The Shimmer to the Sun

by One with the Sand

I just wanted some sleep

    What an annoyance… I mean, honestly, I was hoping to just have a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed, but apparently not. Ugh, let me back up a bit, I don’t think it’d be proper for me to go on about something that there’s no knowledge of, so allow me to start from the beginning.

    Today was just a normal day in all honesty, nothing new, well other than another tattoo, but that was about it. Get up, put some clothes on, go to the gym, shower, go to school. The routine I had been following for the past few months. I finally got my independence after living with my parents, not that I didn’t love them, I did, but I felt it was time to go off on my own.

I now lived with just me, myself, and I for the first time in, well, forever. After finally turning eighteen, I decided to get myself a modest apartment close to the school I went to and the place I worked, for obvious reasons. It just happens it was close to both; rent was decent and the landlord was nice enough so it all worked out.

Anyway, after heading home from the tattoo shop after work, I through my keys on the small table in the kitchen and decided to go ahead and put some lotion on the new ink, a pretty decent sized back tattoo that I knew was gonna suck once it started to heal, being all itchy and stuff, but it was one I had wanted to add to my collection and I appreciated what it meant. An eagle, with freedom through strength written along three floating strands of parchment across its wings and talons. One word per piece. Definitely cost me a pretty penny, but I’m pretty good with saving so it didn’t hurt me much. It made my fourth, with the other three making up a shoulder sleeve I planned to turn into a full sleeve eventually.

After lathering it up with a decent amount of lotion, I decided to just sit back and relax on my bed with some homework from the day. It was the weekend, Friday to be exact, but if I got it done now, I wouldn’t have to worry later. Just this last year of school before college, or military, whichever I decided on. Then I wouldn’t have time to do just a half hour of work before relaxing, it would be a much more full schedule.

I finished my homework and decided to call it a night, so I went on ahead and threw off my clothes, turned the bedside lamp off, and climbed under the sheets. As soon as I started to drift off, something shook me awake. I’m honestly not sure what it was, but it definitely woke me up. Something just seemed off to me. After deciding if I should get up or not, I finally drug myself out of bed to go to the bathroom. I walked down the small hall, flicked on the bathroom lights, and proceeded to relieve myself.

When I looked in the mirror, something seemed off. Like it wasn’t actually a mirror, but a pane of glass. It looked like I could see through it, but at the same time I couldn’t. I, in my infinite wisdom, decided to touch it, and that’s when things got a bit strange. As soon as my fingertips grazed the surface, something pulled at me, some force that was definitely stronger than me. Try as I might to pull away from it, it was no use, within a few seconds I found myself being sucked into it, and thrown around in the most mind boggling way imaginable. It was a light show of immense magnitude, all my senses being assaulted in the strangest way possible.

When all was said and done, I was ungracefully deposited in a place I had definitely never seen before. My mind, still reeling from the previous experience, tried to catch up with what just happened, but no matter what I tried to think of, I couldn’t figure out what had just happened to me. It was something that no one could, or would for that matter, ever expect to happen to them. The kind of experience that makes you look like you should be thrown into an asylum if you ever spoke about it. And that brings me to my current situation.

Sitting in front of what appeared to be a school, if the desks I could see through the windows were any indication, I got on my feet and decided to take a look around. In the process of which I noticed a rather large horse statue right behind me I somehow missed, and I also happened to notice my clothing had changed. No longer was I in just my boxers, but I instead had a whole new getup. A light blue shirt adorned my upper body. Not a polo because it lacked the noticeable collar portion itself, but a long sleeve tee with three buttons descending from the neck. I had a pair of very slightly faded jeans, as well as a pair of tan square toe boots on. In all honestly, I was a fan of the wardrobe.

Disregarding the clothing, considering I had bigger fish to fry, I continued my search. I caught sight of a sign beside the road reading Canterlot High School, with various school activities coming up mentioned on the sign. I had never heard of the place before and my confusion rose at the name.

Alright Aaron, keep cool and think about your situation, I told myself, you're in an unfamiliar area, at around the same time you got sucked into the mirror. Yeah, that sounds normal… I took another glance around the place and confirmed it was most likely around eleven or twelve at night, if the lack of any life was something to go by, and continued my thoughts.

First things first, get your bearings and see if you can't find some directions. With my thoughts flowing to the back of my mind, I started to walk towards the sidewalk that was parallel to the road, and began heading in the direction of what seemed to be a convenience store about a half mile down the road. About halfway through my walk I noticed someone exit and decided to see if I could get some directions. It helped they were heading my way.

When I was about fifteen feet away I slowed down and asked my question, “Excuse me, miss, I hate to be a bother, but could I ask you a question real quick?” as the words left my mouth, she looked up and I was actually a little surprised.

A girl around my age was staring at me with cyan eyes. Her hair falling behind her back like a crimson wave, yellow stripes flowing gently into the red. Her soft, tan skin accented perfectly by the sky blue jacket she was wearing. Along with the jacket, she had a pair of faded skin tight jeans on, and a pair of black high heel boots with yellow chevrons towards the top adorning her feet. All in all, she could definitely catch a guy’s eye, and probably without trying.

After my little once over, she spoke with one eyebrow raised slightly, “You do know how weird it is for some random guy to come up to me at,” she paused to check her phone, “eleven thirty, saying he wants to ask a question, right?” She stopped and looked at me expectantly.

“Uh, yeah… yeah, I do, and I'm real sorry about that. Ya see, I'm kinda lost and just trying to get some directions. I'll understand if you don't wanna help me, I'll just go ask the clerk in that store.” I started to pass her, towards the shop, but her voice made me halt in my movement.

“No, that's fine, you don't have to, I'll help. Just don't try anything, alright?” I nodded to show I understood. “Alright, good, I'll yell as soon as you make any weird moves, and that store clerk has a pistol in a drawer, I'm sure.” I blanched slightly at the statement, she was definitely making sure I wouldn't do anything. “So, what do you need help with?”

“Well, I'm not too sure where I am, honestly, I think my friends must've played some horrible prank on me while I was asleep, and I've got no clue how I got here.” I felt it best to lie to her, so as not to arouse suspicion that I may be crazy, in her eyes anyway.

“Easy enough, you're in Canterlot, about a five minute walk from CHS, which is down that way.” she pointed towards the school behind me, in the direction I just came from. “That help any?” I shook my head slowly and started to speak again.

“Not really, no. I've never even heard of Canterlot, much less the school. Where are we in regards to Dickson?” Hopefully she'd be able to tell me, the town wasn't large, but big enough for people to know of it.

Unfortunately, that was not to be. “I've never heard of that, and I know all the surrounding towns and cities, let me look it up.” She proceeded to search her phone, I would've done the same, but a severe lack of a phone seemed to keep me from doing that. She looked back up at me, “Yeah, there's not even one result for a town with that name, you sure you're lost? Or are you actually gonna try something here?” She started to back away slowly, almost unnoticeable, but I caught the slight shift and decided to just tell her the truth, and see what happened.

“Okay, I'm really lost, for real. But it wasn't a prank, and no, I'm not gonna try anything, but just hear me out for second,” I paused and she slowly nodded her ascent, so I told her the events leading up to how I got here, albeit a short synopsis of it. Once I was finished she looked a little startled, so I spoke up to ease her nerves, “Crazy, I know, but that's what I remember and I promi-,” she cut me off, grabbed my hand, and started dragging me down a street between the store and school all at the same time. She started speaking in a hushed voice.

“I believe you, and I'll tell you why, but you're gonna have to come with me,” she stopped and looked at me, “it's asking a lot, I know, but you'll be glad you've got a roof over your head for the night when I explain your situation.” I searched her face, looking for any signs of deception, but I couldn't find any, so I spoke up.

“Alright, I'll go with you, I didn't jump you, so I hope you'll give me the same courtesy. I'm honestly just wanting to go back to sleep, so I'm not really in a mood to argue.” She actually smiled and gave a small giggle at that.

“I understand that, and yeah, I'm not gonna jump you, not like I could do much anyway, you're like two times my size honestly.” I looked at her as we started to walk again, this time side by side, and noticed the height difference for the first time.I was actually about a head taller than her, which would put her at around five feet, six inches. That seemed about right with me being six feet, one inch myself.

I followed alongside her slowly, and softly sighed to myself. Man, I just wanted to sleep, and then this happens. I hope this gets figured out soon. The way she dragged me and told me to follow her tells me something's obviosly off, and she's got some answers. Might as well follow her then, and hope I can get back in the sweet embrace of the sandman finally.