My Little Sunset: Magical Girl

by madhat886

Chapter 21

Ever since her rampage through her home city Tomoko has been on the run. She's been hiding where she could but mainly in the small villages and cities avoiding being seen. She's been using her powers to steal what she needs to survive by breaking into the many vending machines and shops, taking money as well. She is a dark magical girl after all she's the villain not a hero.

Currently she's sleeping inside an empty building in a village far from any big cities. It's one of those villages where most of the young people had moved away to the big city and the village left behind is now slowly dying. She had heard about the declining population but living in a big city, she had never realized how big of an impact it is. Most of the people she had seen in the village are all old.

Now as she looks at the home that been abandon for years, using the old computer to look up things online. Learning of a new team of magic users in the Philippines. The house still had power and water, something she's grateful for as she's able to wash up and clean her clothes. Being on the run made her very aware of how easy she had it living with her parents, now she has to struggle to just survive. Force to eat what she can steal and in those rare times buy from vendors after she was recognized in that fast food place. She's now warming some 3 minute noodles in the still working microwave, wondering if this is what her life be like now.

"Well, well you been busy," Discord said appearing behind her.

"What do you want?" Tomoko ask.

"Is that anyway to talk to someone who is helping you?" Discord ask.

"Help how?" Tomoko ask turning around and blink seeing what Discord is wearing.

"Let the hate flow," Discord said dress as a sith lord.

"I'm not going to be a toy for you," Tomoko said turning her back to him.

"Well you can always used your powers for more personal gain. After all you been running for the last two weeks and the entire Japanese government is looking for you. You are the only magical girl in Japan after all, well there is Leaf Wind but she abandon the country because of what happen to her," Discord said.

"How many?" Tomoko ask.

"How many what?" Discord ask.

"How many did, I really kill?" Tomoko ask.

"463 is the number of those who died during your rampage for one reason or another, mostly from accidents and when all those buildings fell down and the gas station blew up. So unlike those magic girl shows where even fighting in a crowded city no bystander is ever hurt or buildings destroyed," Discord said. (1)

Tomoko seem to shrink into herself, hugging herself as she let herself feel what she had done.

"So much different from killing in videogames isn't it?" Discord said.

"You can't bring them back can you?" Tomoko ask.

"Sorry can't," Discord said.

"If you could you would had really let loose and really showed what kind of a chaos lord you are," Tomoko said.

"Of course. I actually gasp the concept of, if I kill of everyone for short term fun, I wouldn't have anything left to have fun with on the long term. And I have plans for you my dear, so instead of snack have a meal," Discord said before snapping his fingers and a large western meal of fried chicken, mush potatoes, corn, and a large soda appeared on a table. That Tomoko recognized as that American fast food chicken place as the chicken came in the bucket. Then with another snap new clothes appeared on hangers on a chair. A hooded green jacket, with a grey shirt and pants her size, with a change of underwear, socks and walking boots. And a backpack with a rolled up sleeping bag and supplies in it.

"Why are you doing this?" Tomoko ask.

"You're interesting and, I can't allow you just to fall over because of being hungry or sick. And it be interesting to see what you're going to do from here on out," Discord said.

"But still why?" Tomoko ask.

"As a clown prince of crime once said in a comic. Never give them what they expect," Discord said disappearing.

Tomoko sat down at the table with all the food taking her soap out of the microwave and began eating her first real meal in days.


The Philippines -

In Quezon City the former capital of the country a team of magical users have been gathered by the government and trained to use their magic. Unlike most of the other magic users, all of the magic users of the Philippines are adults and are all part of the military before they gain their new magic powers. Thanks to the close ties to the United States they were able to get recordings of Sunset teaching magic to new magic users, which the magic team learn from. The team is revealed in a press release showing the people of the Philippines Islands that they have a team of magic users to protect them from any Changeling attacks. And to handle any magic user so what happened in Japan wouldn't happen to the island nation.

The team is made up of 6 members.

Aswang Sonar a bat pony with the power of echo location. Her power allows her to scan her surroundings to find objects and creating a hyper sonic blast with her voice. She wears an armored black flight suit, a metal breast plate with metal bat wings on it, with a pony shape helmet that has a breather like mouth piece that allows her to use her powers. Her weapon is a pair of sabers.

Sirena Aqua a sea pony with the power to control water in all of its forms, liquid, gas, and solid. Her power makes her one of the most powerful magic users, as she controls a pure element and not just one part of it. She wears a bright orange armored driving suit with a diving helmet which could withstand the crushing pressure of the ocean depths. Her weapon is a pole hook with four hooks on it.

Tikbalang Smack an Earth Pony with the power of cracking. His power allows him to see the weak point in anything and allows him to know where hit to break it. His outfit looks like a yellow heavily armored construction outfit, where the reflective vest is replaced by armor, and helmet more heavily armored. His weapon is a jackhammer that he can use like a pogo-stick.

Nuno Handy an Earth Pony with the power of repair. Her power allows her to repair anything that's not living, making it like it's brand new. Her outfit is an armored overalls with an armored jacket, and a welder helmet. Her weapon is a tool belt with her tools being able to be used as makeshift weapons.

Kapre Trunk a unicorn who has the power to control trees. He is able to make any trees come alive to fight for him, or make them grow from seedlings. He's wearing full plated armor that makes it look like he's a walking tree trunk, and in his armor form he stands around 20 feet tall. His weapon is an 30mm auto-cannon that fires magic.

Garuda Current a pegasus who has the power to create twisters. His power allows him to form a shield of twisting wind around him and travel around like the Tasmanian Devil. He wears an armored red skydiving suit with a horse like helmet. His weapons are a pair of auto pistols that fire magic.


In America -

Inside one of the houses built in the army base Celestia is talking with Sunset, which she has been doing alot mainly because they're still struck together. But also the anime style opening that Discord showed on tv had reopen some old wounds. Sunset still doesn't like talking about what happen between her and the princess, the final scene of the opening of a young pony Sunset curled up against her counterpart hit home in how close they were. And reminding her of what happen years ago.

"Sunset you been like this for the last few days,” Celestia said to Sunset who has been sulking around the living room of the house they share together. They have been watching the news of the new magic users in the Philippines.

“I’m dealing with memories of my time before I came here,” Sunset said looking at Celestia who is sitting on the couch.

“You really don’t talk much about what happen before,” Celestia said.

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” Sunset said.

“If things turn out like they do in shows and mangas we’ll be in your world freeing it,” Celestia said.

“Well the mirror was the only way to get to my world and even then it would transform you into a pony like it made me into a human,” Sunset said. “But I am thankful for learning the truth behind what the princess saw me as. It finally freed me.”

“Freed you from what?” Celestia ask.

“Even with all what she did to me I still held out hope that she would... no she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t see me anything but a tool. I was nothing but a pawn for her to save her sister. But now I no longer see her as an all knowing, flawless goddess, but just a long lived pony like everyone else. It's no wonder the Changelings took over so easily, everypony in Equestria just expect her to be able to handle everything for them. The mane 6 who bare the Elements of Harmony were the ones who did the saving after princess Luna returned," Sunset said.

"How did you know about them?" Celestia ask.

"I have a magic journal that allows the princess to send me messages. It still worked even in this world, and she always wrote to me updating me about things. I guess she hope for me to return to her. She just put too much work in me to just let me go to waste," Sunset said.

"You really think she's like that?" Celestia ask.

"Even if she isn't, I'm not going back to her. The only reason why, I'll ever go back to Equestria is to put an end to the Changelings threat," Sunset said.

"Is that it? No other reason?"

"The closest friend, I had was Trixie of my world before she left the school. For me all that mattered to me was the princess, she was the one who gave me something that, I never had to begin with," Sunset said.

"A family?" Celestia ask.

"My life is a rags to riches to rags tale," Sunset said sitting on the couch next to Celestia. "My first memories is living on the streets of Canterlot the capital of Equestria, living in the dark alleyways that the nobles and the rich pretend isn't there. I often look into windows seeing families together wondering what it would be like to have one. Then after I started a blazing fire that engulfed a couple of blocks, only to be stopped by the princess, she saw the raw power that, I have for magic. I became her students living in the castle which on cold nights, I often look up to wondering what it be like to live there. For me nothing mattered but her, I didn't bothered to make friends as all, I cared about was to be... But then Twilight's counterpart showed off her own raw talent in magic, which caused her to spend less time with me. Then she showed me the mirror... you know the rest."

"You came to this world alone with nothing but the clothes on your back and what you brought with you," Celestia said.

"And I was back living on the streets looking through trash for food and stealing to survive. After years of living in the castle where the castle staff took care of my needs, after I had already grew up living on the streets in the first place. Do you know what that's like to have nothing to suddenly have it all then lose it all, starting back where you came from?" Sunset ask looking down. "Which would had happen to me if, I had stayed in my world."

"She just threw you out without any kind of support?" Celestia ask.

"That's just how she is. She has lived for over a 1000 years and ruled a country in all that time. She's use to ponies just dying around her. What does she care what happen to me, she can just wait for someone else to appear to take my place. All I did in learning, the long nights, the stress I put myself under just to impress her was all for nothing. To gain the affection of someone who never someone who only saw me as a tool," Sunset said lowering her head.

Celestia could only wrap her arms around the young girl next to her. Sunset under the mask she puts on for the world to see most of the time. Her counterpart had taken a child off the streets who was broken, manipulated and reforged into what she wanted to be what she needed to save her sister. Without ever thinking of what Sunset thought or wanted, all she saw was a tool and not the child that she is.

"She should had just left me in the alleyway where she found me," Sunset said. The very admission nearly chocked her up and she could feel her chest tighten as she held down to stop her from sobbing.

Celestia mind flash to an image, of her standing in an alleyway dress in heavy winter clothes in the dead of winter. It was years ago when she was much younger and still a teacher. She's standing there staring into a cardboard box.

"No," Celestia said as she hugs Sunset. "No matter what, she did care for you. Even if it's only for her self interest she cared enough to take you in."

"Even with everything she did to me?" Sunset ask looking at Celestia with glistening eyes.

"If she didn't, I would had never met you," Celestia said hugging Sunset closer. Both having to deal with their own personal demons.