Scootabelle: One Shots

by Mister Phoenix

Just A Simple Get Together

Love is in the air, Heart’s And Hooves Day had finally arrived once again. Mares and stallions all finding love, while normally Scootaloo would feel sick to her stomach. Well until just a few days before at The Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse.

Sweetie Belle cheeks were glowing red, her face hiding away as she squeak out.

“Do you want to go on a d-d-d, I mean have a get together at Sugar Cube Corner this coming Friday.”

Scootaloo gave a shrug, “Eh, why not.”

She kinda forgot that day was Heart’s And Hooves Day. Even if it was a ‘simple get together’ the orange pegasus is panicking. About the little details, that made her cried out.

“Is this meant to be a date!”

Scootaloo is meant to meet Sweetie at Sugar Cube Corner at two in the afternoon. So she had about two hours to find a gift, if this was even meant to be a date. Scootaloo crashed her head against her pillow while she kept arguing with herself.

Scootaloo smiled coming up with a plan, something simple like just one flower or a box of chocolates. Unless it is just a simple get together then Scootaloo could ruin everything.

“Why do you have to be so cute! It’s annoying"

Before she knew it, it was twenty minutes until she had to meet Sweetie for the “get together.” Scootaloo rushed out.

Sweetie Belle stood outside waiting, she watched with her green eyes as the pegasus tackled against the ground, creating a loud thud.

“Is this a date!?” Scootaloo question quite loudly

Sweetie Belle face heated up in a bright red blush. “Do you want it be?” She asked


Sweetie hugged Scootaloo, letting go quickly, moving her hoof in a small circle. Scootaloo gave her a small kiss on the cheek.