Sugar Bombs

by Bookpony579

Chapter 5

Back at the orc camp the girls were all tied together around a pole with magic-nulling rope. Applejack was just starting to wake up while the rest of the girls struggled against their binds with no luck. The orcs watching them just snorted.

"Well well well....what have we 'ere? A couple a mage girls snoopn' round our part of the woods?" a large, green skinned one asked, eyeing the captives.

"You won't get away with this. Let us go right now, and the authorities might go easy on you!" Twilight declared, trying not to show her panic slip into her voice. A pale orc nearby just laughed at this.

"Yeah right! You think a bunch of little girls is gonna stop us?"

"Besides..."another orc walked up, placed a finger under Twilight's chin and tilted her head up so he could get a better look. "...I'm sure a couple a pretty and powerful girls like you will fetch quite the hefty price!" The orc walked away, laughing while the girls eyes widened.

"T-Twilight...!?" Fluttershy whispered in alarm.

"It's going to be alright girls..." Twilight reassured them despite not completely believing her own statement.

"If ah could just.." AJ was about to use her super strength to break the ropes when Twilight stopped her.

"Applejack don't! Theres too many of them. Right now our best shot is hope that Pinkie managed to call Celestia and Luna for help." But Twilight couldn't keep from feeling anxious about their situation. What is Celestia and Luna couldn't get here in time? What is they caught Pinkie before she could escape? What if they...?

Twilight felt a hand over hers and looked to see AJ give it a comforting squeeze. "Like you said, it's gonna be alright Twi. Trust me, even the greatest hunter in the world couldn't catch Pinkie!"

"I hope your right..."

The orcs were once again sitting around the fire preparing dinner and laughing over their latest catch. Suddenly the ruffling of leaves could be heard and everyone went silent and looked around, but saw nothing.

"Ya hear that?"

"What is it?"

"Probably a squirrel or somethin'..."

"Or it could be another mage!" An orc picked their hammer and headed towards where the noise came from. "I'm gonna check it out, be right back.." He said as he disappeared into the trees. A few minutes passed an no sign of the bandit came.

"Where is he?"

Just then more ruffling could be heard from a different direction. They turned but saw nothing. Another bandit picked up their axe and headed towards it.

"Alright, this has gotta be an animal or somethin'..." He too disappeared into a the forest. Time passed and neither hair or hind of the two orcs were seen. Finally another orc got sick of waiting and, picking up his sword, got ready to head out.

"Thats it! I swear if those two are just trying to sneak in a nap..."

"Hang on..." Another orc picked up his mace and followed him. "I don't think they're just sneakin' in naps..." The two orcs headed out after their teammates.

Time passed yet again, and there was no sign of any of them. The remaining three orcs were now on edge.

"Where are those knuckleheads!?"

"I don't like the looks of this.."

"Somethin' funny is goin' on here..."

"'Funny' Is right good sir!" The orcs turned towards the back of camp and the girls turned their heads in suit. There, standing in a hot pink camouflage suit was none other than...

"Pinkie Pie!" The girls cried out at the same time, relieved to see their friend.

"It's another one of those brats! Get 'er!" The orcs raced towards her but just before they reached her she reached into her hair, grabbing a handful of sprinkles. She threw them on the ground and the sound of the loud explosion filled the camp as blue dust covered Pinkie and bandits. When it cleared, the orcs were still there, but Pinkie had vanished.

"Hey! Where'd she go!?"

"RIght here!" Pinkie now stood proudly beside her captured friends. Before the orcs could do anything, she snapped her fingers and a net trap hidden beneath them activated, capturing two of the orcs and hanging them several feet above the camp. Pinkie then proceeded to untie her friends.

"Hey! Stop right there!" The orc prepared his club and charged at them, but the girls were now ready for him.

"Alright girls! Let's show him what we're made of!" Twilight proudly declared before aiming a blast at the ground right before the orc, creating a trail of ice.

"Gaaaaahhhhhh!" The orc slid before tripping on a patch of ground. He quickly got back up only to be met with Rainbow's kung fu kick to his head. He stumbled before stepping on a sewing needle Rarity had placed.

"OUCH!" The orc immediately dropped his club and grabbed his aching foot. He turned his head to the side only to be met with a hard punch from AJ, finally knocking him out cold on the ground. She found a piece of strong rope and proceeded to hog-tie him securely.

With the threats now taken care of, they were finally free to celebrate.

"Yahoo!" Pinkie cheered just as the others rushed up to her with hugs and praises.

"That was amazing Pinkie!" Rainbow gushed.

"You go girl!"

"That was simply marvelous!"


"How did you do it?" Twilight asked.

"Well you see...I was hiding up in a tree totally bummed out about what happened when I started talking with the narrator..."

"Huh?" Rainbow and everyone else just gave Pinkie confused looks.

"...and she told me to 'use my head' which once I realized didn't mean ramming my head into the tree, helped me come up with a plan!" Pinkie smiled and turned towards Twilight. "It's like you said! All I needed to do was outsmart them! So I lured them out and set up various traps until there was only enough left that I could come rescue you and we could fight them together!" Pinkie grinned proudly.

"Pinkie Pie your a genius!" Twilight exclaimed before hugging the curly haired girl.

Pinkie was happy but suddenly stopped smiling and stooped her shoulders. "Yeah..but this wouldn't have happened if I had just listened to you guys and not used my power. You were right, I am a bit reckless."

"No." Twilight put a comforting hand on Pinkie's shoulder and smiled at her. "We were wrong. You are responsible and careful when you need to be. We honestly didn't think you were patient enough to come up with a brilliant plan like this. Plus you are really good with your power, and with a little more practice, you can do amazing things with your power."

"Really?" Pinkie asked, grinning excitedly.

"Absolutely." The others quickly and eagerly agreed with her, and they quickly joined in for group hug before contacting the authorities.

That night, after turning the orcs in and receiving a congratulations from the mayor, Pinkie and the others went home.

She had just shut the door behind her when her family rushed up to her with worried expressions.

"Pinkamina? Arst thou alright child?" Her father asked before gathering her in a hug.

"We saw the whole thing on the news! Did you really fight orcs?" Limestone asked with both worry and excitement in her voice.

"Are thou hurt in any way?" Her mother scanned Pinkie for any wounds or scrapes.


"Oh! Maud heard it too? I'll have to call her back later." Pinkie said while reassuring them that she was fine. Her father could only smile and sigh.

"Of course you are, child. You can be very responsible when need be."

"Yeah, but I can always get better." PInkie said with a smile, thinking over today and knowing that she needed greater control of her powers.

"Hey! I thought we talked about this!"


"It's ok." Pinkie's family just stared as she started yelling into the ceiling before just shrugging it off. They were used to her shenanigans.

After all, they were what made her their Pinkie Pie.