A Dash of Rarity

by Bronyxy

3 Pageantry and Ceremony

The bride and her wife to be had an army of experienced helpers to call upon following their having arranged the spectacular and unforgettable wedding at Canterlot between Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. The only helper missing from the line-up was Rarity who had designed the dress on that occasion, but owing to this being her wedding she could neither design Rainbow’s dress nor her own, so had contacted two other trusted designers; Coco Pommel for Rainbow and Lily Race for herself.  Lily had a tendency towards employing multiple diaphanous layers, but Rarity knew how to stamp her hoofprint on the design so as not to let it deviate too far from what she envisaged.  Coco on the other hoof was the more traditionally inspired of the two designers and Rarity instinctively knew she would be able to create a suitable masterpiece without the need for any intervention, and so suited Rainbow better.

Twilight took charge and all the friends reprised the marvellous jobs they had done before.  The task was a lot easier this time as there was no Queen Chrysalis acting as imposter to throw off their preparations; everything was going perfectly.

Although neither was royalty, the fact that Rarity and Rainbow were both Bearers of the Elements of Harmony and had saved Equestria countless times led Princess Celestia to offer the use of the Royal Castle in Canterlot for the ceremony as soon as she heard the news.  She also offered to officiate over the service personally, an honour only ever reserved for the most important State occasions.

Of all the other offers of help that came from outside the immediate circle of friends, the most unexpected was Vapor Trail, who wanted to contribute because she felt she owed Rainbow for getting her into the Wonderbolts.  As it turned out, she was a deft hoof with decorations, taking over another of the jobs that Rarity had supervised last time.

However, the two who caused most concern for Twilight’s planning skills were the fathers of the two mares; Bow Hothoof being way too loud and enthusiastic while Hondo Flanks was very chilled, but kept forgetting what he was supposed to be doing.  With commendable patience, Twilight drilled them both into their roles and even succeeded in toning down the over-excitable pegasus stallion.

One of the most intractable problems had been deciding how Rainbow should wear her wedding ring.  As a unicorn, it was easy for Rarity; she would wear it on her horn as did all unicorns, but not only did Rainbow not have a horn, but she was a display flyer, so a necklace or a wing piercing was out.  This took a lot of hard thought before Twilight thought up a clever solution with the help of some unusual magic.  Although agreed by both Rainbow and Rarity, everypony else would have to wait to see what she had come up with.

Finally, with the day approaching, even Twilight eventually conceded that they were ready.

The night before the wedding, Rarity had held an open house at Carousel Boutique and all manner of friends, clients and society types had flocked to enjoy the wine and the company.  At some time or another, the four other members of the Mane Six had stopped in to wish her well, Spike staying up later than was truly appropriate for a baby dragon, his emotions alternating between pride in her marrying one of his closest friends, but also coming to the stark realisation that there was now no chance of romance ever blossoming twixt dragon and unicorn.  When the pile of empty bottles started to look increasingly precarious, Twilight felt it really was passed time that the baby dragon should be in bed and took Spike to say goodnight and thank you to their hostess who gathered him up in her forehooves and gave him a kiss of the kind he would never forget.

At the same time, Rainbow’s cloud house had been the centre of a riotous and bawdy cider and pizza party.  As earth ponies and unicorns would fall through the clouds, only a few of Rainbow’s friends could attend, but the house was swollen to bursting with the arrival of all the Wonderbolts.  Old stories and personal anecdotes just seemed to get funnier as the night went on, and never lost their appeal no matter how many times they were retold, while others sang loudly, some even occasionally in tune.

The next day dawned like any other, but carrying with it only fragmented memories of the night before.  Coffee was liberally handed out at both venues as two groups of ponies tried to piece together what they had done the night before, and with whom.

Rainbow went outside for a moment and walked to the edge of a cloudbank, looking down over Equestria wistfully.
“You ready Crash?” asked a familiar voice beside her.  Rainbow didn’t need to look to see the fiery maned leader of the Wonderbolts she knew was standing by her side, catching a private moment.  She had a loud voice and commanded respect, but none would question her dedication to each individual within the team.
“You could have had me, you know” said Spitfire with a note of regret in her voice.
“I know” whispered Rainbow.
“Oh great” teased the fiery pegasus, pretending to be affronted “Make me sound easy, why don’t you?”
“My heart was hers way before I met you” replied Rainbow honestly “Nopony else ever stood a chance.”
“She’s one lucky pony” replied Spitfire wistfully.
There was a pause, the comfortable kind of silence between friends where neither feels the need to break the unspoken bond with the clumsiness of words.
“Beautiful isn’t it” mused the cyan pegasus eventually, still staring out over Equestria “No matter how much I look at its beauty, it still stays fresh.  Just like Rarity.”
“Yeah” agreed Spitfire “But don’t think I’m going to be easy on you just because you’ve gone all sappy!”
Rainbow looked up and turned to face the yellow pegasus for the first time in their conversation, noticing a yellow forehoof being extended towards her.  She raised one of her own in response and hoof bumped, then focusing her sharply stated “You know I’m still the best flyer you’ve ever seen.”
A wry smile spread across Spitfire’s face “I know a garbage can that says otherwise – Crash!
“Shall we discuss your nickname then, heh?” jibed Rainbow good-naturedly, returning the banter.
The two friends giggled and shared the briefest of nuzzles as a token of how much each truly cared for the other.
“C’mon” said Rainbow “Let’s go rustle up the gang.  I don’t want to be late.”

In Carousel Boutique, sore heads had been cleared with the magic of coffee and Rarity was ensuring that she was as prepared as she needed to be before heading off to the castle to complete her transformation.
“Yuh know Rarity” said AJ “You two are meant for each other.”
“Why thank you darling” cooed the white unicorn, then she became a bit more pensive and replied “I had no idea she had been saving herself for me, even after all the stallion friends I’ve had.  It must have hurt her so much, and I never even knew.”
“We didn’t know neither” retorted the farmer “We all thought she was the one off with every stallion in town and beyond.”
“But she never did” said Rarity affectionately “I really can’t understand how she can love me the way she does.”
“She’s pretty lucky too, if you ask me” said AJ “You ain’t the Element of Generosity for nothin'.”
“And she’s the Element of Loyalty” sighed the fashion designer, clutching a pillow she had been tidying tight to her chest.

Just then, Twilight burst in.
“Rarity, come outside now!” gasped the lilac alicorn clearly out of breath.
Her friend did as she was bidden and looked up to the sky where Twilight was pointing.  Coming towards Ponyville was a formation of blue suited pegasi; more than she had ever seen flying at one time before.  They were holding perfect formation with a rainbow tailed mare at the front and her fellow flyers following behind in a formation the shape of a heart.  Rarity jumped up and down with excitement, clapping her forehooves together in delight. Just as the formation drew parallel to Carousel Boutique, all the pegasi turned to face Rarity and saluted smartly before resuming their flypast.  Rarity squeed in delight, her forehooves squeezing her cheeks while a chorus of applause erupted from behind her as all her guests joined in.

It was only once she had seen the Wonderbolts disappear over the skyline of Ponyville that she noticed the Royal chariots waiting to take her and her closest friends to Canterlot.  Twilight held Rarity’s bags and tilted her head to one side, raising on eyebrow, wordlessly enquiring if she was ready.  She opened her mouth to thank Twilight, only to find that the lump in her throat forbade it, so just nodded gently instead and floated over to the lead chariot.

The two mares arrived at the Royal Castle within a quarter hour of each other, each drawing admiring gasps and ripples of applause from the eager crowds already forming to mark the special event.  Both mares were met by Princess Celestia in person, wearing the warmest of smiles and then went their separate ways to prepare for the ceremony as the butterflies started to kick in.

Three hours later, their manes and tails expertly coiffured and their wedding dresses fitted by their respective designers, the mares were ready.  The music in the Great Hall was formal and they knew that it was already packed.

Hondo Flanks came in to fetch his daughter and was speechless; he could honestly say that at that moment he was looking at the most beautiful mare he had ever seen in his life.  Rarity stepped forward and gave him the most treasured kiss on his cheek and he turned to escort her out to give his daughter away to the mare of her dreams.

Bow Hothoof stopped outside the door where he knew his daughter was and tried to smooth down his mane and straighten his formal attire to look his best, then knocked and went in.  Before him was the rough and tumble filly he had brought up now looking at her most stunning in a gorgeous dress.  Seeing her in any dress was an achievement, but this, this was so perfect that he cried on the spot, overwhelmed by this vision of loveliness he was about to pass over to the care of another.  Coco had anticipated such a reaction and was ready with hoofkerchieves, secretly delighted at how beautiful Rainbow looked.
“C’mon Dad” said Rainbow gently “Let’s go.”
With this, her father composed himself and smoothed his mane once more before escorting his daughter out to face the rest of her life.

As he faced across the back of the Great Hall, Bow saw Hondo facing him on the opposite side as they had rehearsed and the two started to walk slowly towards each other, their daughters following behind, concealed from each other.  When the two stallions met in the middle, all four ponies stopped at the end of the aisle and turned as one to look down along its length at Prince Celestia standing at the altar, flanked by Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle, all with their wings outstretched.

Although they had rehearsed this moment a dozen times, seeing all the Princesses in all their finery waiting at the altar with crowds either side suddenly brought home to all of them the magnitude of what they were there to do.  Even Twilight, the smallest of the four Princesses and their close friend looked suddenly so imposing and regal with her wings outstretched, and the other three Princesses standing alongside her looked even more intimidating.  The two stallions and their daughters all had to take a deep breath and focus before taking the first step along the red carpet and set off down the aisle, four ponies across with the two older stallions in the middle.

The music changed to a specially commissioned tune composed by Octavia that somehow combined the calm tranquillity of Rarity’s beauty with the exhilaration of flying, and both proud fathers walked slowly shoulder to shoulder down the centre of the aisle, each by now fighting to hold back tears.  To either side they escorted a veiled mare in a beautiful wedding dress, the crowds of friends and family on both sides gasping in awe as they approached and moved past sedately.

Celestia’s warm smile calmed their nerves as they neared her, each step taking them closer to a new life together.  They finally made their last hoofstep at the end of the aisle at the precise moment that the last bar of the melody faded away, cueing Celestia perfectly for the start of formal part of the ceremony.
“Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Rarity, the Bearer of the Element of Generosity and Rainbow Dash, the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty.”
“Who gives Rarity, the Element of Generosity?” asked Celestia
“I do” replied Hondo, feeling himself start to grow weak at the knees as he lifted his daughter’s veil and kissed her tenderly on the cheek before retiring to sit at the front of the crowd next to a pink unicorn mare with her purple mane raised high in a large bouffant.

“Who gives Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty?” asked Celestia
“I do” croaked Bow, his voice cracking as he uncovered his daughter’s face and started crying the instant he leaned in to kiss her.  He tried desperately to stifle his sobs as he was guided to his seat by a pegasus mare with the same cyan colour coat as their daughter, tears of happiness rolling down his muzzle; tears that everypony present respected, but none would ever admit to seeing.

Celestia addressed the congregation with a short text expounding the importance of love and devotion, but if two ponies were ever fully aware of what this meant it was the Element of Loyalty and the Element of Generosity, but they both listened intently.

As the speech drew to a close, they each felt a tingle run through them, awaiting the time honoured words they knew they would hear, the words that would seal their relationship in front of everypony present.
Celestia paused and then continued “The strength of their commitment is clear.  The power of their love undeniable.  May we have the rings please?”

With this request, Apple Bloom directed the two fillies either side of her to each bring forth a rich red gold trimmed cushion with a ring on it.  Scootaloo presented a single band adorned with all the colours of the rainbow that seemed to roll over each other with each subtle change of perspective.  Rarity felt Celestia place it on her horn, and then ride down with a gentle ringing sound to the base.
Next Sweetie Belle came forward with a simple gold ring adorned with three of the purest blue diamonds cut in little parallelogram shapes.
“Rainbow Dash” said Celestia “Do you wish this attachment to Rarity, the Element of Generosity to be for as long as you live?”
I do” replied Rainbow.
At this, a yellow aura grew at the tip of Celestia’s horn and then levitated the ring, holding it in mid-air just for a second or two before there followed a flash and it was gone, a gentle pulsing glow appearing on Rainbow’s flank showing that the ring had been magically added next to her cutie mark where it sparkled as brightly and clearly as stars in the night sky.

“Rarity” said Celestia “Do you wish this attachment to Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty to be for as long as you live?”
I do” replied Rarity.
Once more, Celestia’s yellow aura sprang to life, reaching out to the ring around Rarity’s horn and there was another flash magically fusing the ring into place.
Celestia motioned the two to face each other in front of the congregation and spoke the binding words “I now pronounce you mare and mare!  You may now kiss.”

Rainbow just looked spellbound into the eyes of the most beautiful life partner that all of Equestria could offer and completely zoned out anypony else around her.  Rarity looked at Rainbow and saw in her eyes the loyalty that would never fade however long they lived, and leaned forward to meet the most tender and most public of kisses, hearing a collective “Awww” from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a sound barely audible above the thunderous applause from the congregation.

“Best day ever!” mouthed Celestia to her fellow Princesses.  Yes it was.