We're Not Alone Anymore

by LifeIsForPenguinHugs

Griffon Party

Christi ran ahead of me while I hopped on one foot attempting to put my shoe on. “Wait up!”

“No! You gotta speed up!” I groaned as she utilized her wings to gain more speed. Most of the shoe slipped on except for the back part. Now I could run, albeit a tad awkward, I started to catch up with her. Now as I ran by a griffon that was flying I realized that they were pretty damn slow, I mean I was running at a weird angle my lower back was still kinda in pain but I was running just as fast. Another scientific study that I'll do later when I'm not tired. We approached the the door leading to the courtyard we slowed down. As we stopped I noted that Christi was panting badly but I only took deep breathes. After she stopped panting I opened the door and she stepped through.

As we did a few griffons and a human looked at us before going back to their conversations. “Ah, it's good to see you two.” I jumped slightly after hearing the High King’s voice right behind me. “I see by sight of your skin Spaceman that you've had a busy couple of hours.” He quickly looked at me and then Christi and right back at me before winking. As he turned to walk off I racked my confused brain in an attempt to figure out what he meant. I was on the verge of discovery when I smelled cooking eggs, cookies and the erotic smell of meat being cooked.

I ditched Christi as I followed my nose to the other side of the courtyard to a small door behind a hedge. I found the metal ring door knob thing and gave it a tug, finding it unlocked I went in. The aroma grew larger now as I went in. I followed it down the short hall lit up by the same blue torches as the outside. As I walked on I heard the clatter of pots and pans and soon I found myself in the hustle and bustle of a kitchen. A griffon servant pushed past me with a tray of fish fillets, and cheese bits. I quickly walked over to the a human barking orders.

“You know if you shopped up those thin strips on that pan over there, shredded that cheese and mixed it up with those eggs it’ll improve the taste.”

With a fiery anger the five foot chef turned around and yelled, “WHO IN TARTUS DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! WALKING INTO MY KITCHEN AND TELLING ME HOW TO MAKE MY FOOD? WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING MR GIANT YOU CAN SUCK A COCK!” I backed away slowly with my arms to my chest as he grabbed a rather large knife. I turned and ran back down the hall and away from the possible schizophrenic psycho.

Now I was back in the party and a small band was playing stringed instruments with bagpipe bodies, looking away I found Christi at the food table. My left hand went to my stomach but I wasn't hungry, so I made a b line to the bar. As I approached there sat a midnight colored griffon was cleaning a shot glass. “A good night for a Day Before a white wedding, yes?” I only nod my head as I lean on the bar counter, the adrenaline was wearing off and I needed a strong drink. “So what do ya want?”

“Five fingers* of your strongest drink you got.” He nodded and brought down a jug with four black Xs and two skull and crossbones. Setting the jug down he grabbed a large glass and lined it up with my hand and poured. What came out was a dark orange liquid, as it settled I heard a sizzle of melting glass. I simply ignored it and took a sip.

It tasted like water with a slight orange taste, “I said your strongest drink man not water.”

His joyful expression turned sour as he spoke with venom in his voice, “You said the strongest Spaceman and I got you the strongest!” His talons were raised and my fist clinched, until I heard a grandfatherly tone.

“Ah Spaceman I see you enjoying a rather strong drink.”

“If you could call this a drink.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw the bartender raise his talons higher.

“Ah I see, come Spaceman I believe I have answer to your predicament,” the High King did a 180 degree turn and walked back to the castle. After he got five feet away I shrugged my shoulders and quickly closed the gap. Bobbing and weaving through the mingling crowd we finally made it into the throne room. We stopped in front of a non conspicuous plant and a section of the stone wall slid back revealing a spiral stone staircase. The old griffon grabbed a torch and made his way down, as I stepped in a wave of stench hit me. It stank of stagnant water and possible dead bodies, but soon we reached the bottom to show a large wine cellar.

“This is my personal illeg…. I mean completely legal liquor storage basement.” His eyes shifted side to side, I took a deep breath and then released it. After he finished his eye shifting he walked over to a random shelf and pulled out a random green glass and put it into my hands. “Here try this out!” Looking at it for a moment and popped the cork. A soft pop echoed throughout the room, raising the glass to my mouth I took a swig, swirling it around my mouth and feeling a slight burn of alcohol but it wasn't strong enough. Passing the bottle back the High King drank the rest before grabbing another and passed it to me. This time it was more fruit that than burn, once again I passed it back. After drinking the rest I was handed another bottle, this time it was midnight black. I found a label and it read; Equestrian Moonlight Vodka. A small grin formed on my face as this would be close to home. Twisting the cap off the room became cold as it fully came off. Now as it touched my mouth the thick, nearly pinkish stomach medicine thick, the taste came. It was slightly salted and I could taste the fucking potatoes it was made out of other than that it was terrible as it made me gag due to the disgustingly thickness of it. My face scrunched up in disgust and as I passed over the bottle I looked at the High King.

The two bottles of liquor were at his paw things and he was giggling to himself. “Spa...Spaceman *hicc* you're like the son I always wanted. Bu….but I have a son so you're like the son that I wanted but did...n’t have until now.” He crawled to my and sideways hugged me very awkwardly, “Thas….thas it! Since you like son I’ll i’ll put you in my will! Yeah thas a good ider! Tahnks me!” He started giggling like a mad mad as I lifted him up.

“Come on Kingy, let's get you to your cool chair.” As we made it up the stairs and to the open ending he started to cry.

“Itz juss soo hard since Ainsley died, yah know? Itz been two yers since and I still see her when I close my eyes.” As I sat him on the throne he cried harder as I grabbed a piece of paper and a quill.

“Just don't forget her man and she’ll live on in your heart and your family’s hearts.” Still crying hard he wrapped me in a hug.

“Tahnk you!” I started groaning loudly until he let go of me. His sobs died down and he let me go. His head rested on my arm as he took deep breathes as he slumbered. With my left arm I pushed his head off and onto his own claw arm thing. As he slumbered I tiptoed out of the throne room and back outside to the party but there were only four people left. The three man band and Christi.

I walked slowly to her, my steps echoing on the stone path. “Uh..hey Christi. I'm sorry I left at the party.” She said nothing as she turned around. Her face full of anger, “I’m sorry but the painkillers made me thirsty and I could've gotten killed and the High King talked to me and we sorta hung out. If you’d like,” now raising my voice so the band could hear,” could I have this last dance?”

Her eyes changed and her claw came out stretched and I grabbed it. The band started to play their bag guitar things as I whispered in her ear, “I don't know how to dance.”

She looked up at me and whispered back, “Me neither.”