The new pony in town

by TheBrenelly200

Chapter 3: Quality time.

After meeting the grade-A 100% certified fool Thunderlane, Timber became determined to not allow him to hurt Fluttershy. He also was interested in pursuing his crush towards the mare and new that the best way to do this was to get to know her and spend time with her. So he decided to stop by her home and help her with her business.

Timber had actually no clue how to approach the mare without frightening her, and the fact that she had an established reputation as very timid and uncomfortable with new things complicated his possible strategies. He really didn't wish to be lectured yet again by Fluttershy’s friends nor bump into Thunderlane again so he opted for the only other pony in town that could help him.

Turns out that pony is actually not a pony at all.

Spike and Timber didn't talk much at the party, but from what the stallion could gather the dragon was friendly, loyal, and liked to help his friends, and that was enough for him. Besides, Spike was the kind of guy he would have wanted as a friend anyway, so it wasn't a bad idea. With that in mind, he headed to the Castle of Friendship.

Timber knocked on the door and Spike opened it with a friendly smile, that the stallion could only reciprocate. -“Hello Timber, what brings you here today?”- said the drake.

-“Hey Spike, I wanted to talk to you for a moment.”- the dragon’s curiosity was piqued, and Timber continued -“You see, I have this crush on a mare and need some help, can you help me?”-

-“Sure thing, which mare are we talking about?”- Spike asked calmly.

-“Fluttershy.”- Timber answered and Spike winced visibly.

-“Well, come in and lets see what I can do.”- the dragon said and motioned the stallion inside.


About half an hour later, Timber had exited the castle with very positive feelings. Sure, Spike wasn't the most experienced one he could have contacted, nor did he know Fluttershy all that well, but knew enough and had this guy to guy opinion that was important. He also gave the stallion golden advice on how to approach the mare.

With all of that in mind, he headed straight to the cottage (the location of which was also provided by Spike) and knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened the door with a smile but shrieked when she saw who was on the other side of it. She hadn't told any of her friends, but she had a serious crush on the stallion herself, this was truly a match made by Celestia, even though neither of the two involved knew it yet.

Timber became worried of her reaction and was both worried that he had scared her and hurt that he would never get the chance at being with her, and thus turned to leave, but then he felt her hoof lightly holding him back and turned to see a friendly, yet frightened smile on her face.

-“I don't want you to leave, that was not my intention when I opened the door, sorry.”- Fluttershy said in a sheepish tone so cute it shouldn't be permitted.

-“No, forgive me, I should have told you that I was coming.”- Timber said in an equally sheepish tone.

-“So, what do you need.”- she asked blushing and hiding behind her mane.

-“I, um, wanted to help you with your animals; since, you know, it’s a busy time of the year for you, heh heh.”- he answered and immediately wanted to kill himself for how dumb and stereotypical he sounded.

Her reaction was, however, quite unexpected for him, as her eyes lit up un excitement and she smiled more naturally now -“You would do that for me?”- to which he simply nodded.


A few hours had passed and both could say that they had a good time with their secret love interest. Even though Angel glared at Timber angrily when he first entered the house, every thing went well. They were able to clean all the chicken coups and the bird houses in a relatively short amount of time and then tended to each individual animal’s problems.

Also, they were able to break the initial ice and started to talk with confidence, talking for long periods of time with very little interruptions. They told each other jokes and were able to do stuff without awkwardness or uncomfortable moments, and that was an immense relief for both of them.

She was just perfect, in every way. Everything she did and said was just amazing and she was cute, very cute. She was also extremely good looking and seemed to click with him at almost everything. Too bad he didn't have a chance with her anyway, and he knew it.

He was just perfect, in every way. He was very handsome and just such a gentlecolt, he was amazing. He was also very patient and very friendly, and he had the patience to put up with her. Too bad she didn't have a chance with him anyway, and she knew it.

It was at that time that both Timber and Fluttershy realized that they had finished and there was nothing else to do. For the first time since Timber had arrived at the house, they were submerged in an awkward silence.

-"Um, would you want me to go?"- he asked, turning to the door.

-"No, please."- she answered, again using her hoof to prevent him from leaving and with a small smile on her face.

Timber returned the smile and happily complied, so for the next hour or so they talked and enjoyed each other's company, the insecurities they had previously felt were nonexistent, and even though both felt that they didn't have a chance because the other wouldn't like them they paid it no mind.

Oh, how blissfully unaware they were both. They were already a couple basically and didn't even notice. When it was finally time for Timber to go due to the late time, Fluttershy felt a surge of boldness and kissed him lightly on the cheek when he got to the door, closing it quickly with a giggle and leaving him stuttering and blushing on her doorstep.


For the next week this became the routine, every day Timber would go to Fluttershy's to check on her and help her with her animals. After leaving her cottage, he would head straight to the Castle of Friendship to report his progress to Spike. Twilight wasn't always ok with this due to the hour at which some of the meetings took place and the fact that she didn't know what was discussed in them, but decided to respect their privacy and allow them to talk, as long as they didn't wake her up.

Fluttershy also did a similar thing with Rarity, going straight to the Carrousel Boutique right after Timber left her house. She once thought of inviting him to stay over but decided against that, thinking it would scare him away. What Fluttershy and Timber didn't know was that Spike and Rarity were working together to get them to be a couple.

But what neither of the four knew was that somepony else was also paying close attention to the situation. Thunderlane, being the psychopath that he was, spent his days spying on the cottage, and was furious whenever he went there.

The day after one week had passed since he arrived to Ponyville, Timber wrote his first letter to his father and brother. After giving the letter to a mare named Derpy, he went to Fluttershy's cottage, but his confidence of earlier days had died. He had told Spike he wanted to ask Fluttrrshy out on a date and as such, both the dragon and Rarity were hiding in the bushes to check on the situation.

Timber knocked on the door with a very nervous face, and when Fluttershy opened the door and saw it, she frowned. -"Hey Timber, is everything ok?"- she asked with concern.

-"Yeah well, I wanted to ask you a question Fluttershy"- he answered and paused -"Would you like to go out with me, on a date?"- he finished.

Fluttershy was speechless, and she couldn't believe it. Her crush wanted to go on a date with her? that had never happened to her before -"Sure Timber, were?"- she said

-"It's a surprise, I'll pick you up at 3."- Timber answered, incredibly relieved.

-"Sounds good to me, bye now."- Fluttershy said, closing the door.

Both felt incredibly happy at the turn of events, and from the bushes Spike and Rarity felt really proud, but then they saw something that made them frown. Thunderlane was watching the events with a disgusted look on his face -"So the little Casanova thinks he can take Fluttershy away from me, we will just have to see about that!'- he said with hate on his face, and both dragon and unicorn knew that they had to do something about that pegasus.