My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake

by Master Cheese Cake

Hide and Seek

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 4: Hide and Seek

By Master Cheese Cake

It had been two weeks since Apple Bloom's birthday and that's really the only thing that was interesting. Twilight and her friends were just downright bored and had nothing really fun to do when they hung around for the past two weeks.

"Ugh, there's nothing to do," Rainbow Dash grunts.

"I know it been two weeks and there is nothing to do so far," Applejack agrees.

"Oh come on cheer up you guys, there has to be something that we can do," Twilight acting positive.

"What do you have in mind Twilight?"

"Uh… um… I know we can tell each other about books that we've read."

"Twilight, are you serious?" Rarity questions the activity. "I don't read anything unless it has to do with fashion and me."

"Maybe we can help have a picnic." Fluttershy suggests.

"No, I want to do something that involves us doing something that requires us to use skills," Rainbow adds.

"I know just the person to go to for this," Pinkie says with an ominous smile.

"Who?" They all say in unison.

Cheese Cake's Cheesecake Bakery

"Hello Cheese Cake?" Pinkie asks the empty bakery. "Hello anyone home? I said is anyone home!"

Twilight puts her hoove in Pinkie's mouth, "What if he's asleep?"

"If he was Twilight I'm pretty sure he wouldn't leave the front door wide open for a gorilla to come barging in and destroying the place."

"Where would a gorilla come from?" Applejack asks.

"Leave it Applejack. It will just lead to more Pinkie Pie puzzles," Rarity explains.

"Well what do we do now?"

"We should see if he is sleeping," Pinkie suggests.

"No!" Twilight jumps in front of the group. "What if he doing something important or we find something private about him or even worst and discover a deep dark secret…"

Twilight finally realizes that she is talking to herself and catches up to the group to find them looking through his stuff in his bedroom.

"Did you guys hear anything I said?"

"We stated walking after private things about him we might discover," Rarity informs Twilight.

"Hey guys look I think found something," Rainbow Dash calls from inside his closet.

"What did you find?" Rarity first on site.

"I found this chest."

"Oh, finally something interesting."

"Guys don't open that it's personal stuff. You guys wouldn't like if he dug through your stuff would you," Twilight trying to pull them out of the chest.

"Huh… you're right Twilight, fine we'll just go back to being bored," Rarity agrees.

"I guess we'll just have to find something else to do," Applejack

"There you go Rarity, now let's leave before he gets back."

"We all can go to the spa," Fluttershy suggests.

"Yeah… that sound great… great idea… yeah and we can party," everyone agrees.

Then a crash of broken wood and an "ah" came from behind them. They all find Rainbow Dash lower body hanging from the ceiling from smashing through it.

Twilight walks up to Rainbow Dash's tail and pulls on her tail with her mouth, "Rainbow Dash, are you okay? What happened?"

"Look in the chest."

"I told you not to look in it," Twilight closes it and froze because she saw what was in the chest, but could it be.

She reopens it to find Cheese Cake's head, "Boo!"

Twilight jumps back and crash into the others.

"Ha ha I got you good," Cheese Cake taunts while getting out of the chest.

"Hi Cheese Cake," Pinkie escapes the dog pile. "We're here to ask you if you have any idea on what to do for today?"

"We can do what I was just doing?"

"You mean scaring people half to death," Rainbow regaining her seriousness.

"No silly, hide and seek."

Pinkie in shock "Oh my gosh, how come I didn't think of that!"

"Who were you playing with anyways?" Applejack asks.

"Well I am going up with the best hide and seeker ever to walk Equestria."

"Who's that?"

"Me I am the best hide and seeker you've ever met."

"Well when you're hiding in the chest wouldn't that me you found yourself already," Twilight questions Cheese Cake's logic.

"Well it was dark and technically I didn't see myself in the chest, so I hid from Cheese Cake pretty good."

"Come on guys let's start the game!" Pinkie says with utmost excitement.

"First off, what are the rules?" Twilight asks.

Cheese Cake explains, "The rules are you cannot go past Everfree Forest, you have to tag the person and we need a seeker."

"What about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy? They can fly how would we ever catch them in the sky?"

"Don't worry I got that covered."

"Well since you know how to catch us all, that means you have to be the seeker," Twilight laughs deviously.

Every pony in the room stared at her like she was one of Cheese Cake's inventions except more like a crazy dragon; no actually they'd be running from a crazy dragon.

"Ooooookay, I'm going to start counting. Alrighty then 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9."

101 seconds later…

"Ready or not, here I come."

The second he turns he bumps into to someone, "Fluttershy, you know I started counting like one hundred seconds ago right?"

"I know I just thought that you wouldn't find me and go crazy looking for me and Rainbow Dash, so I came back."

"Don't worry I'll find all of you. I'll give you another one hundred seconds to hide."


Another 101 hundred seconds later…

"Ready or not, here I come."

Cheese Cake walks outside and takes a look around to see if he can spot any of his friends anywhere, but he didn't see anything, so he began to walk forward past Twilight's Tree Library.

Twilight was hiding in her library and looking out of her highest window. She ducks as Cheese Cake scouts the area.

"Uh, Twilight what are you doing?" Spike asks.

Twilight falls from her bed, "I'm playing hide and seek."

"Who's the seeker?"

"Why should I tell you? For all I know you're actually his spy and you report to him when you find a hider huh."

"Why are you so cautious and yet crazy at the same time?"

"Well it all started back in kindergarten..."


"My friends and I would play hide and seek everyday and I would get picked every time and I was so mad, my entire kindergarten was searching. They always made me it and even if I wasn't it I would always be the first one to get caught. I would just be a seeker the whole time."


Twilight dug her face into her pillow crying from the terrible and painful memory, "I don't want to get caught first again."

"Okay, Twilight you can trust me."

"Oh thank you Spike, but you can't leave for this tree for any reason."

"Not even for…"

"Yes even if you want food."

That's when Spike gulps.

Sugarcube Corner

Cheese Cake wanted to start here for the search of the Pinkious Piacus in it natural habitat.

"Hi, Mrs. Cake," Cheese Cake greets. "May I go up to Pinkie Pie's room?"

"Yes I think she's up there, but I know she won't mind."

"Have a nice day Mrs. Cake."

"Why thank you."

Cheese Cake looks around her room to see if she left anything that could lead him to her and he did. He found a tiny drop of chocolate milk which means she's hiding under the bed. He looks under the bed and tags her.

"Aw man how'd you find me?"

"The chocolate milk that you spilt on your floor gave away your position."

"Oh yeah I forgot that that was the code for 'I'm under the bed.'"

"Now let's go find Rarity."

"Alright this is going to be fun."

Rarity's Boutique Shop

"Oh Rarity where are you? We know you're here," Pinkie warns.

Rarity had made a wall of mannequins around her pile of fabric which is inside a chest. Rarity could hear Pinkie calling her name and the intensity had increased every moment. Rarity was in a fixed position nowhere to run if they discovered her hiding spot.

"Calm down Rarity they won't find you," Rarity thinking to herself.

Then she heard tearing noises and crashes outside of the chest and thought, "What are they doing to my beautiful dresses? What are they doing to my workshop? What are they doing to my equipment?"

She couldn't take it anymore and jumps out of the chest, "Stop, please stop hurting my babies, my beautiful oh so beautiful dresses."

She finally opens her eyes and finds nothing wrong, but eyes staring back at her like she was a hydra.

"Wha… what… I heard crashes and rips of my dresses… what did you do and where did you put the mess!"

"Uh Rarity Cheese Cake and I were just about to leave and then you jumped out of the box. You know it's called hide and seek right, not jump out and turn yourself into the seekers."

"Yeah I think you exaggerated it all." Cheese Cake suggests.

"Oh hooves," Rarity curses.

"Where are we off to next?" Pinkie asks.

"We are off to Sweet Apple Acre to get apples that I needed this morning to make my Apple Legendary Cheesecake Sunrise Cider."

Rarity drooled a bit not too much just a bit when she heard the name, "That sound like the cake from across Equestria that's considered the best cake ever created. That means you're the one that created it I heard that when your tongue touches it, it will make you feel fantastic and make you more beautiful. I must have it."

"Yeah of course, I'll make it when the games over."

Twilight's Tree Library

Spike looked back to see if Twilight was paying any attention, so he could sneak out of the house and get some food. He didn't get to have breakfast this morning and this was probably the worst day for him to sleep in. He tip toes to the pedestal where he usually writes Twilight's letters to Princess Celestia. He glares back to check up on Twilight. She's still looking out the window for Cheese Cake. Spike makes a quick dash for the door.

"Spike, where do you think you're going?"

"Nowhere Twilight… uh I was just checking if the door is still in good condition."

"Oh I thought you were going to leave and that would have made me sad and you don't want to make me sad right Spike. Remember I want to be found last not first."


"Why don't you come up here and sit next to me and help me watch for him."


Sweet Apple Acre

Cheese Cake was talking to Big Macintosh about buying apples, but mostly bargaining was involved, "I'll give two free cheesecakes for four pounds of apples."

"Yep, here you go."

"Good doing business with you."


Cheese Cake regroups with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, "So, did you guys find Applejack anywhere?"

Rarity came from the barn, "No I've search in the barn and no site of her."

Pinkie comes hopping in happy as always, "I looked all over the apple tree farm and nothing, I thought she'd be there, but she isn't, which means she been abducted by the toaster you made. It's taking her back to the toaster world where they will feed her toast until she convert into Toasterjack."

"Oh come on Pinkie you really think that happened to her," Rarity doubts.

"No, just a theory I've been working on for Applejack if she ever goes missing in the future. I bet you can't beat that Cheese Cake."

"I already had one under my hooves. Applejack is kidnapped by the family in Horsyville and that where the blueberry family lives by the way. They say that when you get kidnapped by them you never look the same again, you know why?"


"They use magic to transform you into a blueberry tree!"

"Oh my goodness, Cheese Cake you're gooooood."

Rarity getting impatient, "Come one let's find the others, so you can make that cake."

"Well Applejack is in the cellar she made, Fluttershy is in there with her and Rainbow Dash is back in the Ponyville in my house."

"What, now we have to go back and I'm just not sure if I can make it."

"I'll carry you if it requires us to get back."

"That would be lovely."

Cheese Cake moves to the door that leads to the apple cellar, he walks into the pitch black darkness.

Applejack can see someone walking in the light of the outside world she slowly moves to the side and runs up the stairs, out of the cellar only to be tagged by Pinkie Pie.

"I got you Applejack. Now you're part of our team in the hunt for Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle."

"What bout' Fluttershy?"

"She's with you silly."

"How'd y'all know that?"

"I found Fluttershy," Cheese Cake calls from the cellar.

Five minutes later…

Back at Cheese Cake's Cheesecake Bakery Rainbow Dash was hiding in the same chest as Cheese Cake was hiding in, earlier that day.

"They'll never find me here," Rainbow laughing it up to herself.

Then the chest's top opens and all of the ponies staring at her.

"Found you."

"Dang it!"

Twilight's Tree Library

"Huh… Spike do you hear that?"

"Uh… no."

"Well I heard it and he's here."

"Twilight I think it's about time to give yourself up. You're becoming paranoid."


Twilight hears the door open and hides under her bed sheets.

"Twilight guess what you win!" Pinkie Pie announces with happiness.

"I did? I did, I did, I did. I'm finally the last one to be found. Yes for the first time I wasn't the first one to be found." Twilight jumping with joy.

"I hate to break this you Twilight, but I found you first," Cheese Cake explains. "I saw you up in your window when I went to go get Pinkie Pie, but I didn't tag you because of your sad back story."




"Chocolate milk!"

"Yeah I know right. Now I have to make that cake, so see you guys."

"See you later," they all say in unison.

They all laughed and talk about today's fun activity. They were so happy that they asked Cheese Cake otherwise they would have never had such a great time.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I won my first game of hide and seek; I'm so happy and so excited. I wish you were there to see me win. Oh and I learned that even if it is a competition you shouldn't get so sucked up into it where you go insane to win. It's about having fun and no matter what happens you are a winner no matter what.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle