SweetieMash games

by Animefireblade13

why me?!

"But why do I have to do it?" Gibson whined. Chip and Love Tap looked at each other and then gave Gibson an accusatory glare. "What? Is there something on my face?" They both increased their glare. "Wait, is this because of that thing that happened last week?"


"HAHAHAHAHA! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" Gibson shouted. He was currently in the middle of placing TNT in Button's house on minecraft. with Button stuck in bedrock outside.


end flashback

"So I griefed him a little, what's the harm in that? It's a VIDEOGAME." said Gibson

"It took us HOURS to get him to stop crying after that!" said Love Tap. "Not to mention we had to go through the trouble of griefing your house after, and-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Gibson shouted, and started shaking her.
He suddenly stopped when he came to a realization, and his eyes shrunk to pinpricks. He spoke nervously. “h-hey, y-you didn’t blow up my bunker too... did you?”

Love Tap, who was still dizzy from his sudden shaking, couldn’t respond, so chip chimed in.
“Are you talking about that... creepy room in bedrock?” Gibson tensed up. “Because yeah, we destroyed that. Also, Gibson? How and why did you code that in the game?”

Gibson didn’t reply, for he had already turned to stone a while ago. Love Tap, who had finally recovered, walked over and tapped him. Gibson rattled for a second, then toppled over.“... I think he broke.”

Chip tapped his chin for a moment, then thought of something brilliant!
“Hey Gibson, is that a hot girl over there?”

Gibson immediately sprang up and started looking around. ...weeell, more like flailing his head around in an attempt to search the whole room. “HOT GIRL!? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE ARE THE BABES? WHERE DID THEY-” he suddenly noticed that they were trying to hold in snickering. “Oh, REAL Funny. Ha ha, so you want me to help the kid make a game right? One problem. Unless we can find someone who can make music for it, and model the characters, that game won’t get made.”

Love Tap thought about this for a moment. “Chip, you know how to make character models, right?” Chip nodded. “And I don’t think it would be that hard to find someone who can make music.”
Love Tap started staring at Gibson.

“...What?” Gibson started looking confused.

Love Tap hoofpalmed. “Sweetie, you’re in a band.”

Gibson suddenly looked down. “Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention. Crash and Wave are out of town, something about a gig in Appaloosa. They won’t be back for a couple weeks.”

“Oh... well there’s probably still someone else in town who can play!”

Button suddenly came in. “Hey mom! So if I can find someone to make some music, we can make a video game?”

Gibson replied. “Sure squirt! It might be fun to make a full game instead of a mod! So I’m in!”

“Alright! Then I’ll get Sweetie Belle and her friends to help! Bye!” And with that, he bolted off... and a crash was heard!
“...... I’m okay!”