Grimdarkified ending episode 26 season 2

by redraven313

Chapter 14

Chapter 14
But even as she slept, she somehow sense everything around her. Maybe she was still in synch with the magic, she heard the two voices, cutting though the blurry pictures around her, though she could only guess who it was, to magic all sounds was the same.
”Can your shield survive it?”
”can you survive casting the spell?”
”I control the sun, I have to manage somehow”
that would be Celestia Twilight thought smiling in her sleep.
”You do realize that if you fail, the shield will be weakened, or Canterlot will burn down. Either way Canterlot will fall... Perhaps Clouds Dale can send...”
”Lunar how long did you tell them the shield would last? eleven hours? We both know that's not the truth. You hide it well, but you know, as well as I, that this is the only way”

”Fine go set the sun to microwave! its not like you're ever going to listen when i give advice anyway!... don’t look like that I'm sorry.... fine we do it you way... But think how many times we have exterminated them, only to see them rise again, at some point this cycle must end!”

In Twilight minds vision the entire world slowly turned black and white, she felt the magic surrounding her mind being pulled at impossible speed. she Had no idea where she was, and tried focusing again.
She was inside the sun, felt like she had hundreds of eyes all watching in different direction at the same time, she was one with the magic, with the sun, staring in all directions... but unable to see anything clearly.
Then strings started connecting to all her eyes and slowly, she felt every eye focus on the same planet, and as more of the eyes aligned, so did her vision zoom in, until she saw a city inside some kind of bubble. A giant cylinder of light encompassed the city under her watchful stare, and Twilight noticed curiously how tiny dark vapor like clouds evaporated, turning into poofs of smoke, she focused on the bubble again, it had changed, it's exterior turning into a solid black surface. She felt the strings being broken, as the black surface began cracking, and fell apart, revealing a decimated city underneath...
Then suddenly a voice called her from her dream, a real voice. ”Twilight wake up, it's over... you still have a brother that's getting married”