Pony Chibi

by kurusagi16

Episode 4

Nefarious Plans

In the changeling hive, Queen Chrysalis was holding an important meeting before her subjects.

"Listen well, all of you." She said, calling their attention. The changelings quieted down as Chrysalis continued, "Now then, our plot against Canterlot might not have succeeded as planed. But, our newest scheme is sure to work!"

One of the changeling guards rolled out a chalk board, from which Queen Chrysalis began to illustrate her latest scheme.

"First, we will imprison the entire town of Ponyville, with the exception of Twilight and her friends, and replace them with changelings."

"Uh, your highness?" Asked a changeling, raising his hoof in the air. "Why don't we imprison the six ponies with the rest of the town? Wouldn't it get rid of any threats?"

"I was getting to that!" Hissed Chrysalis. "As I was saying, should the ponies defeat us, we will then lure them to our hideout by kidnapping their little ponies, the so called cutie mark crusaders. Then, once they arrive, we will rile up their emotions so that we can catch them off guard and over power them. Then, I will drain Twilight Sparkle of her magic, and you my subjects shall feast upon her friends."

There was a moment of awkward silence before another changeling spoke up. "Uh, pardon me for saying so, your majesty, but, this plan seems a little...contrived to say the least."

Chrysalis lowered her gaze and pointed a hoof at him, "You, three weeks in the dungeon."

"What?! You can't--" The changeling was then carried off by two guards toward the dungeon area.

"Does anyone else have any objections to my plan?" She asked. Nopony dared answer. "Good. Now, let us prepare for our plan to come to fruition. Mwha ha ha!"

One failed plan later...

Chrysalis was frowning deeply as the Mane six made their merry way back home. One of the changelings looked like he was about to say something, when Chrysalis said, "Not another word."

On Ice

On a cold winter day, Pinkie Pie was having fun ice skating across the pond. As she skated, she noticed Discord casually walking by on the sidelines.

"Hey, Discord!" She called out. "Wanna come skate with me?"

"Sure, why not?" He replied, and in a flash, he too was on the ice wearing a pair of skates.

"Know how to do a figure eight?" Asked Pinkie. She then demonstrated by skating a perfect figure eight.

Discord smiled, "Not bad, but I prefer to do it the other way."

"What other way?"

Discord then began to skate two separate lines, then he added another extra line on top of each. When he finished, he gestured to his work, having made two fours in the ice. "Eight, the hard way." He said.

Pinkie folded her hooves over her chest and raised an eyebrow at him. "That hardly looked hard to me."

Discord gave her scoff, "I suppose you could do better?"

"Ha! Watch and learn." Pinkie then proceeded to do a pirouette.

"Not bad." Admitted Discord. "But can you do this?"

For his next move, Discord executed a technique called the butterfly jump, in which he spun around three times before spinning in the air from his side and landing back onto the ice.

Pinkie gave him a slow clap before saying, "Pretty good, but how about this?"

And so the two of them began a skate off, sliding, jumping, and twirling along the ice. Little did they know however as they skated, was that the ice was starting to crack and give way. Pinkie and Discord were finishing off their grand finale with another pirouette. Just as they finished however, they heard the sound of cracking ice, and suddenly sank into the freezing lake. The two stuck their heads out of the lake's surface, spewing out water.

"Well, at least it was fun while it lasted." Said Pinkie.

Discord smiled smugly. "I still won though."

Show Time!

On a large performance stage, a burst of smoke and colorful lights erupted from its center. Once it cleared, it revealed in its place none other than Trixie, decked out in her cloak and hat.

"Greetings, everypony. 'Tis I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, here to mystify you with my mesmerizing feats of magic!" Trixie then gestured to her side with a grand sweep of her arm. "And with me tonight is my lovely assistant, and best friend, Starlight Glimmer."

In another burst of smoke, Starlight also appeared onstage, wearing a glimmering gown. She looked out into the crowd, giving them a small wave and smile.

"Now then, for my first trick, I shall turn this chipmunk," said Trixie, levitating a chipmunk for all to see. "Into a teacup!"

Starlight Glimmer conjured up a stool and set the chipmunk down on it. Then, Trixie's magical aura engulfed the chipmunk and in a small poof it turned into a teacup. "Tah-da!" But the teacup wasn't quite complete, as it still had a little tail and was scurrying about on the stool. Trixie flashed a nervous smile, "Heh, heh, I meant to do that."

Starlight restored the chipmunk as Trixie moved onto her next act. "Ahem, now, prepare to be amazed as I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, pull a strange creature from out of my hat."

Taking her hat off, Trixie reached in, and surprisingly enough, pulled Discord from out of it.

"Discord?" Cried Trixie in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Starlight.

"What? Can't a guy nap inside a hat in peace?" He said. And with that, he popped back inside the hat and tossed a carrot at Trixie, hitting right on her muzzle.


Starlight laughed nervously and said to the crowd, "We'll be taking a break, thank you for coming and please enjoy the rest of the evening."

"Hey, I'm not finished yet!" But Trixie was interrupted as a large curtain rolled in front of them.