Protecting Paradise

by Metatoda42

Chapter One: The Otherworldly Visitors

You know what’s the worst thing about being immortal?

No, it’s not because of the fact that everything you hold dear will slowly turn to dust while you live young and healthy forever. No it’s also not because of the fact that dying hurts like hell. No, the worst thing about being immortal is:

Boredom... Just pure and agonizing boredom...

When you’ve seen it all, from the most majestic sight to the most unseeable. When you’ve done everything, from the most heroic, the most diabolical, to the stupidest thing possible...

There’s not much left to do, not much left to see, and all you get is just pure unadulterated boredom.

Well, this is exactly what our designated protagonist Bruce Gunderson felt. He has lived for a very long time. He was a hero, a villain, a monster, a legend, a myth... A mad idiot who goes around getting into other peep’s business like he knows what he’s doing.

Long ago he was the hero of the mankind; he saved many lives and civilizations. Then he lost one thing he holds dear, and he became a monster. Soon, he lost all cause and drifts off into the multiverse, just going around helping people, killing people, getting into trouble...

After centuries of traveling through the multiverse, he had enough of his BS existence. He decided to start looking for a place to settle. Place where he can rest, make friends, have family, and maybe die a happy man. Perhaps build an amusement park, but that’s another thing entirely.

TL;DR: Our protagonist Bruce Gunderson is a dimension hopping immortal human who goes around doing everything and soon he got tired and decided to look for a place to call home. You got that? Good, cue the Line Break

This is it...

The final standoff between Harmony and Disorder, between Peace and Anarchy, between Order and Chaos. Right here, right now, at this exact point in time and space The Mane Six stood together as one. Together they shall return balance and take back their beautiful world of Equestria. Together with the Elements of Harmony they shall defeat Discord once and for all.

Twilight Sparkle stood bravely in front of the Draconequus. The love and determination of all creatures in Equestria flashes in front of her eyes. Because today, she knew that she will prevail. She knew that Discord won’t have the last laugh.

Why? Because there is one thing that she has. One thing that proves to be the most powerful force in all Equestria. One thing that can defeat the embodiment of chaos itself. One thing that will never fail in bringing back peace and harmony.


The Elements of Harmony powered by the Powerful Magic of Friendship. This is the power that represents all peace and harmony in Equestria. The power that embodies all magic and willpower of all Equestria. This is the most powerful force in the entire world.

A cruel, heartless, immature, Reality Warper like Discord will never hope to harness its power. He will never understand the true power behind friendship. And that is the reason of his downfall. Blinded by his arrogance, he underestimated the sheer power of friendship. If only he knew about the power behind those elements he might have a chance.

(Because seriously? Why didn’t he just hide those elements in the moon and give Twilight a fake riddle about fishes and oceans? That’ll keep them busy for another few months...)

Now sitting on top of his throne, Discord watched the Mane Six with a smug look on his face. He watched in amusement and ignorance as the ponies in front of him started to float. Their eyes turned pure white as their body absorbed the Magic of Harmony.

Discord could feel a tremendous amount of energy building up from the elements. But the second he realized that it might be a very good idea to run like hell, it was already too late. A beam of concentrated purifying magic shot out of the elements. It resonates with the magic in the air and everything around them, creating a brilliant spectrum of multicolored light that grew all over Ponyville.

The Draconequus’s eyes widened. He tried to escape, but there was nothing he can do. The magic hit him dead on, nullifying his chaotic power and slowly turning him into stone. He can feel all chaos he did to the world becoming undone as the magic obliterated his physical form.

The Chaos Capital of Equestria turned back into the Lovely Ponyville village. The Land and Nature turned back to normal. Night and Day cycle re-calibrated and everything reverts back to the way it’s supposed to be.

In another world, another reality, the story ends right here. Friendship was victorious and the Mane Six became the hero of Equestria. They will all continue their life in peace and harmony until Season Two finale where they have to face the Changelings. But that’s beside the point.

In this world however, in this mirrored reality, through a trick of fate another being arrived in Equestria. By just banging his head on the Dimensional Portal’s Main Console, Bruce Gunderson somehow managed to open up a portal to Equestria. A portal that is powered by a Crystallized Singularity. A power so volatile and chaotic that it’s almost indistinguishable with chaos magic.

To the onlookers, it was as if a ball of light suddenly appeared a few feet above the sky. The second it appeared, beams of multicolored lights shot out of the Elements of Harmony. They collided with each other and blinding explosion of light followed shortly after.

TL;DR: Return of Harmony Part Two but after they defeated Discord, a ball of light appeared out of nowhere and the Elements of Harmony thought it was chaotic magic. (KABOOM)

Bruce Gunderson felt himself lying on top of a ground. He can feel the sun hitting his face indicating that he is not wearing his helmet. He can also feel the grass pressing against his back which means that his armor is busted. At least he can still feel the fabric of his clothing so he is not naked.

The Human took a deep breath, smiling in relief at the familiar scent of fresh air and nature. Then he blearily opened his eyes and found himself lying down in the middle of a grassy plain. He stretched his body and sat up from his position.

The first thing he saw was six colorful equine life-forms lying down unconscious on the ground a few feet away from him. The next thing he saw was dust piling down near the creatures. Finally, he noticed that some of the creatures have horn, some has wings, and some has neither.

“Okay, winged and horned equines... Certainly not the weirdest universe I’ve ever end up, but definitely interesting.” Bruce talked to himself. Why? Because when you’ve been alone for too long, you’ll start picking up a habit of talking to yourself. Trust me, I know.

He walked closer towards the creatures and realized that one of them is waking up. He paused for a second; the creature in front of him could be hostile and he really doesn’t want to fight so soon after his arrival. He considered all possibilities and in the end, he decided to do the most logical thing.


With a yell of concentrated stupid and crazy, the human harshly woke up the Mane Six from their sleep. The ponies looked around in alert before staring at the odd, primate-like, creature standing in front of them. “Hello! Hi! Can you understand me? How are you!?” The human exclaimed.

They all blinked owlishly before smiling nervously at the human. A certain purple maned unicorn took a few steps forward and nodded at him. “Umm... Yes, we can understand you and...” She looked around and narrowed her eyes in confusion. “Who and...” She inched closer towards the creature in curiosity. “What are you and...” She looked around in confusion. “What just happened?”

Mere moments after she said that, the memories of the events that just transpired struck her like lightning bolt. The Unicorn gasped and starts looking around in panic. “DISCORD!!! We were fighting Discord and, and...” She looked behind and saw her friends looking at her with an equally shocked expression on their face. “Then I used memory spell on you all and we used the elements and...”

Soon, they noticed a certain statue lying down on the ground a few feet away from them. Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Main Six quickly galloped towards the statue. “He’s a stone! We did it everyone!!!” Twilight exclaimed in relief.

Bruce Gunderson just watched as the ponies cheered and laughed in joy. They seemed to be nice and harmless enough. But still, he shouldn’t discount the fact that those ponies may have cursed something into stone. He really doesn’t fancy being a stone again so he should probably stay on their good sides.

Then, the unicorn’s horn glows in purple light and the statue floated from the ground. This is somewhat a common sight for Bruce, seeing natives throwing out the laws of physics out of the window. But it also means that he should be extra careful. Usually, those who can levitate object with a thought can also choke you to death with a thought.

After a few minutes of jeering at the Statue of Discord, the Mane Six walked back towards the human. They’re all still pretty curious about the newcomer from another world. “So, who are you?” Twilight asked in curiosity. “I’ve never seen a creature like you before... Where did you come from?”

Knowing that the ponies in front of him have no ill intents whatsoever, Bruce smiled and clapped his hands. “Introduction! Name’s Bruce, a dimensional hopping traveler who goes around just for the heck of it.” He explained before holding out his hands to see if the concept of shaking hands/hoofs? Applies in this universe.

Twilight Sparkle looked at the five smaller appendages protruding out of the human’s hand. She shrugged and held up her hoof to shake his hand. She shivered at the sensation of those fingers squishing her hoof a little. “My name’s Twilight Sparkle and those are my friends.” She pointed at the light brown pony with blonde mane.

“That’s Applejack.”

Applejack smiled and waved at him with her hat. Then she walked over towards Bruce and held up her hoof. “Howdy! Nice to see you Bruce!” They shook appendages for a moment. “Never seen anythin’ like you ‘round this part before. You must be far away from home!”

Bruce just shrugged. “Considering that the distance between one universe to another is infinite.” He looked at her with a smirk on his face. “Yes, I am far away from home.” Applejack just smiled sheepishly before walking back towards her friends.

Then Twilight pointed at a white coated unicorn standing beside Applejack.

“That’s Rarity.”

Rarity stepped forward and smiled at the human. “Hello darling, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She took a closer look at the human, studying his tall and athletic figure. She observed his untidy black mane (hair) on top of his head, his light brown coat (skin) color, to his obsidian black eyes.

Then she looked at the dark blue T-Shirt he wore and the cargo pants around his legs. She observed every detail, from the picture of rocket snails on the T-Shirt to the bulging pockets around his long cargo pants. “Are you wearing clothes for any special occasion?” She asked him.

This time, Bruce finally realized one thing that he needs to set straight immediately. “Okay, the thing about humans in general is that we ALWAYS wear clothing. We do not take them off unless we really have to, or changing, or taking a bath. So yes, I will always wear clothing.” He explained just to skip all future awkward situations with clothing that may or may not happen.

Rarity blinked owlishly after hearing that. “Are you saying that you wear clothes every day? Forever?” She asked him in disbelief. “That’s... Genius! Why didn’t I think of it before?”

“Ooh!!! That’s easy Rarity!” A pink pony who looked like five years old on a permanent sugar rush suddenly exclaimed. “It’s because the animator can’t model you wearing different types of clothes every episode. That’ll take extra work and not enough budgets. That’s why most cartoon characters wear the same clothes every day.” She explained, not realizing the amount of collateral damage she just did on the Fourth Wall. “But since we’re in a fanfiction now, you can probably attempt to do so. Just make sure you keep the dress simple or the author will have troubles describing it.” Okay, that’s enough Pinkie Pie! “Hehee, Sorry Meta!”

Rarity just gave Pinkie Pie a look of utter confusion. She couldn’t even begin to understand what the pink pony just said. “All right Pinkie Pie...” The unicorn muttered before looking back at Bruce. “I’m just wondering, but did you bring anymore clothing with you?”

Bruce nodded and pointed at his backpack behind his back. “Being a traveler means bringing your wardrobe wherever you go.” He explained. “But it seems that my jacket slash armor disintegrated when I arrived here.” He added after realizing that he couldn’t find his armor anywhere.

The Unicorn stifled a squeal of excitement from the prospect of researching an alien kind of fashion. “Ma-may I please see your fashion collection?” She asked with a very hopeful look on her face.

The human just nodded. “For a heads up, I only have clothing for males. So you might not find anything feminine in my wardrobe.” Rarity just smiled even wider when she heard that. This means that she can challenge herself to make a clothing for human mares (females).

Suddenly, Bruce noticed one pony who seemed to be hiding from all attention. She has light golden coat and pink mane. She was looking at him with in a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Umm, who is that?” He asked Rarity.

Rarity looked behind and saw Fluttershy hiding behind Rainbow Dash. “Oh that’s Fluttershy, but do be gentle darling. She’s very delicate.” She walked towards Fluttershy and smiled encouragingly at her. “Oh don’t worry Fluttershy...” She patted her body a little. “Bruce is nice, I’m sure that he won’t hurt you.”

It took all of Bruce’s willpower to refrain himself from telling everyone why it’s a good idea to be afraid of him. He smiled warmly at Fluttershy before walking carefully towards her. “Hello Fluttershy!” He greeted her kindly. A look of fear flashes on her face and the human sighed patiently. “Are you scared? Please don’t be, I promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

The yellow coated pegasus just nodded hesitantly at him. Bruce crouched down to her level and looked at her carefully in the eyes. “Why are you scared of me? Is it my look? Cause if you think this is scary then you should see me first thing in the morning...” He joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Fluttershy shook his head and took a deep breath. “I-I’m sorry... It-it’s just that the animals are afraid of you...” She whispered to him. “Pl-please, don’t be mad... Ma-maybe the animals are afraid of you because you’re not from around here... Maybe it’s not because you’re scary or dangerous. Just that you’re different...”

Silence followed shortly after she said that. Everypony looked around and realized that she was right. There were no animals on sight, just an empty plain with only seven signs of life. All the birds, insects, and all creatures seemed to have fled away. Even the breeze itself just stopped, like the whole world is holding its breath. “I-I’m so sorry...” Fluttershy whispered meekly.

Bruce took a deep breath and looked down in acceptance. He might be 100% organic, but he’s been disowned by life and nature itself for a very long time now. Only now did he realize just how far he has gone.

“You can hear them don’t you?” Bruce asked suddenly. “The animals, the trees... You can hear them all screaming for you to stay away from me.” Fluttershy gasped and nodded. “Well... I can’t tell you to ignore them, in fact, I won’t blame you if you decided to go run away screaming...”

The Pegasus didn’t know what to say. She can feel, she can sense, she knows just how dangerous and powerful the creature in front of her is. The way everything avoided the human like a plague, his very presence is just... wrong. Like he’s not meant to be anywhere near Equestria...

Then she looked at her friends. The way they befriend him in only a matter of seconds, the way they smiled and welcomed him with open hoofs... It finally clicked to her, the one thing that starts all friendship.

“Bruce...” Fluttershy whispered suddenly. “Is it all right if I trust you?”

'That’s a very good question!' Bruce thought to himself. Can she trust him? Can she, an innocent little Pegasus trust something like him? A creature with more blood in his hand than the amount of stars in a galaxy. A creature who have betrayed, killed, and destroyed so many lives and civilizations?

He pondered about it for a few seconds before nodding. “Since I’ve promised myself to become a better person and not a dimensional hopping bringer of death and destruction.” He ignored the look of disbelief everyone gave him. “Yes, you can trust me.”

A gentle smile slowly grew on Fluttershy’s face. She took a few steps forward and gently wrapped her hoofs around the human. “Then I promise I won’t be scared of you...” A shocked look appeared on the human’s face when the pegasus embraced him into a hug. Not that he’s never been hugged before, just that he didn’t expect this kind of comfort the second he came here.

They let go of each other and realized that everypony else are staring at them with a sly smirk on their faces. Fluttershy retreated away in embarrassment while Bruce is trying really hard to keep a straight face. “Ahem, moving on!” He looked around and pointed at a rainbow maned pegasus. “You! What’s your name?”

A confident smile appeared on Rainbow Dash’s face. She floated a few inches up and zipped straight towards the human. “The name’s Rainbow Dash! The coolest, most awesomest pony around.” A collective eye rolls answered her boast. “Now, just because Fluttershy trusted you, doesn’t mean that we all do.” She looked behind and saw all of her friends shaking their head at her in disagreement.

Rainbow Dash groaned and put a hoof over her face. “Fine! Just because everyone trusted you, doesn’t mean that I do.” She folded her hoofs in front of her chest. “So now, I’m gonna ask you a couple of question and you better be honest because AJ here...” She jabbed her hoof to the direction of Applejack. “Is the Element of Honesty and she can tell if you’re lying.”

“I can?” Applejack asked in confusion. “But I can’t even... Mph!” A hoof in her mouth cut her off.

“Yes you can!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed almost forcefully towards her friend. Then she looked at the human. “Now, tell me. Why did you come here in the first place?” She asked him.

Anything with enough guts to interrogate him deserves his full attention. Bruce smirked at her and put his hands into his pocket. “Well, I’m getting tired of traveling so I decided to start looking for a home.” He explained. “As to why I chose this place, I didn’t. I entered the coordinates randomly so I had no idea where I will end up.”

Rainbow Dash just nodded, satisfied by his answer. “A likely story... So, what’s in the bag?” She asked him.

This time, Bruce couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Revealing the contents of his bag is always his favorite part in his travel. “Okay... I’ll show you one item.” He took off his backpack and put it on the ground beside him. “This is my favorite by the way.”

The Mane Six watched in curiosity as the human took out an odd device out of his backpack. It shapes like a handy-cam and gun mixed together. It has a screen at the side of it and some sort of a lens at the end of it. He aimed the device at the pegasus in front of him and pulled the trigger.

Rainbow Dash covered her eyes as a blinding flash of light appeared from the device. When it dies down, a beeping sound came from the device. “What was that?” She asked. “Did you took a picture of me?” She asked again.

Bruce just shrugged. “Technically I did, but it’s not just that, let’s see...” He pressed a few buttons at the side of it and whistled in awe. “You were right, you are amazing!” He cleared his throat and put his left hand into his pocket. “Ahem, Name; Rainbow Dash. Species; Pegasus. Age; 22. Allegiance; Ponyville. Feats; Performing the Sonic Rainboom at the age of ten, defeating A Reality Warper called Discord, defeating a literal deity called Nightmare Moon, bearer of the Element of Loyalty.”

The Main Six oohed in awe after hearing that. “So... It’s some sort of a scanner then?” Twilight asked in wonder. “But how can it scan her history? How does it work?” She asked the human.

Bruce walked closer towards Twilight and let her take a closer look at the device. “Molecular Scanner, Cognitive Sensor, and a tiny bit of X-Ray.” He explained to her. "Pretty cool right? Research and investigation has never been easier with this baby around." He watched curiously as the unicorn gently picked up his scanner with her power.

"May I?" Twilight asked, itching to use the alien technology in her magical grip. Bruce nodded and the unicorn looked around for a target. Then her eyes lingered on the human and a mischievous look appeared on her face. "Say cheese!!!" She pulled the trigger and a flash of light engulfed Bruce's vision.

Twilight grinned at the human before looking at the scanner. "Let's see... Name; Bruce Gunderson. Species; Biologically Augmented Human? Age; 6 centuries old, wow another immortal. Allegiance; None. Feats; Saving civilizations, planets, important peoples... You're a super hero aren't you?" She muttered in amusement.

The human shook his head. "Was... It's been a long time since I saved planets and civilizations. Lately all I've been doing is watching in the sidelines as the chaos ensues." ‘Or create chaos...’ He added as an afterthought "And yes, that scanner doesn't work to well on old people. Too much memories not enough processing power and stuff..."

Then, the human moved his attention to the last pony. "So, what's your name?" He asked the P.P.P.P.P (Pink Party Pony Pinkie Pie).

The Pony grinned and hopped right in front of Bruce's face. "I'm Pinkie Pie and you are the first human I've ever met! How does it feels like to be human? GASP I haven't put up a party for your arrival! Do humans party? Of course they do, everyone love party! Do you like chocolate cake or strawberry cake? Oh I know! You should go to my place and get some sweets! Do humans eat cake? Of course you do! Everyone love cakes and candy and chocolate and muffin and cupcakes and... mmph!" A hand covered her mouth to shut her off.

The human looked at the Pinkie Pie for a moment before shrugging a little. There's really no harm in answering any of her question. "Yes humans do party, yes I like cakes, I prefer chocolate, and yes I love sweet things except for muffins. Yes I would love to go to your place." He said before opening Pinkie Pie's mouth.

"and candy bar! Where did you come from anyway? Are you looking for friends? We would love to be your friends! Do you have friends back in your world? If so, will they miss you? Ooh! And do you like balloon animals? I always bring my balloon animals wherever I go!" She took out a red balloon dog from out of nowhere. "Oh and what can you do? Do humans have super powers? Can you show it to us? What's your favorite animal? is it a bear, a cat, a crocodile, a... mmph!" A hand cut her off again.

"I came from planet earth. Getting some friends would be lovely and no I don't have friends back home. I prefer regular balloons with photos of actual animals. My favorite animals are birds. Compared to you, we humans have hands and fingers. They're useful to do lots of things like shutting you up." Bruce replied calmly.

"You also have an extreme amount of patience." Rainbow Dash pointed out while the others just nodded in agreement. “Seriously though, how are you doing that? That’s Pinkie Pie!” She asked again in amazement. "Not even Twilight can stop her from talking."

Bruce just smirked a little after hearing that. "Trust me, she is nothing compared to my sister." He said he opened the floodgates.

"...a beaver? Wait did you say birds! Do you have a pet? If you don't you should get one! Then we could go together for Ponypet play date. I have a pet, his name is Gummy, he's a crocodile. What about your sister? Where is she? Is she going to visit you later? Are you going to leave eventually!? Oh no then I will have to make your every second of your life here unforgettable! But you said you don't have friends back home? Isn't your sister your friend? Or maybe she's not home and she's here playing hide and seek with all of us. How about games? What games do you play... mmph!" Bruce shut her down for a moment.

"No I can't have a pet, I am disowned by Mother Nature herself in all universe I arrived in. No, I won't forget you, your face is unforgettable enough. I play video games, but I doubt you have one here. As for my sister..." He closed her eyes and sighed to himself. "My sister is... gone... So yeah, that's the main reason why I started to travel."

Everypony looked down after hearing that. Even Pinkie Pie didn't say another word after Bruce let go of her mouth. "You don't have anypony waiting for you back home..." Twilight said sadly. "I'm really sorry to hear that..."

Bruce took a deep breath and nodded. "Nah it's okay. That was about 5 centuries ago, I can't even remember how she looked like." Then he looked at his backpack and a regretful look appeared on her face. "This backpack is the only reminder of her existence."

Cue the awkward silence.

"Okay! Ponies! Magic! Scanners!" Bruce exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence. Then he pointed at the Statue of Discord standing on the ground a distance away from him. "Now THAT is interesting." He walked towards the statue and took a closer look. The Statue seemed to illustrate some sort of a half snake, half goat, half bat, and half crow creature. The hybrid seemed to be looking ahead of it with a picture of fear in its face. “So, what’s the deal about this statue?”

The Mane Six walked towards the Statue of Discord. “That is Discord.” Twilight said with a tired look on her face. “We were just saving the world from his chaotic tyranny. He’s some sort of a chaotic deity and a Reality Warper.” She explained.

Bruce's eyes widened. He has met a Reality Warper before, and it was never a pleasant experience. “So what are you going to do with him?” He asked them. “Smash him to rubbles? Drown him into lava? Bury him five thousand feet below the ground?” The Mane Six cringed a little after hearing that.

“No! We’re just going to put him in a safe place in Canterlot Castle. We’re not actually going to kill him!” Twilight exclaimed. “I don’t know about you, but we are not stooping down his level.” She added.

The human nodded understandingly. Looks like mercy are a common sight around this universe. He decided to just accept it and remind himself not to kill anyone unless really necessary. “Okay girls, I understand. So how did you defeat a Reality Warper? Because believe me, I've tried everything." He asked in curiosity. Because the last time he met a Reality Warper, he was forced to fake his death just to escape from the universe.

Twilight smiled at him. "Have you tried the Magic of Friendship?" She asked her. "Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic. The Six Elements of Harmony. Together, we can defeat all evil in the world and defeat a creature as powerful as Discord."

"Oh!!!" The human exclaimed in realization. "You mean you used your collective magic signature that represents each elements you just said and fusion it together to form some sort of power. Not only that but that power also resonates in harmony with the purest form of magic in your world hence the name Elements of Harmony. The result is that not only did you harness all of your magic combined, but you also harness all magic in the world combined. Then with that magic you can purify everything including Discord who's a reality warper that usually corrupts the world around him. That's why he turned into stone, his presence is so chaotic that the magic of harmony must've obliterated him and only leaving his most orderly physical form. AKA a statue." He took a long deep breath. "BUT!!! To harness the whole power of this world you need something powerful enough to sustain the raw power. Something that represents the elements like some sort of a talisman or something. That or you are just overpowered enough to contain all magic in this world which will probably kill you. Am I right Twilight Sparkle?"

The Mane Six blinked owlishly when they heard that. "If you ever wonder what'll happen if you combine Twilight and Pinkie..." Applejack started while still staring at the human in disbelief. "There's your answer..."

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle let out a laugh in mirth and relief. "Ahaha!! Finally! Somepony who can actually keep up with me.." She took a few steps towards her new friend. "Yes, yes, yes, and yes!!! And the items we use to contain the power are the ones we are wearing right now." She held up her head proudly, showing Bruce the Element of Magic.

Problem is, Bruce couldn't see anything but a slightly dusty dark purple mane above her head.

"Twilight... Where's your element?" Rarity pointed out suddenly. "And for that matter... Where is my element? And..." She looked around her and a shocked looked slowly formed on her face. "THE ELEMENTS they're gone again!!!" She exclaimed, followed by a horrified gasp from everypony else.

Twilight shook her head in denial. She can't believe she has to put up with this again. "But that's impossible!!! We've already defeated Discord!" She looked around the place, looking for any signs of the elements. Then she noticed the scanner in Bruce's hand. "Bruce! Can you scan the whole area?"

Bruce nodded and pointed the scanner towards the ground. "Please don't blow up..." He whispered before pulling the trigger.

'Vwhoom' A pulse of energy shot out of the scanner and a holographic image of the whole area appeared above the scanner. "There we go..." Bruce muttered to himself. "Now, let's see if we can find anything odd around here."

The Mane Six plus the Human looked at the hologram with critical eyes. "There!!! There's some sort of five strong magical signatures coming from little piles of dust scattered around this place." Twilight pointed out. "And there's also some... right on top of my head..."

It was then that the unicorn realized what just really happen. She gently brushed her hair with her hoof and took a closer look at her hoof. Just as she thought, her hoof glistened in a golden light. "Oh no... No, no, no, please no..." She whispered in denial. "No! This can't be happening!"

Twilight Sparkle looked at her friends with horror written all over her face. "The Elements... They've disintegrated..." Everyone gasped in disbelief after hearing that. "B-but how is this possible! Did we do something? Did Discord pull another trick up his sleeves?" The unicorn paced around in panic and confusion. "The Elements are supposed to be indestructible!!!"

"Take it away from me kid, nothing is indestructible. Not even my cosmic power suit." Bruce piped.

A hoof jabbed Bruce's chest. "You! Are not helping." Twilight said sternly. Then she moved her attention towards Rarity. "Rarity, gather all the dust you can get. Perhaps we can save some of it." She looked back at Bruce. "Can you fix the elements of harmony?" She looked at his backpack. "There's gotta be something we can use in there..."

The human shook his head. "It's not going to work... Trust me, I've been in this situation before. You can't recreate an artifact that's attuned to your world with a technology from another world. That's like trying to recreate an oil painting using a printer, sure you get the same image but it won't be the same."

Twilight sighed in defeat before looking at Rarity who's carrying the elements with her magic. "Well then... Perhaps..." She looked around before her eyes lingered on a certain castle sitting near a mountain. A grin slowly grow on her face, if there's anyone who can fix the elements that would be... "Princess Celestia!!! She'll know what to do!!!"

Everyone look up and saw a chariot pulled by a couple of Pegasus soared above the sky. A full grown mare with white coat and flowing colorful mane sat on top of it. Everyone but Bruce bowed down to her presence before walking closer towards her. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed.

The Alicorn smiled at her before floating off her chariot. "You've done it everyone... You have defeated Discord through the power of love and friendship." She said proudly. But then Princess Celestia noticed the troubled look on her student's face. "What is it Twilight? Did something happen?"

Rarity stepped forward and showed Princess Celestia the dust of harmony. "Something happened..." Twilight started. "The Elements of Harmony were disintegrated..." The look of shock and disbelief in the princess's face tells her that everything is not going to be just fine.

Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes and looked at each and every one of her subjects with a stern look on her face. "Would you please explain to me what happened? Discord cannot possibly destroy something as powerful as the elements..." She said in a barely noticeable hint of distress.

"W-we don't know what happen! All we remembered was that we were fighting Discord and we fell unconscious. The next thing we know was we were woken up by Bruce." Twilight pointed at the human who's busy fiddling with his scanner. "He's a visitor from another world."

Bruce Gunderson and Princess Celestia looked at each other. The atmosphere turned freezing cold in a matter of seconds. Two immortals faced off, a visitor against a ruler, a princess against a traveler, a pony against a human. Both knew that the outcome of this simple encounter will determine the fate of Equestria itself.

"Sup! Name's Bruce." Bruce held out his hand. Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow and raised her right front hoof. They shook appendage for a moment.

"Pleasure to meet you Bruce Gunderson, I am Princess Celestia." She let go of his hand. "Would you please tell me the purpose of your visit to Equestria?" Celestia leaned her head towards the human's ears. Then she started to spoke in a barely audible whisper. "Choose your next words carefully young creature... A blood soaked soul such as yours does not belong in this world...

The human held up his hand. "Princess, believe me when I say that I am not looking for trouble." Then he sighed a little. "But you're right, I don't belong here and..." He looked at his new friends with sad look on his face. "I dunno, I know I'm new here and all but I kinda like it here."

Princess Celestia looked at the Mane Six. The look in their eyes tells her everything she needs to know. She walked closer towards her faithful student. "Twilight Sparkle, do you trust him?" She asked her.

"I do, your highness. I believe he is not such a bad person." Twilight replied with solemn look on her face. She looked to her left and saw Bruce jumping up and down in victory after hearing that. "Maybe a little bit annoying and immature..." She added.

The Alicorn nodded at her. "All right then, I suppose we can come around to some agreement." The Princess looked down for a moment, thinking about what to do with the newcomer. "Since, the Elements of Harmony are damaged... Perhaps you can take the responsibility of protecting our world from danger."

Bruce grinned and so are the Mane Six. "You mean I can stay?" He exclaimed in excitement.

The Alicorn of the Sun smiled at him. "Please, make yourself at home." She said warmly. "It's not the first time we have an otherworldly visitor staying here in Equestria."

This time, Bruce paused for a second. "You mean there's another dimension hopper here?" He asked her in disbelief. "But I thought..." He shook his head. "Well I guess I can't possibly the only one who thought about it. So who is he or she or it?"

"He is somewhere... Finding him is impossible, but I am quite sure you will both meet at some point." She said with a mysterious look on her face. "In the meantime, why don't you get settled? I recommend you stay in Ponyville, that's where all the excitement happens." She added while pointing at the little village nearby.

Pinkie Pie hopped right beside the human. "Come on Bruce! Let me show you around your new home! Then we can have a welcome party!" She exclaimed with a bright grin on her face. "Oh! And do you have anywhere to stay? Do you have any super cool device that can transform into a huge house in your backpack?"

Bruce just sighed patiently before smiling at Pinkie. "No, the only thing that resembles a portable home is a tent and camping equipment." He explained as Pinkie Pie and the rest of the Mane Six led him towards the village. "By the way, are you all strictly vegetarian?"

"Yes!" Everypony exclaimed at the same time.

The human sighed in exasperation. "Well... There goes my cheeseburgers..."

It's been 4 years since the TARDIS crash landed Equestria and not once did he ever see any deaths. All the problems, all the madness, all the chaos from his universe never existed in this paradise. He can relax and travel without being a hero or getting into other ponies business. It's been the most relaxing years of his entire life.

Of course, the first few months haven't been so easy. Now that the chameleon circuit is broken he cannot turn himself back into a humanoid time lord. So he has to get used to hoofs and mouths. He kind of wished the Chameleon Circuit would turn him into a unicorn or maybe an Alicorn. But then he also has to learn about magic and he doubt that a horn would give him actual magic.

Well of course, it isn't so bad in Equestria. The only problem he has is that he worries a lot about everything. Especially about his home world and all those bad guys who are still out there looking for him. His biggest fear is that other beings might have followed him here into this universe.

Just picturing it, waking up one day with thousands of Dalek Warship looming above the sky. Hundreds and hundreds of ponies running around in fear and panic. And for once he knew that he is the one to blame. He is the one who brought them here.

Of course, he'll make sure that will never happen. He already cracked the code on how to seal this universe from the rest of the multiverse. Making it only available to its parallel dimension and mirror dimensions.

But then, someone just has to stroll in. A human, or more specifically, an immortal human arrived in this world. To put the icing on the cake, the Elements of Harmony disintegrated the second he came here. How? Well, that's what he's about to investigate.

If the human destroyed the elements on purpose then he will have no choice to stop him. If the elements are destroyed on accident then he should start looking for a way to fix it.

Of course, he can't simply investigate this on his own. Nope! The Doctor needs a companion and he already has someone on his mind.

It was just after the Celebration Ceremony. The Main Six plus Spike the dragon walked out of Canterlot with thousands of ponies surrounding them from all sides. Each one of them cheering and congratulating them on their victory against the evil tyrant.

Not used to all these attention, the Mane Six could only smile and wave nervously. They’re not really doing anything for fame or glory. All they did was for the sake of peace and harmony.

Well, except for a certain pegasus daredevil. Rainbow Dash floated above the crowds with a huge grin on her face. She can’t help but bask in the moment of glory. “Yeah! Who’s your hero!?” A roar of cheer and praise answered her question. She laughed in joy before flying closer towards the ground. “What was that? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!”

“RAINBOW DASH! RAINBOW DASH!” The crowd yelled in response, filling up the pegasus with pride.

Of course, one of the Mane Six couldn’t really stand it. Applejack looked at the sky and took her rope from below her hat. “C’mere you little!!” She twirled her rope and lassoed Rainbow Dash’s mane. With a yank, she dragged Rainbow Dash back to the ground before tying up her wings.

“Aww, come on Applejack!!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in annoyance. “I was just having some well-earned fun!” She added. “You know, for saving the world and all that...”

Applejack looked at her friend with a deadpan look on her face. “Helpin’ us? Last I checked, you abandoned us for a patch of cloud and we spent hours chasing you all across the sky just to snap you out of Discord’s spell!!!”

“Ooooooooh!” “Burn!” “Brutal...” The crowd exclaimed all around them.

Rainbow Dash felt like her friend just stabbed her pride with a flaming pitchfork. “What was that for? I know you’re the element of honesty and all that but geez!!!” She put a hoof over her chest. “That was really rough!”

The earth pony looked at Rainbow Dash for a moment before sighing. “I’m sorry, just don’t get too arrogant. You know who else is arrogant?” She asked her.

“Who?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Gilda, Trixie, and Discord.” Applejack listed off all major antagonists she knew off. “Oh and let’s not forget that Nightmare Moon was pretty arrogant too.”

Rainbow Dash cringed and shied away from the crowds. “Point taken...” She muttered to herself.

After a few minutes of walking through the city, The Main Six finally made it to the station; each one of them glad that everything is over and they can finally go back home and rest.

Suddenly, a stallion came rushing towards them from a distance. He stopped right between them and the train "Phew!!! Finally! There you are!" He looked at the Mane Six for a moment before smiling. "Hello! I'm The Doctor!" He waved his hoof at them. Then he looked at each one of them closely. "Now which one of you is Twilight Sparkle?"

The Mane Six looked at the Doctor for a moment. He looked normal enough; a stallion with a spiky dark brown mane and light brown coat. Twilight stepped forward and looked at him in confusion. "I'm Twilight Sparkle." She said. "What is it Doctor? Is somepony hurt?" She asked again in concern.

The Doctor shook his head. "No, no, I am not that kind of Doctor." Then he shrugged a little. "Well, I could be an actual doctor but that's beside the point." Then he took out a small ID card out of nowhere. "I'm The Doctor, Princess Celestia's private agent and she is requesting your presence."

Twilight took a closer look at his credential. "Okay then..." She looked back at her friends. "You go on ahead girls; Princess Celestia needs me for something." The others nodded at her before stepping into the train. "Okay doc, let's go back to the castle."

This time, a huge grin slowly formed on the doctor's face. "Oh and she is not waiting for you at the castle. She is waiting in the most remarkable place you will ever see in Equestria!" He said with a very confident smirk on his face. "Come on! I parked my sexy somewhere in the station."

Twilight and The Doctor walked towards the train station's back entrance. A bunch of security tried to stop them, but the doctor just waved his credentials and he strolls in like he owns the place. "You seemed to have a very high rank in Canterlot." Twilight commented.

The Doctor just chuckled before leading Twilight towards a small storage room. "You know if I don't know any better, you're trying to kidnap me." The unicorn commented as the Doctor opened up the storage room for her. "But seriously, Princess Celestia can't be waiting inside a storage room in a train station."

Twilight stepped into the storage room and found herself staring at a blue box with the word's Police Box written above it. "What is this?" She asked in curiosity. "Some sort of..." She took a closer look at the words written on the door. "Communication device?" She looked to her right and saw the Doctor stepping into the box.

The unicorn waited for a moment before the doctor walked out of the door with an impatient look on his face. "Well what are you waiting for? A written invitation? Come in Sparkles!!" He said before disappearing inside the box. "Princess Celestia is waiting!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and walked towards the door. "Look, Doctor, this box only fits..." Her words faltered when she stepped into the door. "One pony..."

The Unicorn found herself standing in huge room with an odd device at the center. The walls around her are filled with round things and supported by branching wooden structures. She quickly walked out of the room and looked back at the blue box inside the storage room.

"But this is impossible..." She circled around the box, looking for any hidden doorway. Then she entered the TARDIS and saw the Doctor looking at her with an amused smirk on his face. "It's... bigger on the inside!" She exclaimed in disbelief. "You must have a powerful magic to build something like this."

The Doctor rolled his eyes when he said that. "Oh please! Magic?" He asked incredulously. "This is the TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimension In Space! It's not magical, it's just Gallifreyan Science!!!" Loud thrumming sound came from all around the place. He cringed and quickly trotted to the middle of the room and gently stroked the console. "No, sorry sexy. Yes, I think that you are quite magical."

Twilight walked deeper into the room. She observed everything around her in wonder and curiosity. She noticed that there are stairs that lead to even more rooms and perhaps hallways. "How big is this place?" She asked the Doctor.

"Bigger than you can imagine!" The Doctor said proudly. "The TARDIS can grow and create more rooms and hallways. There's a bowling alley, swimming pools, and you should see the library. It's bigger than the one in Canterlot."

Twilight's eyes lighten up when she heard that. "There's a library!?" She exclaimed in disbelief. "Where?" She looked at the many hallways leading out of the room. But it's impossible to find the difference between one from another. "Can I please see your library?"

The Doctor chuckled when he heard that. "And let you miss the best thing about this blue box?" He pressed a few buttons on the console and flicked a few switch. "The TARDIS is also a spaceship!" He trotted over towards a huge lever and put a hoof over it. "Allonsy!!!" He shouted before pulling the lever.

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' 'Vworrp', the whole place started to shake. Twilight quickly hold on to the bars around the console. "What's happening!?" She exclaimed. "And where's Princess Celestia?" She added when she realized that she hasn’t seen the princess.

"We are entering the Time Vortex!!!" The Doctor exclaimed in excitement as he slammed his hoofs on to some buttons. The whole place started to tilt and Twilight start losing her balance. "I know right?" The Doctor asked, oblivious to her distress. "This is amazing!!!" He pulled a lever and the whole place started spinning.

The Unicorn slipped and fall to floor below her. She groaned and put a hoof over her face. "Ugh... My head..." She muttered to herself. "Is it over?"

Twilight watched as the doctor walked towards her. He held out his hoof and Twilight gently took his hoof. "No." He pulled the unicorn up and smiled at her. "This is just the beginning!" Twilight found herself being dragged towards the TARDIS entrance by the stallion.

"Umm... What's behind this door?" Twilight asked, looking at the door in a mixture of fear and wonder.

The Doctor put a hoof over Twilight's shoulder. He looked at the unicorn with that same grin on his face. "The Whole Time and Space. Wherever and whenever you can imagine." He stomped his hoof and the door opened by itself.

"Oh dear Celestia..." Twilight whispered in shock and amazement.

An infinite ocean of stars and galaxy stretches out in front of her. Shooting stars and comets flashes away in the distance before disappearing away into the cosmos. Beautiful multicolored clouds of gas and plasma glows above her, it shifted and moved ever so slowly, forming into a brilliant ball of energy.

Then the unicorn looked down. A single planet floats amidst the infinite cosmos. A small star and giant rock revolves all around it, each one of them governed by the invisible power of magic. Outside the bounds of Physics, the planet is the center of a solar system. "Is... Is this... Equestria?" Twilight whispered in awe.

The Unicorn walked closer towards the entrance and found herself slowly floating away from the TARDIS. She let out a small blissful laugh as she waved her hoof around in zero gravity. "This is wonderful!” If this is a dream, she almost hoped that she is in a coma just so she can relieve this moment for as long as possible.

Soon, the unicorn floated further away from the TARDIS. She looked behind her and saw the magical blue box floating in the cosmos. For some reason, no matter how absurd the object in front of her is, the TARDIS feels like it belonged there. Like the presence of the TARDIS is just another part of the infinite space.

"Careful Twilight!" The Doctor exclaimed from inside the TARDIS. He hurriedly galloped back to the TARDIS before walking back with a rope in his mouth. "You really do not want to veer too far outside the oxygen field." The Doctor jumped out of the TARDIS and grabbed Twilight's hoof. He steered the unicorn towards the top of the TARDIS before sitting right on top of it.

Now, sitting with the doctor on top of the TARDIS, Twilight could see everything around her more clearly. She leaned her head towards the Doctor while looking at the cosmic cloud above her. "Doctor... Can you tell me what that is?" She pointed at the nebula above her.

The Doctor looked up and smile graced his face. "Well Twilight Sparkle, that is a Nebula. What you are witnessing right now is the birth of a star, the beginning of life and existence." He pointed at a single dot of light floating amidst the cloud of light. "Soon, that dot of light right there will form into a small star. The dust around it will form into a planet and who knows?" He chuckled a little. "Perhaps in another thousand years Equestria will have a new neighbor."

Truthfully, Twilight already knew that. But there something about being taught and told about something that makes her happy in the inside. She pointed at the planet below her. "Doctor, what is that?" She asked him like a clueless student asking a teacher.

"Good Question Twilight Sparkle." The Doctor said, catching up with her game. "That is your world, Equestria. It is the most magical planet I've ever set my eyes upon in this world." He pointed at the star and the moon revolving slowly around it. "This is the only planet who acts as a center of a solar system. If you ask me how that's possible then my answer is as good as yours."

Twilight Sparkle said nothing. She just looked at the doctor with watery eyes and a grateful smile on her face. She gently embraced him into a hug. "Aww... You're welcome Sparkles, this is nothing compared to what I'm about to show you." He said as he hugged her back.

"Is it the library?" Twilight joked without letting go of her hug.

The Doctor just chuckled in response before letting go of her. “No it’s not the library.” He noticed the disappointed look on Twilight’s face when he said that. “But I suppose we can visit the library later today.” He sighed, making Twilight cheer a little.

They can’t remember how long they sat there, staring into the infinite cosmos beyond them. For as long as both can remember, this is the most magical thing that has ever happened to them.

For the Unicorn, just seeing the stars and the world beyond Equestria opened up her mind with awe and wonder. She thought she knew everything, she thought that she has seen everything from all the books she has ever read. But now, she has never felt so stupid, so small, and so ignorant to what the whole world has to offer. There’s still so much more to see, so much more to learn, and so much more to understand.

For the Time-Lord Pony, sitting there with someone else reminds him just how long he has been alone. He thought that he doesn’t need anyone, he thought that he’s doing fine on his own. But now, he has never felt so happy and sad at the same time. Her very presence reminds him just how much he missed having someone by his side. The presence of a companion shows him that there’s still so much in the existence that’s worth living for.

After what felt like an hour, the two ponies knew they’ve stayed long enough. They held each other’s hoof and together they floated back into the TARDIS. The Doctor closed the door behind him while Twilight walked over towards a chair near the console. “Doctor, is this some sort of a seat?” She asked while trying to get on top of it.

The Doctor walked towards the chair before nodding. “It’s a chair yes, but it’s not for ponies.” He put a hoof over the chair. “It’s more suited for Time Lords and Humans...” He explained.

Twilight narrowed her eyes when she heard that. “Time Lord? Human? You mean like Bruce?” Then her eyes widened in realization. “Of course! You came from another world aren’t you?” She put a hoof over her head. “I can’t believe I didn’t realize this earlier.” Then she looked at the doctor in confusion. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m stranded here.” The Doctor walked towards the TARDIS’s console. “As amazing as she is, the TARDIS is not equipped to go to another universe.” He sighed and pressed a few buttons on the TARDIS console. “I am stuck here, no way out, no way home...”

Twilight looked down a little after hearing that. “Do you miss your home world? What about your family?” She asked him with a sad look on her face. “I hope you’ll find your way back home someday.”

This time, the Doctor just chuckled in response. “I hope I can’t. If I can get out of this world then something else can get in to this world.” He pulled a lever and the sound of the TARDIS echoes through the whole place. “Trust me; the last thing I wanted is for the Daleks to discover this beautiful world of yours.”

“What are Da... AH!” Twilight’s words were cut short when floor beneath her shook. “Leks!!!” She held on to the chair before balancing herself using a simple gravity spell. “Phew!” She muttered when the room suddenly stopped shaking in her perspective. “Why didn’t I think of that earlier...”

She looked to her left and saw the Doctor flying away from the console. “Doctor! Do you want me to put gravity spell on you?” Twilight offered while watching the Doctor struggling to get back to the console. He lunged at the console and flicked a few switches.

“No thanks!” The Doctor exclaimed. “I’m just not used to fly the TARDIS with hooves!” ‘BOOM’ An explosion came from the console and the Doctor flew straight towards Twilight. “Whoa!” He found himself suspended with magic a second before he crashed to the unicorn. “Thanks Twilight! The TARDIS’s throwing a bit of tantrum today...”

Twilight let go of him and watched in amusement as the Doctor used all four of his hoofs to press the buttons. “Behave!!!” He slammed his hoof on to the console only to get a face full of steam. “Oh don’t be so harsh darling!”

‘Vworrp’ ‘Vworrp’ ‘Vworrp’

Twilight and The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS. They looked around them and found themselves standing in the middle of a checkered black and pink clearing. Above them are pink clouds raining chocolate milk and a couple of flying houses.

“I can’t believe it...” Twilight whispered in disbelief. “We’re back in time!!!” She warily took a couple of steps back towards the TARDIS. “But what about the butterfly effect? What if what we did now creates some sort of Paradox that mess up the future?” She asked him warily.

The Doctor just shook his head calmly. “Don’t worry Sparkles! Whatever happens now is part of your future. Just don’t do anything stupid and everything will be all right.” Then he walked away from the TARDIS. “Come on now Sparkles, you want to know what happen to the elements don’t you?”

“So that’s why you took us here...” Twilight muttered while following the Doctor slowly from behind.

The two of them walked through the Chaos Capital of Equestria, looking for the Lord of Chaos himself. The Doctor chuckled in amusement as a bunch of winged houses flew above them. “You should be grateful; at least your villain has a sense of humor.” He commented.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she jumped over an orange juice river. “I’ll trade Discord with a serious super villain any day...” She scowled at the sight of some earth ponies being terrorized by living thunderclouds. “I don’t think anything’s worse than Discord...”

The Doctor shook his head. “Twilight, if Discord is serious... I don’t think you’ll win against him. I don’t think anything can defeat him.” He said with a hint of warning in his voice. “A Reality Warper such as himself can defeat you all with snap of his fingers.”

Twilight put up a shield to protect her and the doctor from an oncoming flock of Pigasus. “Defeat us? How?! We survived his mind games through the power of friendship and defeated him with the Elements of Harmony!” She exclaimed in disbelief. “What do you mean by nothing can defeat him?”

“Well... What’s stopping him from hiding the Elements into the moon instead of hiding it into your library?” Twilight looked taken aback after hearing that. “What’s stopping him from turning you into a stone instead of corrupting you?”

It was then that Twilight realized just how much Discord’s been holding back on them. If he were a tiny bit more serious, she doubted that he can be defeated just as easily. “You’re right... We were just lucky...” She muttered to herself.

“No, don’t be like that!” The Doctor said encouragingly. “Twilight Sparkle, you are magical.” He smiled at her. “And the very nature of magic is doing the impossible. I’m sure that if Discord was a tiny bit serious, you will pull it off somehow.” A small smile graced Twilight’s face after hearing that. “Now, let’s witness Magic and Harmony defeating Chaos and Disorder!”

The Doctor and Twilight finally made it towards Discord’s throne. They hid behind some bushes as they watched the Mane Six from the past walking towards the Draconequus. “Gotta hand it to him, if six ponies came towards me with THAT expression on their faces, I don’t think I can just sit there without running away screaming.” The Doctor commented as the ponies start their pre-battle banter.

Soon, The Elements of Harmony starts doing their magic. The Mane Six started to float and the Doctor took out 3D Glasses out of nowhere. “You look ridiculous...” Twilight commented when she saw the red and blue glasses over the Doctor’s face.

“Oh shut up! Here, try for yourself.” The Doctor gave Twilight another pair of 3D Glasses with his mouth. “Put it on, see for yourself.” He said.

Twilight put on the glasses and looked at the scene in front of her. She could see the Mane Six attacking Discord with the elements of harmony, but she can also see black spots suddenly appearing above the sky. “What are those things?” She asked the Doctor.

“Ah! Just as I thought! Those are void particles.” The Doctor explained. “Those are the particles found in the void. Their existence here meant that something is about to come. But I’m pretty sure you know who’s coming.”

The Unicorn nodded. She knew what’s about to happen next, Bruce would arrive and... “Oh Celestia!! He’s going to get caught on the Crossfire!!!” She exclaimed in realization. “Doctor! We have to save him!”

But the Doctor made no move to save the human. He just watched critically as a portal suddenly appeared above the Mane Six. Huge beams of light shot out of the elements and struck the portal. “Twilight... Can you... I don’t know, make a shield around us? Not that we actually need it or anything...” The Doctor said suddenly.

Twilight’s horn glows and a purple shield appeared around them. “There’s going to be an explosion isn’t there?” She asked him warily. The Doctor just pointed at the portal that’s getting more and more unstable every second.

They all watched as a very familiar figure walked out of the portal. The newcomer wore a bright blue jacket over his T-Shirt that glows in a brilliant white light. “HELLO UNIV...” His words were cut short when a huge beam of magic struck his chest.

The Elements of Harmony struck the portal and the human. The result is a huge shockwave followed by a blinding flash of light. “DUCK!!!” The Doctor warned. A huge explosion of pure magic shot out of the clearing. It brushed clean all chaos around them and destroyed all trace of Chaos in the world.

A few minutes later, the explosion stopped. The Elements and Bruce’s Jacket disintegrated, leaving six unconscious ponies, one unconscious dimension hopping human, and two time travelers. “Well... Can’t say I wasn’t expecting that..” The Doctor muttered.

Twilight groaned and put hoof over her head. “Ugh... My horn...” She groaned a little before looking around. “Well, at least now we knew what happened. Can’t blame Bruce for it though... He has no idea what’s about to happen when he came here.”

The Doctor nodded in conclusion. "Well mystery solved! Now let's go back to Ponyville before somepony noticed us."

'Vworrp' 'Vworrp' 'Vworrp'

The TARDIS materialized in the middle of the Golden Oak Library. Twilight Sparkle stepped out of the TARDIS before looking at the blue box in awe. "She's amazing..." She said while putting a hoof on the side of it. Then she looked at the Doctor standing near the TARDIS entrance. "Do you think we can do this again? Going around Time and Space?” She asked him.

The Doctor nodded from inside the TARDIS. “I suppose so...” He walked out of the TARDIS and looked around the library. “But trust me Twilight, if you’re looking for an adventure, you don’t have to look further than Ponyville...” He said with a smile on her face.

Twilight smiled at him. “I know... Don’t hesitate to visit us anytime you like.” Then another thought crossed her head. “Wait... Were you lying when you said that you were sent by Princess Celestia?” She asked accusingly.

“Technically, I didn’t.” The Doctor said with a sheepish smile on his face. “Yes, I lied when I told you that Princess Celestia’s waiting for you at the TARDIS.” He cringed a little at the look Twilight gave him. “No I didn’t lie when I told you that I am Princess Celestia’s personal agent. More or less...”

The Unicorn thought about it for a second before nodding. “Well... I’ll let it slide just this once.” Then she winked at him. “Next time, just tell me you got something to show me and I won’t hesitate to step inside that box with you.”

For the sake of hilarity, please click this link

The Doctor saluted at her before stepping back into the TARDIS. “I’ll see you around Twilight Sparkle!!!” He exclaimed with a bright grin on his face. Then he walked towards the TARDIS’s console and the door closed on its own.

‘Vworrp’ ‘Vworrp’ ‘Vworrp’

Twilight watched in amazement as the TARDIS slowly fades away from existence. “See you later!” Then she sighed a little. “Hope you didn’t lie about that one...” She looked behind her and saw her library sweet home. She walked towards some scrolls sitting on the table and picked up a quill.

‘Dear Princess Celestia.’ She wrote on the scroll. ‘Today I learned that no matter how smart you are, there are still some things that are...’ She paused a second when she felt the floor vibrating beneath her hoofs. She looked around and saw flashing lights coming from the window upstairs.

“What’s going on?” There, above the sky outside the window, she can see a pink figure coming straight to the library in a supersonic speed. Behind the pink figure is a huge trail of Rainbow and Chaos. The sun is flashing like a giant disco ball, the clouds grew a pair of arms and are dancing with dozens of confused ponies with confetti raining down from the heavens.

When Twilight realized it, it was already too late. The air around her starts vibrating and gravity started to shift all around her. Everything around her start floating and she quickly put a shield all around her.

The object burst through the window and...

<----To Be Continued