//------------------------------// // Back To School // Story: The wolf and the bat // by DustyDusk123 //------------------------------// Arrow and Dusk were both still sleeping in Dusk's cave Dusk and Arrow both woke up, Dusk said: ''Good morning'' while yawning. Arrow yawned and said: ''Hey, oh Dusk. I have to go to school, want to maybe come with me and try it out again?'' Dusk shrugged and said: ''Sure, why not.'' They both stood up, walked out the cave and went to the school. At the school Dusk and Arrow were walking to the school, they stood infront of the school. Suddenly a group of girl's walked to them, one of them said to Dusk: ''Hey, can we speak to you?'' Dusk shrugged and said: ''You mind, Arrow?'' Arrow nodded and said: ''Sure, i'll wait here.'' Dusk nodded too and walked with the group. They stood at the back of the school and one girl asked: ''Really? You are really dating her?!'' Dusk sighed and said: ''Yeah, and?'' Another girl replied: ''Your gonna get bullied for that!'' Dusk rolled his eyes and said: ''Like i care, i don't even go to school, i just wanted to go with Arrow...'' A girl then said: ''Just give up on her, she isn't worth it! Valen-'' Dusk said: ''Bye, i don't need to hear that name!'' and walked off All the girls sighed and walked off too. Dusk went back to where Arrow was standing, he was surprised to see she wasn't there. Dusk looked around when he suddenly heard whimpering, he went to the sound and saw Arrow covered in bruises and marks. Dusk gasped, ran to her and said: ''Arrow?!'' Arrow had her face covered, she sniffed and said: ''D-Don't look at m-me! No o-one love's me!'' Dusk sighed and said: ''That's not true Arrow'' Arrow then answered: ''H-How do you k-know?'' Dusk then said: ''Well, the living proof is right infront of you'' Arrow sighed and replied: ''T-Thanks...'' and hugged Dusk. Dusk hugged her back and said: ''Isn't class starting soon?'' Arrow giggled and said: ''How do you know that huh? You never go here, you only did once.'' Dusk replied: ''I dunno, just remember it i guess?'' Arrow sighed and said: ''Come on, let's get to class.'' Dusk nodded and walked with her to class. In the class Dusk and Arrow walked in the class and sat down next to each other. The teacher was explaining some math problems that Dusk didn't really care about. Dusk noticed a few girl's throwing papers at Arrow and her obviously being annoyed by it. Dusk then grabbed a piece of paper and threw it at them, the girl flinched and stopped throwing stuff at Arrow and rolled her eyes. Dusk sighed and watched the teacher explain stuff he doesn't even understand. Then he heard kicking noises next to him, a girl was repeatedly kicking Arrow's chair, Arrow was again very annoyed by this. Dusk then gave a slap to the girl's leg so she stopped, Dusk was getting annoyed too. Dusk then noticed that Valentine was infront holding up a drawing of him and her kissing, Dusk looked disgusted. Dusk then picked up a pencil, threw it at the drawing so it got shot against the wall. The teacher saw this, looked at it and then looked at Dusk and said: ''Did you do this?'' Dusk then answered: ''I can't even draw, Valentine did it.'' and Valentine rolled her eye's. The teacher then said to Valentine: ''You think this is funny?'' Valentine shrugged and said: ''Looks cute, i think the drawing really shows that Dusk and I are mean't for each other and that my sister should die.'' The teacher sighed and said: ''Ugh, Valentine, out now...'' Valentine rolled her eye's, walked to the and turned to Dusk and said: ''See you later, cutie...~'' and opened the door and walked out All the girls in the class except Arrow started giggling and Dusk said: ''I'm not cute! Ew!'' Arrow whispered to Dusk: ''Yes you are'' Dusk blushed and said: ''T-Thanks...'' Arrow giggled and replied: ''No problem'' The girl's stopped giggling and the bell rang so everyone went outside. While Dusk and Arrow were walking trough the hallway Arrow get yelled at by lot's of girls on the hallway, she became very sad because of it. Dusk noticed it, and asked Arrow: ''Are you okay?'' Arrow nodded and said: ''Y-Yes... im okay...'' Dusk then replied: ''Okay, let's go back to the cave, okay?'' Arrow nodded and the walked outside and went to the cave. At the cave Dusk and Arrow went in the cave, they sat down but Arrow looked very depressed. Dusk sighed and said: ''Arrow, something is up, tell me.'' Arrow got a tear in her eye and said: ''A-Am i u-ugly?'' Dusk answered: ''What?! No! Stop saying that!'' Arrow sighed and said: ''But... everyone keeps making fun of me...'' Dusk then said: ''They are just jealous of you, don't worry'' Arrow looked up to Dusk and said: ''R-Really?'' Dusk nodded and replied: ''Mhm, i mean come on, you seen Valentine's face when she found out we were a thing?'' Arrow laughed and said: ''True, true'' Dusk sighed and said: ''So... what now?'' Arrow shrugged, looked on her phone and saw her mom messaged to get home and said: ''Dangit, i have to go, bye!'' she kissed Dusk on his cheek and walked off. Dusk blushed and then said: ''Eh.... b-bye...'' Dusk then sat down, and tought: ''Hm, i hope she is okay...'' To be countinued