//------------------------------// // Chapter1: LightBolt Intro. // Story: Unknown Thing In Equestria. // by DizzyPaws356 //------------------------------// Made by: DizzyPaws356 Chapter1: LightBolt Intro -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 2nd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, my name is LightBolt and this is my journal. I'm going to start writing about my days so if one day I become famous. Today it took me a few stores to find a nice journal like this one. It has a lot of pages so I need to make sure that I don't skip out on words. I've been told about this place called the 'EverFree forest'. Everypony told me to never go, but what fun is that? Life isn't well lived if it's not mixed up with some danger now and then. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a dare devil or anything but I like to push life time to time. Well it's getting late, I should end this and go to bed. Signing out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and places it on the table next to his bed and turns off his lamp and lays in bed. He pulls his covers over his green fur and he rest his brown mane on his pillow as he falls fast asleep. When morning comes around, LightBolt wakes up. "It looks like a good day today." He tells himself as he sits up and stretches. LightBolt gets up and walks out of his room to the kitchen. He grabs himself something to eat. "Well I should go and walk around the forest, but first I should do a fast note in my journal." he tells himself before heading out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well today is the day i'm going to the EverFree forest. I'll show everypony that it's not a bad place. I'll spend most of the day in the forest. I'm going to bring my journal and a water bottle with me. First I need to get one from the store. Well i'm out. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt closes his journal and throw it in his bag. He places his bag on his back and heads out to the store. Clip, clop, clip, clop. LightBolt makes his way. He pushes the door to the store open and walks in. "Good day Bolt." said by the mare behind the counter, "What would you like today?" she asked him as she is cleaning the counter. "Nothing special today Daisy, just a good water bottle I can lug around the EverFree forest." LightBolt saus as he looks at her, "I'm going to wonder around in it to-..." Daisy stopped him before he finished, "You know that is a dangerous place and you shouldn't go." Daisy says in a loud tone, almost like a yell, "Their can be anything in their. Nopony knows what is going to happen." Lightbolt thinks. "Well." he says, "Life isn't fun if it's always safe, you know." finishing as he takes a few steps to the counter where Daisy was standing. "Your one crazy colt you know that." she said with a smile, but LightBolt can tell she is still upset, "I'm not a colt, i'm a few mouths older then you." he added, "So my guess is that your not going to give me a water bottle?" he said as he leans in with a smile. Daisy smiles and tells him, "I guess i'll see what we got, but i'm not going to give you it. You'll have to pay for it.". Daisy turns around and looks in the back. LightBolt looks around what is in the store at the counter. After a few minuets of looking Daisy comes back to counter. "I found this." she tells LightBolt as places it on the counter, "It's a little big, but it's pretty light and shock proof. So it shouldn't brake if you drop it." she adds as she looks at LightBolt. He picks it up and looks at the water bottle. "It looks nice. how much is it?" he ask as looking at Daisy, "It's only 5 bits." she replies. LightBolt pulls out the bits for the water bottle and places it on the counter as he throws the bottle in his bag. "Well i'm set. I'll see you when I get back." LightBolt start to walks out of the store. After some time of walking, LightBolt makes his way to the EverFree forest. "Well it dosn't look as bad as everpony has said." he tells himself as he pulls out his journal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day. 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm standing at the side of the forest. So far nothing is bad. What am i saying? Nothing is going to go bad. Time to prove everypony wrong about this forest. Sign out ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LightBolt places his journal in his bag as he makes his way to the forest. His first step into the woods started off not to bad. Clip, clop, clip, clop. When he makes it in deeper, a misty fog starts to sneak around. 'Where did this fog come from...' LightBolt ask himself as he keeps walking. 'Other then the strange fog, the trees tend to have a strange feeling to them as well.' he tells himself as he walks though the trees. When LightBolt has been waking for what felt like a few hours came across a small lake. He makes his way to the lake. The fog starts to clear up some as LightBolt gets closer to side of the lake. He looks around the lake and woods to see if anything is around but complete emptiness. 'This place isn't that bad. It has a strange feel but its not bad.' LightBolt tells himself as he pulls out his water bottle and takes a fast drink. At a split moment he sees a movement off to the side of his sight. He drops his water bottle and it rolls into the lake. 'What was that...' he ask himself and searches the area by what he can see. Nothing stuck out as strange, well stranger then what he can see. LightBolt picks up his water bottle and refills it from the lake. 'Well I should get home...' he tells himself before heading back to his house. When he gets out of the forest he feels as if something watched him leave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year: 1992, Month: October, Day: 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well today was a fun day. I talked to Daisy some today and I went out in the woods. It wasn't as much as I though it was, but it was still nice. I saw something off in the distance move, but i'm not fully sure if it was or not. Also I felt like something was watching me leave the forest but I didn't want to look back to see if something was. Well i'm going to go back in a few days. Till then i'm going to be working and writing. Signing out.. ~LightBolt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------