To Turn a Life Around

by TheEngineer

Caught in a land slide

Chapter Three: Caught in a land slide

Wow, I just really passed out on my bed. Seriously I *yawn* must have been really really ti- *yawn* tired..


"Hey there son"
"Daddy!" "what is that?"
"This?"...... "It's a time piece. I've had it for a long time now"
"It looks really really old.."
"It is old: I had it, my daddy had it, and his daddy had it, and his daddy before it had it...." *sighing* *long pause* "My little Matthew, heh, look at you, you aren't all that little anymore. Twelve years old, twelve years I had the joy of raising you. I did raise you well didn't I? I sure hope I did. Now, tell me the honest truth, even if I told you time and time again that everyone around you has lied many times. Can you be held responsible? Can you take care of this one thing for as you as you live or as long as you can until you pass it on?" *another long pause*
"Yes, daddy. You know me, I always take care of stuff!"
"Heh, you sure do."
"Here, I think you are old enough to have this."
*Young Matthew receives old, yet still perfectly preserved and working time piece*

*Young Matthew looks at time piece, then at his father. Both wearing a small smile*
"Thank you daddy."
"Take good care of it, one day you will truly understand how significant this is."


*Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.*

"Just a minute!" *running* *door opening*
"Hello sir, are you Mr. Anderson?"
"Oh, you're government. Yes I am, what can I do for you?"
"Well, may I come in first?"
"Sure, come in. Care for some tea?"
"Yes, please." *man come in and takes a seat* *older Matthew in the kitchen next to the living room in which the man is sitting in*
"So, what was it that you came in for?"
"This has to do with your family. They are... Well, they are in a better place now."
*cup shatters on the floor, tea spilled*
"What was that?"
*voice rising* "No, what did you say about my family?"
"Well, Mr. Anderson, you see." *nervous pause* "It was an accident."
"Tell me what happened!"
*Massive sigh*
"The remainder of your family.. Your father, mother, younger sister, uncle and aunt; they were in a family field trip but were unfortunately caught in an automotive accident on the way there. I am sorry to say, there were no survivors in the crash. Not even the other party."
*Tears* "What? What fucking 'field trip'? When the Fuck were they going on a field trip? Why did I never know about it? why!"
*More tears* *voice lowering* "How could this happen? What went so wrong that this had to happen to me? It's... It's not fair! It's not fair!"
"I... I came to deal with the legal side with you, your family members all had their wills set out to you."
"Deal.. With the legal side? Are you fucking nuts? Get the hell out of here! Out! I don't wanna deal with any legal side when I'm fucking mourning!"
"Sir, I am so, so sorry for your loss. I will just leave me card here, when you feel ready to talk about the legal matters I will await your beckoning call."
*Man shows his way out of the house and shuts the door behind him.*



I shot up from my bed, sweating, panting, crying. I just waited for my heart beat to slow down from that nightmare, that... That memory. I searched the night stand next to my bed and pulled out the object of my hunt, a brass time piece with a gold chain. I simply put it up against my ear and listened to the ticking and the tocking, and waited until I fell back asleep.


I woke up from my slumber, mostly just forced out of bed by the sunlight coming in from my window. I looked at my alarm clock, 10:27 am. I managed to crack a slight smile at the realization that it was Wednesday, and that I don't have to work today.
I decided to get up and go straight to making breakfast, remembering to make extra for the guests. Making my way down the stairs as quietly as possible, I headed towards the kitchen. Of course, since I only slept for 6 hours, the first thing that was to be made was coffee. I just assumed everyone drinks coffee so that I wouldn't have to go through the effort of waking up my new acquaintances and put enough for everyone in the coffee machine.
"Good morning." said a sudden and groggy voice. I whipped around, startle by the source of the voice. It was Twilight.
"Oh hey, didn't hear you coming." I said.
Twilight sniffed the air a bit, "Is that coffee I smell?" she asked.
"Yeah, you have that in Equestria too huh? Milk and sugar?" I responded.
She simply shook her head and said "No thanks, black."
I just blinked, "Wow, I didn't take you for the heavy weight coffee drinking type". She just smiled and decided to ignore that last observation.
After a few quiet moments where only the coffee machine said anything, Twilight reared up and leaned against the counter and began the conversation again, "I am really sorry, but I barely remember the conversation we had ye- today".
After a moment of thought, I realized that I didn't either. We must have been really tired, I stated as such. And we just stared blankly at the coffee machine, it was almost done.
"So let me get this straight" Twilight began, in a slight and slow monotone voice, "I am currently on a different planet, Earth, where magic is considered to be a myth and so are unicorns and pegasi."
"That you are." I responded, "And you are from a different planet in a nation, Equetria, that relies on magic, considers humans to be a myth, and consists of a dual monarchy that somehow maintained peace for over a thousand years" I remarked.
Somehow Twilight found that last bit of info shocking, I dunno what I said that was so wrong. "You had recent wars?" she asked.
I stared at her for a good ten seconds before responding, "This nation has been at war since the year 2001." I said simply, but the look of confusion told me that our calendars are a bit different, "And, right now is the year 2021. Yeah, two decades of pointless war on the other side of the planet. I don't like it either" I added before I received any trans world judgment.
"Wow." was all that managed to come out of her mussel. Anyhow, the coffee is done, and I love it when the coffee is done! But I forgot to do anything else, so I quickly grabbed four bagels, cut them open and started feeding them to my toaster. Twilight, seemingly wanting to get past the topic of war, asked what toasters were and another now boring conversation ensued.
Meanwhile, the groaning coming from the living room was telling me that someone else is waking up.
"Somepony." Twilight corrected, what? I didn't say that out loud did I? I gave Twilight a confused look and the look she gave back to me told me that I did..
"Hey guys, what's for breakfast?" Rainbow was the first to come in and the first to ask, but she looked like a wreck. Her mane was tossed and she had bags under her eyes and the groggy-ness to her voice spoke volumes of how tired she was. Pinkie Pie came in behind her, and she looked perfectly fine.
"Right now, coffee and some bagels coming right up." I said.
"Bagels? Whats a bagel?" Rainbow asked a question that took me completely off guard. How could our worlds been so culturally synchronized to the point that we share similar holidays and traditions like breakfast and they don't know what a bagel is?!
"Oh god, you're serious." I said in utter shock.
Twilight looked up at me and added "Yeah, she isn't joking, we don't have bagels in Equestria. Are they good?"
"Are they good?" I repeated in disbelief, "I don't think you know a good breakfast until you tried a bagel!" I exclaimed. With that said, all of the bagels were nice and toasty, and everyo-pony sat at the table in the kitchen while I served coffee and bagels with cream cheese and chocolate-hazelnut spread on the side.
"What? No forks and knives?" Rainbow asked, yet again another shocking question considering, well, they have hooves! How were they supposed to use silverware?
"How are you supposed to use silverware when you have hooves?" I asked Rainbow while handing everypony a fork and knife, and Rainbow simply picked it up! My mind was exploding in rage at the sheer rape and violation of the laws of physics!
"No really, how are you doing that?" I half yelled.
"Jeez, you don't have to yell", Rainbow said, "Look, your hands are similar to the bottom of my hooves see?" she showed me a hoof. The sides of their hooves were hard, but the bottoms were soft tissue with a small paw pad triangle close to the center of the hoof, odd. Rainbow continued, "You can pick up a needle by simply pressing your hands on it right?", before I could respond she continued her speech, "It's the same principle with us ponies" She said triumphantly.
"But, but, your actually using force with it!" I said as she used a knife to spread the chocolate hazelnut spread on one half of her bagel.
I continued, "I can't hold a needle by pressing my finger on it and then pierce a piece of cloth with it".
Pinkie Pie just shrugged and said, "I don't know how none of you remember that we talked about this seven hours ago, this is when I tell you that it's just hooves logic, Matty".
All eyes just stared at Pinkie Pie who throughout the entire conversation had said nothing until now. We all decided not the question it and went to eating.
I watched Rainbow close her bagel and move it towards her muzzle (with hooves! how?!?!). She began chewing and soon her eyes widened to a larger size than they currently were (are they nocturnal? Why else would they need such large eyes?). She chewed excitedly while making an adorable puffy face.
Rainbow didn't wait until she finished chewing to comment, "Wow! Matjuw yew weally wewen't gokinj vhen yew" *gulp* "When you said that these are good!" Rainbow exclaimed happily and continued eating.
The rest of our breakfast was fairly uneventful until I started talking again, at this point, we were all pretty much done eating and just finishing our coffee.
"I was actually thinking of taking you guys to the city today, would have been fun, until I realized that colorful ponies would cause quite the riot out there" I said.
Twilight gave me a smug grin and said, "Um, I'm a very magical unicorn capable of more magic than most ponies out there. And, it just so happens that I have a transformation spell under my coat for everypony to use", she said before shrinking back and adding, "Oops, I didn't mean to brag, I'm so sorry, don't hate me please".
"How could we hate you when you just made our stay on Earth a whole lot easier for us Twi?" Pinkie Pie retorted.
I just decided to add on, "And possibly saved your friend's lives...". The looks I got were mortified, oops.
"Saved from what?" Pinkie seemed to be the first brave enough to ask.
"I dunno, I was thinking that the government would want to use someone", "Pony", "Sorry, somepony like Twilight or Rainbow as weapons against the world if not just to dissect you in an attempt to understand you. I just don't think any good would come out from being found out." I spat out.
The silence in the air was chocking me. I know I had to warn them about this contingency eventually, but I didn't think I would feel so guilty for simply warning them. I did the next best thing to do: I skipped to the next topic, "So, about that transformation spell?".
"We're in mortal danger?" they all asked in unison.
"Well, not if you are all careful and act completely natural in public. It really shouldn't be that hard since there is a lot of craziness that could pass as normal anyway" I responded quickly.
Twilight sighed in some sort of relief, the others still seemed somewhat tense. Twi moved on first and began to respond to my unanswered question, "I really only need two things: a human DNA sample, such as hair or something else, nothing too serious. And I also need some time to configure the spell."
"You speak of magic like it's some sort of science" I said flatly.
"It is! Magic is one of the five major forces in the universe, along with strong force, weak force, nuclear force and gravitational force" Twilight responded in a lecturing tone.
"Huh, that actually might fill a few gaps in our understanding of physics", I commented.
"Well I digress, now that I had time to sleep on the issue at hoof, I now realize that Earth has less magical leylines than on Equestria. But that means I can still do magic, however weak it may be. Meaning that this spell that would normally take five minutes to configure may take around forty-five give or take. It also makes simple telekinesis a bit more difficult" Twilight said, levitating her cup of coffee for what I only now realize to be around the tenth time and that every other time I must have simply blocked it out of my mind. I guess my brain is too tired to question reality anymore...
Anyway, DNA huh? I guess my nails could do with some trimming.. I stood up from the table full of empty plates and cups, and went to the bathroom to get a nail clipper.
I came back to the table now full of confused ponies and ceremoniously gave the nail clippings to Twilight, who giggled at the scene. I guess I made it a bigger deal than it was, but at least I looked cool doing it.
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and I just sat idly on a couch while Twilight labored over configuring her spell. After some time, Rainbow spoke up, "Hey, what is that black rectangle over there anyway? Looks pretty useless." She asked.
Somehow, Rainbow's questions keep making me think or make my mind explode. We were simply sitting doing nothing when there is a TV right in front of me, and a gaming console. I swear, those lights last night did something to my brain.
"Hey Rainbow, you strike me as the competitive type, no?" I challenged, and as expected, she immediately whipped around and retorted with a smirk.
"Cmon and give me what you've got!" all the previous fear she showed before melted away with the mention of a competition. With that said, I stood up and walked over to the TV, turned on the console and picked up two white controllers. Helo 6, best game ever made, ever.
I gave Rainbow the controller and she gave me a questioning look in return, "What is this?" she asked.
"Oo!Oo! I wanna play!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, to my surprise since I fully expected to have to explain the entire concept of a video game.
"Pinkie" I gasped, "You know what a video game is?".
She rapidly shook her head, "Nopey dopey lopey! But I do know how to play though!" she said.
"What? That doesn't make any sense.." I muttered.
Rainbow just gave me a sad look and said, "If you want to keep your sanity, just stop questioning it and say that it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Also keep her sanity and make sure to be a good friend, and keep her away from a combination of flour and party hats."
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind", I said cautiously.
The TV was showing the usual light show that is the intro of the console turning on, it's a whole lot of green and white and very pedestrian to me by now, but it seemed to captivate the attention of both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow. While Rainbow was staring at the screen before her, Pinkie snatched the controller away (again, I'm done asking how they pick things up with just hooves. I still don't know how they are going to play, but then again, hooves logic). I started the game, and decided to play the campaign instead of the multiplayer, make things easier for them.
"Alright, we are technically playing cooperatively, but whoever gets the most points wins. Enjoy the best sci-fi shooter ever made" I said.
"You're on!" Rainbow challenged, and then proceeded to snatch the controller back, using all four hooves to push the buttons (hooves logic!!).

.........45 minutes later, give or take.........

"Rainbow, behind you!"
"Argh! What the hay is that?!"
"It's a noble, an alien with power shields like ours."
"Help! I can't take him down on my own!"
*Explosions* *Gunfire* "You are very welcome."


Twilight was making her way downstairs, ready to announce that her spell was ready, but paused when she heard all of the commotion. "Um, what are you all doing?" she asked.
I paused the game, much to Rainbow Dash's disappointment, and turned around with a small smile, "Playing a game while you got yourself ready, speaking of which, is the spell ready for action?"
"Yes." Twilight responded hesitantly, "I believe that it's ready, mostly sure. Well, 98.3 percent sure." she added.
I jumped out of the couch at the news and then stopped myself at a weird thought, "Wait, you won't all look like me will you? Because that would be like too much like Brave New World for me too handle."
"Um, no. Your nail clippings were used only as a human DNA template. So, our own features will be applied to that human template to create our new figures. It's almost like what we would look like if we were born human, and it's also completely reversible." Twilight beamed, soon adding after that, "What's Brave New World anyway?".
"It's a novel." I responded, "I have it in my library upstairs if you want to read it.". This put a smile on Twilight that was so big, I was sure she was going to hurt herself with it.
"You have a library full of books I haven't read once?" Twilight asked. I nodded, very slowly and unsure. Twilight's eyes dilated and she inhaled deeply before hopping around in a circle chanting "yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes YES!"
The other three of us waited for Twilight to calm down, which took about a minute or two, and then we got right down to business. "Okay, sorry about that" Twilight apologized, "Well, the spell is ready. Is everypony ready?". Every mare in the room nodded, I just stood there.
"Um, Matthew? You might want to stand back a bit, I don't know or want to find out what a human transformed into a human looks like" Twilight warned. With a grimace, I stood aside.
Twilight's horn began to glow a soft lavender, and soon, so were the bodies of all three mares. That's when another weird thought hit me. Wait a minute, if they aren't wearing any clothes now, and they are turning human in front of my very eyes, doesn't that mean....?
The room became a blur after a blinding flash of white consumed it. Sure enough, my theory was correct. Before I got a solid look at naked pseudo-humans, I covered my eyes and bolted up the stairs.
"You didn't warn me that you would be all naked!" I called as I made my way to my room and took out the first sets of clothes I could find, I could wash them later anyway.
"Um, sorry? We didn't really think about that!" one of them called back, "Argh! Two legs, how do you walk around like this?".
I simply responded by throwing a bunch of clothes down the stairs and instructing "There, put those on, I think we are going to go shopping for some clothes".
The response I got should have been expected, women will be women no matter what species. They all cheered and did what I can only assume from the sound was a high-five. High-five? Did they do high-hooves when they are in pony forms?
You know what? I'm done, I'm done asking questions I later realize I never wanted the answer to. My mind is going numb from the impossibility of this situation right now, so I will do my best to give my poor mind a break.


"You can come down now!" Pinkie Pie called from downstairs. I came down and stood in awe, they really did it, they really are human-looking now. "Wow." I commented.
"Argh, my eyeballs are so tiny!" Rainbow complained.
"Nuh-uh, your eyeballs were so huge!" I retorted, offended by her statement on the size of my eyeballs, their size is just fine.
I took the time to take the details of the three. Pinkie Pie now had very poofy brown hair and startling blue eyes, Twilight had black hair with nerdy bangs that covered most of her forehead and soft pigeon brown eyes. They were all wearing mens clothes though, that would have to change soon.
Rainbow however, still managed to keep her erm, her rainbow.. And hazel eyes too, but, the rainbow! How did she keep that?
"Uhh, why did Rainbow keep her rainbow?" I asked. All eyes were on Dash.
Twilight in very deep thought, "Well, as a pony, no one else had naturally rainbow hair like hers, I guess it's a mutation that made it through the transformation process. But as of right now, she is no less human than you. I guess that's pretty handy if we want to pass as humans in the outside world." Twilight said, following her train of thought out loud.
"I guess that makes sense" I said in a low tone, I realized that Twilight also looked a little nerdy, Rainbow looked very athletic through all of the baggy clothing, and Pinkie Pie just looked wild....
"Rainbow, you have to make sure to tell people you dye your hair if they ask, and don't let them see the roots of your hair either." I said.
"Fine, whatever." Dash responded, feeling somewhat in-dignified that even in a different world her hair gets pointed out.
Rainbow Dash suddenly lit up, looked at her legs and then looked at mine. "Hey, your legs are pretty strong. Do you do any sports and stuff?" she inquired. Again, her questions are taking me off guard every time! How does she do it?
"Erm, what?" was all I managed to say. Before she could say anything though, well before anyone could say anything, I managed to recover "Well, I skate. I guess that counts as a sport". I was having a really awkward moment right now.
"Skate? What the hay is that?" Rainbow asked.
Twilight was now blushing from embarrassment, "Rainbow! Watch your language! And please, don't ask such weird questions", she said cringing.
I don't know why, but that just made me crack up. I got questioning stares from both Twilight and Rainbow Dash (and a weird look of shock from Pinkie Pie, dunno why and I don't feel like pursuing that subject).
Once I got over my fit of giggles, I responded "It's just fine Twi, no harm done. As for your honest question, the honest answer is that I will show you later. It's a little hard for me to explain". Pinkie Pie is being strangely quiet, maybe she's just home sick.


So we got in my SUV and as expected, all three of my new friends were flabbergasted from the fact that it's a wagon that pulls itself. Twilight shot me a million questions per second on how an engine works, to which I answered to my best ability. Rainbow occasionally (thank god) interrupted Twilight to ask what skating is and talk about other sports that our worlds somehow had in common. Seriously, how can our worlds be so different and yet be so connected with each other at the same time? Pinkie Pie was still strangely quiet, it's starting to make me a little nervous.


When we finally arrived to the mall I was planning to go to and found a parking spot, we began our search for new clothes for the mares in disguise (MiD?). At first we were just looking for a suitable store, it was a mistake, I should have taken them to the first place we found. The very realization that there is such a large center of consumption made the 'MiD' very giddy, I soon lost Twilight to a book store and Rainbow to Sports Authority. We decided to meet at the entrance in thirty minutes. Now, I was alone with Pinkie Pie.
"Hey, let's go find a place to sit." Pinkie Pie said, her expression darkening a bit.
"Uh, sure. May I ask why?" I questioned.
"Well, I'll tell you when we sit" she responded. How could I say no? I didn't feel like I could.
We found a nice looking bench and she just cut to the chase, "You eat flesh don't you?". I suddenly realized the gravity of those words, ponies are herbivores, that would make me an utter monster in their eyes wouldn't it? But, the look in her eyes told me that she knew my answer, she just wanted to hear it from me.
"I er well, you see..." I sighed, "Yeah, I guess I look like a terrible person in your eyes huh?". I felt guilty for some odd reason.
"I saw your teeth when you laughed at Twilight's reaction to Dashie's question, then I felt the ones I have now. They aren't all the teeth of a carnivore, you have cutting teeth and canine but you also have maulers, so you must be an omnivore." Pinkie Pie said quietly.
I must say I was surprised at Pinkie's knowledge of teeth, then again, she is a baker. If anything, Pinkie Pie knows food and it's consumers. "No, I don't think you are a monster for being what you were born as. I just don't know why you didn't tell us, why you had to lie to us." Pinkie continued.
Did I lie? Was it really that bad?
"Do you.... Do you eat ponies? Is that why you didn't want to tell us?" she asked.
"What? No, no no no,I would never eat that kind of animal! Horses were always valued in human culture so it's really frowned upon to eat them. I only eat animals like chicken, cow, fish and stuff like that. Even then, I never killed an animal with the intention of eating it before, I promise". I really didn't want her to be afraid of me.
"Oh, okay..." she trailed off.
"Was this why you were so quiet lately?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just wasn't really sure. I think the others will want to know before it gets out of hoof."
"Hand" I corrected. "Yeah, that." she responded.
We sat in silence for a short while until a shout caught both of our attentions, "Hey! Guys! Over here!" yelled an excited Rainbow Dash. Pinkie and I simply decided to wait for her. She got to us and began the conversation, "Hey, I was headed for the entrance when I saw you two." she said, cocking an eyebrow at me. "The guys in that sports shop barely know a thing about athletics! It's insane I tell you! Anyway, I got bored and decided that meeting up with the group would be more fun." She finished.
We went to the mall entrance to wait for Twilight and Pinkie Pie took the time as an opportunity to tell Rainbow my 'secret'.


"Omnivore huh?" Rainbow began after the revelation, "Well, I used to have a Griffin friend. She was a carnivore and ate meat around me all the time, so no biggie." she said.
I relaxed for a while until I had to ask, "Griffins too? Are all of the creatures in your land mythical?"
Pinkie quickly retorted, "Nope! I saw a few birds and dogs around here and we have plenty of those!"
"Oh, at least thats normal." I commented. hour later.................

Twilight came back, and we were all bored as could be. "Twi, just where were you! We looked in the book store and you weren't there!" a very annoyed Dash queried.
Twilight widened her eyes when she spotted a clock conveniently placed above us, "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I must have lost track of time, I asked the nice man that ran the book store about a history book and he told me that there is another bookstore nearby that had better ones!" Twilight apologized and then made a sounds that I could only describe as a squee.
"Fine, whatever, let's just do what we came her for. We got side tracked enough." I grumbled, only to be stopped by Pinkie Pie who reminded me about the 'I'm an omnivore' predicament.
With a deep sigh, I turned to Twilight, "By the way, I'm an omnivore. I eat meat on a near-daily basis to stay healthy and I really hope that doesn't bother you too much." I said quickly enough to confuse Twi for a moment or two.
"Ahhh, that explains the teeth. Sorry I didn't ask before" Twilight said after a short pause, leaving Pinkie Pie with an open jaw that almost slammed on the floor.
"Am I the only pony that was upset that he didn't tell us before?!" Pinkie Pie asked, a little too loudly. Heads began to turn and I began to freak out a little.
"What happened to acting natural, Pinkie?" I snarled. Pinkie shrank back a little before we all quickly, and unanimously decided to leave for the clothing store with haste.


I picked up a dark gray AC/DC shirt and waved it at Rainbow Dash, "Hey, the rocker look suits you! Goes really well with the hair too!" I said on the verge of giggling.
"Very funny Matt." Dash said with the thickest sarcasm she could muster, "Who are they anyway?" she ended up asking.
"One of the greatest hard rock bands to exist is who they were, I'll share music with you later though." I said.


After many hours of shopping for a weeks worth of clothes for the three mares in disguise (I really like the sound of that!), we were finally on the check out line and I was gently stroking my debit card to prepare it for the big dent on missing money that it would soon suffer.
"Why are you doing that?" Twilight asked with a judging eye. "Don't question it and be thankful that you aren't naked in public." I said flatly.
*scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* *scan* ...........
"That'll be $875.27" said an impressively emotionless cashier... Holy crap, that's a lot of money.
"Goodbye my hard earned cash." I said swiping my debit card, I didn't want to use credit in fear of never paying that money back again. My prayer did earn a smirk from Ms. No-feels, which almost made my day, almost.


That ride back home wasn't very chatty, besides the random but deserved thank yous I got every now and then. So, I decided to turn on the radio and the first song that came up caught my attention, I heard this song before...
"Where is that music coming from?" Pinkie asked, while watching me rock out at the steering wheel.
"Oh, there are speakers inside some of the SUV's walls. Sorry for the surprise, they are so pedestrian to me that I didn't realize you wouldn't know." I said.
"Wow, these speakers are twenty times smaller than Vinyl Scratch's and yet just as powerful." commented Twilight.
"Who now?" I asked.
"Only the coolest DJ in Equestria! Wow, I really like that tune!" Rainbow jumped in.


We came home absolutely starved, "Oh god, how did we forget about lunch?" I cried out in despair.
"Oooooh no, this is a bad tummy rumble!" Pinkie commented.
"I.... I am going to die if I do not get a bite soon." Rainbow added.
"Is this really the first time any of you skipped lunch?" Twilight asked, with a hint of ridicule.
"YES!" We all cried in unison. Apparently, Twilight has studied so hard before that her alleged assistant wasn't able to feed her until nine o'clock at night.

"Well, I for one, am going to make us one big dinner to compensate." I said almost crawling to the kitchen as Twilight reversed the transformation spell, leaving behind three colorful mares in very baggy clothing.


"What's for dinner?"
"Cheese tortellini with a tomato, spinach, cucumber, lettuce and pepper jack cheese salad."
"Wow, looks good."
"You can thank the chef after you eat, and excuse my steak."


Wow, long day. I am going to sleep well tonight, well, if I try to not think about how much money I blew off today...
