//------------------------------// // Epilogue: One Year Later // Story: Asphalt Cowboys // by bucking bronco 1968 //------------------------------// Long Haul hummed along with the tune playing through the radio as he shifted his truck into 17th gear, calmly cruising down the highway. He smiled as he stared at the perfect blue sky over the wheel of the truck he was driving, his own personal truck. His decision to call Grandad Alex was the best decision he ever made. When the two had finally met face to face, they became fast friends, just like he had with Mason, and Alex gave him a job on the spot. The first two months he drove around in Steel Wheels back up rig. It wasn’t new, and it wasn’t in perfect shape, but it was one of the best trucks he had ever drove. After those two months, he had saved up enough and was able to go out and buy his own rig. He ended up with a 1968 peterbilt 359 conventional hooked up to a good old fasion 18 speed transmission and a Detrot 12v71 diesel. Fire Mission wasn't to happy to learn he was no longer the only one in the company to have a two stroke diesel truck, but he got over it quick. Besides, he still have the oldest truck in the fleet, his being from 1962. But for the price Long Haul payed for his, he got exactly what he payed for. The truck was in rough shape, the engine was not running right, clutch was burned out, fifth wheel was locked open, high range didn't work, tires were dry rotted, and the secondary air tank was punctured. But, everyone back at S.W.T. was more than happy to lend a hoof in helping with it’s repairs. Within another month and a half, Rust Dropper, as the others had named it, was ready for the road. As Long Haul looked up the road, he saw that traffic was beginning to get thicker, so he reached up for the CB mic, “Breaker Breaker, this is Billy The Kid, heading west on Route 64 at mile marker 104, looking to see if anyone has got a 10-13 for the road ahead.” Just as Mason had said, Long Haul had gotten used to the terms of the CB real quick once he had started driving. His handle of Billy The Kid had come from the others in the company, a combination of the CB term Billy Big Rigger, which he had been labeled (mostly by Fire) when he started talking nonstop about his rig after buying it, and how everyone had taken to calling him Kid, following Mason’s lead. Long Haul didn’t have to wait long for a reply, “Ah, so the Kid is in town. How’s it going good buddy.” He almost had to laugh as the voice of a very certain thestral came through the radio. “Ah Mason, good to hear from you again, it’s been too long.” “Very true Long Haul. Traffic is getting backed up, you got a 10-42 up the way from you. But in about ten miles, you’re gonna hit a rig town. Come stop by, I’m over there with the rest of the crew.” This time Long Haul did smile, “I think I’ll do just that.” He then hung up the mic and went back to focusing on driving. It was only a matter of minutes before the exit to the truck stop came up, and he was more than happy to dive into it. He pulled in and parked his truck next to a now very familiar set of seven. “Wow, the whole crew’s here.” Long Haul said to himself as he shut down his truck and climbed out. As he walked up to the doors of the truck stop restaurant, he couldn’t help but feel that the place seemed kinda familiar, but it quickly passed as he walked inside. He looked around for a moment, up until, “Hey KId!” He turned to see the entire crew standing at the back of the restaurant by a pair of pool tables. Literally everyone was there, Mason, Xenon, Fire, Rusty, Blazing Trail better known as Dnew (he still didn’t know how that had come around, no one would tell him a straight story), Swift Shift, Clutch slip (better known as hardhead), even Grandad Alex was there. Despite getting on into his mid 90’s, Alex still acted like he was one of his workers, the oldest of which was in their early forties. Long Haul smiled as he walked over, receiving back slaps from the gang, “Guys, it’s good to see all of you! But what are you all doing here? Seems like some of you are a bit out of route considering your loads.” The group laughed, before Mason spoke up, “Well we all felt we could put the loads aside for the moment, because today is a special day.” Long Haul raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” Mason’s smile grew, “Well, it was exactly one year ago today that you were stuck with me on your first run. And it was at this very truckstop that we ran into those assholes who still have a grudge towards us. But that’s besides that point, as I said, today is your one year anniversary of being a Steel Wheel’s trucker, which means one thing.” Mason then wrapped one of his wedded wings around Long Haul, “Long Haul, you are now officially a Steel Wheels driver. Welcome to the crew!” The others hollered in agreement, and Long Haul’s face broke into a massive grin. He didn’t even care that it wasn’t until nearly a week after that Alex had actually given him a job in the company, all he cared about was he was now officially part of the Steel Wheels crew. The group of nine proceeded to celebrate at the back of the restaurant for the next few hours, all more than happy to properly welcome Long Haul as their newest driver. But, the fun had to come to an end eventually, “Alright everyone, we’ve had a good few hours, but those loads still have deadlines.” Alex said as he stood up and began to clean up the table he had been sitting at. “Yeah, good point grandad.” Rusty said, following Alex’s lead and began cleaning his table up, closely followed by the rest of the crew. Soon enough, their area looked like they hadn’t even been there, and the crew walked out of the restaurant being lead by Long Haul and Mason. “Well it’s been good catching up with all of you, it’s been way too long since we’ve all been back at HQ.” Mason laughed, “Welcome to the life of an asphalt cowboy. But you have a good point, I’m sure we’ll all be back at HQ for a few days sometime soon. But for now, we all got loads to haul.” “True, I still can’t believe that some of you guys went so out of your way just for me.” Mason smiled and through a hoof around Long Haul’s neck, “That’s because you’re on of us Long Haul. We were more than happy to put a few more miles on our rigs so we could celebrate your big day.” “But now you guys have to go all the way to Hoofington so you can loop around.” Hearing this, Mason’s smile grew even bigger, “I know, we’re gonna convoy over there. And guess what kid.” “What.” Mason’s smile hit its maximum size as he removed his hoof from around Long Haul and went toward his rig, “You’re gonna lead the pack.” The look on Long Haul’s face was priceless. He turned to see everyone smiling, doing their best to not laugh at his look, before Alex walked up, “Don’t worry Billy, you got this.” He said before he climbed up into the passenger seat of Luna Cursor. Long Haul’s face broke into a massive grin of his own as he ran for his rig. As he climbed in and fired it up, the CB cracked to life, “Everyone ready?” Mason asked. The others quickly called in saying they were good to go. “Alright Kid, it’s your time to shine.” Mason said. Long Haul smiled like it was his birthday as he put his truck into gear and pulled away. As he pulled out, he watched as the seven other company trucks rolled away one by one, following Long Haul out onto the road. Long Haul couldn’t help but smile as the eight trucks soon formed two lines of four, with Long Haul leading the way. As the eight trucks rolled along the highway, shaking the earth with their collective wheels and horsepower, Long Haul smiled as they drove along into the perfectly blue horizon. And as they did, he smiled again, his future looked bright as Celestia’s sun, being a part of the crew that was rolling behind him. He couldn’t have been happier.