//------------------------------// // Appetizer - I saw my own funeral // Story: Kaidan restaurant // by Cybers Link //------------------------------// *Yawn* Why is that I feel so sleepy by midday. Applebloom though playing with a pencil in her mouth. It was a bright day outside like any other day and nothing particularly special had occurred so far. "Ough, why isn't the day already over? I want to go home and sleep for a bit" Applebloom closes her eyes imagining she was in her room beneath her bedsheets and resting on her pillow. But when she opens her eyes, surprise when she sees how the sun had disappeared all of the sudden from the sky leaving the town in darkness. Hmm? Did nightmare moon comeback? She asks herself looking at the sunless sky. But not even the moon was in sight. It sims like if a thick layer of clouds had blocked the sky allowing only a very deem light pass through it making everything look grayish. She soon realized that something even stranger was happening in the classroom. Applebloom starts turning her head from left to right searching for any kind of reaction from her classmates. The sudden disappearing of the sun was something worth watching and deserves at least being a little surprised, even though it had happened many times before, but there was none of that at all. Instead, the students were putting attention to the teacher and the teacher was giving her lesson like nothing was happening. She decides to took a closer look outside to see if anypony had any reaction. That is when she notices it, in a house, she didn't know who belongs to, she saw a bright blue flash of light like if the house was a giant blue lightbulb. Applebloom's eyes get wide when she sees that that blue flash had been transformed slowly into a blue floating flame on the roof of the house. "What in tarnation?" She said in a low voice when she saw how that blue fire was slowly floating across the sidewalk in front of the school leaving behind on its way ghostly figures of ponies. All of them wearing black clothes and flower arrangements in hoof. Some of those ponies were ones she recognizes from the town and all of them were sobbing as they follow four stallions carrying a coffin along the sidewalk. Applebloom stands up wanting to have a better look at the coffin, she saw how on top of it there was a picture of a pony with a black ribbon. "Mrs. Porcelain?" She sees with open mouth the picture of an elder pony with light purple fur and greyish blue mane she has seen from time to time. That same morning Applebloom has helped her with her groceries when she drops them by accident on her way to school giving her an old tasteless candy as thanks. "Applebloom!" *Flop* Cheerilee says as she hit Applebloom softly with a tube of paper. "What are you doing? Stop staring outside and pay attention" "What? But- -but didn't you'all see what is happening out..side?" She pointed with a hoof wanting to show what she was seeing until she realizes that the sun had coming back without a warning. She looks at the sky and saw the big ball of fire was still there. She turns her head to see the sidewalk but the ghostly figures along with the blue ball of fire have banished in the air. "Outside?" Cheerilee looks through the window in confusion. "Applebloom, I recommend not going to bed too late, soon you will not be able to recognize what is real and what a dream" Everypony in class laugh at Applebloom scolding. She sits back on her desk trying to processing what has just happened. But I saw her. Honest "Applebloom, If the sun had disappeared from the sky all of the sudden I will imagine everypony will notice it. Are you sure you weren't just daydreaming or something?" Sweetie Belle responded to Applebloom as they were walking along with Scootoolo to her tree house after their classes were over. "I don't know, maybe I was but.. it felt so real to be just a dream" "Maybe it was a weird message in a dream. What if Princess Luna wants to tell you something. You just need to interpret it." Scootoloo says. "If it was, it is a pretty scary message. I don't want that kind of message. I don't want to see anypony funeral anytime soon." "Well, there is only one way to find out. Why don't we go and see... " "I girls, look. What could be happening there." Scootoloo interrupts Switie pointing at a crowd of ponies reunited in the street blocking the path. "Let's go and see" Sweetie put a frown face for being so unpolite interrupted but soon follow Scoots to see what the commotion was all about. Applebloom was following closely behind but she starts slowing her pace as she realizes which house the crowd was in front of. "... It is terrible what happens" Scoots and Sweetie heard the whispers of a group of adults talking between each other. "Does it just happen? just like that?" "Well, she had many years over her shoulders" "But to have her heart stopping all of the sudden? With no reason?" "I fell sorry for her. Poor.. Hum what was her name?" Both fillies look at each other fearing to hear the answer. "Chelsea Porcelain" They look back to see her friend as she gasps out loud with a concerning face. A week has passed since that incident and she hasn't experienced anything like that during her class or any other time. Applebloom has told their family about what she experienced that day in her dream but they didn't make a fuzz out of it. "Don't worry sugar cube, Ah'm sure that that was Mrs. Porcelain way to say goodbye to you. You must really like you to send you that message." Those were her big sister's words in trying to comfort her but that wasn't enough to easy Appleblooms mind. Not only does Applebloom didn't know her that well but she didn't even remember Applebloom's name. She always called her the apple kid, or little apple when referring to her.Heck, Applebloom didn't even remember introducing herself to her properly. It was midday and Applebloom feel drowsy as always but this time without daring to look through the window. As the day pass and the last second for school to end ticks ... *Ring* The bell ring and nothing unusual happens. "Ough, finally!" Applebloom says resting her head on her desk and closes her eyes. .... ... "Hey... Hey!" Applebloom was abruptly waking up by sompony shaking her vigorously from her desk. "Applebloom are you going to stay there, laying down on your desk all day or what?" A familiar smug voice asks Applebloom waking her up from her rest. "Ha, what? Diamond Tiara?" "Yea, who else you think? Granny Smith?" Applebloom looks around to find herself still in the classroom with Diamond Tiara next to her. Mrs. Cheerilee was nowhere to be seen in the classroom but some other ponies were there reading or playing with clay and stuff. After the class is over, Mrs. Cheerilee allowed the students to stay in the classroom to do extra activities if and only if they clean up by the end of the day. "Are you going to move or what? Some ponies are trying to clean the classroom you know?" Applebloom turns to look at her resting her head once again on the desk with a tired expression. "Like who? Your butler?" Ever since the CMC got the cutie mark, Diamond had act different, not too different but she defiantly has changed. She had stop bullying other ponies leaving only her smug attitude, she sometimes insults other ponies without realizing but soon apologises. She is trying. She even volunteers to clean the classroom after school twice a week. By volunteer, she meant sitting down drinking limonade while making her butler doing all the cleaning. *Snap* Buth fillies turn at the sound of a camera. "Featherweight, could you stop with that camera? You bring that every day taking pictures without anypony knowledge, that is very rude." Diamond complains. "Sorry, I want to take pictures while ponies act natural, If I ask, that moment will be lost. I want to take the best pictures for the yearbook." "Wait. what yearbook?" Diamond asks. "Ho, you didn't know? Mrs. Cheerilee allowed me to make a sort of yearbook with all my pictures by the end of the year." "What?" Diamond Tiara gasp as she runs pushing her butler as he was watering the plants by the window graving the water thing. "Here take one while I clean up the classroom and make sure to put how generous I am for doing this voluntarily, ok?" "Hum..." "Featherweight now?!" she raises her voice, "Ups sorry, I meant pretty please?" she then smiles at him. Featherweight then obliged to her demand. Applebloom unamused how everything happens, feeling tired as ever. "Applebloom, Applebloom there you are.wait... You haven't moved from your sea this whole time?" Sweetie asks as she enters running into the classroom with Scoots. " Hi, Sweetie Bell, Scootoloo. Whats up?" she greets her friends without raising her head from the disk. "Here, We bought the book that we told you before?" Sweetie says. "The book?" "The book we told you this morning, Where you putting attention to us?" Scootoloo says angrily. Applebloom just chuckles nervously at this. "Ough, here take a look." Applebloom rise and grabs the book. It was a green old looking book with a hardcover that has seen better days. "Ghost, Specters and its legends. Ensiclopidea? "Yea, I grave it from Twilight library. It has legends of ghost and classification from all over Equestria." "Ghosts? Aren't you three a little old to believe in ghost," Diamond says from behind them. "Ho that. hee hee. that is just for a special project we have in mind doing" Scootaloo answers nervously as the other two looks at her in the same way. Diamond looked at the three suspiciously before turning back graving her bag from her desk. "Whatever is not like I care. I just come to tell you that I am done with the cleaning so if you three make a mess is on you because I am leaving." The tree looks around the classroom noticing how clean it was and that almost everypony have already left. Is everypony already gone? But how long I was sleep? Applebloom though. "Randolph, Let's go home and carry my bag for me... hum... please." She awkwardly says as the elderly pony with his heavy breathing, stains of chalk on clothes and fur, and sweet in the frown follow her grabbing Diamond's bag in his mouth. "Legends of ghosts? Are you guys into that?" Featherweight asks getting close to the three after he catalog and save his pictures of the day on his bag. "Ho hi Feather, haven't gone yet?" "I like to be the last to go, I may be missing a good picture If I don't. Do you mind if I stay with you? Ghost stories telling make the best expressions on ponies faces" "Ough.. sure I guess. Applebloom?" Sweetie asks hesitantly at her friend. Applebloom has been very delicate with that dream she had. "Yea I don't mind. It was just a dream after all." She nodded prompting Featherweight to raise his camera to take pictures of the three along with the book. "So... what you two want to show me?" Appleblomm asks trying his hardest to ignore the photos obsessed pony. "Oh yea look," Sweetie opens the book on the page where the bookmark was. "Was this what you saw?" Applebloom got silent as she watches the drawing of a blue ball of flames floating in the middle of a forest. "Well, yea but a blue floating fire isn't that hard to imagine. What is it anyway?" Applebloom continues reading the book with attention. Will o' the Wisp (wɪl ə ðə ˈwɪsp): Also named ignis fatuus Is a phantasmagoric light commonly seen on forests, swaps, or marches (but it has been spotted on populated areas too) at night. Legend seed that are the spirits of the dead trying to look for the light on the other side of the tunnel. Ponies who decided to follow such light are rumored to never be seen again.... "Well, that doesn't tell me anything about why Isaw it and others don't" "Exactly" Scootoloo exclaim putting an assuring smile. "So you shouldn't worry about it anymore." "We know you were thinking about it the whole week" Sweetie added. "There is no reason to be afraid," "Yea, you ar'ght girls. Thanks" The tree gets close to hug each other. "Ho, that is strange?!" Featherweight interrupts. "What? what is wrong with a group hug?" Sweetie asks. "What? No. Not you, look." He shows them the picture he was holding in his hoof taking from the classroom one cloudy day. "I don't see nothing?" Scoots says as Sweetie and she gets close to take a better look. "The thing is. This is a recent picture, as in I took it right now. Look"Featherweight take another picture at the sky with his instant camera. the three stare at the picture given it a confusing look at the sunny day outside and back to the picture with a clouded sky. "Wierd, It almost looks like what Applebloom..." "Haaaaaaaaaaaa. Get it of me. Get it of me. Turn it off. Help" Applebloom screams as she stands in two hooves scratching her fur with her front hooves in panic. Her two friend look at her with panic asking her what was wrong but Applebloom limits her self in screaming and running around the classroom. "Please, turn it off, the blue, the blue" Featherweight stood there thinking until it occurs to him to take a picture of her. That is when he saw it, The picture revel Applebloom's body was surrounded with a blue light like a tree in Harts worming. "What? Applebloom, is this what you see? " "Yes, please I don't like this. Girls do something" Applebloom calm herself enough to stand in one place. "Ho, wait. Is... It is banishing. Oh good, I didn't like this." "Aaa Applebloom? Are you sure about that." Featherweight exclaim pointing at something at the top of her. When Applebloom looks up her face becomes pail. Her two friends wondered what was she sawing until he shows them a picture. On top of Applebloom, it was forming a blue ball of fire like the one she saw in her dream with the same blue bright light as Applebloom. A Will o' the Wisp. Applebloom watches with open mouth at the fire trying to touch it but instead of the heating sensation expected from fire, a cold running through her spine was what she fell. the other ponies, having to relay on featherweights pictures to know what was happening, try the same but with a sensation of anything. "Applebloom, is that your..soul?" Featherweight ask. "If it is, will that mean that you are already... you know" "What, no?" The three fillies answer at the same time. "Look, let's see this from a logical point of view. ok? What do we know?" Sweetie tries to analyze this calmly. "What we know is that that is Applebloom soul and that somehow it went out of her body." Scootolo tries to answer. "What? I thought you agree that Applebloom is not dead. Why you say things like that." The white unicorn responded angrily at Scoots. "She is not dead. Look at her. She is standing right there. But I am sure that is her soul. I mean look at the picture. Is the same as the drawing of the book. What else could it be." The orange pegasus responded back with the same energy as Sweetie did. "Hum. girls?" Applebloom says. "Is obvious that if the soul gets out of your body is because you are already dead. What if all this is just an optical illusion of the camera. Have you thought of that?" "Hum guys? I think you two should see this." Featherweight says trying to calm the two fillies. "What? How could you say that after hearing Applebloom dream?" "We don't know if that was real too. Maybe it is all connected." "Or maybe, that's her soul and we need a way to send it back with Applebloom?" "No no. that is dumb. What we need to do is ~" "CMCS!!!!" Stop" Applebloom scream. "Could you please stop screaming at each other. The Will o' Wisp is scaping!!" Both stop what they were doing and look at the direction of where they last saw the fire like expecting to be able to see it all of the sudden. It wasn't until Featherweight shows them the pictures of the fire trespassing the window and floating into the center of the town that all four started to run out of the school. "Applebloom do you see it?" Scootalo asks. "No, I can't find it. The r are too many ponies around." They have followed the direction where the flame was the last saw but it was the middle of the day and they were in the market of Poniville with many ponies still there buying groceries. "Over there. by the stone bridge?" The pegasus colt screams pointing at the limits of the town at the direction of Fluttershy cottage and showing Sweetie and Scoots the picture he has just taken. The four young ponies run towards it but when they were getting close to the bridge Applebloom suddenly stops. "Applebloom. whats wrong?" "c'mon lets hurry or your soul will pass the other side" There friends try to make Applebloom move. "Is..is ma family. Granny and Apple Jack, They are crying along with all the Apple family. You are there too. I.. I.." The frighten earth pony try to explain herself as she looks with tiers at her surroundings. Featherweight feels shivers down his spine as he looks at his most recent picture taken. He could see himself along with all the other students from school in dark clothes and with flowers. The town ponies, the elements, even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were there all with sad faces looking at and following at the coffin with Applebloom picture carried by only his brother Big Mac. "Applebloom, resist. This is not real. We need to find the Will o' Wisp. Featherweight where is it?" The Orange pony turns around to look at Featherweight who was as shocked as Applebloom. "Featherweight!" She screams forcing him back from his trance. "Ha? yes yes, Let me see.... Ho. Ho-oo. We.. may have a problem. I.. I am out of roll" "What?" "Sorry, I use all I had. I only have more back home." Scootaloo gun in desperation graving Feterweight's camera forcing it to took a picture meanwhile Sweetie Bell was with Applebloom trying to wake her up. "Hu.. there. There it is." Applebloom says after Switte had to shake her vigorously. Facing a direction where she could see the ball of flame. She noticed that the fire was now significantly smaller than the last time she saw it. But without even wandering the reasons of why she runs after it. Her two friends trying to follow her but stop at noticing that Applebloom was starting to becoming ghost-like like there counterparts in the picture. "Wait, didn't the book say that those who go after the Will o the Wisp disappear without a trace?" Sweetie asks as the two ponies look at each other at the horrible realization. "Applebloom!!! Wait!! Comeback!! Applebloom!!!" The two friends scream at her but Applebloom didn't listen or didn't care as she was getting close to the blue light. She feels a strong attraction at the bright light emanating from the end of the new ghostly tunnel that was forming around her. No longer feeling panic or tired for all the running. She just keeps pushing on towards the light following the dim blue floating fire. "Appleboom!! Ha, is useless I can barely see her and she is running so fast now. What do we do?" Sweetie ask. "Wait a second. Isn't that Diamond Tiara with her butler up front." "Yea, I think it is." Both look at each other nodding on understanding. "Diamond Tiara? Stop Applebloom." "Diamond Tiara Over here. Stop Applebloom. You need to stop her" Applebloom has already forgotten the reason why she was following the fire. She just fell compelled to see what was on the other side of the tunnel. Still galloping with all her strength, she started to see two familiar ponies figures by the end of the tunnel. Ponies she hasn't seen in years. "Ma... Dad... is that you." Applebloom feels tiers flowing through her eyes once more but this time of happiness. "Ma, Dad. I miss you so much." Diamon Tiara was walking along the path oblivious of the fillies behind her with her butler as he was weaving with his mouth a paper fun trying to cool her Mistress. "Randolph, could you please wave that thing faster, The heat is worst at this hour." "Mama, Dad. I am almost there. just hold on" Applebloom was so happy and so concentrated in running that she didn't notice the gestures with there hooves that the two figures were given to her. Gestures telling her to stop running and turn around but Applebloom just didn't care. "Ugh, seriously. Why is the princess allowing such heat? This should be a crime" Diamon was complaining but she turns around to see her back at hearing that somepony was calling her from far. "Hum.. who is that. Ha?" Appleblom stops walking at seeing a fly size blue light right in front of her eye. She observes how the light was getting closer to her cheek. She screams at the feeling of something pinching her cheek, Like ice touching her skin and hurting in the process. "Ha, what the, A bug? Haaaaa Randolph, get it off me" The butler look confused at her mistress as he couldn't see such bug that was bothering her. "Randolph what are you doing, get it off me. It's flying around my face." Without really knowing where it was, Randolph stands up in two hooves and exaggeratedly swings the paper fan with his other hooves hoping to hit something. Little does he know that he hit a particular blue flame that was about to disappear into thin air changing in a 180° his way straking it back to its origin. Applebloom feel a cold down her spine once again having the need to stop running. When she realized what she did, she looks how the translucid brick tunnel was disappearing along with the ponies silhouette at the end of it. "Ma, Pa? what? I have so much to tell you, so much I want... that I want..." But the figures disappear but not before they lifted there hoof making gestures of goodbye. "Applebloom!! Applebloom, thanks Celestia you are ok. Are you ok right?" Sweetie Belle asks as Scoots and her finally reaching up to her with Featherweight not so far behind. Applebloom was resting on the ground, her legs no longer able to support her weight. And when she turns to look at her two friends, She couldn't hold it anymore, she starts crying like a little baby wrap between her two best friends. "Applebloom, what. whats wrong. Was it something I said? Hello?" DIamond look confused at the fillies trying for them to give her an answer. The only response she received was a shrink of shoulders with a look of confusion from the Pegasus and the unicorn. Later on, she explains everything she saw back when she was in the tunnel. and decided on thanks them for trying to save her, yes even Diamond even though she didn't know what she did, and even if she had felt otherwise at the beginning. Applebloom didn't know if it was somepony plan or if it was just an act of destiny but she no longer daydreams during class or takes a nap in the middle of the day as she understood that death can come any day and one has to make the most of his or her time. *Gasp* The tree young ponies wakes up gasping heavily for air looking at there surroundings confused. "But what was that?" Diamond ask in panic. "I don't know, was that real?" Featherweight asks back looking calmly at his camera more worried that it had been broken than anything else. "I.. I don't know. It felt real. Applebloom did that happen?" She asks again with a little wetnes in her eyes Applebloom was cleaning her eyes from her tiers. "No, it didn't happen for real, I.. don't remember experiencing something like that. I think" Applebloom responded in-betweens sobbings. The three had experienced a sort of movie or a play in their heads where the actors where themselves acting as themselves but at the same time they were able to see or feel what everypony else was feeling at that moment. It was a weird feeling that made the tree mute for a while. "Wait? Are we inside the restaurant? How did we end up here?" Applebloom was the one who broke the silence after being able to calm herself. The three were looking with more attention were exactly they are. They were seated on the restaurant seats along with a rounded table with forks and spoons and everything else ready to eat in restaurants like this. In the middle of the rounded table, there was an un-lighted set of candles with a decade looking flower arrangement. Actually. the whole restaurant looks old and in decomposition. "Ho my, I hope the appetizer was of your delight. In a few minutes, the chef will bring the main dish. I am sure you three will enjoy it" The cartoonish looking ghost appear from the floor. "Are you crazy, we are going home." Diamond says trying to stand up from her seat but unable to."Hum wha.... what is...going...on. Why can I move?" She says as the other two try to do the same with no result. "Ho, what is that? Are you trying to eat and run in my restaurant? NO, No, no. We simply can't allow that, can we? A full course dinner was already ordered and you three will need to pay for that by the night. literary./color]" The ghost gives a smog chuckle at this. "Pay? but we don't have any bits to pay. But diamond Tiara has back in her home. So if you let us go we could..." "NO!" The ghost changes its appearance by becoming bigger with yellow eyes with red pupils and showing off from his mouth a set of intimidating sharp fangs at hearing Applebloom but quickly change back at its usual cartoonish form. "My most sincerely apologize for that. Clients, you should rest sure that we don't need monetary retribution for our services. No, you will pay by being part of the restaurants for all eternity. When the first rays of the sun touch my restaurant, the deal will be completed and you three will be part of my restaurant like all the others. Ha-haha- Haha. The ghost chuckles once again petrifying the young ponies at the news. they try to look around to see what he was referring when he said like the other but they didn't see anyone else. "Featherweight, could you tell us what time it is." Featherweight snaps out from his fear to take out his pocket watch from his bag. 4:23 AM. "What? We have been here more than an hour?" Diamond Tiara said. trying desperately to stand up from her seat but it was useless. She felt like something was kipping her from standing up like a piece of rope or something like that but she didn't see anything unusual like that. "Diamond, calm down. we need to think this clearly to see things through" That refresh Featherweight memory. "Hey guys I know what is happening, but you will probably wouldn't like it. Here let me take out..." "Ha, It seems that your main dish is ready to be served" The ghost who was watching without even moving from his spot, finally says taking out a candle with a deep purple flame from his back. "Let me lit the candles for your. I hope you enjoy our main dish." The ghost gives a sinister grin before the eyes of the ponies focused on the purple flames of the candles feeling their eyes heavier and heavier until finally there were closed.