//------------------------------// // Morning Banter // Story: Writer's Blok: Air Rattle // by Clockwork Pen //------------------------------//            “I don’t see why we have to be up so early!” Whined the tomboy riding shotgun, she had her boots propped up on the dash.            “and I don’t see why you had to be up late missy.” I retorted glancing at her as she yawned.     “oh right, You and I were kicking so much ass last night, I didn’t want to leave that lobby.”     “Dash, we had two clans playing alongside us during those operations, not to mention I actually was pushing, you just followed as support while I was mopping the floor with them.”     “Yeah, but you had to run and gun with a sniper rifle!”     “Correction, that was the Infantry variant of the M95 and you be surprise how easy it is to skirm with bolt rifles.”  The humanized Pegasus mouthed my words mockingly before looking out the window.     “Of course you did lead us right into that bunker tunnel, where I don’t know, half the fuckin’ team was!”     “So What? At least I took some with us, gas nades for the win!”     “Then there was that debacle holding the middle in ballroom.” I laughed at her, remembering how most of our team had been slaughtered just before the other team stormed in, trying to capture ‘C’.     “Ah, good times, Lucky I was playing medic that time, now that's teamwork.”     “Uhm, more like the both of you were screaming at each other trying to defend until your team rejoined you both,” A soft voice joined in from the back.     “Nuaght-uh, we had that in the bag before they decided to rain tank nades on us!”     “It sure was intense enough that you both were calling out to each other in opposite rooms, never mind using your headsets.” A posh voice  added to the commentary about our gameplay last night.     “I blame Rainbow for that,” I pointed to her before she swatted my hand away.     “Bull, I had to take mine off because you damn near blew my ears out shouting over the mic!” Rainbow Dash shook a fist to me.     “Yeeeah, then after our guys finally caught up with us, oh man, now that was a party!”     “Mmmmm, I don’t see how, it looked more like a bunch of soldiers playing tag with bullets.” I heard the slap of a face palm next to me while I just chuckled.     “thank you pinkie, what a way to sum it up!”     “Your welcome!” I glanced at the rear view mirror.  The Volunteers for today’s event sat in the backseat.     Rarity, wearing a pair of navy blue, urban camo cargo jeans, a white blouse with matching camo BDU shirt over it, borderline formfitting, she also had a beret that matched the color of her hair, which was a purple, complete with a diamond pin. she was touching up her face with quick, light dabs of make up. Her hair neatly folded into a tight bun under that beret.     Fluttershy, middle, was wearing olive drab fatigues with no hat but she fidgeted with the goggles I loaned her. she sat with her legs against her chest, she was the only one wearing tennis shoes. I could note that the clothes were a bit baggy on her, but the pants at least won't get caught under her heels (i hope).  She didn’t pull her hair back, because she made it clear before leaving that she was only going to admin and observe. Which I don’t think she really knows what being an admin is about. Pinkie Pie, god bless her, was wearing Tiger stripe camo BDU trousers with a plain t-shirt, matching BDU shirt and sure, wore a beret too, but was a dark red, around her neck was a black face cover, she sat cross legged while looking out  the window, her head gently bobbing to some tune playing in her head.  She somehow made her wild, bushy hair vanish under that beret, not even going to ask. Rainbow dash, next to me, wore digital camo BDUs complete with the modern combats that zipped up along the side. she wore knee pads and elbow pads, she just needed a vest and she was set. I don’t think I ever saw her hair any longer passed chopped but loose strands of multi colored hair stuck out around the sides of the matching camo hat. She texted away to someone(maybe the girls back at the house) on her phone between talking with us. I, on the other hand, wore my trademark hundred-first airborne uniform, complete with the patches and the canvas gaiters.  Trademarked on the field being that I made an impression fighting like they did back in the day.  My hair was recently shaved, so I didn’t have to pull back anything, just needed to readjust my helmet when we get there.  I was driver, so I could only mess with the tunes from my phone and drive. I have shown them during this whole week, videos of gameplay of the game we are about to play however, none would be prepared for the first-hand experience they are about to witness. “Then uhm, well, didn’t Twilight turned off the router before sending you two to bed?” Fluttershy asked innocently “AWWGH!” Me and Rainbow cringed at the mention of our game being ruined. “Why did she have to do that?!” “Well, it was only three in the morning by the time she did that.” “and? she could’ve put earplugs in!” “Nah, It was high time to turn it off that night.” I nodded while watching traffic roll by on around us. It was a sunny day in terms of the wet march we have been having.  So, expect mud, loose soil and damp brush. With me behind the wheel, I had our destination memorized from my solo trips to the Saturday games.  Now, since I’ve made Friends with the Mane six, they have been interested in everything that can be done in the human world. Wished I had gassed up the van, maybe AJ and Twilight would’ve liked to of come along for the ride.  Then again, I remembered:     “I have been watching the strange happenings around the world, I’m going to have to stay here, besides, you kept me up late!” I recalled Twilight’s words this morning before she vanished into one of the guest rooms with a cup-correction the entire coffee pot.     “I would if I could J.E., however, I don’t think i’ll be into this air whatever ya’ll be headin’ to, I’ma just hang back and help out where I can.” i remembered Applejack admitting bluntly before going back to working around house, even though I insisted that she wait till we got back.            I didn’t mind them turning down the offer to join us, but at least I’ll be able to spend time hanging out with the rest of the girls while these brave Equestrian’s follow me into the field of battle. “oh and one more thing,” I shook a finger at Rainbow, “One is better than four, am I right?” “ehhh, I guess so, just can’t stand the scopes though.” I briefly threw my hands up. “Seriously, that has been a common complaint about the new battlefield I think.” “So, what exactly is going to happen when we get there?” Rarity interrupted, changing the subject. “Oh, You girls are going to come with me to talk to big ‘B’ to get signed up and you all have to fill out some paperwork then I’ll take care of the rest.” I explained glancing around, checking my mirrors and at the girls in the back. “What kind of paperwork?” Fluttershy questioned as she glanced up from the book she brought with her, tilting her head, the goggles were fitted on her head, sitting on her forehead. “A waiver, declaring that whatever happens to you, he or the park is not to blame.” “Oh whatever, I’m going to send those punks home crying to their mamas when I’m done out there.”  Rainbow dash punched her palm, the half fingered gloves made a muffled clap. “Oh I don’t think it’ll be that easy, some of those guys are good at the game too.” “Oh really?” she folded her arms looking at me doubtfully. “Yeah, I mean, sure, there are kids out there, but there are adults that play too.  I mean, I know for a fact that at least four or so of the regulars are former servicemen.” “Former?” Rarity chimed in as she clasped her mini-mirror shut. “Yeah, as in ex-military.” “wait, Ex-military?” Rainbow blinked in brief disbelief. “yeah, one of each branch one army, one navy, one Airforce and one Marine I think.” I recalled trying to remember, the memories of those guys were kinda fuzzy as all I could remember was the hail of BBs that would fly my way during a match or the constant getting jumped by them during base rushes.  my luck had always pitted me against them, never ended well…     “Sounds like it’ll be scary playing against them.” Fluttershy noted worriedly.     “More like pure awesomeness!” Rainbow, despite how i mentioned infantry branches in there, she still got a little giddy as if she was about to meet a celebrity in person.     “I’ve always wanted to see your country's soldiers fight!”     “Right and get your ass handed back to you on a hot plate.”     “Oh come on, they shouldn’t be that bad right?” she nudged my arm with an elbow.     “I Don’t, I’ve always played against them and they some how function together as a four man wrecking ball.”     “Well, Tough luck son.” Rainbow tucked her hands behind her head as she tipped her hat over her eyes, “You just suck I guess.” she nonchalantly stated with a grin.     This girl has no clue what she is talking about honestly, playing against ex-military that may have been out of the service for some years but they play to keep themselves in healthy shape, also because it is just a hobby for them.  Even aside from them, the others in their team they run with, they’ve been trained by those guys.  Buut, i’ll let her figure that out the hard way.     “Sounds to me that you have experience playing this game, how long have you been playing?” Rarity asked adjusting her beret for a final time. “Are we there yet?” Pinkie Piped up out of nowhere. “Uh, just a few more minutes, the exit sign should be showing up shortly.” I replied quickly, “As for you Rarity, I have been playing for a few years, but some of those teams have been playing maybe as far back as the sport was introduced to the states.”            “I see, So, at least we won’t be horribly mangled out there.”            “Preciate the confidence Rare....” Rainbow mumbled out from under her hat.            “Hey, at least she and I are being realistic, you are all about ramboin’ that shit.”            “And is there no other way?” she smiled at tipping her hat up with a thumb.  Why do I feel like she is going to go Leeroy on us today.            “See, there it is ladies!” I pointed to the Gold hill road sign as we drove passed it, “Next up, the golf course!”            “oh! are we going to be playing golf out here too?!”            “Oh Yes pinkie, we’ll just use the guns I brought as golf clubs, maybe shoot a few holes during lunch”  There was a stifled snicker from Rainbow while I caught Rarity cover a smile with the tips of her fingers like a proper lady before glancing out the window.            “Well, Mister sarcasm, I was just asking,” Pinkie folded her arms staring at me with a playful glare, “Never know when we’ll be able to come out here again!” she stuck her tongue out at me.            The off ramp came up on our right.  popped the blinker and pulled off the freeway. Keeping the right turn signal on, I pulled up to the stop sign before turning onto the main road, heading towards the golf course.            “Like I said, we’ll be able to play as long you all have done the proper paperwork, Big ‘B’ doesn’t really care for it, but the golf course managers would still insist because of legalities.”            “ugh, then let's get in there and get that shit done and over with then!” Rainbow groaned impatiently.            Quick to get whipped today eh Rainbow Dash?