//------------------------------// // Something's Not Right // Story: Playin' the Golden Record // by Ponycrafter //------------------------------// Once again, sorry for taking so long to write chapters. I'm still healing after the accident, but I should be fine in a week or so. I've also been busy with work, and I will remain busy, but stay tuned as I will continue writing happily. In the meantime, enjoy this new chapter! Twilight began this day as she had yesterday. Got up, showered, had breakfast with her friends. This morning, the Mane 6 agreed on visiting the dance club. Although they had all seen it a couple days before, they had only seen it for a short while, the sole exception being Fluttershy. Spike decided to stay at the hotel and explore a bit. Presently, they were seated around the table, glad to be going somewhere interesting. Nopony found anything interesting enough at the mall, save for Twilight's experience with Glimmer. "So, everypony remember the rules?" Twilight asked. The ponies all nodded. "No alcohol," Applejack said. "No exciting acts with other ponies," Rarity answered, wiggling her eyebrows at Fluttershy, who giggled in response. "Only eat the tasty looking food!" Pinkie said. She squealed in delight at the thought of a tasty banana split in the Neighvada heat. "No dancing until we're sure it's safe," Rainbow mumbled. She was unhappy at not being able to dance, but at least she had the pegasus area to fly up to. "Great!" Twilight exclaimed. "Looks like we're ready to go!" The ponies let out a sigh of relief at being able to stand up. They had been sitting at the table for about an hour now listening to Twilight ramble on about the dangers of the club. Applejack's front legs popped as she stood, and Rarity cracked her back like a cat would, stretching it into the air. Slowly but surely, they made their way to the elevator. Pinkie mashed the button with her hoof, causing it to turn a bright red in color as the ponies heard a faint whirring noise getting closer - the elevator. When they heard a resilient ding, they watched the elevator doors open, and relieve that there was nopony inside, stepped in. Twilight took the liberty of pressing the button this time, blocking Pinkie Pie with her magic. The elevator started down shortly, and the ponies remained silent as the elevator neared the ground level. Suddenly, the ponies heard a loud grinding noise that sounded like talons on a chalkboard. They simultaneously folded their ears back, grunting in surprise. "What in tarnation was that?" Applejack asked. Her question was answered when the elevator ground to a halt and the lights flickered off, shrouding the ponies in darkness. The elevator's motor made a loud BANG, as if saying "I quit!" "Eep!" Fluttershy squealed and hid behind Rarity, who herself squeaked at the sudden pressure on her flanks. Immediately, the girls began to panic, stumbling over each other in the dark. They grunted in frustration and pain when they butted into eachother. The ponies, save for Twilight, began chittering nervously. "Oh, buck, we're stuck! Hey, that rhymes!" "Dangnabbit!" "Aww, ponyfeathers." "Eep!" "Ooh, how dreadful!" "Girls!" Twilight shouted over the panicked ponies. At the sound of their friend's voice, the crew ceased struggling and drew their attention to a faint purple light emanating from Twilight's horn. "There's no need to panic. I'm sure we're going to be perfectly-" Screeeech! The elevator surged downward, causing everypony to scream in fear. It jarred to a halt after a bloodcurdling two-story fall. The ponies were thrown onto the floor at the force. "... Fine," Twilight finished. That was when she started to actually worry for her life. Creaaaaaaak... The ponies started their panic again, each protesting their fear, even Pinkie Pie whose hair poofed itself flat. Twilight's horn-light faltered for a second before flaring brightly again. The elevator began to jar downwards again, making quick stops often. Every time the girls screamed, thinking they would plummet to their deaths. Each time, however, the elevator stopped dead, with just enough force to knock the ponies off balance, not leaving them time to re-organize themselves before dropping again. "Everypony!" Twilight shouted over the madness. "Lie on the floor, grab onto whatever you can!" The gang was quick to obey, diving headfirst into the corners. Fluttershy ducked behind Applejack, and Rainbow flittered beside Twilight. Jolt after jolt, the elevator slowly made its way down. The ponies were just getting used to the jarring when Twilight looked at the elevator's dial. It read floor 46 - it was going to be a long way down. However, just as Twilight was going to stand up and press the emergency button, the elevator plunged downward, this time falling a few more floors than last time. Twilight felt weightless, as did the other screaming girls, before slamming down hard onto the floor. Snap! A loud crack, followed by a whipping noise against the roof of the elevator, scaring the ponies almost literally to death. The ponies lie motionless, awaiting another drop. When it didn't come, they slowly stood, looking around silently, relieved at finally being safe. Or so they thought - the dial still read 46. What was happening? Creaaakkk... "STOP!" Twilight hissed. The ponies all turned their heads to glance at her. "Don't move!" "What?" Rainbow said aloud. Immediately the elevator made a grinding noise and plunged a few floors down, but not with enough force to knock the ponies over. Another loud snap was heard, this time coming from the roof of the elevator, whipping against a far-away metal plate. 'Shut up!" Everypony hissed at Rainbow. She quickly obeyed. After a short wait, the elevator eventually slid to the bottom floor. When Twilight judged it safe, she pushed the alarm button, sending out a steady beep loud enough to alert security. Soon enough their elevator doors were being pried open by the same diamond dog that had the pink jacket and hat. Limpin' Pimp. They recognized him immediately, but Rarity was sure she felt a more affectionate side of him show in his eyes. She held a newfound appreciation of Limpin' Pimp. His golden cane was leaned against the wall, and his hat was hung loosely on it, revealing his tall ears. He was only able to pry open the doors a little bit. With more strength, he was able to rip one of the doors almost clean off, showing off his keen raw power. Poor Fluttershy needed coaxing to step through the doors, but soon enough all the ponies were arranged outside of the elevator. Limpin' leaned against the wall and grabbed his hat, flopping it on neatly, then placing his back against the wall, trying to catch his breath. Several ponies and a zebra gathered around, cheering at Limpin' for his heroics. Ignoring the "paparazzi", Limpin' swiveled his head and smiled at the group of ponies. "You ponies kay?" He asked. The ponies murmured a yes, and Rarity nodded happily. "Groovy! Heard a boom, I did, and youze was in theya. Had ta saves ya!" The ponies nodded again, thanking him dearly for his acts, but they were still a bit wary of his long, wolf-like face and sharp claws. "Thank you ever so much, Sir Pimp," Rarity cooed. She fluttered her eyelashes at him, before trotting off to join her friends. Limpin' stood, showing his true proportions to the girls. Twilight judged him to be around seven feet tall. They all shrunk under his gaze. "Ey, no probs. An' ya can call me Limpy," He said. He grinned slightly, showing his fangs. As the girls finished their goodbyes, Rarity felt a bit attracted to the diamond dog. Or wolf. Or whatever he was. Either way, she found him cute. Twilight groaned as she was being felt up by the bouncer pony again. Seriously, security was a bit too pushy around here. When she stepped through, she turned around and waited for her friends to come through. First was Rarity, tossing her mane and harrumphing. "Ruffians," She mumbled to herself. Then came Fluttershy, face contorted with shock. "He was a little rough," She said. Twilight peered through a crack in the door to see more clearly. Rainbow Dash met her gaze instantly, catching her off guard and scaring her enough to elicit a small shriek. "Sheesh, Twi!" Rainbow laughed. "Ya think that's scary, go look in the mirror!" Rainbow cackled at her own joke, but Twilight just deadpanned and blasted Rainbow's rump with some magic. "OW!" Pinkie came through the doors. She bounced happily along as usual. Then Twilight heard a ruckus outside. "Git yer perverted hooves offa me!" Then came the sound of hooves meeting skin, bones cracking and a male yelp in surprise. One of the bouncer ponies was shoved through the doors, his sunglasses broken and his eyes spinning around crazily. "Why, you lovely lady," He said. You're so hot, that I never fived my turnips." He passed out promptly, and his buddy peered through the doors with fear to gaze at his fallen companion. Applejack walked through the doors a moment later, pushing her hat back to stare at the confused ponies. "What?" Applejack said. "He touched my flanks." The ponies stepped into the club, loud music blaring into their ears and the smells of sweat wafting through the air. Rarity covered her nose with a hoof, huffing to prove her point; this place reeked. Twilight was reluctant to step into the club again, but being with her friends, she felt a tad safer. Still, the alien noises rattled her skull. Her friends were no better off. "Okay, everypony!" Twilight yelled over the loud music. "Let's find a booth to sit in!" Her friends nodded. "Ah don't like the looks o' this place..." "Oh, Applejack," Fluttershy mumbled into her ear, "Trust me. You'll love it here." The rest of the gang scanned the club, searching for an empty booth. Rainbow Dash fluttered up, nearly braining herself on a strobe light, and darted off to get a better look. She returned moments later, motioning for her friends to follow. The ponies were glad to have the loud music out of their ears. They could still hear it faintly through the solid walls, but the canteen was relatively quiet, save for a few diamond dogs chattering in the corner of the large room. The rest of it was relatively empty. Its design was pretty much the same as the club itself - black walls, neon lights showing the path to the counter. The delicious smell of hay fries and dandelion burgers wheeed through the air. After sitting down, Twilight broke the silence. "Remember the rules, everypony?" She said. "Yes," They all chimed in. They wanted to be out dancing, except for Rarity who felt glad to get away from this disastrous music. "Alright, go have fun!" Twilight said. The rest of the group only look at Twilight in confusion. "Seriously?" Rainbow Dash said. "What? Twilight replied. "What is it?" "Just like that?" Rainbow giggled. "No recaps of the rules, no lectures, nothing?" "Nope!" "So we kin go an' dance now?" "Yep!" The pony crew gave eachother one last look of confusion before darting off happily to dance. Applejack and Rainbow went together, while Pinkie and Fluttershy were a team. Rarity decided to stick with Twilight for the time being.From her vantage point, Twilight could see her friends easily. A large one-way window granted her visuals to the entire dance club. There were Applejack and Rainbow, dancing to the beat, while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sat at a table for four. They were eating lemon tarts. Just then, the DJ of the club, Golden Record, clenched the bandage around his neck. Twilight and Rarity looked on, concerned. "What do you think happened to the darling?" Rarity asked. "I don't know," Twilight answered. "Probably re-opened his wound." To confirm this, Twilight and Rarity saw a hint of red seeping through the bandage. Golden Record mouthed something to one of his bodyguards, and the bodyguard put Golden's front left leg over his back, helping him into the back room. The clubbers down below his booth stared surprised, before a substitute DJ took over Golden's position. This DJ had strangely black fur with a white mane, and no goggles to cover her eyes. She looked similar to Twilight's friend, Vinyl Scratch, but her colors and cutie mark were different, the mark instead being a picture of interlocking record needles. "Oh, the poor thing," Rarity cooed. "It must be terrible to have to leave your audience!" "I can see that..." Rarity glanced over to Twilight, who was staring at the door where Golden Record had disappeared into. "I'm gonna go talk to him," Twilight said suddenly. "What about me, dear? You can't leave me up here alone!" Twilight didn't answer as she stormed out of the canteen door, the rocking music filling the air before it shut again. "I wonder what's gotten into that filly?" Rarity contented herself by watching the dance floor, thinking once again about the hunk Limpin' Pimp that had saved her this morning. Smiling, she relaxed on her stool, fantasizing about his hulking arms whisking her into a life of riches and fame. "Ahh, such a dreamboat..."