
by Silver Butcher

The Greater and More Powerful Trixike

"So your telling me, that these earrings will make The Great and Powerful Trixie even Greater and even more Powerful?"

"Only if someone with abilities you do not possess wears one and you wear the other." said an old salespony at an equally old stall.

"Trixie will take them! How much?" the shopkeeper looked at her for a second then placed the rings in her hands.

"Free of charge, just use your new powers for good." Trixie looked at the earrings for a second then looked up to see the entire stall was gone. Trixie had a twinkle in her eye.

"He was a real wizard! These must actually make ponies stronger!" Trixie clipped one onto her left ear and looked around "I can't give it to just anypony, it has to be somepony who is like no-one else in all of Equestria....but who?" she felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned to find Spike

"Hey Trixie, Starlight wanted me to give you this, you left at in the castle." He said, handing Trixie her wallet. Trixie took it then froze as she had a wonderful idea and looked at Spike with stars in her eyes.

"Hey, Spike?"


"Your the only Dragon in all Equestria, nay in existence who was raised by ponies right?"

"Yes......why do you ask?" Spike said with suspicion in his eyes.

"Do you want to help us both become even greater and Powerful?"

"......Against my better judgment, I'm gonna say yes." Trixie then showed him the earrings.

"I was told if two ponies wore these they'd both become more powerful then the sum of their parts, but I think it would work on you too." Spike looked at it for a second then back to Trixie.

"What do you get out of this?"

"Possibly the ability to breath Fire."

"Fair enough," Spike said and clipped it on his right ear, nothing happened. "Hmm"

"Ah! WHAT!?" Trixie said in outrage, “I was lied to! What a lous...." before she could continue both earrings started to glow."....never mind, IT'S WORKING!!!" the earrings kept glowing brighter and brighter until Spike and Trixie were forced off their feet and thrown into each other "GAH!!" they screamed as their bodies fused into one, and with a second flash, they were thrown into the forest.

"Ow! What ha...ha...OH MY CELESTIA!!!" They screamed, looking at their hands they realized they were one. "I'm you!! YOUR ME. WERE US!!! Wait....what am I?” After looking at her body, for she was indeed a female, she found that she had the legs of a pony, but they were covered in blue and purple scales. She had the tail of a dragon, but it ended in a sharp point, as opposed to a spade, and it a had a tuft of fur on the end as well.

Everything below her waist seemed to be covered in scales, while her upper body was covered in her usual blue fur. With the exception of her hands and hooves, which were purple, and her fingers seemed...pointier than usual. Her arms were muscular like Spike’s, but they were decidedly feminine.

Casting a Mirror Spell, she found that she had Trixie’s face, but with a mouth full of sharp fangs. Her hair was White with Green stripes, and her left eye looked like Trixie's but her right eye was Spike's, and she had a long, pointed horn. Her horn was sharp with a smooth curve in the middle, shifting from blue to purple at the top.

She had on a Tank-top With Trixie's Cutie Mark on it, and Cargo Shorts with little flame Designs on the pockets, as well as a cape identical to Trixie’s, but with little green flames on it. Trixie's hat had fallen off and lay a little way's to her left.

"I look awesome!!" she said, "I wonder if I can..." She took a deep breath and blasted out a Green Fireball. "I AM AN ALL POWERFUL KIRIN! HEAR ME ROAR!!!" She turned around on the spot and, after thinking for a moment, yelled "I AM THE GREATER AND MORE POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!!!" And with that, she leaned down grabbing Trixie's hat, placed it on her head and took a huge leap. She landed in the Town square, leaving a small crater. "HELLO PONYVILLE!!!" She yelled, causing everypony to stop and stare. After staring at her for a moment, one colt gathered the courage to speak.

"What are you?"

"I am a Kirin, The Greater and More Powerful Trixike!!"

"That's a stupid name." Somepony called out.

"Oh shut up, half of your names are stupid as all Tartarus. Besides, I AM HERE TO WOW AND AMAZE YOU!!!"

"How?" One mare asked.

"Honey, I'm a Kirin. I can breathe fire and use magic....I think I can amaze little old you.” and with that, Trixike lit her horn and an Ursa Major materialized out of thin air. This, understandably, caused a panic. Until Trixike used her magic to cage it, that is. The Ursa threw one of its paws out of the bars, only to pull back when a wall of fire surrounded the cage. Trixike then jumped up, landing on the Ursa’s muzzle. She forced the Ursa’s mouth open and walked inside, stood there for a second, and did a backflip out of its mouth landing on her feet in front of the cage. Then, with a snap of her fingers, everything disappeared. Trixike turned to the crowd and bowed. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED PONYVILLE!?!?" The crowd’s response was a huge roar of approval from the crowd. Trixike was giving another bow when she heard Twilight voice boom over the crowd. She and the rest of the Mane 6, along with Starlight, had come to investigate the crowd.

"What's going on here?" She asked the closest pony pointed to Trixike and Twilights jaw dropped. "I..Is that a.."

"A KIRIN?" Trixike asked her with a smile, "WHY YES I AM! WELCOME TO THE SHOW PRINCESS!!" The Mane 6 looked at her in surprise.

"You look disturbingly familiar." Starlight said.

"Why of course Starlight, I am the fusion of Trixie and Spike!" There was a moment of silence.

"WHAT!?" said almost everypony in the crowd.

"HOW!?" the Mane 7 asked.

"These here earrings fused are bodies and minds together, turning us into The Greater and More Powerful Trixike!!" She just had time to say that before the earrings started to glow again. "*sigh*, Alas Ponyville, it seems my time is over, but fear not! For I shall return!!!" and with that, her body started glowing once more and she split back into Spike and Trixie who stood and faced the crowd, silent for a moment, before both they both raised their hands and declared: