unlock the door...