Crystal Night: The Shadow Prince

by Crystal Night

Chapter One: Leading the Charge

Small snowflakes fell on the battlefield, only to be crushed by metal hooves. The war cries and sounds of metal clashing against each other was heard everywhere.
Equestria's Royal Army was met with a tough and numerous defence by King Sombra's Army, their task was simple, defend the border and crush everything or everypony that was a possible threat.
Beyond the other side of the battle, two green eyes peered over the chaos. The one in question was in full metal armor, also covering his face, only the eyes and mane could be seen. Parts of the armor had crystals, suggesting it was fused for a better protection, or for more offensive purpose such as the metal hooves that seemed to have crystal talons. A gray cape laid on his back. In the middle of the chestplate, a small purple crystal shaped in a star, glowed softly.

The two stallions bearing a dark purple armor approached him.
"Sir, we bring reports from the battlefield."

"You may speak." His voice was deep but soothing.

"The enemy is slowly losing terrain." He took a long breath, this battle had last more than he thought, if it wasn't for the orders to stand down and do nothing, he would had finished this much sooner. But there's something else he wanted to personally see, if the information he got from his spies was correct, that is. It's been more than an hour and nothing happened. "However the left side of the defensive line was taken several casualties. Reinforcements have been-" Before the soldier could finish, a explosion on the left side caught everypony's attention.

"Lieutenant Orion, watch over, I must see this." The other guard saluted. "Follow me captain Steelstrike, and bring more soldiers." The captain nodded and waved at a group of soldiers standing by.

Ever so calm and slow, they proceeded to their destination, the remaining soldiers opening a path for them.
"This might become interesting" He said to himself. "Eyes open captain, is that clear?"

"Yes sir!"

Several soldiers were sent flying away after getting hit by rays of light, others used their magic to create shields, but it wasn't strong enough and it quickly shattered. "Hold positions!" - one soldier shouted.
"How's everypony?"
The soldier suddenly turned is head to the right, only to see his leader next to him.
"S-Sir, we are doing our best to push them back, b-but..." He raised an hoof and the soldier stopped talking.
His green eyes brightened brighter than before with purple mist coming from them.

"Such a pleasure to finally meet you," He grinned, even if it wasn't able to see it. "Princess."

Her heat could be felt from far away and her radiance gave a different view to the battlefield.
The golden armor with the symbol of the Sun was enough to say who it was, the horn and wings also confirmed a lot.
"It's a shame I can't say the same thing." - the princess replied with a stern voice. His eyes locked on her before searching the terrain.
"Do tell, where's your sister?" As if to answer his question, a blue magical sphere was intercepted by his captain's shield. Looking up, they saw the princess of the Moon descending, landing next to her sister. "Thank you captain."
Princess Celestia took a better look at him, noticed the crystal resting on his chestplate, she then inquired.
"You are not King Sombra, who are you?"

He stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"I'm prince Crystal Night, King Sombra's Army Leader." Princess Luna glanced at her sister, her look didn't falter after hearing such statement. So the rumors are indeed true.

"I'm princess Celestia and this is my sister, princess Luna, and we are rulers of Equestria."

"I know well who you are."

"Surrender, this battle was gone too far!" - Luna stated.

"No." The royal sisters glanced at each other, their magical grip still holding their weapons. "Before you do something you might regret, look around you and tell me what you really see." That's when they noticed more soldiers had showed up and that their numbers were far too small to deal with all of them. Not only that but Celestia could feel dark magic emanating from the prince, it was strong enough to sent shivers down her spine. "I'm certain my soldiers can stand against the cold, but what about yours? They also look really tired, are you willing to keep this battle when victory is far from your reach?"

As much she didn't want to admit, he was right. Fighting wasn't an option anymore, they needed to fall back and rest.
"He is right Luna, we can't win like this." - she whispered.

"We fell right into his hooves." Celestia nodded. "Retreat we shall then."

"Wise decision princess."

"We shall meet again." Celestia then turned to her army. "We are retreating at once."
The princesses and the prince shared a final glance before departing opposite ways.
"Oh, we will princess, sooner than you might think." - he grinned.

"Rebuild the defenses and take the injured ones back to the Crystal Empire to be taken care off. I want a full report Lieutenant Orion as soon you get back, understood?"

He quickly saluted. "It shall be done sir!"
The prince climbed into his chariot. "Good, now let's leave." With that command, the chariot made its way to the empire. It was going to be a long ride, probably best to rest his eyes before talking to him. It's over, for now... - he thought as his eyes slowly closed.

The sudden stop of the chariot could only indicated one thing, they had arrived.
He rose up from his seat and left his chariot. Crystal glanced around, only to see several crystal ponies chained and working, being very carefully watched by the guards. He paid the workers no mind, as their pain wasn't his concern.

He entered the castle, following one of the many stairs it had. I still don't understand why. Some time later he stopped in front of two large purple crystal doors. He took a deep breath before using his magic to open the doors.

On the other side of the room a dark stallion was seated on the throne.
"Welcome back my dark prince." King Sombra greeted him a devious smile.

"Master." - he bowed.