//------------------------------// // Train // Story: We're Not Alone Anymore // by LifeIsForPenguinHugs //------------------------------// I was back on the train heading back to Ponyville, still hated the damn name. I was kinda pissed you know, the fucking wedding lasted two minutes. Two goddamn minutes! They got up there said, “I promise to never defect to another mate,” and kissed then boom go home. But at least Woodie and Blue were happy, I took a deep breath in and out as I tried to sleep. A train passenger had other plans as she started to talk. “Ah a fellow connoisseur of exotic animals,” my eyes open and they met a grey earth pony with a blue mane. Her eyes seemed larger than normal but it's probably due to the bright blue eyeshadow she wore like a racoon. Her whole hand pointed at the seat across from me, “May I?” I wanted to tell her to fuck off but my mouth couldn't form the words and she took my silence for a yes and sat down. “I can feel that you don't want my presence here so I'll get to the point, how much?” My eyes narrowed as my hate for this random pony rose. “Price for what?” “Your pets of course!” Her hate exceeded everything now and she made it to the number one spot on my shit list. “No.” My arms, with paternal instinct, wrapped around their necks. Her smile faltered, “I’ll pay fifty thousand bits for each, did you hear fifty thousand for each.” Her face is cemented into my memory as a symbol of hatred and will be forever number one. “Do you have something in your ears? I said no!” I opened my eyes and looked around and noted that I was still on the Choo Choo, looking around I saw the man beast and a pony. But the man beast was glaring at the pony, he opened his mouth and a garble of growls out full of hate. His arms wrapped tighter around us, causing Woodie to shift but not to wake. I could feel his hate and anger brew and as I gazed at the pony I felt it rise in me aswell, before I knew it my teeth were bared and ready to bite my throat also made its anger known as I started to growl. The pony’s face was blank as it left the small chair and out the room. I could feel the man beast relax and he started to breath again, his arms pulled me closer to his warm body. As he drifted off to sleep so did I. I was in the den yard, I was a pup again. “Come Azul play!” I heard come from behind, as I turned I felt a body knock me down. “You're too slow!” I growled in annoyance as I glared at the young prince while he smiled smugly. His smile infuriated me, heck so did his stupid face. My anger reached my legs and I charged him, he had no time to prepar for the unexpected charge. Our bodies hit with a thunk and he fell with a thump, his green eyes spun in circles as he gazed to the sky. “I guess I'm not too slow now, right Prince?” Now I was the smug one, sauntering over to the fallen prince I help him up. But he says nothing but blankly stared at the sky, now I gazed up and saw a black and yellow buzz buzz. It flew flower to flower to get nectar but as it flew over our heads the Prince jumped up and ate it. “Ow! It bit me!” He simply screamed, before I could respond his face started to swell. It looked hilarious and I laughed. My laughing even persisted even when he ordered me to stop. “As pwince I uhder oo to stahp waughing at me!” Now I had grown from a pup and I was in my den. The Prince had disappeared and I was alone now, I was out of my homeland and was lost. The forest was cold and I felt no magic to help me nourish myself. I cry into the night, I missed him. I wanted him to father my young but he left before I could say, then his brother asked me to be his mate! That snake asked ME to be his mate! Now I left to find the Prince to maybe get him back to take the rule from his brother. I was suddenly jostled awake from my dreams as I was carried by the man beast. The Choo Choo had stopped and we're back in pony town. I wiggled in his grasp and his eyes met my own, and I was sat down to walk by his side. I looked over and saw the Prince walking by the other side and I shouted, “GOOD MORNING!” He jumped slightly before looking at the sky, “It’s midday, but good morning.” I slowed and went to his side and nuzzles his neck. “Have I ever told you that I loved you?” “Not today.” “Ah, well then I love you.” The warm feeling of love entered my soul and I knew that the good times were rolling in.