Guardians Of The Helms

by Baconkatz


Silken Touch looked around the table one last time, making sure that all nine of the ambassadors were still with him. His curved horn making him stand higher than any of the other members, the teardrop shaped Chalcedony jewel sat in the band around his neck. Showing his importance as an ambassador to the Kirin Clan.

Kirins were warriors, after the attacks they became the leading military force. Guards of Kirin could be found in every species separate kingdom, except for the Thestrals. They were on average, bigger than any other species. With long bodies and a curved horn, their tails were also like a snake with the bit of mane at the end.

To his left was Clear Mirror, an Earth Gypsy. The colt was on the small side compared to the others that surrounded him, but Silken Touch knew from experience he could easily wipe all of them with a simple flick of ancient tongue. He had a simple and plain color pallet like most Gypsies, he was a mahogany color with a softer cream mane, grey roots threatened to streak into the rest of his mane. Around his hoof was a bracelet with an Emerald stuck beautifully in the middle of the silver.

Earth Gypsies were very superstitious and frankly crazy ponies. While most were sensible, and even wise the few crazy ones tended outshine the practical ones. Despite being earth born ponies, they are magical in a sense. After many year they became adept at working with dark magic, voodoo magic, not only making the species incredibly stubborn but also dangerous. On the smaller side, they're compact and live in swamps and marshes.

Next to them was Raggiana, a rather beautiful Bird of Paradise. She was a tan color with speckled coloring, her tail feathers were a mix of warm autumn colors the feathers around her ears being longer and a softer color than her tail feathers. She was soft spoken and a scribe, although she had purple eyes. Which if Silken could remember correctly, meant she often went with the flow of things and was best suited for a job with many bumps and challenges, it amazed Silken how often the Birds of Paradise were right. Her golden earring had a beautiful piece of Amber in it.

Birds of Paradise were always gorgeous ponies, they had fur still, but only on their bodies. The rest was replaced but feathers, males had a spine of feathers on their stomach where females didn't. The manes were replaced by feathers of varying length and thickness, and their tails were like a peacocks. The feathers on their ears were the most expressive, and were usually brightly colored. They mostly lived in the rainforest, with hollowed bones making them very swift fliers and even had an entire ideal around eye colors.

Next came Thunder Dancer, a well built Delude thestral. He was a peculiar one, he was heavily built but his cheeks were gaunt as if he had been starved and his ribs were visible through his barrel shaped chest. His dark blue coat was complimented by his silver and pale yellow mane, his eyes were a light pink color that threw most off, but Silken knew Thestrals eyes came in different shades of red, with the same replacement of black for the whites of their eyes. Clasped around his left hind leg was a sheath, a pearly jet gem was sitting on the obsidian.

Thestrals were an exception to Silkens knowledge, little was actually know about them, and even less was know about how their goverment worked. But the way they sounded, they made it sound like there were subclasses to their species, much like the Hippocampi. Besides that, they had very large ears, and bat like wings. They were usually thin and lightweight, some with skeletal features, like Thunder Dancer.

Pearl of the Valkyrie’s sat across from him, her white flaming mane casting the dim room in a ghostly light. She was a rather pretty Valkyrie by their species standards, even by Silken Touch, she was a pale sandy color with a soft splash of freckles on her underbelly. Her horns were adjourned with tribal markings, and hanging off the right one was a ruby earring. Or well Silken supposed he should call it a horn ring.

Valkyries were very tall and thin ponies, mostly to conserve water which they could go without for weeks. Instead of manes of hair their manes were of flame, varying in color but the height was always determined by their age. They also posses a second set of eyelids, to help keep the sand out of their eyes.

To her left was Monarch of the Dustie's, with orange wings flinging dust everywhere. She was glowing softly, although overpowered by Pearl’s fire, unlike most Dustie's her mane was very short cut, and her body was devoid of any ash burns, although a long ugly gash went down the right side of her face right over her eye. She was a dull yellow color with an orange mane, softer cream highlights glowed along with her wings. Around her neck was a choker with a roughly cut sunstone in the middle.

Dustie's were fairy like ponies, with beautiful wings of many kinds, they just lacked feathers and leathery skin. While not the most graceful or agile fliers, the dust that fell from their wings held magical properties that were used in many medical procedures. Dustie males usually had the longer hair, and females the shorter. The speckled patterning found on many of the dustie's, came from the cremaited ashes of their ancestors, thrown onto their bodies while they were still growing. Carrying the memory of them on through burns on their children's skin.

Next to them was Skylight, a heavy coated Frost Unicorn. By heavily coated Silken meant even by Frost standards the mare had a heavy coat, he could see the sheen of sweat on her muzzle from the heat of the flames nearby. Silken couldn't pull much out about Skylight or the Frost Unicorns at all, nobody could, not even the skilled Thestrals. Around her muzzle and clamped between her jaws was a bit that seemed to be popular among the few seen Frost Unicorns, the bridle wrapped around her head, and disappeared under her shaggy hair, on each end of the bit was a clear diamond.

Frost ponies were the most elusive, little was know about them at all. What was known is that their coats were very thick along with their mains, and their horns had two crevices almost cut out of them like sharp icicles. And perhaps the most interesting part was their dewclaws, on the back of their hooves was a single retractable dewclaw, very effective in battles, and possibly used for digging into ice.

Savage a Hunter sat next to her with a rather passive look on her face. The black marking under her eyes resembled a snake as it curled around her eye, the scar going around her neck like a choker was a dark pink color. The beautiful color of her long hair was a dark red color, while her coat a bronze shade of brown. Her hair band held a lovely smokey quartz that was masterfully cut.

Hunters were the only meat eaters of the nine species, naturally equipped with razor sharp teeth and long fleshy tails with a razor end. Along with enhanced senses that allowed them to track the most difficult of prey through their home forest. Under their eyes was a black marking, used to block the sun and give them better vision. Hunters were also known for their hair, always extremely long and held back with a single band of metal that was slowly stretched over their lifetime. And their cutiemarks, or lack therefore of, instead of a cutiemark, they had a scar from the first animals they trained.

The last of them was Queen Abyss, a dark blue hippocampus with coral pink markings along her face and chest. Her tail was one of an eel it seemed, with frills along the top and the bottom that moved in slow methodical movements.She looked as strict as always, the chest plate that held the marking of her kingdom, with a lapis jewel in the center.

Out of all of the nine, Hippocampi were the most diverse of them all. With as many different types as there were fish in the sea, they varied largely only having a few similar traits throughout them all. One was the sensitive gills on their necks, and another the glowing marks on their bodies that they could turn on and off at will. With the ability to live hundreds of years, they needed too with the death rate of birth being so high, not to mention that males were incredibly rare and highly valued.

Silken Touch himself never concentrated on a cutiemark, mostly because some of them had none. And he loved a good challenge when guessing their talents. Especially when it came to Hippocampi, they didn't believe in the mentality of having their fate tied to a mark. Since most tended to be a jack of all trades.

Clear Mirror cleared his throat, flicking his mane over his shoulder, “It's been decided then,” he said turning the paper towards the other eight “The nine helms are to be kept by the Earth Gypsies until they are needed again.” He said, “And once they are needed, the guardians are to be kept alive this time. In case of another after shock like the Tainted brought, yes?” He asked looking at each of the members.

Monarch nodded, craning her neck to read the document herself, “Of course,” she scoffed, “The rebellion that came after caused tremendous damage to our public buildings.” She said pulling the paper closer to herself accidentally sprinkling dust onto the parchment.

“Perhaps if your people weren't so lazy you wouldn't have those types of problems.” Skylight said, reading over Monarchs shoulder, her white eyes scanning over the paper, her ear twitched sending a bead of sweat flying off the very tip of her ear.

“We can't all be as big of as-” Monarch was cut off as Pearl shoved her hoof into the younger mares mouth.

“Eloquently put,” Savage said with a chuckle, the tip of her sharp tail traced over the table in a circling motion, slowly carving a gap into the flat wooden surface, oak if Silken could correctly recall.

“Pardon if I may-” Raggiana said from where she was, before sighing. Her tail lowering itself from its Peacock like position, her wings tucked against her side. She would wait until they settled down before talking, she rarely strained her voice.

Thunder Dancer slammed his hoof onto the ground, a loud crack of thunder struck the room making the group fall silent. “The Paradise would like to say something.” He said in bluntness Silken Touch would've killed to have.

Raggiana looked at Thunder Dancer appreciative, “Thank you,” she said her ear feathers fluffing up a little, “As I was trying to say, this is not in the name of one of us, this is for all nine. We made a horrible mistake before all of this, agreed?” She asked, there was a murmur of general agreement, “Now, within this piece of parchment it grants hybrids the ability to remain among whichever tribe they choose to stay in. And during the longest time of the set sun-” Silken appreciated her using common terms from the Birds of Paradise, it added flavor to the mix of species “-all tribes are to gather and celebrate the sacrifice of the Guardians of the Helms.”

“Hoorah!” Queen Abyss said enthusiastically, her long elegant tail swinging side to side, nearly hitting Savage. Well, Silken supposed it would've never gotten close enough to hit the skilled Hunter. The fact that Savage didn't even blink at the tail that nearly nicked her face said much about her nerves.

Pearl opened her mouth to say something but was abruptly cut off as the door swung open, standing at the base was Woven Shield, one of the many Kirin guards that patrolled the city. Silken Touch stood up instantly, turning to look at the guard, “What is it?” He asked, knowing that they would've never disturbed the meeting unless it was urgent.

“There has been a prophecy!” Woven Shield exclaimed, “Dusted Orb has prophesied the next coming of the Guardians of the Helms.” He said.

Clear Mirror concentrated on figuring out who Dusted Orb was, Silken Touch didn't need to look back at him to know that look on his face. Monarch on the other hand had no problem exclaiming her opinion.

“How do we know she's not another one of those false prophets?” Monarch said cynically, her wings shaking defensively sending waves of organs dust over Savage and Pearl. But she had a point, the rise in fake prophets since the first prophecy made by Humbled Truth, an Earth Gypsy, was rather dramatic and spread to every species. Well Silken assumed every species, he had never seen a Frost Unicorn talk of a mad false prophet.

“Because she's the daughter of Humbled Truth.” Clear Mirror said standing up and walking around the table, “She’s proven to have a keen intuition and instincts that could match a hunters.” He said, flicking his tail at Monarch “Bring her in.”

Silken Touch had never seen Clear Mirror act so defensive before, the Earth Gypsy was protective of his kind. But never to this extent. Then again, Humble Truth was a close friend of his, perhaps in the midst of his grief he had forgotten about the deceased Colts foal.

Woven Shield nodded and disappeared for a moment into the hallway, returning with a small Earth Gypsy, a pale and wispy blue colored coat and darker swampish seagreen hair cut short.

Dusted Orb looked around nervously, “Is it okay for me to start?” She asked Woven Shield nervously, looking rather timid despite all that she claimed to have been. That was another thing that set her apart from most fake prophets, reluctance.

Woven Shield nodded, and Dusted Orb took a deep breath closing her eyes. When she opened them, her eyes glowed white, black ink fell from one of her eyes. That could've also been a sign that she wasn't a fake prophet. Then she opened her mouth.

“Along the fated path that leads to the end of the seas core.
A great battle will shake the world causing destiny to soar.
Fires will rage and winds will roar , twist and shatter glass panes.
Hope shall be lost and all shall crumble underneath the flames.
But the helms that glow for all to see.
Shall bring nine of different species together for their destiny.
One bright and tough with a heart of gold.
The other sharp and uncut, brash and bold.
One that will follow destiny and soar quietly in the star lit sky.
The next will look down below them and say to everything they know goodbye.
One soft and round, but hold enough secrets to crush a colt.
Then next will stay as long as they can, to fight the urge to bolt.
One will unleash an evil that can never be controlled.
The next blurs the line between friend and foe.
The last of them all will cast an unforgivable curse.
Before they give up the nine helms of species, all will disperse.
From above will come a new threat from the sky, that will scour the earth in search of his prey.
And from the helms two will have to curse themselves to a fate worse than death most will say.
The Guardians of the Helms will sacrifice all to save the ones behind them.
Sacrifice will take them all, and with them their species crowning gem.
Fate is cruel and Destiny is a curse for all to bear.
The Helms will take a heavy price to be our savior.
Unpaid they will cut like a saber."

Silken Touch was confused, which wasn't very hard to do with prophecies. It was vague and cryptic, but he could hear the scratching of the quill on papyrus paper, leading back to Raggiana who had written the entire thing down. The odd thing was the alternating between her rhyming and non rhyming lyrics.

But that just meant Dusted Orb was truly a prophet, if she wasn't then all the lyrics would have rhymed. It was a misconception, but when it came to more serious prophecies the chance of getting rhymes was a fifty fifty kinda thing, but never the entire time.

“What does that even-” Queen Abyss’ question was cut off as Dusted Orb fell to the ground, coughing up thick black slime. Silken Touch found himself unable to move as he watched the young mare’s life drain from her eyes.

Clear Mirror on the hand, “Silk!” He snapped already crouched down next to the mare, his words pulled Silken Touch out of his trance. “I need you to remove the promised jewel from her throat.”

Ah, Silken Touch almost forgot about that. And since he was the only one accurate enough to do that, it seemed like he had no choice.

The promise jewel was a uncut gemstone that was said to have been born in the heart of prophets, and when the prophecy was given the gem was supposed to come out to prove that it was real. While that wasn't the best theory, it was the only one. And why prophets never made more than one prophecy.

Silken Touch closed his eyes, purple mist rolled off the corners of his eyes, and off his horn, wrapping itself around the gemstone in her throat, delicately pushing flesh away and pulling it out. The gemstone was jet black and looked like perhaps a chunk of onyx-

“She's dead.” Clear Mirrors sharp words cut Silken Touch off from his observation. He shifted his attention, looking down to Dusted Orb who laid dead in a puddle of black slime, her icy pale eyes looking ahead glassily.

There came a snort from Pearl as Clear Mirror closed the mare's eyes, “I am not surprised.” She said her flickering white mane making her look like a ghost in the dim light, “That is the fate of a hybrid it seems, especially one of blood of ice and blood of heavens rejected.”

Silken Touch sometimes really didn't like Valkyries, mostly because they believed in blood and heritage above all else. Each species had a blood to them, Silken’s blood, a Kirins blood, was the blood of war. Which wouldn't have been too horribly wrong, and Silken suspected he would've liked being called that if it wasn't for how poorly the Valkyries treated other species.

But this was one ruler of perhaps one of many tribes, what she said couldn't be placed on all others. Shockingly little was known about the Valkyries, to Silken’s knowledge at least. But if what she said was true, Dusted Orb was a Frost and Gypsy hybrid.

“Pardon,” Raggiana said softly, her tail feathers ruffled up, “But we have a prophecy, and its telling us the world is going to end.” She said, her ears were flattened back as she shifted hoof to hoof nervously.

“No,” Thunder Dancer said, “They're saying that the helms will be needed again, sooner than we had all hoped.” He said stepping forward to look at Dusted Orb, “And that we won't be able to stop the death that comes from it.” He said his own wings spread wide, the large jagged rip that tore through the left one startled Silken Touch. He had forgotten entirely about that, which was stupid now that he thought about it. Why else would the usually thin and light thestral be so well muscled and bulky?

Silken shook his head, replaying the prophecy over in his head. “The last one was much shorter.” He said as his mind kicked into high gear, “Simpler and much more desperately needed, as if it was coming soon. This one was longer, as if it still had a time to come. Assuming so-” he cut himself off, “Raggiana, can you write down the prophecy?” He asked, “Just the parts describing the next nine.” He said

“I believe so, just give me a moment.” Raggiana said, working quickly, she was one of the best scribes in her species after all. As the feather flew across the paper Silken could hear softer hooves make their way up from behind him, from the spacing and pace he fussed it was Clear Mirror.

“What do you have planned Silk?” Clear Mirror asked finding his way back to his spot at the table, his cream mane was less kept than when they began, then again, Earth Gypsies are rarely concerned about how they looked.

“We each choose nine foals from our tribe that could fulfill a part prophecy.” Silken Touch said, “After that we set out for each foal, and see what the Helm chooses.”