Crew of the Marblehead

by M48 Patton

Chapter 6


“Right behind you sir.”

The griffin ducked as the blue pegasus whirled on him, a dagger outstretched.

“Blas' yew, yew fea'ter-brained buffoon!” Storm Killer yelled at his personal butler. “Don' yew evah be sneakin' aroun' be'ind me.”

“You told me to stand here.” Godfrey replied calmly.

“Don' gimme nae o' yewr beak yew useless excuse o' a bird!” The pegasus snapped. “Now pi' up mah bags!”

“Right away sir.” The faithful griffon picked up a few articles of luggage from the deck of the small schooner as the crew finished up docking at the seaside jetty. Fortunately for him, Storm Killer tended to travel light, only bringing a few pieces of clothing and the essentials: Four bars of soap, two toothbrushes, a hoof file, a brush, reading glasses, and his favorite weapons.

Lifting two of the suitcases with his talons and the third in his beak, Godfrey used his wings to fly down to the dock and place them gently on a small, two-wheeled cart. He hooked himself to the cart and began walking after his master.

“'Urry up yew sack o' fish bai'!” Storm Killer yelled as he advanced up the dock to the small beach. The village that the ship had docked at was barely more than two dozen structures gathered at the mouth of a river in the middle of a tropical jungle on the western shores of Mangangabayo. Even though it could barely be called a village to begin with, the dock that ran out into the ocean had no less than three small ships tied to its rather unstable looking foundations.

Two of the ships were coastal tramps, but the third was a clean and sleek looking vessel that seemed to cut the waves even when it stood still. It seemed rather out of place docked in such a small and remote harbor, but to Storm Killer, it looked right at home.

Quickly, the old pirate marched up to one of the larger structures, a long house made out of logs and barged inside. The interior was a poorly lit room that had a few ramshackle tables and kegs lined at the far walls. Sitting at one of the tables was a dark figure with a large tricorn hat, their postures and position in the seat suggesting that the mysterious figure was more comfortable walking on two legs rather than four.

Storm Killer sat down opposite the creature and smiled.

“'Allo, Macky.”

A single eye looked at him from beneath the hat.

“By the reaper's teeth, Storm Killer as alive as the day I saw him last.” A soft, feminine voice whispered.

“Aah.” Storm Killer sighed contentedly. “S'yew a'member uncle Stormy, eh?”

“. . .”

The figure suddenly leaped into the air, several dangerous looking claws outstretched from their feline paws. Storm Killer deflected the claws with his forelegs and fell backwards in his chair, using his assailant's own momentum to send them flying overhead as he kicked his hindlegs up and caught them in the stomach.

Twisting in midair, the attacker landed on two paws and hunched down low.

“Macky!” Storm Killer said in mock surprise. “Wha' brae this oen?”

“Five years!” The figure hissed. “Five years since you saw me last. You go missing three years ago! Then you pop up alive and expect me to do your dirty work for you!”

“Ah asked yew tae give mah sorry flank a ride tae Tortoise Islan'.” The pirate rolled his eyes.

The figure lunged at him again, narrowly missing his eye with a well timed swipe of their claws.

“You could have at least sent me a letter!” They howled.

“Ah was busy!” Storm Killer dodged another attack.

“Oh really?” The figure growled. “Let's see how busy you are when I scratch your eyes out!”

Just before the assailant could jump at Storm Killer again, the door slammed open light streamed into the room. They held an arm up to cover their eyes, but Storm Killer was on them in an instant. He slammed into the figure and knocked them to the ground, holding their arms down with his forelegs.

The pinned assailant desperately thrashed about in an effort to get up, but the pegasus used his wings to maintain his balance and held them down.

“Macky, Ah ain' goin' tae le' ch'yew up untael Ah know yew ain' goin' tae figh' nae mo'.” Storm Killer said slowly.

The figure stopped thrashing and staring at him through a slitted eye.


The pegasus hovered over them as they stood, not bothering to offer his hoof because he knew it would not be accepted.

“Godfrey, wha' too' yew so laong?” Storm Killer demanded.

“Apologies sir.” The griffon said as he closed the door. “It seems as though some ruffians thought it would be better that I not enter this building.”

“Well nex' tim', don' be so late!” The pegasus growled.

“Of course sir, may I inquire as to the identity of our contact?” Godfrey asked pleasantly.

Storm Killer smiled as he gestured with his hoof to his attacker.

“Godfrey, meet Macky, an' ol' frien' o' mine!” He beamed. “Macky, meet Godfrey. The wors' butler tae evah be born.”

Godfrey examined 'Macky' as she stood to her full height, at least a head taller than he was. She was a Grat, a feline like creature that walked on two legs and were known for their skills as fighters. Her fur was a dark gray with a few white spots on her arms and legs with a small white stripe on her muzzle. One eye looked at him, the other covered by an eyepatch, and judging by the large scar that emerged from the sides of the patch, it wasn't for show.

She wore a dark cloak that didn't quite come down to the floor and even though it had a hood, she wasn't using it. On her head was a black tricorn hat with silver trim and a large white feather sticking out one side. A belt ran over her left shoulder and across her chest down to her right hip with a variety of daggers, throwing knives, a crossbow and a saber hung from the lowest point.

“If you dare to call me 'Macky', I will split you in two.” She growled. “My name is-”

“Makry Nychi.” Godfrey interjected. “The 'Pirate of the West' that gave new meaning to the phrase, 'cat got your tongue?'”

Makry hissed angrily at him for interrupting her, but a small smile played at the corners of her mouth.

“I see my reputation precedes me.” She said. “It is nice to see somebody with a little bit of respect for a living legend.”

Storm Killer snorted. “HAH! Livin' legen'! Tha's a good won! Yew thin' yew're famous! Haha!”

Makry's face soured in an instant and she turned to the laughing pegasus.

“What do you want with me anyways?” She asked angrily. “I've got better things to be doing with my time!”

Storm Killer straightened up and cleared his throat. “Di' yew follow the orders Ah sent tae in mah let'er?”

“I'm here, aren't I?” Makry snapped. “And how did you get your hooves on all that dragon fire parchment anyways?”

“Nae important.” Storm Killer chuckled. “Ah assume tha' the o'der pirates be waitin' fer us a'the meetin' point?”

Makry shrugged. “Maybe, I came straight here when I got your letter. If they're not busy, they'll be there. They all know better than to ignore you.”

Storm Killer nodded with a small grin. “Aye, tha' they do. Ah'll explain e'erythin' when we all be gathered. Fer naow, we make sail fer Tortoise Islan'!”

For as long as land bound creatures had sailed the seas, there were those that dared to rob them of their precious cargo. Those pirates that performed such daring raids needed a place to spend their hard earned loot, and Tortoise Island had always been the port to service their needs.

The small island's harbor was crowded with brothels and taverns of all kinds that were more than happy to serve the needs of any pirate regardless of their species as long as they had the bits to spare. However, a little farther away from the shorefront shanties that threatened to topple at any given moment on their partying patrons lay a tavern that was unofficially known as 'the captain's tavern'. The mood was quieter, the drinks a bit more on the finer side, and the privacy was guaranteed by the tavern's elite staff.

It had been many years since Storm Killer had set hoof through the door of the old bar, but as he stepped inside, the pegasus suddenly felt twenty years younger. Two griffins stood to either side of the door, both bowing slightly as he entered.

“Captain Storm Killer.” The right one hissed.

“So good to see you again.” The left one finished.

“Aah, feels lahk yes'erday Ah was plottin' mah firs' raid while drinkin' rum at tha' table.” Storm Killer sighed happily as he walked into the large bar area.

Several of the tavern's occupants were quite surprised to see him, and the rest were quite surprised at the former's reaction.

“Cap'n Storm Killer!” One of them shouted. “Yar be alive!”

“By the reaper! It is him!”

“Storm Killer's back!”

Several hearty cheers rang through the tavern as a few dozen pirate captains all celebrated the arrival of the legend of the seas. He smiled and pushed his way through the crowd as they congratulated him for apparently coming back to life after disappearing, but quickly left them behind to make his way to a small staircase in the back.

Makry and Godfrey followed behind, the Grat grumbling to herself as she stared at the blue pegasus enviously.

“Why does he get a flipping welcome?” She seethed. “He hasn't even been seen for three years, not like he deserves any praise.”

Godfrey didn't respond and just followed the two captains up the stairway and into a small room on the second floor. Here was another table that held five more pirate captains, each one as unique as they were cunning and ruthless.

They too greeted the pegasus with a cheer and eager questions, but Storm Killer held his hoof up to silence them until he sat down at the table.

“Are we all gathered?” He asked.

“No.” A unicorn mare answered. “Captain Bloodhorn has not arrived.”

“Nor will he.” Said a deep voice. “I fear that a division has been driven between him and our returning captain.”

Storm Killer cleared his throat to attract the attention of those at the table. “Ah'll explain why Ah did'nae send fer Bloodhorn, bu' fer naow, Ah wan' tae talk aboot why Ah 'ave called this meeting.”

“Ye can start by tellin' us who the fancy griffin is.” A hulking dog like creature said.

“Mah butler.” Storm Killer stated. “Godfrey, go an' ge' sum drinks.”

“Yes sir.” Godfrey said and climbed down the stairs.

“Alright, let's get down to business shall we?” The unicorn mare said. Her coat was a light orange with a short cut red mane that came down to her shoulders. She had on a light blue cloak and some jewelry, however the most prominent feature was the way her horn curved slightly and the way her brown eyes seemed to be able to cut to a creature's soul with one glance.

Madam Green Tea wasn't the most well known pirate captain, but it was her work from behind the scenes that set her apart from most of the gathered company. Nobody knew the ins and outs of the black markets in coastal cities like Green Tea did.

“Yes.” The deep voice rumbled. “I am also curious as to why you have called us together.”

The giant minotaur sitting on the darker side of the room was Stone Hand the Clever, a well known pirate that commanded three large frigates that would often work in tandem to entrap merchants and even ships belonging to some of the smaller navies. Although he wasn't the largest minotaur or most skilled at fighting, he had a knack for strategy that gave him an edge over other pirates.

His brown hide wasn't adorned with usual cuts and scars that were prominent on most minotaur fighters, but he did keep a rather large amount of weapons on him at all times.

“Hold on.” Makry raised her paw. “Why isn't Bloodhorn here?”

Stone Hand and Storm Killer exchanged a glance before Storm Killer nodded.

“I am afraid that Bloodhorn's son has been taken prisoner by the Equestrian Navy.” The minotaur explained.

“WHAT?” Makry yelled in alarm.

“How could this happen?” A powerfully built griffon seethed.

“E'nuff!” Storm Killer shouted, instantly quieting the room. “Saet dawn an' lemme tell yew a story.”

Madam Green Tea, one of the pirates that hadn't reacted at the news, floated a cup of tea to her muzzle and took a quiet sip, however the room was so quiet that her action sounded more like a waterfall than a simple sip of tea.

Storm Killer took a deep breath and began. “Lemme tell yew the story o' a young stallion, a stallion 'ooh fell in love.”

“Oh sweet Celestia.” Makry rolled her eyes, but she was instantly shushed by Stone Hand.

“'E fell in love wit' two cre'atures, a beautiful mare from Mare's Point an' the sea.” Storm Killer said, a tear coming to his eye. “Bu' 'e coul' nae love both, so 'e chose the sea an' lef' 'is wife ashore an' alone, an' she gave birth tae a beautiful lit'el baaby. She was sae small, on'y aboot the size o' mah hoof, bu' she was a strong one, aye. She was strong an' she grew up tae be the mos' fierce an' cunnin' pirate tae evah' sail undah' me. Ah was so proud o' mah lit'el Storm Stalker, she was mah e'erythin'.”

“Can we get on with it?” Makry growled only to be shushed again.

Storm Killer continued, lost in thought. “Ah wane'ted tae giv'er the world, so Ah bestowed upon 'er mah pride an' joy, the Golden Curse. Bu' Ah coul'nae 'ave forseen the future, an' so Ah gav' mah daughter mah ship wit' on'y a few o' mah bes' ponies aboard on'y fer mah daughter tae be betrayed by a fellow pirate.”

“Well, we are pirates.” Madam Green Tea offered quietly.

Several pairs of eyes instantly glared at her.

“What?” She said defensively. “It's not like we all live by some code, we're thieves for Celestia's sake!”

“Longhorn 'ad wane'ted tae lay his hooves oen the Golden Curse fer years, an' 'e chased 'er away from the coast, leavin' me stranded as Ah watched 'em sail away.” Storm Killer lamented. “Ah coul'nae do anythin' bu' stan' on the shore as mah daughter was chased down bah the son o' me bes' friend!”

“Is there a point to this story?” Makry grumbled.

“He's a pegasus.” The griffon whispered to Stone Hand. “Why didn't he just fly after the ships?”

“Fer eigh' long months, Ah was worried sick fer me daughter!” Storm Killer cried. “Ah coul'nae stan' tae be separat'ed from 'er when she migh' be in danger!”

“He sends her out to be a pirate and he wants her to stay out of danger?” Green Tea mumbled into her cup.

“Bu' won day Ah awoke tae the mail-stallion droppin' off a let'er!” Storm Killer announced joyfully. “Mah bonny daughter was alive an' well, Longhorn ne'er even touched 'er! Ah was so 'appy tae hear mah lovely lit'el flower o' the sea was safe.”

“Well, if Longhorn didn't get her, then where's she been for the past few years?”

“Aboard the Marblehead.” Storm Killer answered.

Storm Killer might as well have told them the ocean was on fire.

Madam Green Tea spit her tea all over the griffon next to her, the griffon made a squawk much like that of a chicken, Stone Hand's jaw hung open in shock, Makry had been drinking ale and suddenly found much of it was exiting through her nose.

“Hah!” The dog laughed. “She don't exists.”

“Growler, are you insane?” The griffon asked incredulously.

“I ain't never seen her, the Marblehead's just some story some old fishermare cooked up.” Growler said smugly.

The pirate who denied the Marblehead's validity was a large canine type creature named Growler that closely resembled that of a diamond dog, but was from a pack that preferred to stay above ground. However, his love of things that glittered was just as strong as his subterranean cousins. He wore brown pants with a black vest that held his two scimitars behind his back.

“Well I have!” The griffon shot back. “And I hope I never see her again!”

The griffon was no coward, Grif Talos was a famed airship pirate whose skill at maneuvering his ship was second to none, but he had seen the Marblehead in passing before and her sheer size had baffled the captain.

“Aye!” Stone Hand agreed. “I saw her too, and mark my words, that ship is driven by black magic!”

“That's no ship!” Makry shouted. “That be the reaper come back to haunt the oceans.”

“Don't be ridiculous.” Madam Green Tea snapped. “The reaper is only a fishermare's tale! That ship, however, is no story.”

“Aye, but if that be the case. . .” Grif said slowly. “What is Storm Killer's daughter doing on board the Marblehead?”

The pirates all turned to look at a grim looking Storm Killer.

“She be a crewmember.” He said, his voice cold and calculating. “The cap'n o' the Marble'ead allow 'er tae send let'ers tae me, bu' keeps 'er an' the res' o' mah crew as slaves aboard 'is ship.”

There was silence at the table as the captains thought about what they had just been told.

“But, Storm Stalker would never let that happen.” Stone Hand shivered. “She'd fight to the death before letting herself be captured.”

“Aye.” Storm Killer attracted the attention of those at the table again.

“She be the grea'est figh'er on the seas.” He said, his tone dark. “An' ye' she tells me tha' she was nae match fer the cap'n o' the Marble'ead. Tha' she attacked 'im an' 'e pinned 'er tae the deck wit' 'is sword. Then 'e too' 'er tae 'is cabin an' made 'er his own.”

Those at the table stared at him in a mixture of horror and fear.

“Storm Stalker was defeated in combat?” Madam Green Tea asked.

“By one creature?” Grif added on.

“A pony.” Storm Killer clarified. “A pony mo' skilled an' deadlier than any creature tae sail on the ocean.”

“Um, Storm Killer?” Stone Hand leaned forwards.


“While this is all very enlightening, I would just like to ask one question.”

“An' tha' woul' be?” Storm Killer looked at him with a cocky grin, but a dangerous glint in his eye.

“Are you planning on pursuing the Marblehead?”

Those in the room dared not to breath until Storm Killer gave his answer.

“. . . Aye.”

“Nope!” Makry jumped up from the table and turned to leave.

“I will not be a part of a suicide mission.” Green Tea said as she also stood.

“Forget it!” Grif said as he buried his beak into a pint of rum.

There was the suddenly a clink of a single coin on the table that stopped all movement in the room.

“'May all 'ooh par tak' o' these gol' coins giv' an oath tae 'ooh e'er calls upon the name o' Storm Killer fer aid will be answered tae, an' when Ah call they will answer me as Ah answered them'.” Storm Killer announced loudly.

Looking around the room, he saw that none of the present company would look him in the eye.

“Yew all owe me, an' Ah 'ave come tae collect mah debt.”

“Well then.” A voice from the very back of the room where the light didn't shine spoke up. “Sssshall we go hunting then?”

“ALL PAWS! CLIMB ALOFT TO MAKE SAIL!” Makry Nychi bellowed as she climbed aboard her small schooner, her crew rushing about to obey their captain's orders.

“Signal the Skull and the Bones.” Stone Hand ordered, his frigate's sails billowing in the wind. “Have them fall in line behind us.”

“Look alive! We sail for Ghost Island!” Grif Talos told his crew as his airship rose into the sky.

“升起风帆!” Madam Green Tea ordered from the deck of her eastern built warship.

“Bring 'er about!” Growler barked. “We be chasin' fairy tales!” The canine captain laughed as his ramshackle ship swung into line behind the others.

“Ssssso, Ssssstorm Killer.” The captain hissed. “What issss our courssssse?”

“Bugganville.” Storm Killer ordered as he stood on the bow of the battleship that plunged through the waves as a strong wind blew from her stern.

“There we find Storm.” He said. “There we find the Marble'ead.”