//------------------------------// // Viewed As A Monster // Story: Subject 27 // by Phyrexian //------------------------------// This is another crossover chapter! The Co-writer is itsmyfuneral his story is The Darkness Within Us All. I strongly urge you to go read his story! We'll be doing more work together on crossovers later on. Chapter 45 - Viewed As A Monster “I don’t believe that Colt knows what generous gift you bestowed upon him, 27. Your soul is a marvelous piece of art; with each new bite I experience something new, something truly wonderful. You’re like a diamond, no matter how much you go through, your soul will always shine and sparkle with such determination.” Fade runs her slender fingers along the cracks that riddle my soul. “You’re probably right about that Fade, I gave him life and he acts like nothing happened! I should’ve let his soul be swallowed whole by the Abyss! I-.” Fade places her index finger on lips. “Hush now, 27. Colt will have his day soon enough, either by your hands or by mine. Let my cold embrace stabilize your shattered soul, awaken 27.” Fade awkwardly hugs me from behind and pushes me out of the Darkness. - - - The girls look up as they hear footsteps walking across the floorboards, they sit there quietly and wait with anticipation. Their eyes go wide as they hear Colt’s door open, I step out of his room, crushing the girl’s anticipation. The girl’s hopes die back down as they watch me walk down the steps and sit down on the floor of the living room. “H-How long was I out?” I yawns. “You were out for several hours, Demon.” Nyuel greets me with a warm smile as I sit. “I see, I needed the nap, I miss anything interesting?” “Well S.K. told all about your incredible meat. What would Cloud do to you if she knew you were with a gryphon?” Bell says teasing S.K. and I. “Derp.” My brain fails me once more. “Horror, who’s this Cloud she’s talking about?” “She’s a pegasus who rutted 27 once a while back.” Bell says remembering their mare talk from the park. “W-What?” S.K.’s jaw drops. “You didn’t know? Oh this is priceless!” Bell giggles as Pinkie Pie begins eating a small bag of popcorn. “Derp.” So, Cloud and I really did do the deed that night? My brain is struggling to even process this new information. “Horror, is she telling the TRUTH?!” “To be honest... I was kinda hoping I just woke up without my pants on... But if what Bell says is correct...” I fear for my very being, not knowing how S.K. is going to react to this sudden news. “Then Cloud will kick your flank!” Bell says as she laughs. “I don’t remember a single thing from that night... I-.” “Do you remember our night then?!” S.K.’s feathers become rustled as she stands up and yells at me. “The first time I was asleep... Th-.” “WHAT?! Then how could yo-.” Tail wags happily as it slithers out from behind me. “Tail... What did you do?” I look down at tail as it just wags happily. “I-I thought you were awake! Your tail started it and I just went with it!” S.K. begins to blush fearsly. “Derp.” S.K. grabs me by the horns and starts to shake me violently. “Derp?! What does that even mean?!” “Derp is just Derp, that’s all! P-Please stop shaking my head!” S.K. doesn’t let up her assault. After the seventh shake, I fall over on my back, taking S.K. with me. Tail reaches for some popcorn and takes a few kernels. “Any butter Mr.Tail?” Pinkie Pie asks cheerfully. Tail shakes its tip sideways, and rests next to Pinkie Pie as they all watched the both of us fight. S.K. stands over me, both of us silent, not knowing what to do next. S.K.’s chest heaves as she breathes heavy, still furious about the sudden news that Bell told us. I can feel her body heat radiating from her, reawakening the sudden urge to start playing with S.K. hits me like a sack of bricks. Before S.K. can say anything a loud slurping sound breaks the silence, all eyes turn to Trixie who was drinking a soda with a straw. “Trixie apologizes, please continue.” She says as she trots to the kitchen for another cup of soda. “Silver, I’m sorry for upsetting you. Yes I was asleep for the first time, but I was fully aware of what you and tail were doing though... The entire day we spent playing together I was fully awake. And tail, you and I are going to have a conversation...” Tail hides behind Pinkie, and grabs some more popcorn over her shoulder. “And girls, I’m sorry for upsetting you too. I know I acted a little weird upstairs, it’s complicated. Long story short, I’m more Horror than Human now. Which explains my six foot long tail. The horns on the other hand, were caused by a patch of Poison Joke I landed in after falling from the sky. I’m sorry if I scared you or made you all a bit uncomfortable, at all. Bell, Colt’s little episode was caused because of you; keep a close eye on him for me. I won’t be around to stop him the next time it’s triggered.” S.K. flaps her wings and pulls on my horns, helping me back up. The girls all form a huddle as S.K. and I stand there waiting for a response. “We’ve decided on whether we forgive you or not.” Trixie says. “I’m perfectly fine whether you do or don’t, I just wanted the air cleared from my actions earlier.” It will be for the best if they don’t forgive me, it will ease their pain for when the time comes that Colt meets his fate by my hands. “Good, because we don’t, you even scare poor Fluttershy.” As Bell says this, I look at her causing her to hide behind her pink mane. “I understand, it’s for the best that you view me as a monster. Someone has to be the bad guy, might as well be me. I’m sorry Fluttershy that my appearance scares you, be careful for what you wish for I guess. I wanted power and this is what I got...” Tail hangs its tip in shame. “We don’t think you’re a bad guy, we just don’t like you.” Trixie states. “What’s the difference? Not matter what, I’m still a monster in your eyes, or however you wish to label me. Just keep in mind I gave a part of myself to safe Colt for you girls.” “Yes, but you didn’t do it for us, I know that for sure. But, for whatever reason why you saved him, we’re thankful.” Bell says. “You’ll understand when the time comes, I promise you that, Bell.” Tail pats her on the head before returning back to me. “Alright then, well you should get going before Cloud kills you.” Bell says jokingly. “Yes, I need to go back to the hospital and go over my research notes about Colt, thank you all for this opportunity.” Doctor Helping Hoof says as he makes his way to the door. “Excuse me, Doctor Helping Hoof, mind waiting for just a moment?” Nyuel stops him before he leaves. “Demon, I wish to take my leave and study with Doctor Helping Hoof about Equestrian way of healing. Is this alright with you?” She looks up to me with pleading eyes. “If anyone can teach you, it would be the good Doctor. Yes, Nyuel, if you wish to follow him than please do so. I thank you for all that you’ve taught me in Unyasi, you helped me so much, and you’re a great friend.” I wrap my arms around Nyuel and hug her tightly. “Thank you, Demon. You are a dear friend to me, may the spirits protect you in your travels and may we meet again.” She returns the hug and leaves the house with the good Doctor. “I’ll be taking my leave here too, Subject 27. I do plan exacting my revenge one day, but not now. Don’t you dare die before I have the chance to kill you for good myself.” I simply nod and the kid’s horn flares up and he vanishes. “Silver, what about you?” “Like I told you earlier, you’re coming with me to join the Family.” S.K. gets up and walks out the door. “Goodbye girls, hopefully I don’t need to rely on the insurance policy that I entrusted with Colt. Maybe when everything calms down we can get together and become friends.” I bow respectfully before them and walk out the door, Tail hugs Pinkie before following me. Credits Editor frieD195