//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Unloved Storm // by mechafone //------------------------------// Spark Storm spent the next three years of his life getting to know the Apple family. When he wasn't getting in trouble with River and his henchponies, he was spending time on the Apple farm, and often dragging Cheerilee with him. Not so much to make her suffer (she was often bored and complained to their mother that he was torturing her) but to make sure that River didn't get his hooves on her. She was bullied just as much as he was, and was less apt at defending herself when cornered than her brother. Around his eighth Winter Wrap-Up, a new pony was admitted to the school. It was a cold winter Tuesday when she was escorted to town. The schoolchildren were outside playing when a carriage pulled up alongside the road. The little colts and mares all stood around as Cherry Joy, their teacher and guardian during the day, stepped up to greet the arriving passengers. Out stepped a middle-aged pony, wearing discreet clothing that looked like it belonged in the country. After him, bounced a tiny pink mare. Her hair was an impossible mess, as was her tail. She was absolutely adorable the way she bounced, and she seemed so happy to be making new friends. That day, he decided to approach her after class. If he was going to make a new friend, it would have to be before Righteous River and his goons got to her first. Luckily, she was quickly on her way into town, following the elder pony that had brought her. He was going to surprise her by leaping at her and shouting 'Boo!', but to his surprise she turned just as he leapt and scared him instead. He skidded to a halt right in front of her, catching an eyeful of the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen. "Hi there!" She crooned, reaching to take his hoof. "I'm Pinkie Pie! Did you know that I could tell you were coming to say hello? I bet you were just waiting all day to say hi to me! I could sorta tell. You were watching me all day, and you kept whispering to your friend who sits next to you and -" she would've kept rambling, and she hadn't stopped even after the elder pony held a hoof to her mouth with a light chuckle. "Pinkamina, what did we discuss on the ride into town?" He asked gently. She contined to talk with a muffled voice for a moment before looking up into his eyes and laughed. It was quite honestly the most beautiful sound Spark had ever heard before. "That I talk and talk and talk and all it does is cause headaches." The elder pony blanched slightly, and let out a slightly uncomfortable chuckle. "Well, n-not in those words precisely, but...you should let your friend get a word in now and then, hm?" He laughed more warmly this time, and nodded to Spark before he stepped back to give the two some space. "Anyway, what's your name?" Pinkie smiled infectiously at the smitten pony before her, finally giving him time to speak. "Aaau..." He told her quite eloquently. "Er...My namy is Spark Storm...Um...I r-really like your hair." It was the most important thing he could come up with at the time, and he would berate himself for that for years to come. "What, this old thing?" Pinkie giggle/snorted, while tossing her mane with a hoof. "I just got it three months ago." This statement boggled Spark's mind for months. He'd been asleep in bed when Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom had rocked Ponyville and it's surrounding communities. He shrugged it off. "So, um...where are you from?" He asked. "Who's the old colt who brought you here?" Pinkie glanced back at the older colt, who simply nodded with a warm smile. "That's my papa!" She turned back to Spark, making a happy little hop to accentuate 'papa'. "He's a rock farmer, and I am too, but he says that a rock farm is no place for me anymore." Spark's ears pulled back in shock at hearing this, but Pinkie quickly reassured him, "Oh, he's not saying he doesn't want me there, Papa says I'm too bright for such a lonely place!" Spark's heart started to warm at hearing this. "Well..." He gulped, gearing himself up for what would be the nail in the coffin he was quickly building. "Um...Maybe you can be the light in my dark corner?" He stared at her, horrified now of the words he'd forced out of his mouth. It was times like these he wished he was mute. Pinkie looked shocked, a look on her face that was beyond description. Suddenly, to his surprise, Pinkie closed the gap between them and hugged him tightly, nuzzling her face into his mane. The afternoon was spent getting to know Pinkie Pie and her new caretakers, the Cakes. They were a loving couple, hoping to have children of their own someday. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Big Mac, Cheerilee and Spark Storm had settled in nicely together. They often hung out at the orphanage, playing games and sharing meals. Their days together those next two years were the most wonderful years of Spark's life. Pinkie started helping out at Sugarcube Corner, Cheerilee had graduated elementary and was starting middle school. She had taken a keen interest in teaching, much like her mother. Applejack and Big Mac had come into their own since their grandmother had enrolled them in the school following the death of their parents. They grew stronger every day, Big Mac especially. Bucking apples for a living was suited to both of them, and both were gifted with different business skills and intelligence. It seemed only Spark Storm had yet to find his niche in life. Out of all his friends, of all the children in school, even, he was the only one without his cutie mark. While Spark Storm and his friends had grown closer, Righteous River and his entourage had grown. Over the years he had convinced (bribed, more like it) Score, Hoops, and Dumb-bell to pay Spark Storm weekly visits. Being the bullies that they were, they were more than delighted to find fresh meat after Rainbow Dash had shown them just what she could do. A Pegasus that couldn't fly was downright useless, and they made sure to drive that point home with each and every word they threw at him. He would try to ignore them, but being ridiculed by these Pegasi who could barely function themselves was almost too much. If it hadn't been for Big Mac and Applejack running interference whenever they could, he would've gotten into serious trouble for fighting. Unfortunately, that's exactly the plan that was running through River's mind. He'd been humiliated at the hooves of those three, and he carried a heavy grudge. He had a plan to make them all pay for what had happened three years ago. One day in the fall, the plan was put into motion. Directly after school, a fight broke out near the farm. Hoops and Score had ambushed Spark Storm, and were bombarding the lone Pegasi relentlessly, directing his movements towards Whitetail Woods. It wasn't long before Big Mac and Applejack heard the sounds of scuffling, and took off to help their friend. As they passed some bushes on the road, an Earth Pony and a Unicorn poked their heads out to watch the two farmers run off to rescue their friend. "Trixie, that's amazing!" River said, condescendingly petting the mare's head, a little too close for her liking. She shook him off, but smiled smugly at the praise. "Hmph. An illusion like this is child's play for me. " River rolled his eyes per the usual self-satisfied mare's bragging. "Whatever. Just stay with them for as long as you can. Keep them distracted while the rest of us deal with ol' Sparky. By the time we're done with him, no one will even remember that he was supposed to be a Pegasus." With a grin and a wink, he hopped out of the bushes and headed off to a rendevoux that would forever change his life. Spark Storm was flying. Well, not flying like a Pegasus should, but he was flying nonetheless. Trees, branches, leaves and Pinkie Pie rushed through his view as he leapt from tree to tree. It was a new skill he'd discovered, something that thrilled and excited him. His balance, in due part to his massive feathers, had always been impeccable. He raced up and down the tree trunks, almost like a lizard. He found the strength in his hoof grip was strong, strong enough to climb tall trees easily. Suddenly inspired, he called out to Pinkie, "Hey! Um...I'm a little stuck." Hiding himself in the leaves of a low-hanging branch, he waited for her as she literally hopped over to where she'd heard his voice. "Silly colt, I told you to be careful. Everypony needs a manecut now and then!" All was silent for a moment. She arched a brow as she stared into the dark shade the tree provided. "Sparky?" She waited a moment longer before she tread closer into the shadow. She continued walking deeper, never realizing she was walking into Everfree territory. She also didn't notice the sinister eyes that watched from behind her, nor as the great wings spread threateningly. Quite suddenly, wings and hooves suddenly poked her backside. Pinkie Pie let out a decidedly girly shriek and backtracked, knocking over the pony that was hanging upside down by his hooves on the thick branch overhead. Pinkie stumbled end over end until she was back in the sunlight, her eyes wide with fright. When she finally saw the trampled Spark Storm at her hooves, she glared heaven's wrath down upon him, and for a moment he thought she was going to cry. After what seemed like hours, she suddenly burst into maniacal laughter. She held her sides as she felt pressure building, the telltale signs that one is laughing too hard. Spark didn't know what to think. Had she gone mad? Or was that some time ago? He peered down at her with concern and worry on his face when she pulled him down on top of her, if for no other reason than to try and control her laughter. Spark honestly wondered if she was going to kill him. After a moments of being held against his will, she slowly loosened her grip on him. It soon became apparent to her that he hadn't moved away from her. Looking up at him inquisitively, she saw something there in his eyes that she'd seen every day, but was only now just noticing. A smile played across every feature of his face, especially his eyes. She realized it was a smile that she never saw him give to anyone else. It was her own personal smile, just for her. She felt a heat wash over her, starting from her face. This was something she'd never felt before, but that she somehow knew he'd always had for her. She'd made him wait for her to realize that it was there the moment they'd met. She reached for him, but at the very moment several shadows crept over the two of them. Big, round hooves pulled Pinkie Pie and shoved her roughly into the woods. She gave out a startled yelp as her sight, tumbling end over end, just caught sight of three big Pegasi and one weasly little Earth Pony surrounding Spark Storm. Celestia stirred in her sleep. Alone, in her chambers, she felt that something was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong. It was something that called to her, deep in her gut. That, and the tall, willowy figure of the draconequus standing before her. She couldn't see him clearly, as if he were standing in a thick fog. He shouldn't be here, not in this place, she thought to herself. Not until...At this thought, the Draconequus chuckled, it's lion paw lightly twisting it's goat beard. "Oh, Celestia..." It mused, amusement and a hint of sadism in it's voice. It peered at her through the fog, and although she could barely make it out, she knew, without a doubt, that he saw her clearly. "...You're losing your grip." Celestia awoke with a violent gasp. She trembled in fear. This wasn't supposed to be happening. Something was causing the spell to break, something happening before it's time. She burst out of her chambers, frightening several guards standing outside her door. "GUARDS!" She bellowed. They stared at her from the floor where they'd fallen. Their royal matriarch hadn't yelled at them like this since...well, ever. She stared at them pointedly for a moment before they recovered. The only captain among them, a tall Pegasus that came up to her shoulders, saluted. "Yes, your majesty! What seems to be the problem?" Celestia seemed stumped by this question. The problem here was, she didn't know what the problem was. This fact infuriated her, and urgency was taking over diplomacy. "I don't know!" She snapped. The captain blinked. Was this a joke? Was he being set up by the Princess herself? If so, he didn't find it very funny. He was about to tell her so when she took off down the hallway as fast as her tall frame could carry her. She leapt over several hoofmaidens, banked around a trio of guards, and finally burst out of the nearest window, sending glass down to the gardens below. She searched until she found what she was looking for: A tall, sinowy form of a statue, poised as if singing. 'Discord!' She practically spat in his direction. In her mind, the connection she'd felt getting stronger over the past few years displayed the same image she'd seen in her dream. He towered over her, a calm and patient look, hands folded behind his back. His image was nearly clear, something she'd been dreading the moment she'd woken up. For her to be completely at peace with the situation, he would have to be completely hidden by the fog in her mind. This was not good. 'Celestia!' He smiled down at her, as happy as somepony finding a long lost friend. 'So good to see you. You haven't been by to see me in so long, I was beginning to wonder -' Celestia cut him off furiously. She was in no mood for pleasantries. 'Enough! What is happening? Why is the spell breaking?' It was a long shot simply asking him. He'd been sealed in stone for over two thousand years. Not usually the best incentive to cooperate if it was simply to strengthen the seal, so of course it amused him to see her this panicked. He leaned forward, his face so nearly clear that she could easily see the smirk on his face. 'Why? Why not? Don't you think it's about time I came out to play? I've missed you, Celestia. I've missed what we could accomplish together.' She sneered, taking a few steps back away from him. 'Oh, come now, my dear. Just think about it for a moment, hm?' He stepped away from her again, turning to look thoughtfully into the abyss that was his prison. 'What could make the spell on my prison break? Certainly not a problem with the elements...hm?' He accented the last word, glancing back at her cheekily. She stared at him dumbly, apparently confused. '...Why would you help me?' He chuckled darkly at this as he stepped closer to her and leaned his head in once again, a sadistic smile on his face. 'You think I'm helping you? Well...I suppose I am. See, it's just so boring in here. A little fun, a game of chance, would at least help to lighten the mood. I think you'd better get on the ball, Celestia. Your window of opportunity won't last the day. Better go see what's going on outside, hm?' He laughed once more, his voice echoing as he once again became obscured by fog. My god, the cluster! Sorry about those last few paragraphs. The scene with Celestia and Discord, well...We'll just have to wait and see on the authenticity of that situation ;)