Subject 27

by Phyrexian

Tail Gets Tail

Chapter 40 - Tail Gets Tail

        I wake up with S.K. literally standing over me, I see a mischievous grin chiseled into her beak. This is a rather pleasant thing to wake up to. I look down and see her body just a few inches away from mine, I try to move but she has me pinned. My tail wags in anticipation as I lay there silently.

        “There you are. Come, you need a bath before we leave.” She grabs my arms and flaps her wings, helping me to my feet.

        She flies up into the air and dives into the ocean, I stretch out before stripping down to my birthday suit and I charge in. My feet hit the water and it feels great. The water is crystal clear and surprisingly warm, I push my body deeper into the water until I can freely swim. S.K. comes rocketing back up to the surface an gasps for air as she flings water off her head.

        I dive below the surface and swim towards the bottom, the pressure of the water increases the deeper I go; my tail coils up and rotates in circles, acting like a propeller. I come back up to the surface in front of S.K., my sudden appearance surprises her as she splashes me with water.

        “Don’t do that!” She laughs as she splashes water in my face yet again.

        “Don’t do what, this?!” My tail grabs her by one of her back paws and yanks her under.

        Her talons wrap around my ankles and she pulls me under as well, seawater shoots up my nose, causing a burning sensation that hurts like hell. She uses her wings to swim back up to the surface, tail coils back up and propels me back up to the surface. I shake my head furiously, sending water everywhere off my horns.

        “You fight dirty!” She shoves me playfully.

        “Yeah? Whatever gets me the upper hand, I’ll do it.” I laugh heartily, she smiles and wraps her wings around me.

        “You and I finally have some alone time, why don’t we fool around a bit?” Tail pulls us closer, her body resting against mine.

        “Hey you two love birds! We’re shoving off soon!” One of the earth ponies hollers out at us, stopping us before anything could happen.

        “Bend me over and stuff me with the sun, Celestia!” S.K.’s language never ceases to amaze me, she can be rather colorful at times.

        We both swim back to the shore and we quickly dry off, I grab my clothes and start to get dress.

        “Horror, why do you wear clothing?” After I put my boxers on, I turn to see S.K. just watching me get dressed.

        “Well, long story short, we Humans wear clothing to protect us from the elements and to cover up our genitalia. See Human’s genitalia don’t retract into our bodies like, for example, ponies.” I put my pants and my socks and boots on and S.K. and I headed towards the boat.

        As S.K. walked in front, I notice there’s something different about her appearance. Our little bath in the ocean has washed away all the dirt, grime and blood that was caked on the both of us, my eyes take in the new sight of the freshly cleaned S.K.

        The talons on her front paws are a deep ebony black color contrasting with the bright golden yellow scales that cover the lower half of her front legs to just before her elbows. Her coat is a rich copper color with a slight sheen to it, like a brand new penny. The downy feathers covering her head are a pure, snowy white color. She turns her head towards me and gives me a wink, I notice the other features that she has.

The ‘mask’ around her eyes is a sapphire-blue-tinted silver, contrasting sharply with the deep ruby-red of her eyes. She lacks the tuft of forward-pointing head feathers typical of a younger gryphon; giving her a more mature and refined appearance. Her beak color matches her front paw scale color. Her wings are the same color as her coat; save for the largest main flight feathers, which are tipped with a bright silver color. The last distinguishing feature she has is a set of three diamond shaped markings arranged in a triangle shape in the center of her chest and are the same color as her ‘mask’. I’m blown away by the stunning difference.

The very little sleep I’ve gotten is taking its toll on my fatigued body, all I want right now is crawl into a corner and sleep for a very long time. S.K. and I walk up the plank and into the ship, we’re greeted by the first mate and he shows us to our quarters.

“Welcome aboard to the S.S. Turtle! I’m the first mate, you may call me Flounder. We were only expecting on passenger, not four. So some of you will have to share rooms together. We don’t really care who shares with whom so long as you don’t cause any trouble. You might be a Lunar Knight, but we won’t hesitate throwing you over board, this is our ship. The living quarters are on the second deck, mess hall is on the first with rec room; third and fourth decks are off-limits to guests. Hopefully the ocean will be a kind mistress to us and grant us safe passage. We should be docking on Equestrian shores in about two days, three if weather is bad. Now if you excuse me, I have a ship to go run.” Flounder leaves us, I have to kneel in these small corridors so I just drop to all fours and crawl around.

“You’re so cute when you walk around on all fours like that, I’m going to the mess hall to grab some grub, you comin’?”

“No, I’m going to find a corner somewhere and hibernate, go have yourself a good time.” Tail waves goodbye to her before I round a corner.

I crawled through the hallways, getting odd looks from the sea-men as I pass them. I paid them very little mind and trekked onward to the second deck. I quickly find a vacant room and crawled in, there is folded blankets with pillows on them resting in the corner; I splayed the blankets out on the floor and buried my head into the pillows and passed out.

- - -

        As I appear in the Darkness, I can already feel Fade’s cold aura; I’ve grown used to it and the thought of having it when I come to my little happy place brings comfort to me. I lazily tilt my head and see Fade meditating again, but this time she looks like if she was in a tranquil spot, I can see her beautiful smile and I just take it all in. I close my eyes once more, letting my mind slip deeper into the Darkness.

- - -

        There’s darkness all around me. I’m controlling my breathing; trying to make as little noise as possible. I can hear moans and grunts just a few feet away from me, the sound of flesh smacking against flesh repeatedly increases as I inch my way forward in the dark. The grunting becomes louder and louder as the man finishes up and starts to pant heavily, I run my hand up the wall, flicking the lights on.

The woman freezes in place, like a deer with oncoming headlights. The man jerks his head over and I slash at his neck, cutting through it with ease. The woman tries to scream as blood sprays all over her and the bed. I throw my blade and it sinks deep into her skull; her body falls off the edge of the bed and onto the floor, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

I can feel claws digging into my shoulders, I fall back against the wall in shock as the pain only increases. The top of my shirt becomes stained with small pools of blood, my heart rate steadily increases as I can feel myself inching closer to the edge of bliss. I stagger towards the door, dragging my body across the wall, I stumble over and fall to the floor as a torrent of pleasure comes crashing against me.

- - -

        My eyes snap wide open, S.K. lays on top of my breathing heavily, her soft fur resting against my body; her tail brushes against my inner thigh, causing alarms to go off in my head. Tail raises up my shredded pants and tosses them at me, and wags its tip as if he was seeking approval. I swear that tail of mine has gotten me into more trouble than good Note to self: scold tail.

        “T-To be honest, I d-didn't think I would enjoy anal, but I-I’m glad your tail proved me wrong.” Birds outside stop chirping. The wind dies down. Somewhere a man is drinking a cup of coffee, he freezes with the cup at his lips.

        “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” I do feel well spent at least... Wish I was awake so I could remember this one, still can’t remember what happened the night Cloud and I got black-out drunk.

        “Sorry about your clothes, they kinda got in the way.” She giggles, causing her body to rub against mine. My urges still reside in me, I look up to S.K. with a malevolent smile.

        “Ready for round two?” Tail wraps itself around her body, pulling her off of me so I can reposition myself.

        “Woohoo! What’s with this sudden change, Horror?”

        “Just the Horror side in me, that’s all, you ready?” She simply nods and we spend the rest of the night together having some fun.

- - -

We awake to the sun’s ray peeking through our window, S.K. lays on top of me with her wings fully spread out; the sunlight bounces off the her silver tipped wings, making them sparkle. Tail uncoils itself from S.K. and scratches the top of my head, to my surprise it doesn’t even touch the side of my horns. Just before I can let out a relaxed yawn, Isaac comes bursting through the door and charges into the room.

        “INEEDTOUSEYOURWINDOW!” All I see is a grey blur bolt past me as Isaac says this all in one breath.

        He levitates himself up and peers out the window, his smile quickly turns it disappointment.

        “Aww, I thought I saw a shark!” The kid hangs his head and drags his hooves as he walks out, stopping and taking a quick look at S.K. and I.

        “Huh, so that’s what a demon’s sex organs look like, strange.” He walks out the room and closes the door behind him... I suddenly feel very violated..

        A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door, tail turns the wheel and opens it, revealing Nyuel with a basket of fruit and veggies on her back. She smiles at the both of us and welcomes herself in.

        “I brought you both some breakfast, after last moon’s events I think you two need to restore your strength.” Tail lifts the basket off her back and she smiles at us once more before leaving... Can this day get any more awkward?

        S.K. finally starts to stir from her restful slumber, she rakes her talons across my chest as she stretches out and yawns. She’s got some serious bed-head going on right now, I run my head down the back of her neck trying to straighten them out. She finally opens her eyes and looks up to me, I stare into her gorgeous ruby eyes. I loved how they just seem to sparkle with joy.

        “Good morning, S.K.” I continue to pet her, my hand running across her smooth feathers and then your soft fur.

        “Good morning to you too, Horror.”

        “So, we have about one day left before we reach Equestria, what would you like to do?” S.K. grabs a pieces of fruit and starts to eat it, tail is kind enough to grab me one too.

        “Don’t you try to pull a fast one on me, Tail! Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you.” Tail drops the fruit on my lap and hangs its tip and slinks away.

        “Let me get something sweet in me, and then lets get something hot in me.” She winks at me, causing me to blush and nearly choke on my fruit.

        “Jeez, you’re a frisky one, aren't you?” This comment earns me a bite from S.K., making me jump at the sudden assault.

        “Hey Horror, mind if I ask you something?” The sudden change of subject catches me so off guard my brain farts.

        “Sure, ask away S.K.” She takes a second to bring her thoughts into order before firing away.

        “Well, you should probably know that ‘Sure Kill’ isn’t my real name. We’re not supposed to tell anyone outside the Family our real identity but something about you makes me feel as if I can trust you with this. My real name is Silver Wing, my mother named me this because of my primary feathers. It’s quite rare for gryphons to be born with different colored feathers. But while you were away, and that monster was in control, he told me a secret about you. He said that yo-.” I quickly cut her off before she could finish.

        “Don’t you dare finish that sentence!” Scales erupt from underneath my skin, I don’t know why that set me off.

        S.K.’s eyes widen and she flaps her wings to get off of me, scales stop advancing at the base of my neck as I fight for control. Tail’s spikes unsheathed themselves and whips the floor hard enough to crack the floorboards.

        “H-Horror, what’s gotten into you?!” My vision starts to flash red, I struggle to keep myself from tearing this ship in half.

        “Somethings are better left unsaid! Whatever Friend told you, don’t you dare speak another word of it!” She recollects herself faster than I expected, my hands morph into their blade like shape and my veins began to pulse.

        S.K. tackles me to the ground, tail lies limp on the floor and my first instinct to do is drive my claws through her throat, but the Horror in me dominates my actions.

        “Horror, you’re my first!” A multi car pile up on the highway nor represents the state of my brain, the scales retract back into my skin and my anger dissipates.

        “W-What?” Even more cars pile up on this hideous accident that is my brain as it attempts to process this startling revelation.

        “You’re my first, I’ve never been with another gryphon or anybody else because they’re too scared of my father! I told you I was in the Family, my father is high up on the food chain and everybody is too scared to even talk to me because they fear for their lives!” Finally the rescue team arrives on the scene of the accident and starts to unjam everything.

        “Derp.” The only thing my brain manages to put together.

        “That’s why I’ve been pushing you so hard to join the Family. So you and I could be together and my father could do nothing about it!” My brain is still now finally pulling some of the cars off of the pile up.

        “I really don’t know what to say. I need to go clear my head.” Tail wraps itself around S.K.’s body and gently pulls her off of me.

        “Horror, wait!” I open the door and crawled out of the room, ignoring S.K.

        I made my way to the deck of the ship and looked out over the ocean. The smell of the sea walter rears up and smacks me in the face. I breath in the salty air and just sat there watching the ocean’s surface ripple with each new wave. The sea-men pay me no mind and continued on with their work. I look over to the bow of the ship and see Nyuel standing there. I stood up and walked over to her, tail dragged behind me, playing dead.

        “Everything alright, Nyuel?” She continues staring out over the ocean.

        “Yes Demon, everything is fine. Just a little nervous about the unknown that lies ahead for us.” I look behind me to see tail still playing dead, lazily bastard.

        “Don’t fret too much about it, Nyuel. Equestria is a fairly tame place, the locals are friendly; well not too friendly toward me, but I can understand why. I’ve made a few unique friends before I came to Unyasi. It should be very interesting to hear what they think when they see me now.” I can’t help myself not to laugh after saying this.

        “I’m not concerned about the locals of Equestria, but the spirits forewarned me about the dangers that await you, Demon.” She breaks her stare from the ocean and turns to me with a frown on her muzzle.

        “Oh? What dangers might those be?” Tail perks up and rests its tip on my horns.

        “They whispered that you’re going to be put through a gauntlet: an old foe, great despair, a troubled past makes itself known, and an execution.” My brain finally clears as the news sets in.

        “Fun... Thank you for this warning, Nyuel.” Tail pulls on my horns, turning my head to see Isaac levitating upside down reading the book.

        “Kid, that can’t be good for you...” He looks down from his book, his horn flares up and he vanishes.

        “Looks like the little one did not wish to be disturbed. Demon, you shouldn’t let him be absorbed by that evil book, it spews lies and corrupts your mind.” I let out a sigh and simply nod before walking back to my room.

        I return to my room and S.K. wasn't there, I flop down onto the blankets and stare up at the ceiling. I think about the warning Nyuel gave me, my mind raced a mile a minute, before I knew it I’ve fallen asleep.

- - -

Before I can even open my eyes, Fade ambushes me and starts firing off questions like bottle rockets.

“27, why haven’t you killed Isaac yet?” I look up to see Fade standing over me, her arms crossed with a scowl on her face. I don’t like it when she’s mad, it’s scary.

“Because, I believe everyone deserves a second chance, why?” I get to my feet, Fade’s expression only deepens.

Fade sighs and lowers her arms and her expression softens.

“After he made the contract with Pride and Cunning, Pride took over and tried to assassinate you... I stopped them before he could. I entered his mind to find Pride and Cunning. Long story short: Cunning consumed Pride, you shouldn’t trust him, he poses a threat.” I embraced her in a hug, trying to reassure her.

“27, he’s going to kill you if you allow him to continue studying that book.” Her words are muffled by my chest.

“I know.” My words surprised Fade, she looks up to me with pleading eyes.

“If you know, then why haven't you killed him yet?!” I hug her even tighter, her cold body feels great against mine.

“Insurance, if the day comes that I gain all my memories back, then this world can be in trouble... Only a handful of people can stop me, the kid is one of them, Colt is another, and you’re the third.” Fade pushes me away, her pleading eyes quickly fill with anger.

“Is that all you see me as, Insurance?!” This is the first time I’ve ever heard her raise her voice, and I don’t like it one bit.

“No, Fa-.”

“No, you listen here, 27! The memories I’ve obtained from the fragment of your soul has given me much insight about your past. I know that you, Arkis, felt nothing at all but a burning desire that even I didn’t want to see. If the only reason why you made that contract with me is to keep me around as fucking insurance, then why don’t I-.”

“Fade, listen to m-.” She slaps me hard enough to send my head spinning.

“No, 27! I won’t! I don’t want to see you turning back into Arkis! Ther-.” I cut her off before she can continue on her rampage.

“Fade, that’s enough! I didn’t even know who Arkis was when we first met! I’ve only started to think about insurance after I died in Unyasi! I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

“I don’t want to see you throwing away your life like it was nothing!” Her voice quiets down to a steady whisper.

“I lost that luxury when I meet you, Fade.” She calms down and steadies herself.

“Fade, our contract is complete, you got the revenge you sought, what do you plan on doing now?” She looks up to me with those big eyes, I can see tears starting to build up in them.

“I plan on staying with you to the bitter end, 27.”


